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Her reaction was almost suspicious enough to give Professor Tamaki pause, but she soon dismissed it. Most likely, she was simply the kind of person who believed hypnotism was nothing more than a childish myth. Fortunately, that would be no defense.

"Well, I'm a huge proponent of it," Professor Tamaki continued smoothly, making sure her voice was clear, curt and authoritative. "In my experience, the biggest obstacle young students like you face to accessing their full potential is difficulties concentrating. Hypnosis can be a wonderful tool for sharpening one's focus. Think of it like guided meditation."

Eunji nodded. "I see! If you say so, Professor Tamaki, then I'd love to give it a try."

"Wonderful." Better and better. This would be child's play. "Then, I suggest we get started right away. There's no time like the present. Please get comfortable, and turn your attention to my pocket watch."

"Yes, Professor." Eunji leant back, settling herself, and let her eyes fall on the pocket watch as Professor Tamaki held it up in front of her face.

"Good. All you need to do next is relax. That's all. Relax, and let my words guide you." Professor Tamaki made her voice soothing and quiet, just as she'd done many, many times before. "Look at the second hand. Watch it slowly, as it ticks around the clock face. A nice, slow rhythm, don't you think? A nice rhythm to match your breathing to. In, and out. In, and out."

"Yes, Professor," Eunji replied quietly. "A nice, slow rhythm. Perfect to match your breathing to."

Professor Tamaki nodded. "Breathing every three seconds, perhaps. Then, every four. Whatever feels natural. Whatever feels right. It's natural for your breathing to slow a little, as you relax. As you fill your lungs with each breath, letting your chest rise and expand, and as you empty them each time you exhale."

"Filling your lungs each time you breathe," Eunji echoed, her voice every bit as quiet and soothing as her professor's. "Emptying them each time you exhale. Nice and slow."

"That's right. Nice and slow." Her student really did have a pretty voice, Professor Tamaki mused. It was nice to listen to. Melodious, almost. "Count the ticks of the watch. Count your breaths. Let those numbers spiral up in your head. Follow them, as long as you can."

"Count your breaths," Eunji repeated, her eyes following the second hand of Professor Tamaki's watch. "Nice and slow. Letting the numbers spiral."

Professor Tamaki nodded agreeably. She was feeling unusually calm. Eunji seemed like such a perfect subject. She was able to simply get comfortable on her couch and relax as she watched another student fall under her hypnotic spell. As she noted the way Eunji's chest was rising and falling, she couldn't help but think a little about her own breathing too. It was one of those annoying little things - once you started noticing it, you just couldn't stop. Professor Tamaki tried to settle her mind, deliberately breathing nice and slow.

"Professor?" With a start, Professor Tamaki realized it had been a long time since she'd said anything.

"I... am simply giving you a moment to settle." Professor Tamaki shook her head, suddenly frustrated with herself. Somehow, she'd lost her train of thought. That had never happened to her before. Perhaps she ought to leave hypnotizing Eunji for another day. No. That was ridiculous. The professor had absolute confidence in herself. "Breathing nice and slow, yes. How are you feeling, Eunji?"

"Oh, I'm feeling very relaxed," Eunji said slowly. "Like I could just sink into this couch. You know the feeling, right professor?"

Professor Tamaki nodded. She knew it very well. It was easy to imagine. A pleasant, satisfied smile came to her face. Clearly, she had nothing to worry about. Everything was going just as planned.

"I can't stop focusing on the sound your watch is making," her student continued. "It's so... so entrancing. Don't you think, professor? Once you start thinking about it, you just can't stop. The nice, steady, even rhythm just keeps echoing in your head. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. It never stops. It just keeps going, and going, and going. It's so relaxing. Don't you think, professor?"

Professor Tamaki just nodded again, momentarily lost for words. The gentle ticking of her pocket watch seemed to have become louder, somehow. It felt like it was all around her, and inside her head too. It was simply impossible not to pay attention to it. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Professor Tamaki didn't know why she was feeling so absent-minded. Maybe she hadn't had enough coffee. Fortunately, Eunji was describing exactly how the professor wanted her to feel. There was nothing to worry about.

"Only, professor..." Professor Tamaki's ears pricked up a little. "Are you sure your watch is working correctly?"

The sleepy professor frowned. "Excuse me?"

"There's a flaw," Eunji continued, her voice wonderfully soft. "A tiny little flaw. Perhaps you didn't wind it up properly this morning, professor. It's running a little slow. Can't you hear it?"

"I... I'm not sure." Professor Tamaki was immediately skeptical. She always took proper care of her pocket watch. Always. It was so vital to all her plans, after all. But, then again, she was clearly a little scatterbrained today. Perhaps it was possible...

"It's subtle. You'll have to listen very, very closely."

As it so happened, Professor Tamaki's attention had already been drawn to her watch. But at her student's encouragement, she started listening closer still, trying to count the moments between each tick of the second hand. Was it slow? It was hard to tell, especially when she was so sleepy.

"Can you hear it?" Eunji didn't seem discouraged when Professor Tamaki shook her head. "It's so very subtle. You really have to feel the rhythm to notice it. Focus, professor."

Professor Tamaki was trying as hard as she could. As she listened, it was as if every other sound in the world was fading away. Everything was silent except for the ticking of the watch, and Eunji's voice.

"Why don't you close your eyes?" Eunji suggested. "It's always easier to focus that way, don't you think? Like when you're listening to music. You can just let the sounds wash over you. Nothing else matters. Just listen."

In truth, for Professor Tamaki it was almost a relief to let her eyelids fall closed. They'd been getting so heavy. Eunji was right. It was much easier to concentrate that way.

"Good." Eunji's voice was just like music. It washed over her. "Your watch is so mesmerizing, professor. Maybe now, you can hear it. Maybe now, you can notice the way that gentle ticking seems to be slowing, bit by bit, little by little, but more and more with each second that passes, and with each breath that you take."

And Professor Tamaki finally heard it.

Eunji had been right all along. Her watch really did sound like it was slowing down. It was subtle, but it was there. The rhythm was changing. Slower and slower. Bit by bit. Now that Professor Tamaki was really focusing on it, it shocked her that she'd been unable to notice it before. Now, it was all she could think about.

"Slower and slower," Eunji urged, with gentle, irresistible confidence. "That's it. There it is, professor. Feel that rhythm. Isn't it strange how heavy it starts to feel, now that it's slowing down? Feel it flowing through you. Your breathing slowing. Your heart slowing. Your thoughts slowing. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock."

Eunji drew her words out longer and longer as she spoke, and the rhythm of Professor Tamaki's pocket watch slowed to match it. So very slow. Everything was getting so slow.

"And you're getting slow too, aren't you?" Eunji soothed. Professor Tamaki's only response was a low, affirmative grunt, and a slight nod of her head. "Because you're focused on this watch. So very focused. And you know what happens when people focus on that watch, don't you? You've seen it so many times before, I bet."

Oh, that was right, Professor Tamaki thought to herself distantly. She was already too far gone to care. When people focused on the watch, they got hypnotized.

"Yes," Eunji continued, a hint of triumph slipping into her voice. "They go into a trance. You know that so very well, professor. So you know that all I have to do is snap my fingers, and the rhythm of the watch that's ticking inside your head is going to stop. And you'll be asleep for me."

Professor Tamaki said nothing. Asleep? That sounded wonderful. She was so sleepy.

Eunji snapped her fingers.

To Professor Tamaki, eyes closed and entranced, the sound was deafening. It cut through everything else, immediately drowning out the gentle tick and tock of the pocket watch. And just like that, there was no more sound at all. Just an empty, blank void, around her and within her.

She was completely hypnotized.

"Phew!" Eunji exclaimed, audibly relieved. "You know, Professor Tamaki, I really wasn't expecting that! I guess it's lucky for me that hypnosis is a great interest of mine, huh? Oh, and don't worry. Your watch is fine, by the way. You're just more suggestible than you probably thought."

Professor Tamaki said nothing, thought nothing.

"So." Professor Tamaki heard Eunji stand up and start pacing around her office. "What was this about, huh? Kinky professor has the hots for hypnotizing her students? Why?"

It didn't even occur to Professor Tamaki not to answer. "I wanted to collect you." Her voice sounded to her like it was coming from very far away, and there was no emotion in it at all.

"Collect me?" Eunji giggled. "What does that mean? Tell me about your collection."

Professor Tamaki's heart didn't miss a beat as she revealed her deepest and most damning secret. "I've hypnotized a lot of students. Smart girls. Rich girls. Useful girls. I'm going to use them to get whatever I want."

Eunji giggled louder. "Wow! I never thought I'd meet someone else like me."

Professor Tamaki twitched slightly.

"Well, I guess I got my start a little earlier," Eunji mused. "In high school. I had all my teachers wrapped around my little finger. Grades, days off, letters of recommendation - I could get whatever I wanted. Sex, too. How about you, professor? Sex too?"

Professor Tamaki nodded. It was easier than speaking.

"So... Miri? Your assistant? Did you do her? I'm guessing she wasn't always such a bimbo."

"No," Professor Tamaki confirmed. "I made her that way."

At that, Eunji whistled appreciatively. "I guess I should be glad I got you before you got me, huh? Hmm... well, I don't know about world domination, or whatever you had planned, but a little network of my own does sound nice."

The implications of that managed to penetrate Professor Tamaki's deep mental fog. She stirred, eyelids fighting to open. "N-no... mine..."

"Hey, shush, shush," Eunji chided. "Remember the watch's rhythm, professor. Slowing, always slowing. Can you hear it?"

Professor Tamaki's thoughts all melted away as the second hand ticked once more, and her body went still.

"Much more suggestible than you probably thought," Eunji commented. And then, with a self-possession that Professor Tamaki would never have thought possible from the quiet, shy, nerdy girl who always sat in the front row of her class: "Anyway, no. It's going to be mine now. I promised myself not to cut too many corners in college but it sounds way too useful to pass up on."

The declaration would have been chilling, if Professor Tamaki hadn't been too entranced to think about it properly.

"And as for you?" Eunji mused. "Well, I think some turnabout is fair play, if that's not too hypocritical coming from me. You did such a lovely job with Miri. I think I'll give you the same kind of treatment."

With her head full of the sound of a ticking pocket watch, forever spiraling down slower and slower, resistance had become far more than Professor Tamaki was capable of.

"What was it you said? No time like the present, right?" Eunji sat down again, right next to Professor Tamaki. "So, professor. Don't you think that it's been getting harder and harder for you to think lately?"

Professor Tamaki frowned slightly. "I..."

"Yes," Eunji told her firmly. "You have."

Professor Tamaki shivered. She had?

"It keeps happening," Eunji continued, and Professor Tamaki's mind was an open, empty vessel for her to fill. "You keep slipping a little, here and there. Your head is always so fuzzy. You keep losing your train of thought. It keeps happening, and it's going to keep happening."

The hypnotized professor could do nothing but passively absorb these new truths.

"You might even say you're becoming kind of an airhead." Deep beneath the surface of Professor Tamaki's mind, her subconsciousness was hard at word, drawing on all the connotations and associations of Eunji's words as it made them a reality. "Think about how smart you are right now. If you could picture that level of intelligence on a dial, it would be a ten. As high as it goes. But we're going to turn that number down now, professor. Down to... hmm... let's say an eight, for now."

Professor Tamaki could picture it vividly. A big, circular dial that represented her mind, and the needle on it gradually sinking from ten to eight, taking her intelligence with it.

"Not that you'll really notice very much," Eunji added. "And you certainly won't worry about it. All you've really noticed is that running your little, hypnotized network is getting harder and harder. It's easy to forget things. It's stressful to make sure everyone is being managed properly. But that's where I come in. That's why you called me here, in fact. To help you."

The professor nodded as memories warped and formed around this new idea. A vague sense of relief was starting to wash over her. Yes, it had been getting so stressful. But now that Eunji was here, it would all be easier.

"You decided I'd make the perfect protégé," Eunji explained. "So you told me everything. You asked me to help you take care of things. And why? Two reasons, professor. Firstly, because I'm so very smart. Much smarter than you."

Professor Tamaki's lips parted slightly, as a sudden sense of admiration and relief washed over her. It really was lucky that she had such a clever student.

"My ideas are always so wonderful. I always seem to know what to do. Whenever you listen to me, everything works out great. You love listening to me. You love following my ideas and my suggestions. You trust me implicitly."

Those words all echoed and compounded in Professor Tamaki's head, becoming a rhythmic, insistent mantra. She started to nod, at first slowly, then eagerly. That was right, she loved listening to Eunji. Of course she did. Eunji said so.

"And secondly," Eunji continued, a smile audible in her voice, "because you have a crush on me."

At that, Professor Tamaki started to sway from side to side, a dizzying array of emotions all springing to life within her. A crush? Her? And on a student, no less? It was unthinkable, and yet with each passing moment, it became more and more real.

"Is all that understood?"

"Yes." The answer to the question forced itself from Professor Tamaki's lips.

"Good." Eunji giggled. "Time to wake up, Professor Tamaki."

She snapped her fingers.

Professor Tamaki blinked, and was momentarily dazzled as light returned to her eyes. Had she fallen asleep? What was going on?

"Professor?" Eunji asked, eyes wide and guileless. "Are you alright?"

"I'm... y-yes, of course." Professor Tamaki blushed faintly and reached up to make sure her hair was neatly in place, suddenly self-conscious in front of her pretty student. But what had they been talking about? There was a worrying gap in her memories. "Um, what was I..."

"You had just finished telling me about your network," Eunji prompted.

"Oh! That's right." Professor Tamaki smiled, shaking her head ruefully. She'd forgotten, and right in the middle of a conversation! That was just like her, these days. "And I was, um..."

Suddenly, she realized that she was holding up her pocket watch, almost as if she'd been hypnotizing someone. Professor Tamaki frowned, confused.

"And you were showing me your watch!" Eunji supplied helpfully.

"Right! Of course." Professor Tamaki remembered now. She swiftly tucked her pocket watch back into her clothing. After a little helpful prompting from her favorite student, it was all falling back into place. "So, are you willing to help me?"

Something about asking that made Professor Tamaki twitch, as if she was instinctively rejecting the notion that she'd need help from someone else. But she pushed the feeling aside.

"I'd love to, Professor Tamaki!" Eunji answered at once.

"That's wonderful." Professor Tamaki smiled, relieved. Eunji would be such a perfect assistant.

Eunji smiled too. Her smile was eager, but it kept growing wider, until she was showing teeth. It took on a certain wolfish, cunning quality. It occurred to Professor Tamaki that Eunji's expression was truly perfect for a hypnotist.

"From now on," her faithful student assured her. "You can leave everything to me."

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UzumakiNaruto9999UzumakiNaruto9999about 1 year ago

It was really nice and little freshening to see turning tables story though i don't know if it can be so easy to do this in reality🤔

But i guess someone is better than others at some things i guess

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

There’s always a bigger fish 😜

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Are you going to update dykification here?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hope to see much much more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Pls do a sequel

pickleherringpickleherringabout 2 years ago

I love this idea! Great work. Would love to see more turning-the-tables type stories.

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