Famous Words


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"Honestly I had no clue. I'm about to go into a board meeting over this. "Charles Smith said. "I didn't even know they were lovers until this hit. Now I understand why both of you asked the questions you did. In your situation, I would too. I don't know what the boards going to decide. Was it you or your daughter who asked for the court order demanding that we not be allowed to fire them?"

"It was my daughter Dianne she is in grade twelve and took law as an elective," I said with pride.

"Tell her I don't like my hands being tied." He said with a laugh." She made our legal teams look like incompetent fools. If it was not for the court order right now, both Silvia and Mira would be gone. I thank for your chat now I can be honest with what I know."

I had a huge smile on my face when Rebecka came in, so I had to explain why.

"You realize Dean that he might have been lying to feel you out," Rebecka said.

"Why do you think I told him about Silvia and Mira emails. If he knew about them and found out that I had copied them, it reinforces that the two of them were working together to defraud me. If he didn't, he soon will have copies in his hands." I explained. "He can't prove that we got the media involved because if it had of been us it would have been brought out by the media.

"Dean be careful they will be looking for any legal hook they can to squeak out of this." Rebecka reminded him.

Amy Bronson had just got off the phone with Mira Roberts. The phone call was surprisingly smooth. Both had kept it professional. Amy could tell that Mira was shocked to find out that the house was being sold. Amy explained that after this coming weekend she would appreciate that Mira gets what she wanted out as quickly as possible as she needs to know what was included with the sale of the house. Mira was surprised to learn that after the closing the cheque would be made out to the lawyers to be held until the divorce was over. Mira had asked her how Dean was handling it. Amy had refused to answer her but told her that her soon to be ex-husband and her daughters were forced to move out because of the mass media. Amy wanted Mira to be painfully aware of what damage she was causing to the rest of her family.

The board of directors had been in a closed-door meeting for hours. The share value was still bleeding. The head of their legal team had to take them through everything step by step. It was clear that as long as these court cases were unresolved Silvia and Mira could not be terminated. Hell, they couldn't even transfer them to other positions. The board decided on the course of trying mediation first before going to court on all issues except the divorce of Mira and Dean Roberts. A statement would be written to be released to the media to cool things down.

Going through the mass media scrum to get out of their driveway was a nightmare for the two female lovers. Someone had caught an image of Mira with a shocked look on her face sending it out on Instagram with the caption the moment you're caught. It led to a full-page story about the whole situation naming unnamed sources. Mira learned from the papers that none of her family wanted nothing to do with her because of the damage her conduct had caused. Silvia said it would take time for things to settle down before they could start working things out.

I was surprised to get an advance copy of Sun America life statement it disclosed that the board of directors of Sun America life had admitted that the only reason Silva and Mira were not terminated was because of the court order forcing them to keep them in their position until the court issues are resolved. They went into a long attempt to sway the public opinion while stressing they did not condone the deliberate attempt of any adult to try to corrupt a minor child. What happened, in this case, may never be known but the appearance of this ongoing situation makes it clear that it must be resolved that is why we are going into mediation at once.

I called my dad who put the order in to sell his stock. It turned out to be the right move. I went to pick up my daughters up. It appeared we were no longer the front page. The other side was. We went to our house and began packing up what we wanted to keep. It hurt to see my daughter leaving the personal items that their mother had given them behind. Rebecka was right. Their wounds were deep, and it would take a long time for them to heal if ever. We were going to stay with my parents until we found a new place. This place made it to hard on all of us to ever live here again. We worked until we could take no more, so it took us to Friday to get it done. On Saturday Dad and I moved it into storage. Somehow, we were surviving.

Silva was angry at her father because the board of directors had hung them out to dry. Both Mira and she were informed that as soon as the cases were resolved they were gone. As soon as they were informed, they both started job hunting. So far, their prospects didn't look good.

Saturday Morning well my daughters and I were looking at houses with Amy Bronson she informed me that Mira would be flying in next weekend to pack up and arrange for the shipping of what she wanted. She had taken a few through it but most wanted to see what would be remaining before they made any decision. I broke the news to the girls that night.

Sunday my three girls went out Dianne was driving them; Karen Wilson and I went out for an afternoon lunch. I had learned for Silvia's father that Mira and she were coming out next Friday. I was worried that my headstrong daughter would confront her mother.

Karen and I were strolling through a mall I wanted to see the styles and quality of the furniture being sold in the retail market. That was when we ran into Jace and Janet Sexsmith Mira parents. We ended up having coffee from a booth and sitting together. Their family was devastated as much as ours was. I introduced them to Karen explaining our relationship. During the conversation with the four of us, I learned just how concerned my daughters were of me. All three of them had asked Karen to watch out for me. When we heard that, the in-laws and I teared up. We all agreed that if Mira was indeed a lesbian that none of us had known. I brought out that the children were wondering why they hadn't heard from them and learned that the grandparents thought they would remind them of their mother so had kept their distance.

Thursday, Amy Bronson took Karen and me out to see a newly listed place just listed on the market. It had five bedrooms with two masters a built-in pool with an outdoor kitchen. A three-bay garage with an open floor concept I loved. It was available because it was an estate sale. It also came with acreage. I put an offer in on the spot.

Late Friday night Silvia and Mira flew in. They took a taxi back to what had been our old home. It seems my three daughters had left a surprise for her. On top of a bunch of cuts up photographs, they had piled all those sentimental personnel items Mira had bought for them. They had wanted to send a message and it was received.

Saturday evening Karen the kids and I were having supper at Ruby Tuesday's when I saw Mira and the person, I assumed to be Silvia walk in. My daughter Dianne had gone to the washroom and didn't see them get seated. Karen and I notice as Dianne walked by that Mira said something. Whatever my daughter Dianne said to Mira it caused her to run out in tears. Karen with Silvia watching turned her head towards me giving me a very sensual kiss. We later learned that Mira had tried to communicate with her family but even to them it was too soon.

Mediation had failed we were going to court. Sun America Life appealed the court order and won because they had admitted responsibility publicly the court ruled; they had accepted responsibility the question was only for how much. Silvia and Mira were escorted out of the corporate building with their personal items the very next day. Her father was forced to resign as chairman of the board.

We bantered back and forth but we closed the deal. I got the house my daughters were thrilled. Karen worked with me to pick out the colors we wanted and had some of the floors redone.

My divorce was moving ahead, the old house was bought by a mysterious buyer for full asking price with a quick closure. Once signed off the lawyers held the funds in the trust.

Sun America Life decided on a judge only. It was a one-day hearing. The judge did not like the fact the corporation tried to downplay their responsibility because they could not control people's personal conduct. Our lawyers implied that because of the position Silvia Smith held it created an illusion of power over the whole situation. When the dust settled Sun America Life lost big time each of my daughters got half a million-plus court costs. I was awarded two million. It was twice what my lawyers had been willing to settle for in mediation.

The divorce was not contested she was awarded half of our net worth as per state law. I never saw her she never showed up in court. It turns out my previous home new owners are Silvia and Mira. They sued their former employer and won.

As for Karen and I were just taking it one day at a time.

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ThmfknloreThmfknlore28 days ago

To the vikingsailor 1, she's not 16 she's a 12th grader in highschool that makes her at the youngest 17 almost 18 you really need to educate yourself before commenting on something 2, I studied business law in highschool at 17 as have many people so yes it's heard of you just lived in a bubble and don't know nothing 3, kids suing a parent for alienation again it has been done many times before the only thing that doesn't work the way it was written is the other 2 kids wouldn't have been old enough to do so by themselves as they were younger than Diane you either didn't read the same thing everyone else did or you're just the dumbest person on the planet to make the comments you did 4, yes you can have a court order not allowing you to fire someone if they are in direct link to your case with such person and in this situation the company was in direct link as they were being sued for not enforcing their company policy allowing them to fire someone after they were notified they were being sued tells everyone they knew what was going on and now there just trying to save face a judge would have seen that and rather that could be proven wouldn't make much difference in the situation as 1 of the people involved was the daughter of the chairman and still don't give the 2 lovers who started the mess legal grounds to sue the company like was done in this story the company while forced was just doing what they were legally obligated to do by law in accordance to there policy yes if company policy doesn't allow any kind romantic relationship between the boss and their subbordents that makes it against the law if they fail to adhear to there written in stone policie so they can be sued again better go back to school and learn what you are talking about before making a comment on something like what was written if it's a comment on you disecting the legal aspect of something failure to do so makes you look like a moron

ThmfknloreThmfknlore28 days ago

Now that is revenge being dished out cold my kind of revenge them looking for another job was funny as hell they made national news no damn body would hire them for years to come they wouldn't want that kind of attention on their company not even a fast food place would touch them for a long time to come as far as the 2 lovers suing there old company you didn't say so I have to ask on what grounds for everything I read they had no legal grounds to sue much less win Diane the oldest is in the 12th grade so 18 so yes she was legal age to do it his other daughters going by the assumption there younger places them under 18 the answer is no there not of legal age to sue someone on their own not without a legal guardian present with them that's not a state law that's a federal law 1 of many that state can't overrule all in all besides the few mistakes on the legal aspect of things and how it took off on the media it was a good story and well written let this story stand as warning to every single cheater in the world it cost you nothing to keep your legs closed and cost you everything to open them and let stand as a warning that a emotional affair is still cheating and still cost you everything and still ends in a divorce

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 month ago

Good job on the story, enjoyed reading it. Thanks for your writing,

RustyReaderRustyReaderabout 2 months ago

Well one. One comment was made about children during a parent for alienation of affection, in your story Silvia would have been the defendant as well as the insurance company, As far as a 12grader (high school senior) taking a law class,, my senior year at 17 had a full semester of business law as well as a semester of civil law. Oh and that was 1971

Madeira1076Madeira10762 months ago

Lots of questions. :/

theVikingSailortheVikingSailor2 months ago

Ridiculous. Children sue a parent for alienation of affections? Nonsense. A court orders a corporation not to fire an employee on the basis that a party suing claimed it might hurt its case? Absurd. A 16 year old who is taking a high school class in law (anyone ever heard of one of those?) giving amazing insight to specialists in divorce and business litigation? Preposterous. The general theme and idea of the story have merit. The story line itself is too over-the-top to be credible, even in a work of fiction.

LotusblumeLotusblume4 months ago

La la land... where BTB fantasies come true - if not in reality. Everything else has already been commented on.

bacchant2bacchant24 months ago

Great story but it felt like it ran out of steam with much more still to be said.

inka2222inka22224 months ago

Hehe, you can tell the BTB was good quality and worked because all the whiney man haters express their butthurt in the comments, usually complaining about "this isn't perfect English". Because we all know free stories posted on a free web site are known for strict language quality rules, on par with professional commercial work going through paid editors. Easy 5 stars.


@WardMD - welcome to America circa 2000+. They are a "protected minority" which means they can do whatever the eff they want to and nobody can touch them.


@PhoenixLore19814 - why not? Women married men they weren't into for thousands of years (so did men). She wasn't willing to be outed as a lesbian - so she settled on the next best possible thing, to leech off of attention, emotions and time of a man who loved the lying skank. Yes she didn't get the passion, but she got all the other 95% of components of a great relationship.

RimmerdalRimmerdal4 months ago

The most truncated, fragmented, chock full of spelling errors, grammatical errors, sentence structural errors and story flow problems writing I have been subjected to.

The whole story jumps through from one person to the next without a break or header to lead the readers to know who was 'talking'. Not that much of it was done in a conversation mode. As a note to all writers. When doing conversations it works this way: Bill said "Suzy I think you're cheating on me." Suzy exclaims "I most certainly are not cheating on you!" Do you see have much easier it is to follow along?

The 'Law' course teacher was introduced by name and a couple of words. Tacky. What was the school course? What level? What high school has a dedicated Law course?

Karen rose to the level of lover, rebound woman from completely out of the blue. With nothing more than one kiss to bounce her from friend to lover.

This could be a very good to great story but it would take a major re-write and would be in the 2-4 chapters in length at least. I would love to re-read it then. Really needs Beta reading, story flow re-write and major editing.

My comments from a couple years ago. Redid it to 2*s. Very hard to follow.

BigBlueKatBigBlueKat5 months ago

Good story, but the terrible spelling, grammar and punctuation made it difficult to read. 3*

servant111servant1115 months ago

ending was truncated...and the entire tale frankly was a loose threaded chaotic mess... The plot holes and the deux ex machina off stage entrants to bridge these plot holes simply made the plot line wander all over the map... Way too chaotic...

3 stars

bobareenobobareeno6 months ago

Yes, the mass media is going to go wild over a divorce caused by a gay relationship, at least in this puerile fantasy. Repetitive blather.

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