Famous Words


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"Yes, you are I believe but we will have to verify that with a lawyer qualified in that field before I give you a definite on that," Her grandfather replied. "Where did that come from?"

"With Dads approval I'm talking law in school as an elective," Dianne said. "I'm going to destroy Silvia and my mother legally if I can. I have had my learners for almost two years but can't get an unrestricted driver license until I'm eighteen. It's my goal to become a lawyer."

That comment woke me up. I went into the den fired the computer up. Going to facebook I typed in my wife's name. It produced two facebook pages the first I knew about the second I didn't. Her mistake was she had used the same photo. It had been opened eight months ago. When Dad saw it, he called the private investigator firm and left a message about we had found. Within an hour it had been hacked. It gave pages and pages of events time and places which were also verified by Silva Smiths facebook page. Both could be used in court. The bitches had admitted their eight-month lesbian relationship on their personal Facebook pages. Each one's page declared them to be the spouse of the other. Mira second Facebook page had no reference about the kids or me. I did not realize that Dianne was reading it at the same time I was.

"Moms living a double life," Dianne said over my ear. "The question I have to ask is which one to her is real?"

Mom made a late breakfast for us all. Afterward, we told Dawn and Darcy what we all knew. I called the school to inform them that all my daughters would not be in. While I was dealing with the situation my oldest daughter handed me the phone. Saying its Karen Wilson and I don't know what to say. I said stay with your sisters I will be right back. I head into the den and closed the door.

"Hi, Ms. Wilson." I said, "How can I help you today?"

"I noticed the kids were called in for an excused day. I was wondering if it was concerning what we had talked about." She said.

"Yes, we found out that she has been having an affair for at least the last eight months," I said. "We learned that last night after she left. At that time, we were trying to figure out why she had come at all because she had been so distant and lost."

"Is he an older man or younger may I ask." Ms. Wilson asked? "Any idea of how I should approach this if I am asked?"

"With kid gloves and baby steps for quite a while. It's more complicated than that. "I explained. "the affair my wife is having is not with a male. It's with her female boss."

"Shit whoops sorry for that slip. Your daughters and you must be devastated." She replied, "For a heterosexual sexual male it has to be hitting you as hard as it did my parents when my brother came out."

"I was on the phone; Dianne had gone to bed when I found out. I was receiving firsthand a brief on the investigators' report. I lost it and dropped the phone. Dianne found me and asked what was going on to the person who had called me. For the two of us, it was not our best night."

"Add my name to your contact list." Karen Wilson said. "If your wife has been hiding this part of herself in plain sight. You can expect that you have been lied about to your mutual family and friends."

I told my dad what Karen Wilson had said. Then I had to explain who she was. He called our lawyers who had a divorce side and got us an appointment for one pm that day. All three of my daughters got ready to go.

The P firm sent me an email with a file attached we printed the pages out. It was eight months of their facebook pages proving their relationship started long before her so-called month-long training session.

It was interesting to watch my oldest daughter as she used her knowledge of civil law to raise questions in such a way that she appeared to have the divorce lawyer tongue-tied. One thing became clear my three daughters were at the legal age where they all could file an alienation of affections claims against Silvia Smith and the Insurance Corporation if there were rules violated by them according to their Human resources employee manual. I texted Rebecka asking if she could find a way to get a copy of it. She replied I got that taken care of that last week my distant cousin sent me her copy along with a long explanation of what she knows about Silvia and Mira's relationship. Twenty minutes later the lawyers were going through it. It only applied to those incorporate. Rebecka distant cousin had provided us a wealth of information.

I played the recorded conversation with the receptionist that I had saved. Between the facebook messenger chats, the emails I had copied that Mira had produced for me and my recorded conversations we could prove that they used their positions in their firm as a tool to manipulate me and my daughters for at least six months. As a result, each of my daughters would be suing for alienation of affection against my wife, her lover and their employers. I would be suing Mira for divorce on the grounds of abandonment and adultery. Her lover for marital interference, alienation of affection and her employer for failure to enforce their own human relations policy. The icing on the cake since one of the codefendants was the president of the firm itself they couldn't claim not having earlier knowledge.

We were all shocked when Dianne said we need a court order that makes it impossible for Silvia Smith and Mira Roberts to be terminated from their job until all court cases are resolved. We don't want the corporation sacrificing the two of them to lessen the degree of their responsibilities. Our divorce lawyer team were shocked. It was a move they would not have thought of. Yet it made perfect sense.

We got out of the lawyer's office at three pm so the four of us went out for an early supper. Darcy always the sharp as a whip one said we needed to get new cell phone numbers but keep these ones active but shut off until they are served. That way if our mother tries to call us it will go to voice mail.

"Everyone shut off the cell phones now," Diane said. We did

She gathered them up and asked our server to take them to the hostess. That we would pick them up when we were leaving.

"Dad, when you told me what Karen Wilson said to you this morning it got me to thinking. The lawyer said they had planned it out well. For our own protection, we must assume things as well. "Dianne stated. "Because of what's available on the dark web all of our computer equipment and any other items that can be linked to the web stays turned off and unplugged until they can be declared virus clean professionally"

Once supper was over after picking up our phones, I locked them in the trunk. As we drove over to Cricket to get new numbers and phones, I decided to buy one extra and not have it activated. Before the girls went to school Tuesday morning, I gave Diane the extra cell phone for Ms. Wilson and instructed her to explain why.

Tuesday morning, I swung by the bank canceled all our joint credit cards, removed all the remaining cash from all our joint bank accounts effectively closing them. I had my name removed from them. I had the funds placed in ninety-day term notes in both my wife's and my names. The bank supplied me printed proof of everything I had done. After copying a set for myself I dropped them off at my lawyer's office.

On Friday morning at nine am Maryland time I texted my wife Mira with the recorded phone chat with her former coworker from my old cell. It said this is the last time I will ever say I love you. I then did a factory reset on all our former phones. I made sure all our contact info had been removed before leaving them in the local park.

Mira was with Silvia when she got the text message. They both heard his conversation with her former office. Mira said shit he's found out about my real job.

At nine fifth teen Maryland time under instruction, the server served them all at the corporate office in Maryland while wearing a video cam.

Mira was shocked when she opened the envelope, she had just received Dean was suing for divorce on the grounds of adultery and marital abonnement since her Facebook page said she was in a wife to wife relationship with one Silvia Smith. He knew it all. It had four pages of items that would present the first day of court. It even named the adult shop they had gone into and what they had bought.

At nine am our time I walked into our former cellphone server's office to report the four phones missing and asked that the numbers be canceled on Monday morning. I then paid the current bill in full.

Rebecka and I were at work reviewing what I had done. I wanted a set fresh of eyes in case I had forgotten anything.

"Will you realize they will have to come to you sooner or later," Rebecka said. "Their legal problems are in this state. I don't think they realized that your daughters were of the legal age that they could have their own legal representatives."

"Thankfully we are one of the few states that can still sue for alienation of affection. I can imagine what she is doing. Mira will be calling our old numbers trying to touch base. Looking for a way to get herself out of the mess." I said. "I have arranged for copies of her lovers and her facebook pages to delivered to her parents, her sisters and her brother today. Once there opened there can be no denying by her side of the family about what she has done."

"What does your daughter want out of this?" Rebecka inquired.

"Dianne wants revenge. She can't get out of her mind the mental condition I was in when she found me that night. Dianne says no one deserves to be treated this way. Dawn and Darcy believe that their mother threw us all away deliberately." I explained. "All three feel they need the confrontation in this way. It's hard for them to get over the fact that their mother lied to them about everything for so long. Darcy said it well, if she did this to us out of love what would she do to us if she hated us"

I could see Rebecka digesting my words. Being a mother of daughters herself she was seeing it from both sides. I could see the pain and sadness she was experiencing.

"Will, Mira may not realize it now, but she will. She has lost her relationship with her daughters for good." Rebecka said. "From this, there is no going back. Your daughters' scars are forever buried deep."

"Rebecka I never saw it, but you are right," I said. "The worst thing I ever saw was two girls who hated each other get into a fight. They were dirty cruel vindictive and wanted revenge. When two men fight its done when it's over. A woman never forgets or let go, do they?"

"Boss," she replied. "at times you're a very wise man."

Dianne Roberts had gone to school that Friday morning only to be called out of class during the first period to report to Karen Wilson's office. Having borrowed a laptop from a friend. The night before she had scanned all the copies of her two sisters and her documents about their suing of Sun America Life Insurance and their two employee's named Mira Roberts and Silva Smith into that laptop. All the facebook information was scanned to. She also sent a copy of the court order forcing Sun America Life Insurance to keep the two employees named in their current positions until all legal matters were resolved. After transferring the data to a stick, she was ready.

"Are you sure you want to do this." Karen Wilson asked. "If we go ahead, we can't take it back."

"Everything that is on this stick can be found in the court records that are already filed," Diane said. "What makes it a news story is that in the eyes of society is that we are still minor children. I have a one-page letter written with my signature explaining that as a law student in grade 12 I had found the state law that allowed my sisters and me to take this action."

Karen Wilson opened the new email account she had set up with a false name and went into new. By typing a few words, the emails of twenty-six different news organizations came up. Taking the data Dianne had provided she uploaded it. In subject, she wrote three minor children takes on corporate America. In body she wrote copy attached are copies of the legal suit filed against Sun America Life, Silvia Smith the President and Mira Roberts a district manager by Dianne, Dawn, and Darcy Roberts. After checking everything she hit send. Diane then watched her close out the email account.

"When it hits the media, it will only take one to make it a big news story," Karen said. "It will cause a domino effect depending on how it's played out."

"That's what I am counting on," Dianne said. "I want the woman who used to be my mother destroyed. Thanks, I'm headed back to class."

Karen was growing fond of Dianne if it worked out, she was going to be an amazing lawyer in whichever field she chose. Karen wasn't sure if she realized that the publicity, she was creating may cause the share value of Sun America Life to drop. Some on impulse would cancel their policies. Having been served today Sun life would be rushing around verifying and looking into the civil law re divorce because that would not be their expertise. Dianne in her mind was trying to box them in. So far, she had played it brilliantly.

It took two hours for it to be the go-to story of the day. Local branches were being swarmed with calls to cancel their policies. The business talk shows took over talking about the damage being done because of the lawsuit against the President. As a result, their shave value started falling. It was discovered that Silvia Smith had been out as a lesbian for years.

Mira had been trying to call her husband ever since he texted her. His cell phone kept going to voice mail or gave her busy signals. When she called his office, she'd been informed he was out for the day. Everyone in corporate was in a panic mode. Mira and Silvia had expected divorce to happen but not like this she'd been so careful keeping everything separate.

Karen Wilson had to call William Roberts. Three news crew had shown up. Thankfully he answered it on one ring.

"Sorry to bother you, Will," Karen said. "We have a problem we have to resolve."

"Is it the girls? Are they alright?" I asked.

"Yes, they're fine. Dianne found a way to release the pending court case to the mass media figuring it would blow up later tonight or tomorrow." Karen explained. "We got three news crews here now and expect more."

"Shit"! I said honestly. "Got any suggestions."

"Besides coming and escorting them out not really." Karen said, "She's going to have to face them eventually. I'll gather them here in my office so the four of you can discuss how you're going to handle it"

"Be there as quick as possible. Watch for me because I might have to play the role of my life" I said.

I parked my car in the schoolteachers parking lot and got out to walk towards the main doors. I heard a voice from the new crowd say that's the father.

Ten minutes later my daughters and I walked out. Dianne walked directly to the news reporters. We all stood beside her.

"I'm only going to make one statement on behalf of the family until the court case over," Dianne said. "We will not be granting interviews or answering questions as long as the case is before the court. Let me know when you're ready."

The media people got organized and signaled for her to begin.

"My family and I have discovered that my father's wife and our mother Mira Roberts has been living a double life for at least eight months. The question we all had to ask ourselves was which life is the real one which one is the fake. Add the fact that she could not be honest to the four of us about what was really going on regarding her personal life and work situation. That forced us to hire an investigating firm. They discovered her living in Maryland with a person named Silvia Smith in a wife to wife relationship. Which both have publicly admitted to their relationship via newly discovered Facebook Pages." Dianne stated. "It raises the question are they legally married? If so, my mother Mira Roberts is a bigamist. Since Mira Roberts had no intention of ever telling us the truth, we as a family are forced to believe that in her eyes, we are the life she considers not real."

"We learned that Silva Smith is not only her lover and boss but is the president of Sun America Life. It begs us to wonder if Mira Roberts got the promotion by willingly spreading her legs for her. If she did it makes her nothing more than a whore being paid for her services." Dianne said. "Has my Mother been a lesbian all her adult life. Is my father just the ruse she used because she wanted children? Did she ever love him? Did she ever love us? Why can't she in her other life identify us has her daughters? Is she ashamed of even creating us? My sisters and I agreed that in our eye's based on what we have learned the woman we knew as Mira Roberts our mother is dead. This new reinvented Mira Roberts is not known to us and never will be. That's why the mess Mrs. Roberts and Ms. Smith have created is going to court."

We turned and walked away back towards my car. I had mixed emotions running from pride in my daughter to shock. Dianne had raised both moral and legal questions I had never considered in such a way that any credibility Mira had was forever destroyed.

We took a two-hour drive to make sure we were not followed. Each one was lost in our own thoughts. My Dad had all our electronics swept to make sure they were safe to be used. Nothing was found.

Silvia called Mira on her cell telling her it has gone from bad to worse. There something that just broke on the airwaves that you must see. Mira walked into her office. Silvia lovingly drew into her arms holding her saying remember that I love you. She had scrolled back and paused the TV. When Mira said she was ready she hit play. It started with her husband and three daughters walking out the front door of their high school. By the time it was over Mira was shattered. Her eldest daughter in pure coldness with one statement about the situation had destroyed her by dissecting everything she had done in her life. No matter what she tried Silvia could not get her to calm down.

We had stopped to get something to eat in a small dinner about an hour away. As I went to pay the bill. I was told it was already taken care of. I paid it for the man said I'm the owner and I want to thank your family for what you said today. Your daughter spoke to a society that needed to see it from the other side. Maybe my exes view of thing will change if she has heard it.

Sun America Life lawyers were furious. Mira's daughter had raised questions that could not be answered by anyone truthfully and they knew it. Morality to one is different from another. Did Mira get the promotion for spreading her legs for Silvia was not the question? It was how do you prove it wasn't. What pissed them the most was that a grade twelve student studying law for one course a day had laid out questions that left no doubt that the corporation was on the hook. The prime witness without saying a single word had lost all credibility. Anything she might say had just been whipped out. Many a lawyer could not have boxed them up so well. They were screwed without a kiss and it hurt like hell.

The principal of the school had called all teacher to an emergency meeting as soon as the school day was over knowing that being a Friday the school would empty out in minutes. The principal was beaming with pride. He clicked on the tv and played the video of Dianne speaking to the news reporters. Karen Wilson was very impressed; Diane had taken her advice to heart. It had to have taken everything she had to remain focused firm and strong. The principal then got her attention. When he said we have had twenty inquiries about her today. She has two grants offered to her if she plans to go into the legal field. Others have request information about our school because they are interested in sponsoring. I just want to say well done to Mr. Jim Spears and Karen Wilson for their part in this. One for teaching law so effectively and the other for her mentoring.