Fallout 04: Choices

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Cheating wife pays for bad choices.
10.4k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/19/2021
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This is the fourth installment of a new series called, "Fallout" that deals with the consequences of cheating. The current plan is that each entry in the series can be read as a separate story.

The following was inspired by stevessv's 2018 story, "Five Nude Men And My Wife" about a wife who denigrates and humiliates her husband while on an outing with her sister. The names have been changed and the outcome is different, but the basic premise remains. Rose Carlson was first featured in my series, "Rules."

Many thanks to those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my previous stories. For those who want to say this or that would never happen, remember this is my universe, a place where nearly anything can, and often does, happen. At least on paper...

Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc. (Yes, I DO moderate comments) And please remember, this is a work of fiction, not a docu-drama...


I couldn't believe the bullshit that Nikki, my wife of seven years, had just thrown in my face. In the space of just a couple minutes, I learned just how little she really thought of me. Here we are at a mountaintop resort attending a four-day bachelorette gala for her older sister Kirsten, who was getting ready to marry for the third time. I couldn't help but wonder how she managed to sucker her current fiance. Was it her money, or did she threaten to sue him?

I figured that being a lawyer, she no doubt had him sign the mother of all prenuptial agreements, probably while undergoing some form of medieval torture. The previous day -- Wednesday -- we decided to take advantage of one of the public hot tubs the facility offered.

Kirsten had warned there might be nude men in the hot tubs earlier that day. I thought she was just pulling our legs, but she wasn't. It seemed the hot tubs here were clothing-optional. After we got in the water, I noticed the five guys across from us appeared to be nude. My assessment proved to be correct when they got out of the tub, dried off and sat in their lounge chairs, not caring that they were exposing themselves to us.

One guy, however, a tall, muscular man with long hair tied in a ponytail, laid on the grass next to the hot tub on his side with one leg up. His cock looked to be huge as it hung between his legs. I noticed Nikki staring at him, her eyes glazed.

I suppose I should back up and tell you a bit about us. My name is Ned Carson, and my wife is Nikki. I'm 39 years old, and she's considerably younger, having just turned 32. I used to be a police officer, but was wounded in the line of duty. As a result of my injuries -- I was shot several times -- I was given a medical discharge. That was before I met Nikki. She was one of the physical therapists who worked with me, helping me learn to walk all over again.

I still have a hard time walking very far, but I manage to get around. After my discharge, I became a private investigator. Fortunately, most of my work is done either behind a desk or in the front seat of my car, and there's very little running involved. I worked with one of the best for several years until he died of a heart attack. After his death, I took over the day-to-day operation, answering to my former boss's partner.

Nikki and I dated for some time, fell in love and got married. The first five years of our marriage were great -- at least I thought so. A couple years ago, however, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. Of course my two-pack-a-day cigarette habit didn't help matters much. Thanks in part to the medications I had for my diabetes and cholesterol, I found that I wasn't able to perform sexually the way I used to. I even tried to quit smoking, but all that did was make me irritable.

At first, Nikki said she understood, and we did the best we could. Even if I couldn't maintain an erection for very long, I still satisfied her with my tongue as best I could. She seemed to enjoy it, anyway, and I always made sure she got an orgasm.

But something changed in the last couple years. Slowly but surely, Nikki went from being a sweet, caring, loving woman to a shrew that I sometimes didn't recognize, constantly ordering me around and getting short-tempered at the drop of a hat. It seemed nothing I did satisfied her anymore. To top that off, our love life in the last year dwindled to almost nothing. I did what I could to keep her happy, but it seemed that had become a lost cause.

I hoped that this little trip to the mountain resort might renew the spark between us. But it was becoming clear to me that it was a lost cause. As I looked at the man deliberately exposing himself to Nikki without a care in the world, I realized that he seemed somewhat familiar to me, but I just couldn't quite place him.

Earlier today -- Thursday -- Nikki said she was going shopping with her sister, so I decided to go play some golf. I got back a bit earlier than I had planned, took a shower and dressed. I hoped to take Nikki out for dinner and dancing later, as a possible prelude to sex. As I was getting dressed, Nikki came bounding into the room wearing a bathrobe. Her hair was wet and she appeared flushed. She sat on the bed and regarded me for a bit.

"I thought you were going shopping with Kirsten," I said.

"I changed my mind," she said. "I went to the hot tub instead."

"I can see that," I told her. "Were there any naked men out there today?"

"Oh, yes," she said with a smile. "The pony-tailed guy was there. Ramon Torres is his name. He does some kind of work with a movie studio out on the west coast. You'd really like him." That's when it hit me. I knew exactly who he was. Yes, Torres does work with a movie studio, but chances are you won't see his work on the big screen. That's because his work is a bit more... seedy.

"I take it you got to know this guy Ramon a bit," I said. She snorted at that.

"Yeah, I did," she said. "And some of his friends."

"I ... see," I said. "Did you have a good time?"

"The best time I've had in years," she said.

"Is that what you had in mind all along?" I asked. Her face changed, and I could tell the shrew was back.

"Yes, it is," she said. I looked at her and for a moment, I had no idea who this woman was. She looked at me before continuing. "You have no idea. For years you've been the only man I've ever gotten physical with. But the last two years have been hell on me. Here I am dying to get fucked, but you can't even get it up half the time."

"You know why," I said. "All these damn medications the doctor has me on. That's not my fault."

"Sure it is," she said. "All those years smoking, drinking, eating crap food, and lately you haven't gotten hardly any exercise. Now you're paying the price. And so am I. I need a MAN. Someone who has a nice big cock and a set of balls waiting to fill me up. Someone who doesn't cater to my every whim. I need someone who commands me to do what he wants. Not a desk-bound has-been who refuses to stand up to me."

I felt like I had just been punched in the gut. I couldn't believe what she was saying. I shook my head and wondered if this was all just a nightmare. She wasn't finished, however.

"You know what he did?" she asked with a sneer. "He ordered me to get naked right there in front of them all."

"And did you?" I asked.

"Of course I did," she said.

"And did you have sex with them as well?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She snickered as she tossed the robe off, revealing her nude body underneath. I could see the bruises and bite marks on her, saw her red, puffy pussy lips with semen dripping from her.

"Have sex?" she asked sarcastically. "No. I FUCKED them. All of them. I sucked their huge cocks and swallowed their cum. I licked their assholes and took their balls in my mouth. I let them all fuck me in the ass. I even took three of them on at the same time. And yes, I let them all cum inside my pussy. Why don't you come here and you can suck their cum out of me. You'd like that, wouldn't you? And you know what else?"

"No," I said quietly, trying to control my rage. "What?"

"They're all on their way here right now and they're going to fuck me senseless right here in this bed while you watch," she said. I got up and walked to the closet, where I grabbed my suitcase. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Are you going to run away like a little wimp?" I took a breath before answering and counted to ten.

I remembered now what it was about Ramon that set me off. It seemed he had a nasty habit of getting women hooked on sex and drugs. He then recruited those women into doing porn for him. Once he was finished with them, he usually turned them out onto the streets where they eked out a miserable existence as hookers, fucking anyone for their next fix. The guys in Vice had tried several times over the years -- unsuccessfully -- to bring him down.

"If you were smart, you'd run too," I said. "But you're not smart, are you? Stay and have your fling if you want, but no matter what, we're finished. Give your sister my regards." I finished packing my suitcase and headed for the door.

"What, you're going to just leave me?" she asked, a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, I'm leaving," I said. "I've had it with your bullshit. And I will not be your willing cuckold. Goodbye." With that, I turned and walked out. As I walked down the hallway, I saw Ramon and four of his buddies coming down the hallway. After they passed me, I called out to him.

"Ramon," I called. He turned and looked at me.

"Yeah, what do you want?" he asked. I took my wedding ring off and tossed it to him.

"You want her? She's yours," I said when he caught the ring. "I'm done with her." He smirked and pocketed the ring.

"Whatever, dude," he said. He snorted and turned back the way he was going. I went on out to the car, loaded up and drove off, stopping to buy a pack of cigarettes and a six pack of beer. At that point, I really didn't care if I lived or died, and I figured it was either smoke or break something. Three hours later, I was home. I had hoped Nikki would at least call and apologize, but she didn't. To hell with her, I thought to myself.

It was still fairly early, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. If Nikki thought she could just have her little gangbang and come home like nothing ever happened, she was out of her mind. I called a locksmith and arranged to have all the locks changed out on the house. I had to pay extra to have him come out late, but it was worth it to me.

I grabbed a beer and sat down on my back porch with a pad of paper and made up a list of things to do. I had worked on enough cases involving cheating spouses to know how it went. Usually, the husband got screwed, royally, while the wife ended up with half of everything. I also knew that I would not be able to file on the grounds of adultery, thanks to this being a "no-fault" state.

After making my list, I drank a couple more beers and smoked a few more cigarettes. Eventually, I went to bed, hoping to wake up and find this was all just a horrible nightmare. But that didn't happen.

The next morning, I got up and checked my phone, hoping against hope that Nikki would have come to her senses. But she didn't. There were no calls, no text messages, nothing. I downed a cup of coffee and called Nick Parsons, one of the main lawyers we did work for. After telling him what happened, he promised to work up the papers for divorce. We decided to have her served at her place of work on Monday for maximum impact.

"You know the drill, Ned," he told me. "Don't do anything stupid."

"You know me, Nick," I told him.

"Yeah, I do, and that's why I'm telling you not to do anything stupid," he said. "Talk to your boss and see if he can get someone out there to put eyes on your wife and Ramon. I don't want you involved in this at all. You got me? Stay as far away from it as you can."

"Yeah, I got it," I said. We ended the call and I dialed my boss, Paul Drake.

"Hey Ned, I thought you and that lovely wife of yours were up in the mountains," he said. "What's going on? Everything alright?"

"No, Paul, it's not," I said. He listened as I told him my story.

"Shit," he said when I finished. "I'm sorry to hear that. You want me to get someone up there to keep an eye on things?"

"Yeah, that'd be great," I said. "But it has to be someone Nikki doesn't know."

"I got it under control," he said. "I have been doing this for a while, you know. Do as Nick says and stay out of it for your own good. I'll get someone up there ASAP."

"Thanks, Paul, I appreciate it," I said as we ended the call. From there, it was off to the bank to take care of our accounts. I took out half and canceled her credit card. I thought about canceling her ATM card, but decided to leave it be so we could keep track of any charges she might make on it. I did reduce the amount she could pull out on a daily basis, however. Once I finished that, I went to another bank and opened an account in my name only.

I stopped at a diner and wolfed down a pastrami sandwich, then headed home. There really wasn't much more I could do but sit and wait. After a while, I decided it was time for me to take inventory of myself. I had to do something.

I stepped on my scale in the bathroom and took note of my weight -- 215 pounds. Then I looked at myself in the mirror. I still had a full head of hair, but I had developed something of a gut. And the muscles I used to have when I was in uniform had mostly turned to flab. No wonder Nikki didn't want to have sex with me anymore, I thought. Hell, I wouldn't want to have sex with me at this point.

I remembered the doctor telling me my diabetes would be easier to manage if I could get my weight below 200. He even gave me a dietary guide, but I had largely ignored it, thinking I was just too young for this sort of thing. Now, however, I had second thoughts. Maybe in a way Nikki was right -- I had let myself get in this condition. But dammit, she didn't have to do what she did. If she really loved me, I reasoned, she would've said something before now.

I decided right then and there things would change. Grabbing a phone book and my pack of smokes, I headed for the back porch and looked up gyms. I found one or two and decided to check them out. I was getting ready to leave when my phone rang. I saw it was a number I didn't recognize, but answered anyway.

"Carson," I said after answering. There was a female voice at the other end.

"Ned, where are you?" the woman asked. I recognized Kirsten's voice. We hadn't spoken much in the past, and I was a bit surprised that she called. "Nikki told me you left last night."

"Yeah, I left last night," I said. "Why?"

"Well, we were just wondering what happened," she said. "Nikki looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet. I've never seen her in such a state. Then she told me you two had a fight and you left. What happened?"

"Maybe you should have her tell you," I said.

"Is everything alright between you two?" she asked.

"No, it's not," I said. "Tell me, were you aware that Ramon Torres and his crew are at the resort?"

"Of course," she said. "They're providing the entertainment for our bachelorette party. I also had them bring a camera crew. Why?"

"Oh, nothing," I said. "So, you know the business he's in, right?"

"Yeah, I know," she said. "He came highly recommended."

"Did Nikki know as well?" I asked.

"Yeah, she knew," Kirsten said. "I told her. Frankly, I was a bit surprised when you showed up. This was just supposed to be a girl's thing, you know. But I figured if you two were into the whole 'hotwife and cuckold' thing, it wasn't really any of my business."

"So, you knew she intended to cuckold me?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "We all did. I thought, to each his own. Why? Is there a problem?"

"Nothing I can't deal with," I said, not wanting to tip my hand.

"Do you want me to have Nikki call you?" she asked.

"No need," I said.

"Alright," she said. "Listen, just let her have this, okay? I know she still loves you. When she's finished, she'll come back to you. It's only sex, after all."

"No, it's not," I told her. "It was a cold-hearted, cruel, calculated betrayal. And you helped facilitate it."

"Oh please, get off your high horse," she said. "It's just a weekend. You are coming back to pick her up on Sunday, aren't you?"

"No," I said. "She can find her own way back, but she won't be welcome." I could hear Kirsten gasp when I said that, but I really didn't care. To hell with all of them, I thought. "Goodbye, Kirsten," I added, ending the call. So, Nikki knew all along this was going to happen and had even planned it out in advance just to humiliate me. I felt like punching a hole in the wall.

I went to a gym instead, and spent time punching a bag, imagining it was Nikki and Ramon. I punched until I had no more strength in my arms and finally took a shower.

"You okay, Mac?" I heard a man ask as I dressed. I looked and saw one of the trainers standing there.

"Not really, but thanks for asking," I said.

"I saw you out there on that punching bag," he said. "I thought you were going to end up hurting yourself. Wanna talk about it?" What the hell, I thought. I sat down and took a breath. He sat down on the bench and waited patiently. I ended up telling him the whole story.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Mac," he said.

"Please, call me Ned," I said.

"Okay, Ned," he said in response. "Look, if you want to get back in shape, I can help you, but it sounds to me like you need to do more than just lose weight. If you like, I can recommend a good counselor." I looked at him and thought for a moment before answering. I realized he was right. I was a mess, both physically and emotionally.

"What the hell," I said. "Looks like I can use all the help I can get." He laughed and handed me a card. "Rose Carlson, counselor," it read.

"Give her a call," he said. "She's damn good, especially in cases like yours."

"Yeah, I'll do that," I said.

"In the meantime, I couldn't help but notice you tend to favor your right leg," he said. I explained my injuries from the shooting. He listened and nodded his head.

"I can help you with that, if you'd like," he said. "We can also help you with your diet and exercise regimen, but you'll have to commit to a long-term program. We have people here who specialize in people with diabetes. Are you willing to do that?" I thought about it before answering.

"Yeah," I said, nodding my head. I knew I had to do something, and fast.

"Good," he said. "C'mon, let's get you signed up. By the way, my name is John. John Greene." He held out a hand and I accepted it.

"Ned," I told him. "Ned Carson," I said.

"Carson," he repeated. "I've heard that name before. Wait, I remember now. You were the cop who saved my grandmother's life in that bank robbery. That was what, eight years ago or so?" That was the robbery where I had been shot. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"How is your grandmother, by the way?" I asked.

"She's doing quite well," John said. "Thank you for asking." He took me to the front desk and signed me up for a program he said would help me lose weight and regain my strength. He introduced me to several of his colleagues as the cop who saved his grandmother's life and they all thanked me for my service.

"Listen, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask," he said when we finished. "And please, make sure you contact Rose."

"I will, John," I said. "Thanks for everything." I left the gym feeling better than I had in some time. It felt good to be appreciated by someone for a change. When I got home, I called Rose and made an appointment for the following Tuesday.