Family Tradition of Bondage Pt. 05


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Mr. Franklin Whitman was in his office, finishing up a phone call to a very important client, oh and friend, who was worried about his corporate letters. He was stressing that with the business growth, he was too exposed liability wise and wondered if he should move the company overseas.

Franklin saw Carl at his door and waved him in gesturing to the chair that wasn't covered in documents and files, and finished up with his old friend, or client, or whatever.

Carl outlined the situation and handed the folder to Mr. Whitman, and saw Mr. Whitman smile and nod reading the narrative. It was concise, complete, and frankly, just what it was supposed to be.

"I understand our Ms Chenowith has a new gentleman friend Carl, do you know anything about him?" asked Franklin.

"No Sir, only his name, and he is apparently loaded to the gills." said Carl, "I believe Cheryl my Secretary told me his name was Robert Mason."

"Yes, that is the name I got too, Robert Mason, also from my Secretary. Apparently the Secretarial Grapevine has loved this one, Ms Chenowith has not only received a Rolex, I am assured retails at $24,000 and some change, but is driving a new Lexus also from this Mr. Mason."

"A watch and a car, nice." said Carl with a slight nod. "Apparently they are happy together, she had been well dressed and extremely cheerful this week."

"That's good, a happy employee does good work, and good work should be recognized." said Franklin admitting that this was very good work. Sherri had even considered the Public Relations value and who to get to monitor the Bird Sanctuary for free. God Damn that was lawyer like thinking.

"Do you think she would be insulted or otherwise made uncomfortable if I invited her new romantic interest and her to dinner to celebrate this coup Carl?" asked Franklin. His goal was twofold. First, by giving her the credit and fruits of her labor, Franklin would encourage her to keep good work like this coming. Second, it would give him a chance to meet this Robert Mason who was apparently loaded, and would need a firm to take care of his taxes, and why not the firm where his Girlfriend was respected and lauded by her superiors.

"No Sir, I believe such an invitation would be quite welcome." said Carl.

Franklin glanced at his watch, a Bulova, and then said "It's after two, she should be in her office, let's go down and congratulate her and I'll invite her to dinner. Oh and Carl, this was excellent work on your part. You recognized the potential and supervised it with due attention to detail." Franklin knew Carl would want an invitation, and figured he would settle for the recognition. Carl was a good grunt work guy, but not too inventive.

Carl beamed at the compliment, he had gotten some of the limelight after all.

Sherri was looking at another file, she had gotten a letter from the County Tax assessor of another client and was researching the decision to see if it was warranted or not, it looked warranted, however she was checking to see if the tax value had gone up around the county, or just with her client.

She looked up when Carl came in ushering Mr. Whitman to a chair before her. She stood and greeted him, as her Master had instructed her to do, and then sat with him.

"Sherri, I wanted to tell you what a good job that was on the Cenotaph thing." Mr. Whitman told her.

"Thank you sir, I wanted to see the site in my head, and used Google to show me where it was, I saw it crossed the demonstrated State line, and then the rest fell into place." she demurely told him.

"As a token of my appreciation for such fine work, I would like to invite you, and forgive me, but the rumor mill says you have a new boyfriend, and him, to dinner at the Country Club tonight. They do a lovely Prime Rib on Thursday night."

Sherri was very surprised, she hadn't expected a personal visit, and damn sure hadn't hoped to be dining at the Country Club, what she had hoped for was to be tied up and whipped to a furious level of arousal, but that could wait. "Certainly sir, I'll call Robert and make sure he's free, I don't think he has any plans though." she said.

"Great, let me know if he can make it, and if he can't please come yourself. My wife would love to meet you." said Franklin, rising and taking his leave. Sherri saw him to the door and then called Robert on her Cell Phone. "We have been invited to dinner at the Country Club at 7:30 by the Founding Partner, if you can make it, the invitation is for us, if not, then I am still invited."

Robert smiled and said "Sure we can make it, please let the Founding Partner, Mr. Whitman know that we will meet him for drinks at 7. Oh, Sherri, you are going to want to leave at 4:30 to get ready."

"Do I have anything to wear? I don't know what to wear to a Country Club dinner." said Sherri, giving voice to her fears.

"Sure, I'll put a leash and nipple clamps on you and you'll look fine. Don't worry, I know what to do, and yes, we have cloths for this. What do you think the training was for? So you could pass without any social errors. I wasn't planning on doing it yet, but the Country Club will be fine, trust your Master." Robert said.

Sherri smiled, glanced around and whispered "Yes Master" and rung off.

She told Lisa she was leaving early, had dinner with the boss at 7:30. She told Carl that she was leaving early to go get ready for the Dinner, she smiled at him and thanked him for taking it to Mr. Whitman.

She put in another two hours, and then practically ran down the stairs to the front of the building and walked quickly to her car and rushed home to her Master. She was excited, and proud, and wanted to hug and thank him. Perhaps he would let her suck him before dinner, kind of an appetizer. She smiled at the thought. Her whole life was completely changed, and she didn't know where to begin to understand it all. She was happy, success was approaching the door, and she was in love. Now she was dining at a Country Club with the Founding Partner and her Master. Not even one week and already she was moving up that ladder.

Sherri suddenly realized something, she was moving up the ladder, and it led away from here, away from him. Would he come to New York, or Chicago, or LA with her? Would he leave his businesses for her? Would they have time, she knew the attorneys at those big firms put in 50 or 60 hours a week instead of the 40 or 45 she normally put in. Would they have time to enjoy themselves as they had been?

She decided that to worry about this now, when no offers of any job anywhere was stupid, and she should do as instructed, trust her Master. He loved her, and she loved him. She knew she would never be sent away from him.

Sherri rushed to the house, to her Master and found him in her room picking her clothing for her. She fell to her knees and said "Thank you Master, you have made your slave very proud" she had been wanting to thank him properly all afternoon and had chosen those words as proper to her Master.

"Slave, you did the work, all I did was set up the test. You earned this recognition." said Robert touching her cheek.

Sherri looked hungrily at his crotch, and he smiled "Later my slave" then he said in a more commanding tone "You have work to do, now get showered and wash and condition your hair. We need to leave in an 90 minutes to get there on time."

Sherri jumped up and rushed into her bathroom, leaving the door open as her instructions demanded. She felt no shame, he knew her intimately and knew all of her. She showered and did as instructed, making sure to shave herself, both her legs, and her pubic region. She loved the sight of her nude pussy, it was wonderful, and she loved when she looked down and saw his eyebrows poking up.

She came out and began working her hair, standing nude before the mirror. Robert came and helped her, and laid out her undergarments. She put the thong and bra on, then the slip he had gotten her. She put the makeup on, foundation, easy on with a touch of blush, and of course, lipstick. She was nervous, but she knew her Master would take care of things. She put on her stockings, she wasn't allowed pantyhose. She then put on her dress and her shoes. She had 15 minutes left to prepare. Robert began talking and told her what to expect.

"First we will have drinks in the bar waiting for dinner to be served at 7:30, it's Thursday, so they will serve Prime Rib as the entree of choice. Have a glass of wine before dinner, wine with dinner is fine, the red they serve is usually ok, not great, but ok, and after dinner if there are drinks, choose a small sherry. The conversation will be light, nothing major, act like you belong, and people assume you do." Robert told her as he put his jacket on.

Sherri saw he was wearing a suit similar to the one he wore that Saturday he saved her life. It was a dark blue pinstripe, with a bright blue tie over a white shirt. He looked handsome and she loved him for taking this effort for her.

"Master, I will try and not embarrass you." she said.

"Sherri, you will be fine, these people are all phonies. You will see, there will be a couple Julia Roberts wannabe types, a couple Meg Ryan types, and other women who will try and be someone else. Jennifer Lopez was popular a year ago, everyone had big hair and exposed cleavage." Robert replied.

"You've been to the Country Club Master?" Sherri asked.

"Yes, I'm a member, usually I go on Sunday for the Brunch, they do a nice layout. I occasionally play golf, and will agree to play a round with the Senior Partner, and he'll win." Robert said.

Sherri smiled, knowing he was doing it for her. "You shouldn't lose Master, you should beat him."

"No, I don't play enough to be in good practice, and on the course I'll agree to send some business to him. It's the way they do business." Robert said escorting her to his car.

They drove to the Country Club and Sherri felt good. Robert had assured her it would be fine, and she knew it would be, because he said it would. He had earned her trust.

They arrived and Robert checked them in at the desk, and they went to the bar and Sherri took a small glass of wine from the waiter. Robert began talking to her.

"OK, now you see, the men all have suits on, we men are happy to look the same, it means we didn't screw it up." Robert told her.

Sherri giggled a bit and nodded her understanding.

"So the women on the other hand, hate it if they are wearing the same dress as someone else, and they always wear dresses here. No one will be wearing your dress, it's been imported from Italy, and won't be available here for some time." Robert told her "Look around, and you will see all the Women are basically Gold diggers, they are here because their boyfriends or husbands are here, and they are designed to be eye candy. They have about as much conversational ability as the bar stool."

Sherri looked around, lot's of blonds, leggy, tall, and with large bosoms. Several Julia Roberts wannabe types, and two who looked vaguely like Meg Ryan. "Is it me, or does Julia have a huge following here?"

"It's not you, it's the same everywhere. In New York you will see dozens of them at every function." Robert replied

Sherri spotted Mr. Whitman enter and pointed him out gracefully using the techniques taught to her by Robert. Mr. Whitman spotted her then too and waved and escorted a woman who must be his wife.

"Sherri, glad to see you made it, and this must be Robert Mason." said Franklin extending his hand "I'm Franklin Whitman."

"Yes Sir, and you must be the famous founding partner I have heard so much about." Robert took his hand and they shook like long lost friends.

The rest of the introductions were performed, Robert shook hands with Mrs. Whitman, and then Sherri followed his lead, shaking hands and saying how pleased she was to meet her.

"I was worried that you hadn't made it, the desk man didn't show that my guests had arrived." said Franklin next.

"My fault sir, I'm a member too, and just checked us in myself. I apologize for causing you the concern." Robert said.

"Oh, well if you're a member, then I expect to be bumping into you here more often." said Franklin

Sherri was amazed as she watched Robert stroking him like a pro, smoothed over any minor thing with a calm and charming manner. Sure enough she thought, he will be golfing with Franklin next week like they are long lost friends. Sherri suddenly felt dirty, like this was something she shouldn't be doing. She was watching the Founding Partner schmooze her boyfriend, no her Master, so a firm of mediocre lawyers could earn a living doing the taxes of one of his businesses.

Sherri pushed the feeling away, this is how business is done. They finished their drinks and went into dinner.

Dinner was excellent. She didn't make any mistakes she was aware of, she used the right fork, and the right glass all the way through. She listened to the conversation, Robert was fairly vague about his businesses, however he told her something important.

"I may be looking you up Franklin, my security company just landed the contract for exterior security of NASA's Houston facility." Robert said, "We just got the word this afternoon, it was announced and we have three months to pick it up." He turned to Sherri "Sorry love, but I'm going to have to leave you for a few days in a week or two."

Sherri was happy he got the contract, but devastated at the thought of being away from him for a week. Could she do it? Two weeks ago, she didn't know he existed, a week ago, she was disappointed he hadn't called and asked for a date, now she was terrified of him leaving her for a few days. She raised her glass and congratulated him for winning the contract.

"Looking us up? I guess the interstate regulations and interlocking income laws could be problematic." Franklin allowed, and Sherri swore she saw dollar signs in his eyes.

"Possibly, I don't know enough to even ask for advice yet, but in a week or two I should know more." Robert said.

The Mayor stopped by the table and shook hands, first with Robert Sherri noted, and then with Franklin. He was introduced around and informed of the reason for the dinner. He congratulated Sherri and hoped to be hearing more about her. The mayor then excused himself and moved to another table of the powerful people whom he would need to support his re-election campaign.

Sherri forced herself to keep from rolling her eyes.

Dinner ended and they took drinks in the bar. They toasted Sherri's coup, and Roberts success. Robert wished Franklin success with the new account. "I am sure that the company will be in contact with you all soon if you saved them as much as you told me." Robert said.

They parted company and Robert took her to the valet parking stand and waited for the car. Franklin hadn't come out yet, and Sherri wondered why.

In the car she finally asked. "Why didn't they come out right after us?" asked Sherri, "I thought they were leaving too."

"Right now Franklin is pumping the Membership board folks for all the information on me that he can get. He won't get as much as he thinks he is, but he will learn a little." Robert told her. "The little that the membership board knows is what I don't mind people knowing about me."

"And that is?" asked Sherri curious.

"He will find I own the Security Company we talked about, Luxury Limo, and three other business interests that the membership board knows about." Robert said smiling. "Nothing I don't mind people knowing."

"Master, why do you keep so much hidden from everyone?" she asked.

"The more people know, the better they think they know you. They push you for everything. Support this candidate, donate to that man, consider running for office, right this wrong." Robert said. "You saw the Mayor, he couldn't wait to shake my hand and let me know he remembered me. He was just inches from asking for another donation to his campaign."

"I hate to admit this, but since Saturday Morning, I haven't felt dirty until now." Sherri said softly.

Robert looked at her and said softly "Babe, you are going to have to get used to them, because they are everywhere. People like that run the country, and people like that run just about every business."

"So once you get to that level, you have to be phony?" asked Sherri.

"No, I'm not, I schmooze them sure, but do what I think is right." said Robert. "There are a few others, and I know them, and they know me. We have a circle of sorts, a kind of underground moral business mans group." he laughed.

Sherri laughed softly and shook her head.

"It's ok, you play the game, make a small difference here and there, and you do what you can." Robert told her.

They arrived home, and Sherri joined him on the driveway, and then followed him inside. They entered the house and stared at each other for a moment. Sherri nodded and said the one thing that she knew he wanted to hear. "Yes Master".

Robert took her into his arms, and kissed her. She grabbed his head and drug him down on top of her. She needed him now. She spread her legs as he ran his hand up her thigh, up inside of her dress and slip. The panties came off in a single pull, straps dangling broken and torn. She struggled to get him out of his jacket and tie, needing him naked against her. Needing to feel him pull her bare body to his. In a minute, they were both naked, her bra having been tossed over the couch. They were on the floor feeling the passion and feeling each other. He pounded her, and she worried about carpet burns on her back. In another minute, she wasn't worried about he carpet burns as her orgasm gripped her.

After he had climaxed himself, he picked her up and carried her naked form upstairs to his bed. They made slow and passionate love for quite some time, and then fell asleep exhausted and spent.

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SashiraSashiraover 6 years ago
such a short time

she's mind controlled. totally submissive, lost her personality unbelievable fake fake fake she left her home everything in it not even a souvenir from her old life her past not even a photo album a family heirloom nothing the character is hollow

SylithSylithabout 8 years ago
Nature vs Nurture but it still comes down to the Money

It is an age old argument but while I liked My fair lady, it was a movie and Audrey was a true lady. Jack London on the other hand wrote a fascinating book on a young man from the slums who was educated and given access to all the finest things yet he killed himself because he couldn't fit into any world.

I know a woman who went from rags to riches and stayed with the culture their entire lives but I wonder now if the intensely private nature is from being afraid to expose who she really was rather than from desire to be isolated despite being a frequent and marvelous hostess??

'There's a little bit of fruitcake in every one of us' and if never making the top, always paying half and not hiding from the cost (there is always a cost) or spending beyond your means leads to missing the elitest lifestyle, well, thats a choice that must be made by those who are granted the option of choice..

Sherrie is trapped by her guilt but is she painting a Dorien Grey right now?

There may not be any great options left to her but she shouldn't be fooling herself that there are because the truth might break her

joodlejoodlealmost 12 years ago
Engaging again

I love the strong content of this story... just wish the graphic/erotic portion wasn't so rushed and the descriptions are a bit unclear. When she is restrained, is she laying down, or hanging from the ceiling, or what? Restraining, as you know, can mean any number of things. There is a somewhat unclear picture during the love and torture scenes. I wish that the sexual content could have the clarity of the story foundation/plot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Clearly Seen visible Panty Lines!

I liked when the jealous secretary, Lisa watched Sherri walk into her office and her mouth opened. Shit, she doesn't have those horrible panty lines she usually has or she isn't wearing any, or is wearing a thong. If only she knew that under those pants she had a bright red blistered bottom warming her panty seat from before she left work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Just loving it

Great read and very engrossing, but just slightly sorry she so totally capitulated mentally so soon. It would have seemed a bit more real if she still had to fight her usual reactions to give in for longer, at least sometimes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Certainly a fun read

A great read. We will certainly look forward to more. You have certainly played the game

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