Faeophobia: Spring Break Ch. 02


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It was good, Rayne thought, that they were using their hands, that they were working, rather than wallowing in despair. Normally, Rayne would have stolen an unattended sex-toy, run back to her Cove that she might pleasure herself, but not now. Now she felt....an urge to...she didn't know! She explored her island, visiting her sisters as they writhed in anguish from the seething hormones of frustrated womanhood.

And then, there were The Lost. Near the center of the island, by the Waterfall, where those sirens that had abandoned all hope of men, some in their delirium claimed that men did not exist, mere inventions of frustrated fae libidos. Most did not think on such matters; The Lost writhed over each other in a cunnilingual orgy; so that they might never have to think at all. Over the millennia, they had become quite skilled. Their tongues- YAAAH!

Rayne was tackled by a crazed sister with the look of a wounded lioness as her naked legs were spread. The Lost One buried an agile tongue deeply into her pussy with razor-sharp precision, bombarding her womanhood with such skillful caresses that she was orgasming almost before she hit the ground. Snarling with her madness, the crazed siren feasted on Rayne's girl-cum, her intimate knowledge of a pussy and its weaknesses honed by millennia of fevered practice. Rayne only allowed herself a dozen such orgasms before disengaging. Her partner was soon tackled in turn by more willing participants. Perhaps The Lost had the right idea; is this what all sirens should do? Spend all eternity licking each other to orgasm?

She almost stumbled across such a pair; one nymph squatting upon the face of another, lurid slurping as the lower fae lavished the pussy of the one atop as her hands roved over her partner's belly, tits, and ass. The nymph on top glared at Rayne, and made a provocative, 'come-hither' gesture with her own flexible tongue. For reasons she could not explain, her soul rebelled against the idea; there *had* to be something she could do! Something...somehow....so that men might come, and impregnate them at long last.

Hah! Who was she kidding! Rayne was a small, petite nymph; often bullied. If a man could see her, would he even want her? She was short, her breasts no larger than overripe coconuts, while the other, dominant nymphs were tall as any man, svelte-figured with great, glorious boobs nearly the size of wild pumpkins, naked bodies dripping with slick, fairy sweat as they pined away with husband-hunger.

She felt it first; even though there was no reason that she should. Something strange, something alien had come to the island; she sensed first a presence that was never meant for this place, and her dainty feet propelled her running to the beach, evading the quivering tits, groans of passion, and female ejaculations surrounding her.

The bubbling, frothing in the water had to be a dream; Rayne had snapped. She had gone crazy like The Lost sirens trapped in their eternal lesbian orgy. The bubbling in the sea could not be real, she had to be dreaming; because she beheld her Salvation at long last, rising from the sea like a beacon of hope.

Either the petite nymph was truly insane, or it was truly a penis. She dropped to her knees, a cry of joyous disbelief torn from her pouty lips. It was larger than it should be, almost as tall as Rayne was. But the proud, fleshy shaft throbbed with a life of its own, and she saw the flaring crown, perfect for burying itself in the willing pussy of a fertile female. Her willing pussy. She seemed to watch herself; disembodied, for the experience was too joyous to be real, as she leapt upon that wondrous, life-giving, long-sought Sacred Rod, her hope and her future slipped between her thighs, into a cunt that was all too willing to accept it.


He understood now. Jorge could at last could feel the urgency. How many...how many pussies...he...he was screwing two women at once! With one cock! Heedless of the world, heedless of the public spectacle he was creating, the mating couple continued their indecent rut. As the Life-guard buried his cock ever deeper within the enchanted pussy engulfing him in velvety lust, he could feel his penis, breaking free....penetrating into some strange, new world beyond, though he remained buried to the hilt within the dripping crotch of the sweaty, blue-haired fairy slut that had ensorceled him.

His lucky cock could then feel two pussies, two sets of lower lips enveloping the totality of his manhood. When one cunt released, another squeezed. His body quivered, his brain struggling to comprehend the unnatural sensation. But he could feel her; he could sense something of the urgency, the terrible yearning that had wracked that other woman, on the other end of his rod. He understood the need, and was far from angry. He took time out to tenderly kiss his fae captor's cheek before resuming his determined suckling of her milk-spurting teats.

Rayne could feel him; as she ground up and down upon the Sacred Rod, a magical link enabled her to sense some details about her long-awaited paramour. His name....Jorge....she was surprised a little; it seems that men were thinking creatures with their own thoughts, feelings, and desires. Who would have suspected? Her memories of the days before the Ban where so distant, it was as if she had never seen a man ever. She hoped the Man understood what she offered; anytime he felt the need to extend his Sacred Rod across the boundaries between dimensions, he would find welcoming pussies here.





She did not know if he understood, for Rayne was torn away from the magical link, as the other Sirens arrived screaming their lust. The largest, the strongest among them jockeyed for position, and Rayne, runt that she was could not resist the dominant females. With a slippery pop of female lubricant, she was unceremoniously pulled from her perch. But it didn't matter. She had hope now. Our there in the Universe, there were penises more than willing to reach and impregnate the Sirens. She lay there on the beach, caressing her blessed cunt, as her sisters swarmed over to savor the wonder-rod, in the hopes that it might bless them with its spurting gift.

She could not help but laugh, no longer regretting her imprisonment on Siren Isle, for their were some sisters that were free, and by their sorcery there was real hope that someday...somehow...(this was her most selfish dream) that Rayne might own a man of her very own! The thought made her orgasm yet again. Let the others bully her; she had gotten Four thrusts; Four glorious strokes upon the Sacred Rod, so perfectly suited to a wet pussy! Four strokes! And they could never take that away from her!


Lily was undaunted. She was prepared to unleash the full force of her Goddess-powers. There were some spells theorized among the Fae, spells that no one dare cast. But Lily had become a living source of fertility magic in her own right; she should now be able to summon the power for the Infinite Beauty Dweomer. A spell of ancient legend, no one in recent memory had succeeded in summoning the energy needed. But Lily could; Lily knew she had the power. And once she succeeded, she would become the most erotic creature on the face of the Earth! There would be no defense against her seduction! With powers such as this at her disposal, she could start a baby-boom unequaled in this (or any other) nation's history! So much life she would create!

She would test her powers on the humans driving upon the main highway directly adjacent to the beach. In moments, she would discard the hated bikini, and reveal the splendor of her nude body; though the being known as Professor Lily was in truth centuries old, her flesh was every bit as perky and voluptuous as the best-endowed 20-year-old human female. She would ignore the darkness; she would ignore the strange, nagging sense of dread that had come upon her recently. For some reason, she was sensing....a...a hole in the sexual auras of the humans and fae in this city. A mysterious disruption in the natural order. Hmm...probably nothing to worry about; probably some human girl warding herself against seduction magic. She shouldn't worry. She would revel in this moment! Her moment! Why spend her time grading papers when she could become the sexiest woman in 3,000 years!

The Dark hole, the rift in the fabric of sexual energy did not bother her; it wasn't a problem, was it?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Always good stuff xxxecil.

glamdring1glamdring1over 20 years ago
great series

This is a great series. I eagerly await the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 20 years ago

I love the stories about the fae returning to earth, and wish it were true! anyway keep up the great work. a fan

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