Extenuating Circumstances Ch. 01A


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But not all the blame could be laid upon David, she knew. She was just as bad, not only aroused by the attention, but actually agreeing to masturbate in the pool while the men around her watched.

And to her disbelief, her husband approved of her actions.

"Is something wrong?" Henry asked as he looked back and forth at the young married couple.

Henry showed genuine concern, but Suzanne could not tell him her thoughts. For one thing, he was practically a stranger, even though they had lived across from each other for years, they had never really gotten to know each other. Secondly, she doubted she would even tell her sister what was going on inside her mind—or with her body—let alone to a man she barely knew.

Shaking her head, she sipped her second drink while waiting for the last game to begin, while her husband and Henry began talking as if she were not even there.

"So Henry, are you enjoying my wife today?" her husband asked as Suzanne looked at him uncomfortably.

Henry laughed, startling her by putting his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he answered, "I couldn't have asked for a better, or more beautiful partner," the elderly man said, giving Suzanne's butt an uninhibited pat—right there in front of her own husband.

Suzanne stared in astonishment as David smiled, amazed he did not mind another man touching her so openly.

"Well, she's yours for the summer, that's the deal," her husband said with a laugh, as Suzanne again looked at him in disbelief. "At least until I get this damn cast off and can be a real partner for her at these parties," he said.

Although Suzanne knew what her husband meant, her mind was already in the proverbial gutter to not think about the double entendre, feeling the sexual tension thicken.

"At least most of the other parties are not as game-driven," Henry was saying, "so you won't have to worry about her being in too many compromising positions with another man too often," he chuckled, giving Suzanne's ass a playful squeeze.

"Oh, I don't mind sharing at all," her husband said, Suzanne looking at him open-mouthed in astonishment. "As long as she enjoys herself, I don't mind who she plays with, do I honey?" her husband said, giving her other ass cheek a playful slap as he gave her knowing wink.

Henry laughed, his hand remaining on her ass and stroking it possessively.

Suzanne knew her husband was talking about her participation at other neighborhood parties; however, the double entendre was more obvious than a pink elephant in the room. Suzanne once again wondered how long her husband had felt like this, actually amazed he had kept quiet about it for so long, even as her pulse sped up in dismay.

Suddenly she felt Henry's thumb slide beneath the material of her suit, his hand following as he began caressing her bare ass cheek. Even more astonishing, Suzanne simply stood there, feeling her heart flutter as warmth spread throughout her body, centering between her legs.

She was actually getting turned on as her neighbor felt up her ass right in front of her husband!

She looked at David and saw a big smile on his face, his look leaving no doubt in her mind of his knowledge as to where Henry's hand was located.

For who knows how many times, Suzanne once again wondered what strange universe they had stepped into, unable to comprehend her husband's sudden desire to watch her be debased like a common slut.

Thankfully the whistle blaring across the yard and indicating the Meyers were ready to announce the next game interrupted her thoughts, as well as Henry's hand stroking her firm ass.


Sitting at the bar, watched by over two dozen men, Suzanne felt her loins heat up as she reminisced about that day. Hindsight was twenty-twenty, and she had wondered if her husband would have made such comments had he known where there were now.

Looking at him from across the room, Suzanne saw David subtly raise his glass in a toast to her.

Probably, she grimaced, finishing that thought.

She never would have thought her husband would have wanted or allowed such a thing, to have his wife become a plaything to other men. And yet, every moment from that point on demonstrated his desire and willingness, their lives sinking further and further into depravity. Based upon his enthusiasm, it was fairly obvious on his stance on the matter.

Even now she wondered if he had an erection, hidden beneath the table he was sitting at while he sipped his drink.

Suzanne's several glasses of wine had finally reached her bladder, so she slid off the barstool, careful not to pull her dress up too high, and headed to the restroom to relieve herself.

Within the stall, she was mortified to see her lace thong was soaking wet, her slowly increasing arousal taking its toll upon the scant cloth. She briefly debated leaving them off; however, the idea of sitting on the leather barstool with nothing between her wet slit and a room full of horny businessmen, although exciting, was too much for her. So after cleaning herself off, she pulled them back up, sucking in a breath as the cool wet material once again came into contact with her crotch.

Walking back from the restrooms, Suzanne was surprised to find her seat still available. The bar had been steadily getting crowded, so the chance of her seat remaining available had been slim.

As she sat down—her dress once more rising above her stockings—the bartender gave her another chilled glass of white wine, telling her, "I saved your seat in case you were wondering," he told her with a smile. "You being perched here has been good for business," he laughed, waving in the general direction of the lounge and all the men there.

Turning her head to scan the room, Suzanne's breath once again hitched in her throat as she noticed the intent gazes of every man in the room, their eyes heated with lust. Her skin flushed, there being no doubt in her mind what the men wanted, all of them wanting only one thing from her—to take her up to a room and fuck her mercilessly.

The fact her husband was present in the room as well, condoning such thoughts and actions was still confusing to her. Suzanne had no doubts about his love for her, or hers for him; however, she still could not comprehend how he not only approved of, but was excited at her sleeping around.

Sure David had stated many times only wanting something to happen if Suzanne wanted it as well, but she knew she had not participated in any of these events willingly. Instead, extenuating circumstances had pushed her into one illicit affair after another, her marriage vows tumbling and shattering like a stack of glass cards. Even though she could not deny her body's response when such rendezvous happened, inevitably unable to control her own lust, it was her love for David and maintaining their lives which drove her. She was not a slave to her passion.

There was no doubt in her mind when the mystery stranger showed up, that she would enjoy his use of her during every moment; however, she was not here for her own pleasure. Instead, by doing this, their house was saved from foreclosure.

Just as she had agreed to accompany Henry, she thought, as a way to pay him back for his landscaping services, as her mind once again drifted back to the pool party and the remembered sensation of Henry's hand upon her ass.


As everybody gathered around the pool for the final game, Henry escorted Suzanne to the main group--his hand remaining upon her bare ass cheek, much to her consternation. Several men smiled knowingly at her as she met their gaze, chief among them being James Price, Raimon Aponte, John Walls, Henry Dorsey, and Chuck Edmondson—the very same men who had openly groped her throughout the day. As they looked at her, Suzanne felt her heart catch knowing each of them were enjoying seeing somebody else have their way with her.

Suzanne's body was completely frazzled, almost as if it had short-circuited and rebooted on its own without any connection to her mind. Her skin was on fire, not only from the heat of the summer sun, but also the blood at the very surface of her skin due to embarrassment and humiliation; however, she was ashamed to admit most of the heat was due to arousal. Every nerve ending was tingling, and she was utterly helpless and at the mercy of every man at the party she realized.

And yet she had never felt more alive, her heart fluttering in anticipation and excitement.

She should be ashamed at how she was reacting, even angry at Henry's deliberate and intimate touch upon her in front of everybody, but she remained quiet. She made a vain attempt at convincing herself her silence was to appease her husband's and Henry's need to show everybody 'they were the man,' even at the cost of her own dignity, but the hard truth she had to yet to come completely into grips with was the fact she enjoyed the attention, the exposure before all these men—and she wanted more!

Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, barely listening as the Meyers explained the final game, as Henry's hand continued sliding boldly across the skin of her backside.

This year's final game was no surprise to most people who had attended previous Meyers' parties, as the game of Chicken had been played at almost every party the Meyers held, it being a long-time favorite.

"This year we've added a little twist," Angeline Meyers was saying to the crowd. "As usual, the girls will be carried piggy-back style on their partners' shoulders, but this year, after the inspiration from the musical chairs game, we've decided the girls will sit on their partners in reverse, so the men are facing them," she said as the crowd bust out laughing and all the women groaned.

Suzanne's mind instantly recalled the sensations during the musical chairs game when she had sat front-ways in that fashion, basically getting eaten out during the musical chairs game.

She looked nervously up at Henry. Although her partner would undoubtedly be concerned with keeping her on his shoulders and keeping them afloat, Suzanne was not naïve enough to believe Henry would pass up the opportunity to tease her—particularly based upon his actions earlier, as well as in light of David's comments.

Henry saw her looking at him and smiled down at her, Suzanne feeing a flush to her body as her breasts tightened when Henry squeezed her ass cheek.

She listened as the Meyers stated since there were too many people for a free-for-all, the risk of somebody getting hurt being enough of a deterrent that they would instead have groups of six couples in the water at a time, each paired couple judged by one of the three judges—Angeline, Neal, and her own husband. Once the first round of fights were completed, the next group would fight.

The names of each paired contestants were drawn out of a bowl and announced, Suzanne hearing their first match being against Harry and Danielle Ladner, an elderly couple who lived a few houses down from her and David. Although Suzanne knew them from other neighborhood parties, they were too old of a couple for Suzanne or David to have much in common; however, Henry seemed to know them pretty well, the three senior citizens talking smack about which team was 'going down' in the fight.

"Just because you have a sexy young strumpet on your shoulders doesn't mean you are going to take us down easily," the older man joked with Henry.

"You're just jealous it's my face shoved in her crotch and not yours," Henry laughed back, to the couple's amusement and Suzanne's embarrassment.

They were in the second round of fights, so as the whistle blew for the first round they watched the six couples start the fight.

As she predicted, soon as the women got upon their partners' face and shoulders, all the couples sank into the water.

Henry's attention apparently was not solely fixed upon feeling her ass, telling her, "It looks like this game will be mostly underwater, so I'll push us to the surface if either of us needs to breathe. If you do, kick me in the back with your feet," he told her as she nodded. "I think the best tactic is once we're under the water, I'll kick back into them and you can try to pry Danny from Harry's shoulders," he told her as Suzanne again dumbly nodded.

As they entered the water, the crowd's cheers and comments urging everybody on echoed over the pool, and as soon as the judges told them to get ready, Henry ducked underwater, swimming between Suzanne's legs and pulling her into his face.

It was impossible to ignore her neighbor's hands gripping her ass tightly, but her attention was drawn more towards her crotch grinding into her neighbor's face. Suzanne let out a gasp at the sudden, intimate contact before she too was submerged in the water as the game began.

Her attention was then focused upon the elderly couple—or more precisely, the elderly woman who came at Suzanne in the blink of an eye, grabbing her shoulders and attempting to pull her off Henry as they sank further into the water.

Suzanne could still hear the crowd through the water as she fended off the elderly woman's surprisingly zealous assault. It was clear the old couple were going for a win as she focused upon the fight, ignoring Henry's hands and face upon her body.

Suddenly she let out a gasp—or attempted one, as her mouth quickly filled with water. Thankfully she was able to shut it in time and avoid taking in any more water.

What had caused her surprise—and completely diverted her attention from the fight between the old couple—was the intimate and audacious feeling of Henry's teeth grazing across her crotch.

Suzanne was completely disconcerted caught off-balance. Her mind was attempting to focus upon her being submerged underwater while fending off an aggressive elderly lady in a game of chicken, but it was impossible for her to ignore the carnal sensation of her neighbor literally attempting to eat her out.

Suzanne's earlier arousal immediately came to the forefront, her neighbor's brazen intimacy changing her focus. She became all too aware of Henry's hands clenching her bare ass cheeks—her bathing suit deeply wedged between her cheeks from Henry's hands spreading them apart—as once again Henry opened and closed his mouth, his teeth grazing deliberately across her mons.

Without even realizing it, she hitched her hips forward, her body welcoming the sexual sensation.

How could she have gotten in such a situation, she wondered—in a pool wearing a bikini that showed off more of her body than she showed off in the intimacy of her own home, with her elderly neighbor from across the street between her legs and grinding her crotch into his face as he kneaded her ass.

Once again her attention was turned back to their competition as she realized they had reached the bottom of the pool. Suddenly Suzanne felt Henry kick off as they rocketed into the other couple. Although her mind was focused upon other things, she had enough sense to reach out. Immediately her hands clenched the soft tissue of Danielle Ladner's breasts.

Even being underwater, Suzanne saw the surprise in the woman's face as she pushed back, the combination of her push and Henry's thrust disorienting the elderly woman as she proceeded to fall off her husband's shoulders.

Even as Henry's mouth continued to rub against her crotch, Suzanne kicked him in the back as he pushed them upwards.

As they surfaced, Suzanne fell back to float on her back so she would not push Henry underwater again.

It was with utter dismay when her neighbor surfaced between her spread legs, her crotch directly in front of him as he grinned at her.

And then, to her complete astonishment and the chagrin, Henry grabbed her hips, and still grinning, pulled her crotch back into his face, deliberately moving his mouth once again in an exaggerated motion of eating her out.

The crowd burst out in cheers and laughter, and even though she was mortified, Suzanne was surprised at her body's reaction as arousal flushed through her body, as she heard Angeline announce them the winners.

It was with some reluctance she pulled away from Henry, both of them swimming to the edge of the pool where David congratulated them on their win, even as Henry helped Suzanne out of the pool.

Abruptly the crowd began cheering again, surprising Suzanne as their enthusiastic applause at their win came to her loudly, causing her to turn and bow to them, while ringing out the water from her hair.

Both David and Henry started laughing as Suzanne turned towards them, asking, "What's so funny?"

Giving her a sly smile, her husband told her, "Nothing, I'm just happy for you," he said as his grin grew even wider.

Suzanne's mind was wondering what her husband was talking about when she suddenly gasped as Henry put his arm around her. But it was not her neighbor holding her or pulling him against his own wet body causing her exclamation. It was the feeling of Henry's palm spreading across her ass—her bare ass, she suddenly realized.

Immediately she remembered her bathing suit was wedged deep within the crack of her ass, her mind having been focused upon her reaction to Henry's intimacy. To her complete humiliation she realized the crowd had not been cheering for their win, but because her behind was on display to everybody on the other side of the pool, Henry's blatant touch bringing even more scandalous notice to her.

Suzanne had two choices before her—to quickly pull her suit out and acknowledge her embarrassing situation, or to remain as she was, her ass indecently exposed while her neighbor's hand rested upon it.

Looking down at her husband, she saw his approving smile, the subtle nod of his head apparent as he gave his approval.

Suzanne's body felt like an electrical shock was being passed through it as she once more felt her skin flush—although this time she recognized it not being in embarrassment but arousal. In what was an entirely uncharacteristic move for her, Suzanne threw caution to the wind—instead of making a scene or saying something about Henry's hand upon her ass or even moving it away, without any acknowledgement Suzanne reached down and took her husband's Tropical Surprise drink and downed it in one gulp, handing the empty glass back to him, completely ignoring Henry's hand or her suit being wedged between her butt cheeks!

David's smile widened completely as he observed his wife's actions, silently mouthing the words, "I love you," to her.

Again ignoring another man's hand upon her body, Suzanne bent down and gave David a kiss, leaving Henry's hand where it was as he began to subtly rub her bare ass cheeks.

They then turned around to watch the rest of the games, the other pairs of contestants already in the water. Suzanne continued to outwardly ignore Henry's had upon her rear, but inwardly it was difficult to watch the contest as the subtle glide of her neighbor's hand across her bare ass cheeks continued to distract her, unable to suppress her body's reaction to the other man's touch, her horniness reaching a new level she had never felt before.

Getting the odd sensation of somebody watching her, Suzanne looked across the pool and met the combined gazes of John Wall, James Price, Raimon Aponte, Henry Dorsey, Tim Brown, and Chuck Edmondson—the familiar group of men gathered across the pool. There was no mistaking the thoughts in their minds as they leered at her, and surprisingly, instead of becoming embarrassed as she had all through the day, Suzanne felt a sudden flush of heat between her legs, the wetness from more than the pool.

Abruptly Suzanne let out a gasp as a hand slip up the inside of her thigh. Looking down, she met the still smiling face of her husband, who began caressing the inside of her leg intimately, in front of everybody at the pool.