Falling Slowly


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"Alright, Nicky-boy. You want some milk."

At this point, anything to make him feel better was a godsend. "Yes please."


The next few nights passed fairly uneventfully. Nick didn't mess his diapers, but did wake up each day wet. The wetting hadn't woken him up in the night in several days now, which was worrying him. Was he somehow becoming even less sensitized to his body's waste process?

Several days later, he was sitting on the couch upstairs, watching the end of a show that had been on during lunch. Julie, perhaps feeling bad for him, had given him a glass of milk during lunch, which was a first. Usually he had to wait until evening to get this, and he'd drank it greedily.

Sitting there on the couch, he started to nod off. Julie was upstairs, and he had been working quite hard all morning. He was tired.

Napping there, he began to dream. He dreamt of Julie, this time nearly nude, wearing only panties and bra to contain her beautiful breasts. In this dream, she came to him, caressing his chest and whispering in his ear. "Nicky-boy, come to me." she said, pulling his head to her breasts.

As if by design, Nick felt his lips wrapping around her breast and she lifted her bra over her shoulders with her other hand. In seconds, he'd started a sucking motion, which filled him with a warmth tickling down from his mouth to his chest to his-

To his dick.

He jumped awake, in the midst of massively wetting his pants on the couch. He screamed, and jumped up, running to the nearest bathroom on the main floor.

It was far too late. When he arrived, his pants were entirely soaked, and the puddle was no longer growing. He began to cry.

For several minutes, he wept in front of the mirror, devastated by the image of him in soaked jeans desperately in need of a diaper. What was happening to him?

"Nick?" he heard Julie call from the main room. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." he said through tears.

"Can you come here?"

He brushed his eyes dry as best he could, and grabbed a towel off the wall to wrap his jeans in. He still felt soaked, but maybe this would help with dripping. The floor in this room was wood anyway--easier to clean.

He stepped out to see Julie kneeling over the couch, scrubbing at the wet patch with a rag and a bottle of furniture cleaner. She turned to look at him, and pity came across her face. She could tell he had been crying.

"Oh, Nicky-baby, did you have an accident?"

"Yes, but-but Julie... I don't know what happened!" he sounded like a blubbering crybaby, clearly on the verge of tears. Julie stood up, and approached him, arms outstretched. He went to return the gesture, but stopped when he spotted something on the floor near Julie. A diaper--one of the thinner ones he'd used when he'd first started wetting. "No, you're not making me wear that."

Julie's face wrinkled apologetically, and she shook her head slowly, with a hand on each of his shoulders. "Nick, you just peed all over my couch. I don't know what's going on either, but given the track record so far, it seems like this is the best plan. I want you to put this on in the bathroom. There's a shower in there you can use, and you can leave your wet jeans in there. I'll clean them up later."

Nick sniffled again, pushing his face into her chest and, for a moment, recalling the dream he'd been having when he'd wet. Intrusive thoughts of a bare-chested Julie made their way into his mind, causing blood to immediately rush from his dick. He shook the thoughts away, and picked up the diaper.

In the bathroom, he regarded himself pitifully. His pants were soaked--this was not a small wetting, though it luckily hadn't soaked all the way to his feet. As he peeled the wet jeans off of his legs, he winced at the slow, sticky noise of damp denim pulling away from skin.

The shower felt nice. The diaper did not though, and as he stepped out into the main room again, Julie went through her same motions, adjusting the tapes and pulling the legs tighter than he had managed. He looked at the couch, and saw a large, damp spot where Julie had been scrubbing. He felt awful.

"There you go, Nicky-boy. We'll just wear these lighter ones during the day for now. Same rules apply--if you can go a week without wetting once during the day, then we can talk about going back to your old underwear. Okay?"

"Okay." Nick said, sullenly.

"You need anything else Nick? Can I get you some more food?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm just going to go do some work in my room, I think."

"Okay Nick, I'll be up here if you need me."


He sat at his desk for most the day, peering out into the expansive backyard full of bare trees. The spring would soon bring a lot of greenery back to the area, but it was beautiful nonetheless. He'd put shorts on after coming back to his room, but every time he looked at his bulging crotch or heard the loud crinkling of the diaper that came with the slightest motion, he was reminded of his crippling embarrassment. "At least it's only Julie that knows," he thought. Surely, he could get all this sorted out before school started in a few months. There had to be a medicine or a surgery that would help him. He would go see a doctor, sometime soon.

The evening came quickly. Nick had finished up his work, and spent the rest of the evening playing video games on his PS5. Some hours into it, he felt an urge to pee and, knowing what that had started to mean, immediately stood up to run to the bathroom.

He was astonished at how quickly his body went from 0 to 60 on the urgency of the situation. He had stood up immediately, and by the time he was in the bathroom, he felt as if he was probably ten seconds away from pissing himself. Luckily, he was able to rip his diaper off in time, and made it to the toilet. "What is going on with me?" he thought to himself.

He soon finished up in the bathroom, and without thinking he went to open his underwear drawer. Much to his astonishment, the contents had changed. Rather than looking at the dark outline of several pairs of boxers, he was looking at a long, well-organized line of puffy white diapers. Two drawers were now full of these plastic prisons--one for nighttime and one for day.

"She must have swapped them out while I was showering upstairs." he realized, extremely frustrated at her callous behavior towards his private space.

"Julie?!" he called up the stairs.

She quickly called back. "Yes, Nick?"

"Did you go through my underwear drawer and take my things?"

"Oh, one minute honey. I'll be down in just a moment!"

In frustration, he plopped himself onto his bed after wrapping a towel around his bare lower half to ensure he was covered when Julie inevitably barged in. Sure enough, several minutes later, she came waltzing into the room like she owned the place. She did, he supposed.

"Sorry sweetie, I should have explained, but it totally slipped my mind. While you were cleaning up upstairs, I took the liberty of putting some of the smaller diapers in these drawers for you. There wasn't room for these and your things and I figured that, since you won't be needing your underwear anyway, I would put those in storage."

"You can't do that Julie! Those are my things. I want them back."

"Nick, you and I both know you're not happy about the situation, but frankly, I'm worried that if I put those boxer shorts in here, you're going to wear them when I'm not here. You've had a hard time following directions since you moved in here, and I want it to be clear that there will be no bending of the rules on this issue. Speaking of which, are you naked under that towel right now?"

Nick looked at himself on the bed, shirt and towel covering him. "Well, yeah, but I just used the toilet, and I didn't want to put the same diaper back on."

"Ahh, and you went to see if your underwear were still here, so you could wear them instead of being obedient?" Julie asked, her eyebrow raising in skepticism.

"No, I just... I just forgot I had to wear diapers, is all."

"That's exactly the thing I'm worried about. That you'll forget, or you'll feel overconfident, and then I'll have to pay for it in cleaning costs. I'm happy you made it to the toilet Nick, I really am, but from now on, you should come find me immediately afterwards to diaper you. Deal?"

Nick nodded his head sullenly. "Yes, Julie. I can do that."

"Okay. Let's get you ready for bed." Nick hadn't realized till now, but Julie had been holding the locking pair of plastic pants this whole time, and now she held them up, as if to tell him it was time.

"But it's only 9 o'clock" he protested. "I'm not going to bed yet."

"You don't need to go to bed now, but as long as we're putting a diaper on you, let's just get you ready for bed. It wouldn't make much sense to wear a daytime diaper for two hours, would it?" she replied. She had a point.

From the drawer, he grabbed one of the large nighttime diapers with little cartoon moons all over it and wandered into his bathroom. A few moments later, he emerged, and Julie did her work. Satisfied, she had him step into the plastic pants.

"Do we have to lock them up?" he asked. "I can just come find you if I have an accident that needs changing."

"Nick, if you're going to come find me anyway, what difference does it make if they're locked? I'll change you anytime, I promise. Just come knock on my door."

"But what if I wake up and have to go quickly?" he asked, recalling how urgently the need had come upon him earlier.

"Sweetie, when you're out of day diapers, then let's start worrying about the evening, alright?"

Her comment was a dagger to his heart. They weren't even pretending he had a shot of making it to the toilet at night. It was fair enough given his track record, but it still embarrassed him to no end.

She wasn't going to budge on the issue. Nick winced slightly as he heard the clasp lock, and felt Julie stick two fingers down the back of the diaper, tugging on it to ensure security. The nighttime diapers and plastic pants rode quite high on his hips, meaning they could have some slack at the top but still be too narrow to slide out of. "Good for checking accidents." Julie had said.

"Do you want your milk now or later?" Julie asked.

"You can bring it now." Nick said. If there was ever a time he needed a pick-me-up, it was now.

A few minutes later, she returned with the glass, and bade him goodnight. Soon after that, Nick's eyelids started to get heavy, and he powered down the playstation.


Late that night, Nick woke with a start. His stomach was grumbling, and he needed to find a toilet quickly.

He jumped out of bed, and went to stand, before feeling an overwhelming cramp and a push from his bowels that was trying to fill his pants. Using all the effort he could muster, he kept the explosion at bay, but he knew he didn't have long before it came back.

He ran into the bathroom, and flipped on the light. Off came his pants, and then he came to a horrible realization. He was locked into this diaper. And he was about to shit his pants.

The urge came back, causing him to double over in pain. His stomach growled angrily, as he made eye contact with himself in the mirror. He was not going to make it.

Another push came, and he felt his abdomen compress involuntarily, as if it was trying to make him defecate. This time the floodgates opened. In seconds, Nick felt his asshole dropping massive loads of shit into his diaper, all while he listened to the awful noise of the plastic expanding. Watching himself pitifully shit his diaper in the mirror was a moment he would not soon forget.

Next came the smell, assaulting his nose with the same odor he'd unfortunately woken up to some time ago. This had to be the worst smelling shit he'd had in a long time.

Within seconds, it was over. His diaper was now sagging tremendously between his legs. What's more, he now noticed that his crotch was stained yellow. He hadn't felt himself peeing just there, so he'd likely wet while asleep. His hopes for a recovery were fading.

Cautiously, he waddled out of the bathroom, and began his trek up two flights of stairs to find Julie, nearly forgetting to grab a fresh diaper. As he walked, he could feel the pile of mush gathering at the bottom of his crotch, weighing down the tapes fastened around his hips and collecting on his legs and dick. It took all he could not to shiver with disgust.

He arrived at her door, and cracked it open. "Julie?" he asked softly. "Julie, can I get your help?" For a moment, he felt as though he was speaking in an unusually childlike manner, but he brushed aside that concern. He had bigger things to figure out.

"Nicky-baby, is that you?" he heard her voice, and something in him felt relief. "Did you have an accident?"

He nodded, then realized the room was still dark. "Yeah, I did."

"Oh, did you go poopy in your panties?" she asked. Her childish language grated against him, but now wasn't the time to fight her.

"Yeah. Can you change me?"

"Of course baby." She flicked on her bedside lamp and stood up out of her covers. Nick's jaw dropped.

Julie was absolutely gorgeous. What's more, she was sleeping in very skimpy clothing. Her panties around her hips were thin and left very little to the imagination. Her brazier caused her perfect breasts to jut out ever so slightly from her chest, and her whole body was tanned and smooth-skinned. Even after sleeping, her hair retained a certain raucous messiness that looked incredibly sexy. As she jumped up from her bed, she lithely walked over to Nick, whose cock was hardening even as she began to speak.

"Go grab a towel from the bathroom. I'll get the wipes and powder."

He did as she asked, and she gestured for him to lay on it when he returned. He protested. "Julie, I can change the diaper. I just need you to unlock it, and I'll get cleaned up."

"And then what?" she asked. "I'm just supposed to wait a half hour for you to shower and wipe yourself off?"

"Well, no, I-" but she cut him off.

"Lay down Nick. It's nothing I haven't seen before. Besides, I'll have a better shot at making sure we don't miss anything while cleaning you up."

Nick's dick continued to harden at the thought of her wiping his crotch in her current outfit. "Julie, I don't think it's a good idea. Can I just have the pant's unlocked? I promise I'll be quick."

At this, she became quite stern. "Nick, you will put your butt on this towel, or you will receive the spanking of your life and I will not change you till morning. Let's get this over with so we can both go back to bed."

Reluctantly, Nick nodded, and began to sit down on the towel. For a moment, the shock had made him forget his pants were full of shit, but he was quickly reminded as he sat down on the towel, causing the mess to spread up his backside.

"Good boy." she said, and for some reason, that caused a stirring in Nick's heart that made him feel it was all going to be okay.

She pushed him back on the towel, but he couldn't take his eyes off of her, looking at her breasts hanging down as she knelt over him. The swayed slightly as she unlocked the pants and began to unfasten the tapes. Her hand brushed over the part of his diaper that covered his dick, and he shivered slightly.

She smiled at that. "Do we have a naughty little boy on our hands here?" she asked in a sing-song voice, returning her hand to grab at his dick through the soiled diaper.

"Oh, lets see!"

She pulled back the unfastened front of the diaper, letting his cock spring up. "We do have a naughty boy on our hands. Too bad naughty boy is in a dirty diaper. Otherwise he might have a shot!" Her words were torture to his ears, though she almost sang them in a very sweet voice.

Desperately, he asked "You- you think I would have had a shot?"

As she began to wipe his cock and balls, she replied. "Oh, Nick, I'm not a fool. I know I'm beautiful, and I've had my fair share of tenants with whom the relationship became something a bit more than professional. When you first arrived, I thought you were quite handsome, and while I wasn't trying to rush things, I was open to ideas." This last line, she said with a smile before continuing. "Of course, that changed pretty quick, didn't it, baby boy?"

It was dim in the room, but Nick was certain she could see him blushing. He'd never been this embarrassed before. He'd thought she was a smokeshow when he'd arrived--the idea that his incontinence had ruined that potential as well was almost too much for him to take.

The two sat there silently as Julie did her work. She wiped quickly, not shying away from sensitive spots, but never taking more time than needed. She soon tossed the wipes into his soiled diaper, and wrapped it up, before setting it next to him. "Put that in your diaper pail, okay?"

He nodded. She then opened up the next diaper, pushing up his legs again to lift his buttocks off the towel. In it slid, and she expertly fastened up the tapes after shaking a bit of baby powder onto his genitals. "We can't have baby getting a rash, can we?" she said, again nearly singing.

Soon, he was wrapped up in a new diaper and locked pants, and Julie leaned forward to kiss his forehead as he lay on the floor. For a moment, her breasts seemed in reach of his lips and he could swear they started to instinctually pucker up, as if trying to suckle. She drew back quickly though, and didn't seem to notice.

She helped him up, and patted his bum through the many layers. "Sleep tight, okay buddy?"

"Okay, Julie." Nick had never felt so emasculated. He returned to his room, and tried to sleep off the embarrassment.


Nick woke up dry the next day, for the first time in many days. Of course, he had shit his pants the prior night, so it was something of a hollow victory.

When he awoke, his mind immediately returned to Julie, wearing her skimpy underwear and kneeling over top of him. For some reason, he couldn't shake the fantasy of her holding his head to her breast while he suckled at her teat.

Unconsciously, his hand dropped to his crotch, and he began rubbing at his now-hard dick through his diaper. He couldn't stop, the feeling was so strong. Fantasies played through his mind. Julie's breasts, revealed from behind her bra. A hand cupping his diaper as she held him to her chest. A small swat on his bum, and a wide smile as she looked down at her darling boy.

He began to furiously masturbate, and maintained the motion of rubbing over his diaper for several minutes, the loud crinkling making obvious what he was doing under the covers. In the back of his mind, a small concern made itself known, noting that his hard dick felt smaller than it usually did, but in the heat of the moment, Nick's mind ended up going elsewhere.

Finally, far quicker than he would have expected, he felt his release into the confines of his diaper. "Oh well. I'm going to be changed soon anyway."

"Enjoying yourself?" Julie's voice called from the other side of the room?

Nick jumped in his bed. "How long have you been there?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Maybe 30 seconds. I have some men moving some furniture around, and one piece is coming in here. I wanted to give you some warning." As she said this, Nick heard the noise of several men grunting upstairs.

"They're coming in here?"

"Yep. In a minute or two. Is your diaper wet?"

"No." Nick replied. He hated that she could ask that so directly.

"Good! That's excellent news. Well, I'm going to guide them down here as soon as they get through the front door." At this, she stepped away before he could ask what they were bringing down.

"Well, I don't want them seeing me like this." He had neglected to put pants on over his diaper the prior night, and so his bare legs were mostly exposed under the covers. Rather than remaining here, he wandered into the bathroom to wait out the arrival.