Fallen Princess, Risen Queen Ch. 02

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Elf princess enjoys the taste of corruption.
7.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/12/2021
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Author's note:

This is a series about corruption. Corruption stories tend to theme around non-consensual sex, or reluctant consent. This story has lots of both. It also has a lot of different kinds of sex, including with non-humans. Check the tags for the complete list.

Huge shoutout to JackBellend41 for the edits! You da real mvp!


Beginning of the Descent

"Princess?" Rana snapped Antariel from her morning haze and confusion.

The elf princess had been dreaming about her father, a dream she was certain couldn't mean what she thought it meant.  She wondered whether the Queen would've stopped such a thing. Rana's words caused her to look up at the two nymphs that stood there holding a beautiful gown. It was a dark red, made of shimmering silks, and was almost certainly wildly inappropriate for an elven princess.

"You're to meet with Master," Rana said.                                                                       

Master? Antariel realized that, of course, they must speak of rank differently in the world of the Profane. Kariz, she was to meet with Kariz. Antariel went wide eyed as her brain defogged and she remembered why she was here in the first place.

She clambered over the furs on the bed to get out. "Of course!" she cried as she got to her feet.

"Princess!" Kana urgently took her hand. Antariel looked down at him, still panicked. "Please, calm yourself. He does not have urgent business today. He wants you to be well ready before you present yourself."

Antariel nodded as the cool air prickled her naked skin. She blushed and feebly put her hands over her crotch and breasts. When she looked down at her breasts, they were... bigger? She had never had a large bosom, and they seemed swollen.

Rana took her hand, as she temporarily forgot about the nudity, and led her to a large vanity. Antariel couldn't remember seeing the vanity there yesterday, but thought little of it, as Rana sat her down on the small stool. "Let's get you ready," the short nymph said with a smile.

They took their time applying her makeup before they dressed her in the finely made dress. It clung to her body at every point, without being tight. It even allowed for her larger than she remembered bust. She looked at herself in the mirror, turning this way and that. It matched her red hair, and the make up on her face made her eyes pop in a way her elven handmaidens had never managed.

Antariel smiled, turned to Kana and Rana, and hugged them both. "Thank you so much," she whispered.

"We live to serve, princess," they replied happily.

Kana led Antariel through the twisting, confusing halls of the Tower. She hoped she wasn't expected to remember how to get back, since she was immediately lost. She could have sworn that at one point they turned right three times, yet came to a different hall than they started in.

She was grateful the entire floor was made of entirely smooth white stone. When she asked for shoes, the nymphs said simply that they were not given any. So, she was meeting a lord barefoot. She noted ruefully that in a life that was already beginning to feel distant, she would've refused to do such a thing.

Soon enough, she was before a large hall, different from the one she began this horrifying adventure in. There was another large throne, though this one had a large semi-circular back, filled with jagged lines. The back flowed into the wall that the lines radiated up and out from. Where the wall ended and the throne began was uncertain, as her eyes tried to follow the lines. She realized that the throne was bigger than the room that contained it. Her mind decided to avoid confronting that impossibility, and her entire focus was driven back to the throne itself.

Kariz was standing in front of the throne, holding the elbows of a chamkraz, and fucking him hard. The creature was roughly as tall as the lord himself, and Kariz was plowing his cock deep into the beast man's ass.

Antariel couldn't believe what she was seeing. She knew her hope that she could get through this meeting without her pussy as wet as yesterday was a fool's hope indeed. Immediately the urge to touch herself shot through her. She was just glad that this dark colored dress had a chance to hide any moisture.

Kariz shoved himself deep, his hips slammed against the beast man's, and he held himself there. The chamkraz bellowed as he climaxed and sprayed his thick cum out onto the floor in large spurts. Kariz slowly released his arms, allowing the chamkraz to step away from him. The creature chuffed with a pleased sound and walked toward where Antariel stood.

She glanced around and realized Kana was gone. Frozen with indecision, she watched the chamkraz walk past her without a second glance.

"Hard to pay homage from across the room," Kariz lounged on his throne.

Antariel nodded and walked across the large hall. Her bare feet made no noise on the marble floor, and her nerves tingled as she approached. He appeared identically as he did the day before. A shimmering gauzy robe of a vaguely purple material, a chiseled body, and a hard cock, glistening wet.

There was no dais in this room, and so she walked up to the throne, and knelt in front of it. She swallowed nervously.

Kariz stood and stepped toward her, the head of his hard cock mere inches from her face. She slowly opened her mouth and leaned forward, taking it into her mouth. She expected a foul taste, given what Kariz had just been doing, but he tasted the same as before: an intoxicating and masculine aroma that filled her senses. She sucked gently and was rewarded with a shot of his creamy cum that flowed down her throat. She tried to not like the taste too much.

Antariel leaned back, letting him go and looking up at him from her knees. Her wet pussy betrayed her, dampening her thighs.

"Did you enjoy that?" he smiled.

Antariel swallowed, the feelings of shame and arousal still mixing around in her mind, and knew it was undeniable. She nodded, "Yes, my -... Kariz."

Kariz chuckled, as he sat back on the throne. "I think it's a little soon for that," he joked. She wouldn't have thought he was the type to tease for a mistake. "We've only just met."

Antariel blushed, but smiled, glad that her mistake in protocol wasn't being met with scorn, like it had in her past. "Yes, Kariz... I'm still..." she grasped for words.

"Getting used to this," Kariz motioned to the room. Antariel nodded, and he gestured for her to rise, so she did so, though slowly. "I imagine it is incredibly different than what you're used to. But I am certain you will do well."

Antariel blushed again at the encouragement, and swallowed, nodding a few times as she slowly stood.

"So, tell me," Kariz relaxed on his throne, breathing in deeply, as though taking in her smell. "Why in the name of the gods Profane and unholy would an elven princess undertake a trek to my Tower?"

Antariel was caught off guard by the unexpected topic change and stiffened. She couldn't screw this up. Varandur was the diplomat, but she had taken a few lessons. "By the authority of the King and Queen of Melamandor, I have come to negotiate your withdrawal from Eltanor."

Kariz blinked several times, and a look of amusement spread across his face. "Wow," he mouthed, and laughed. "Consider it done!" he spoke through the laugh.

Antariel felt tears springing to her eyes. She was so confused by his response she was certain he must be mocking her. She swallowed, trying not to break out in sobs in front of this Profane lord. She didn't know every diplomatic protocol, but knew crying was the wrong approach.

Kariz gave her a long stare, before he offered a bemused grin that struck her as... sympathetic? "How is King Lacontir anyway?"

The question confused matters so much more, that Antariel forgot what she was feeling, and her entire being shut down for a moment. She finally came back with, "King... Lacontir... sir? M-err, Kariz?"

Kariz nodded several times, "Yes, last time I was on Eltanor, I battled King Lacontir. Defeated him, in fact. Shattered his army and spread his forces to the far winds. I thought I had felled him, but..." he motioned to her.

Antariel's mind swirled in confusion. What was going on? Was Kariz trying to manipulate her somehow with a non-sequitur? "King Lacontir has been dead for over two thousand years, my..." She stopped herself.

"If it would help," Kariz consoled her, "You may call me sir. Until we break you," he said, "Of this habitual formality."

Relief swept over Antariel from the simple act. "Thank you, sir." It still felt so wrong to be so informal with someone in his standing. "King Lacontir was defeated, and that was the last time Eltanor was united under a single king." She had read about that in one of her favorite history books.

Kariz nodded in agreement, "Well, then that is as I remember it. I haven't truly had cause to return since," he paused in thought, before breaking out in a grin. "Though, not to say I haven't wanted to. I've always had a... bit of a soft spot for elves."

Antariel couldn't imagine him having a single soft spot, emotional, physical, or otherwise, in his entire being. "Sir," she started, before sighing deeply. Perhaps she could leverage this, turn his words back on him. "You claimed to value honesty."

Kariz' smile didn't change and his tone remained casual. "You know, I still remember the last person who accused me of lying. He spent the final decade of his miserable existence begging me, really, pleading for me to end it." He wagged a finger gently, "So you may want to exercise caution here."

Antariel's blood went cold, and she closed her eyes as she mentally chastised herself. She was being so stupid. Of course, he seemed friendly, and warm, and all smiles, but he was an apex predator amongst apex predators. He had been fucking a monster in the ass when she arrived, and she thought she could cow him with words?

"Please continue," he urged in his warm tone.

"I... I apologize, sir, I didn't... mean to accuse," she stumbled and breathed shakily. Her nerves were rattling under her skin, and she wanted to vomit. "I only meant that I came here via wagon, sir, from the Gate of the Chalkidry." She stared at him, and he stared right back, until she realized that the name probably meant nothing to him. "It's a fortress. On Eltanor. Sir."

A look of amazement lit up Kariz' face, and genuine excitement bubbled forth. "Incredible! Well, we'll have to explore this topic, won't we?"

Antariel had no idea what any of this meant, and that while it apparently meant quite a bit to Kariz... she knew she wasn't going to gain much understanding from this meeting. But her purpose here was to delay him, was it not? If he was talking to her, he was not leading a charge.

"I would," she breathed out deeply, calming herself and steadying her nerves, "I would appreciate that sir, thank you."

Kariz stood in a fluid motion, and Antariel stepped back in alarm. She noticed that, thankfully, Kariz wasn't always erect. Her poor stomach could only take so much flipping about.

Then he moved his hand to the small of her back, causing her stomach to flip again, and she let out a shaky breath. "Come," he commanded, and her legs twitched as her pussy almost betrayed her outright. "Let us take a short walk."

Antariel agreed with a quick nod, walking on shaky feet alongside the Profane lord. She wondered if he could tell how aroused she was but pushed the thought out of her mind. As they left the hall, she saw more of the monstrous beasts roaming the halls. She knew that this was a question he might not answer, but thought it was probably important information. "Sir, may I ask you a question about your... army?"

Kariz paused, leaving his hand at the small of her back, and looked down at her with a smile. She stared up at him, his touch affecting her more than she'd like.

"Are you sure you shouldn't ask if you should ask about asking?" the corners of his mouth turned up, as his smile became more mischievous.

Antariel bit her lip and looked down, feeling more than a little embarrassed. So much of her life had been spent on formality, and Kariz made her feel like it was wasted.

"Perhaps I shouldn't tease," Kariz added, without even the slightest hint of sincerity, "But you do make it fun, Princess," he continued to walk, his hand guiding her down the hall.

Antariel furrowed her brow and thought maybe it would help with her formality if... "Please," she murmured, "Just Antariel... is fine." Was that wrong? Wasn't she correcting him? Oh no, what if he --

"Antariel," he enunciated, seeming to relish the name on his lips. "Truly a beautiful name. I adore the feeling of elven names sliding off my lips."

"Thank you, sir," she nodded, "Kariz."

"So, as I was saying. You may ask whatever question you wish to ask. If I do not wish to answer it, I will not. You do not need to anticipate that I will be displeased with you, Antariel." He added after a thought, "I will give you fair warning."

Antariel nodded and motioned at one of the wandering goat men, who were more man-like and less goatlike than some of the others. "Your chamkraz seem different from each other."

Kariz motioned to the creature, "That is not a chamkraz. The one I was rewarding earlier for his discipline, that was a chamkraz." Antariel couldn't believe she heard that right -- that was his reward? "They are called the krazthorh, generally. That one you pointed out is a naokraz, generally the weakest of them." He motioned to a different one they passed that was more goatlike, but not as large as the chamkraz, "That is a normal krazthorh, and the chamkraz are the most elite -- the strongest of the strong." After a moment's consideration he added, "Except for the minotaurs, of course."

Antariel nodded. "But I thought... that Profane lords had their own troops? Not," she motioned. "They seem lesser --" she stopped herself and swallowed. "Meaning no offense, my-err, sir, Kariz," she stumbled.

Kariz laughed and gave her waist a little squeeze. "My dear Antariel, you are going to give yourself a heart attack."

Antariel swallowed, her mind was torn in confusion between the two halves of this lord. He felt so warm, inviting and kind, but she knew that he was the deadliest thing in this entire tower, including the twenty-foot-tall minotaur she saw earlier. Never before had she been so filled with lust and fear.

"At any rate," Kariz continued, "They are lesser. Quite a bit lesser than the troops I am used to commanding. But you may have noticed a rather large minotaur in my hall earlier," he snorted, as though it were possible to miss him, or as though he were reading her mind. She hoped he wasn't. Didn't she? "I have brought him into... my employ, I suppose?" He shook his head. "I could say 'allegiance', but I don't think he's capable of allegiance. That implies a level of concern for the future that I don't think he can muster. His only concerns are battle."

Antariel wondered how allegiances could even work amongst the Profane. "I didn't think..." She stopped when she realized that what she was about to say was definitely insulting. She looked up at Kariz, who looked down at her, curious. She knew he'd ask anyway, so she continued, "I thought Profane lords couldn't be trusted. By anyone."

Kariz gave her a noncommittal shrug, "Partly an elven excuse to refuse to treat with us, but sometimes true, as with any lord." Antariel realized he was right. Where would one find only trustworthy lords? Certainly not on Eltanor. "I find deceit a necessary tool, from time to time, but rarely do I need to employ it against allies. If I have agreed to a thing, going back on it would imply I agreed against my will. Thus, I rarely see a reason to go back on what I have said," he smirked, "Especially if I agreed to the utter destruction of everything my enemy holds dear." He glanced down at her. "That one I rarely go back on."

Antariel nodded, still trying to keep her breath steady. So, he had plans for the minotaur, and the minotaur's forces. They weren't even his forces, just here temporarily? But why house them? The conversation answered some questions but raised even more.

"To your point, it is why I have such an insistence on honesty, especially from those who wish to deal with me instead of fight me," Kariz stopped moving. Antariel realized they were before a large iron door.

The iron door slowly opened to reveal a massive table, filled with food of all varieties. Suckling pigs, birds, fruit, meats, breads, cakes, creamy sauces and bottles of wine. Antariel gasped, having never seen anything like it. Though... something about the spread did seem familiar, like something out of a dream.

"You must be hungry," Kariz let her go as she stepped forward. Antariel's stomach growled in response, which caused her to blush in embarrassment and Kariz to let out a laugh. "I see," he grinned as though responding to her.

"My apologies, Kariz," she lowered her gaze. She wondered if she could do anything right. It was so important and she was constantly making mistakes.

Kariz walked up to her and slowly put a hand on her waist. The familiarity of his touch pained the princess, while the rest of her ached for it. She slowly turned to look up at him, not wanting the kindness he was showing her. The kindness confused her as much as the warm smile on his face.  "Never apologize for your needs -- or your urges. They are as much a part of you as your beautiful eyes, or your bright hair. You should embrace them."

Antariel nodded but tried not to heed the advice from the Profane lord too much. What he said was wrong, according to the elves that had raised her. But she couldn't deny that her hunger was quite real. It felt like it had been weeks since she'd eaten.

Kariz slowly walked the length of the table and Antariel followed. She could hardly stand to tear her eyes off the food, before she glanced over at his muscular back, and... and lower back. His firm lower back looked like a sculpture. She swallowed as her stomach did more flips, and she tried to push down her ever-present arousal.

Kariz took his seat at the head of the table and she took the first seat to his right. He watched her for a moment and gestured, "Eat your fill, as much as you'd like."

Antariel swallowed and stared at the food. In front of her was a pile of pork meat, flowing out of suckling pig. She wondered if maybe it was poison? She glanced at Kariz, who chuckled from the look.

"My dear Antariel, if I wanted to poison you," he smirked, again as though he could read her like an open book, "I would've held you down and made you drink it. I have no need for subterfuge here. This food will not make you sick." A brief pause, "Well, unless you eat all of it. That might make you sick."

Antariel smiled and nodded, taking some of the meat. After a moment, some nymphs walked into the room and began serving food and pouring wines.

"So, you walked here," Kariz resumed their conversation from earlier. "From Eltanor."

Antariel swallowed her bite, took a drink of wine, and nodded. "Well, a wagon most of the way. Then our wagon was attacked," she said, the memory filled her with confusion and sadness. "The elite troops we were with... they were killed."

"Who attacked you?" Kariz took a sip of wine and watched her intently.

"I..." Antariel thought back. "I recognized her, though I don't know how. She was leading... '' she looked around, not knowing if any were around, "Some krazthorh." She paused and added, "And some other monsters... a... winged creature. That looked like a lion."