Fall of the Star Sentinels Ch. 03


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"What's this, huh?" Mary Anne teased cruelly, running her fingertips along Wrath's throbbing shaft, making the demon groan. "Guess I'm not so weak after all. Guess you're just the kind of filthy, debased whore who gets off on this." Her voice was thick with a kind of malice that was completely unfamiliar to her. It made her sound almost animalistic.

"That's... hngg," Wrath grunted. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the sand, struggling to hold on to any composure. "That's what I'm gonna fuck you with when I- ah!"

Mary Anne cut her off with a particular hard spank, her anger flaring at the demon's coarseness. She needed to learn her place. "Shut your fucking mouth," the magical girl snarled. Her teeth felt long and pointed in her mouth. "You're mine now, understand? Mine."

When Wrath didn't respond, Mary Anne delivered another series of spanks - five of them, in quick succession. Her palm was beginning to sting, but watching the demon writhe and moan was easily worth it. From the way Wrath was whining, she was starting to think the demon's resistance had finally collapsed. But then she started shaking and convulsing, gripped with cruel, mirthful laughter.

"You really have fallen," Wrath giggled. "And you can't even see it. Stupid girl. I'm not yours. You're mine."

"What?" Mary Anne asked, shocked. She could have dismissed the demon's claims as mere bravado, but she sensed there was something more to it than that. Wrath's voice was thick with the thrill of true victory.

"Just look at yourself!" Wrath cackled, still writhing and squirming in Mary Anne's grip. "Your body is already twisting with your corruption!"

Confused, Mary Anne looked down at her hands, and then gasped. Her skin was turning red, just like Wrath's, and the vicious claws on her hands were unmistakable. Her first response was denial. It had to be a trick. An illusion. But no. She could feel the claws on her hands, and they were just as real as any other part of her. Likewise, now her attention was drawn to it, there was no denying the wicked set of fangs that now filled her mouth. Worse still, she could feel the muscles and bones in her face slowly warping and shifting, gradually mimicking the same, subtly bestial visage Wrath wore. Mary Anne was shaking. She was turning into a monster.

"And your soul?" Wrath continued, jeering. "That's already long gone. You let me burn out all that goodness, and replace it with rage. I'm a demon - and you're getting off on spanking me and groping me. That seem like something a Star Sentinel should be doing to you? No. You're not a magical girl anymore, princess. You're like me."

"No..." Mary Anne protested in weak denial. "I'm not... I'm punishing you! I'm not getting off on-"

Her voice died in her throat at the exact moment she realized how aroused she was. She was breathing hard with far more than exertion. Her body was crying out for more than mere violence, and between her legs, her pussy was desperately wet and needy. One, gentle touch was enough to confirm how painfully sensitive she was. Mary Anne couldn't believe how intense the need was. Along with her anger, it was enough to overwhelm any sense of decency or reason she might otherwise have had. Insensible to the fact that it would only send her spiraling deeper into corruption, Mary Anne starting spanking Wrath again, filled with a frenzied need to take out her urges on the demon.

"You!" she cried, as she spanked the demon's ass. Wrath was no longer hiding her enjoyable, and instead moaned eagerly with each blow. The way her ass felt beneath Mary Anne's palm only made the magical girl more desperate to use her demonic body to her heart's content. "You did this to me! This... this is all your fault!"

"Is it?" Wrath moaned. She was now humping and grinding her hard cock against Mary Anne's body, shamelessly desperate. Mary Anne didn't bother trying to stop her. It felt too good. "I'm just a demon. It's in my nature. Your nature too, now. Can you really blame me?"

Mary Anne didn't know how to respond to that. Her mind was too clouded for any kind of clear thought. So instead, she just growled, and started groping Wrath even harder. With one hand, she massaged the demon's firm, toned ass, feeling the pleasing way her fingers sank into her flesh, and with the other, she reached underneath Wrath and gripped her cock firmly. Not hard enough to cause her pain, but hard enough to assert who was in control.

"Fuck!" Wrath moaned, but despite the pleasurable torture, she persisted. "You know... who's fault... it really is? Your friends."

"Shut up!" Mary Anne cried. She didn't want to listen to the demon's words, but they felt so good, so right.

"Yes," Wrath insisted. She refused to be deterred by Mary Anne's spanking. "If they weren't so weak. So foolish. So inadequate. If they didn't need you to save them."

"No!" Mary Anne shook her head like she was trying to shake off those wicked thoughts as if they were merely buzzing flies, even as they burrowed deep into her heart and soul.

"Just think," Wrath pressed, sensing her ultimate victory was near. "They always need you. Always take advantage of you. Demanding your kindness. Walking all over you. Aren't you tired of being nice? When do you get to take what you want?"

"I... I..." Mary Anne knew it was wrong, but a black flame was already simmering in her heart, raging at the unfairness of it all. Maybe Wrath was right. Maybe her friends were taking advantage of her. They were the only reason she'd attacked Wrath in the first place. She couldn't count on them to keep themselves safe. They needed her. They always needed her. They were weak. Why did they have to be so weak? It had led to all this. Wrath was right. It was their fault. With each passing moment, that thought felt more right and more true, and Mary Anne grew more and more furious.

"Yes!" Wrath screamed. "Give in. Take it. Take what you want. Fuck them. Fuck everyone else. The world deserves your anger. You're stronger than any of them. So stop being a pussy, and take it."

"I... I will!" Mary Anne cried out, as her resolve finally cracked. Maybe she'd been doomed from the start. She'd thought she'd beaten Wrath, but now it seemed like she'd never stood a change. She simply couldn't resist what the demon was offering her. There was something so incredibly freeing about letting her rage fun free and rule her actions, as she spanked and tormented Wrath however she pleased. She wanted that. She wanted more. Mary Anne was tired of always holding back and always being kind. It was time to be angry. Angry at her friends, at the world - at everything. It just felt too good.

"Good!" Wrath moaned, overjoyed at her triumph. "Tell me. What do you want?"

Mary Anne didn't hesitate to answer. "I want this."

With ease, Mary Anne once more flipped Wrath over onto her back. Before the demon could attempt to rise, Mary Anne pounced atop her, pressing down on her shoulders to hold her in place. She swung her leg over Wrath, straddling her, and just as she had ripped Wrath's clothes off, she started tearing at her own Star Sentinel uniform, carelessly ripping off her skirt and completely destroying her panties. Wrath grinned as she realized what Mary Anne was going to do.

"See?" Wrath jeered, as Mary Anne positioned herself above Wrath's hips and started grinding her wet cunt along Wrath's throbbing, demonic cock. "I told you I was gonna fuck you once I- urhghh."

Before Wrath could finish her sentence, Mary Anne's hand shot out and wrapped itself around Wrath's throat, clamping down and strangling her words. "You're not gonna do anything," Mary Anne declared, smiling cruelly as she choked the rage demon. "You're gonna lie there, and I'm gonna use you like a dumb fucktoy. Understand?"

Wrath could do little more than nod, a manic, masochistic glint in her bulging, demonic eyes. For all strength and power, the muscular demon was utterly at Mary Anne's mercy, and was clearly enjoying it. Likewise, Mary Anne was completely drunk on the thrill of experiencing true, unfettered dominance. The lewd, degrading words that had come to her lips felt unfamiliar, but she knew they were little more than her deepest, darkest, most secret desires finally becoming unchained. This was what she wanted. What she'd always wanted. Her body was craving pleasure, and so she would take it. She was yearning to fuck, and so she would. Nothing could be purer or more simple. For a moment, her mind flashed with imagination as she wondered what her Star Sentinel teammates would say or do if they saw her like this. She brushed the images aside contemptuously. Fuck them. Fuck everyone. She didn't need them, and if they had a problem with her, then they could face her wrath just like everyone else.

Without relaxing her grip on Wrath's neck, Mary Anne used her other hand to position the demon's cock at the entrance to her pussy, and without hesitating, she let herself sink all the way down until her thighs were resting on Wrath's hips, and Wrath's cock was buried deep inside her. The former magical girl threw back her head and moaned as loud as she could. The demon's cock was huge. It felt like it was splitting her in half. It felt incredible. Her back arched and her whole body shuddered as raw, ecstatic pleasure flooded her every nerve, causing her to momentarily relax her grip on Wrath.

"You like that, huh?" Wrath laughed, after a moment spent scrambling for breath. "Now who's the whore, huh?"

Mary Anne's hand cracked like a whip as she delivered a single, vicious slap across Wrath's cheek. The demon let out a loud cry that was both pain and pleasure at once, and Mary Anne felt her hips buck underneath her, ploughing her demonic cock even deeper inside her. She grinned sadistically. She was going to enjoy that. Feeling Wrath writhe and twitch beneath her as she reeled from the slap was perfection incarnate.

"I told you to shut up!" Mary Anne started gripping Wrath's neck again, now truly choking her. Her cruel smile widened as she saw Wrath's eyes bulge dangerously as she realized she couldn't breathe. At the same time, Mary Anne started riding Wrath hard, vigorously pumping herself up and down on the demon's cock. The pleasure of it was unbelievable. Mary Anne didn't bother pacing herself or going slow at first. She'd been holding back from carnal indulgence for so long. She wasn't going to hold back any longer. With every thrust, Wrath's cock reached deeper and deeper inside her, sparking yet more pleasure, and as Mary Anne's desperate, needy pussy clamped down on her dick, she saw Wrath's eyes roll back into her head as the mixture of intense pleasure and sudden oxygen starvation short-circuited her brain.

"Not so talkative now, huh?" Mary Anne mocked. "Where's that strength? That cockiness? Huh?" She took such delicious glee in the fact that Wrath could do little more than moan and twitch in response. The demon was utterly helpless. To drive the point home, Mary Anne bent over Wrath's face and spat down on her. Treating the demon with the contempt she deserved felt incredible. "Nothing to say? The big, strong, mean demon doesn't have anything to say? Huh?"

"I-I-I... ugh, ah!" All Wrath could manage was a series of strangled, incoherent sounds. Mary Anne laughed. As good as Wrath's cock inside her felt, nothing compared to the feeling of seeing the demon so completely humiliated at her hands. It didn't matter to her if Wrath was enjoying it. She was enjoying it. That was what counted.

"You're pathetic," Mary Anne sneered, moaning with each breath as she furiously rode Wrath's dick, completely blissed-out on the pleasure. She was long past caring about how far she'd fallen. "You're filthy. Disgusting. You deserve to punished. You fucking slut."

Each of her words made Wrath twitch and her cock throb, and in turn that only brought Mary Anne yet more pleasure. Her voice sounded like a distorted parody of its former self, snarled through pointed teeth, all the gentleness drained out of it and replaced by twisted, vindictive sadism. Mary Anne wanted to make Wrath's punishment last a life time, but in truth, she was already reaching the edge. No matter. Now that she had unleashed her desires, she knew there was much, much more pleasure to be had, whenever she chose to take it.

"You're nothing," Mary Anne continued, pure anger flowing through the fallen magical girl. "You're just my toy now. Cum. Fill me up. That's all you're good for. Cum inside me, fucktoy."

With that, Mary Anne released her grip on Wrath's throat. There was brief a pause, before Wrath's whole body started to spasm wildly. As the blood returned to her brain, so too did the incredibly intense, incredibly vivid sensation of Mary Anne's tight pussy squeezing her cock. The pleasure struck her like a lightning bolt, and as the demon started to babble and moan completely incoherently, her cock began to pulse and throb dangerously. Mary Anne relished in the feeling, and increased her pace even more, using every little bit of her strength to fuck Wrath as hard as she possibly could. Within mere moments, she was rewarded by the feeling of Wrath exploding inside her, her cock pumping a massive load of demonic cum deep within her body. At that exact instant, Mary Anne came too. Bracing her arms on Wrath's body to steady herself, she threw her head back and let loose a loud, guttural scream of pleasure as a huge orgasm overtook her. It was like nothing she'd felt before. No shame, no confusion, merely the absolute, perfect joy of a rage finally satisfied. Unwilling to let up even for a moment, Mary Anne kept riding the demon, again and again and again, determined to milk her cock for everything she had. She wouldn't tolerate anything less. She was determined to get her revenge on the world from now on, and taking everything that was owed to her for all her years of futile kindness.

Eventually, finally, Wrath went totally limp. Mary Anne grunted in dissatisfaction, and rose to her feet. She looked down at herself once more. She looked demonic. Her body had become hard and muscular, and she had several cuts and bruises from her fight with Wrath. Her Star Sentinel uniform was completely ruined, torn to shreds in many places from where she had ripped at it. And with her skin now a deep crimson, the demonic corruption had now clearly completely overtaken her. But unlike before, Mary Anne didn't feel disgusted or shocked. On the contrary, she found herself admiring her new form, even if it was strange to note how much it mirrored that of the demon she had been fighting with so recently. She looked down at Wrath, now groaning weakly, passed out on the ground. Despite everything, she felt a kind of affection for the creature. Her twisted teachings had set her free. She wouldn't let that show, of course. Not when it was so much more fun to be mean. But for now, there was something else to turn her attention to. Mary Anne thought about the church. She really needed to get back tthere - but for very different reasons than before.

"Come on," she said to Wrath, balling her hands into fists. "It's time to go see my friends."

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Marklynda2Marklynda2over 1 year ago

Wow, from goody two shoes to she-demon in one giant leap. Another truly enthralling chapter. I look forward to seeing how you top this. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

StrappingManStrappingManabout 3 years ago

I was worried about the ending with wrath. Let's just say you wrote it marvelously.

CrepeCrepeabout 3 years ago

I wanted to hold up with commenting until all chapters are posted but with sloth posted I can't wait any longer.

This one is definitely the best as far as demonic corruption goes. Kind and gentle girl is tempted into giving into darker emotions and urges and ends up distorted as wrathful and aggresive demon with a desire to dominate. Physical transformation was also lovely - petite girl who doesn't have much to do with physical combat turns into brawling, feral demon with claws and powerful body. Also Mary dominating and raping the demon who transformed her was like a cherry on cake! I really enjoyed that. I mean i didn't understand in previous stories why heroines who are consumed by evil have to become submissive and obedient to the demon who corrupted them. If you are consumed by greed then do what you want and take everything you want! Why work for demon who made you fall? If you are consumed by envy then why not envy the power of demon who corrupted you? And so on...

One of the unexpected things what that even though Mary was the one dominating and raping it was Wrath who became futanari...

Sins of Sloth and Gluttony are kinda hard to erotically depict as evil (unless you have a thing for Vore and go for cannibalism:S )but pride, arrogance has some potential, like SM, domination? Not to mention Lust itself XD I look forward to the last 2 sins!

Also wanted to say that I loved addition of TSF for boyfriend of heroine! Though I wish he endured a bit longer... I mean he was love interest of the heroine. It's kinda lame losing so fast... And it's also fun to see someone desperately resist corruption!

Ugh, I wrote too much. Sorry if I was annoying

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Another brilliant chapter

So glad you are still writing these. Can't wait to see what happens after all of them fall

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Gluttony and sloth

I'm waiting with bated breath for the sin of being fat. How many buckets of fried chicken is she going to eat, and how many chins is she going to get???

ModsognirModsognirover 3 years ago

Very good, thank you for continueing this story :)

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