Fancy Meeting You

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What was her husband doing in the hotel, she wondered.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over the age of 18.

Fancy Meeting You

Andy smiled as he watched his wife lean towards the mirror as she applied her lipstick. She was dressed in a black bra and panty set that made his heart race. They were practical, but still wildly attractive with panels of silky material and lace. The bra plunged in front, showing off her impressive cleavage. He enjoyed his view of it in the mirror. Her long dark hair was still damp from the shower.

He rolled onto his side, still on the bed. "It's a damn shame this happened on our 'no kids' weekend, Peaches." He said with a wistful smile.

Kerri turned to him with an apologetic look. "I know it's last-minute, baby, but the commission on this commercial property will be a game changer for us." She turned back to the mirror and looked at the reflection of her husband's naked body on the sheets. She felt a deep pang of regret and arousal.

He shrugged. "Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't overnight."

Finished with her makeup, she picked up her moisturizing lotion and squirted some into her hand.

Andy smiled at her. "Do you have time for a quickie?"

She grinned back. "If you had gotten up when I did, before my shower, then the answer to that would have been, yes." Her eyes fell to his cock which was twitching enticingly. She glanced at the dollop of lotion in her hand and smiled. She set her knees on the mattress and leaned toward her husband and was pleased to see his face light up.

He held up his hand. "Wait." Kerri paused on the sheet. She heard her husband inhale deeply as he continued. "Put on the shoes, please?"

Andy was so predictable, she thought. She got off the bed and bypassed the sensible three-inch shoes she'd planned on leaving the house in, and moments later stepped from the closet in a pair of five-inch fuck-me pumps in black leather.

Andy's eyes went wide and after a few seconds had to remind himself to breathe. His wife of twelve years was still smoking hot at thirty-five. Medium height, with a curvy build, she turned heads. Her long dark curls alone made most other women jealous. The way she looked in a pair of heels made his heart pound every time. He was the luckiest guy in the world.

She walked around the bed in that leg-over-leg runway stride. "Better?" she purred.

He could only nod dumbly.

She smiled and held up her cupped right hand. "Good, because they aren't easy to put on with a handful of lotion." Kerri sat on the bed and leaned towards him with her legs pressed together. She reached out with her hand and caressed his hard cock. The lotion had warmed to her body temperature, and it felt divine as she spread it over him.

"When I get home, we'll still have a half day, at least. We can spend it horizontal until Mom and Dad drop the kids back off." She pursed her red-painted lips. "Consider this a down payment on an afternoon of enthusiastic, vigorous sex."

Her hand closed around his cock and began to stroke him. Andy rolled onto his back and moaned softly. "Oh, baby. I accept that offer with one revision."

Kerri was a real estate agent and familiar with conditions and negotiations. The slippery lotion on his cock made squelching sounds and she loosened her hand to make this last a bit longer. She looked at him seductively. "And what, pray tell, is your revision?"

Their eyes met. "I get to undress you out of your business outfit and have you before you shower."

Kerri smiled. "Don't threaten me with a good time." She sped up her hand and changed her hand position so that his cockhead slid through the V of her index and middle fingers. She pinched gently beneath his engorged cockhead.

After a few minutes, she watched a shudder roll through his body and heard his breathing hitch. "Are you going to cum for me, baby?"

He looked at her with desperate eyes and nodded, as his orgasm began to build. "Ho! Ho! Oh, Peaches... Oh, I'm...ugh!" Andy's body bucked off the sheets as his wife's hand squeezed firmly down on his shaft. His body flexed as she slid her hand down and he gasped as he shot a geyser of hot cum, straight up over his body, to splatter on his stomach. She stroked him gently as his orgasm subsided and loved her husband's grateful smile.

Kerri got up and grabbed a hand towel from the bathroom. She leaned over her husband and handed it to him. "That should hold you over until tomorrow."

Andy caught his breath and took it. "I swear you have a black belt in that, babe."

Kerri laughed out loud and then made a serious face. "My cock-fu is strong!" she said in a deep voice.

Andy laughed.


When Kerri pulled into the parking lot at work, she knew something was wrong. She had a habit of showing up on time for big meetings with buyers. Not early. She felt that being early sent the message that the world revolves around the buyer, and it can make them cocky. Make them inclined to make silly demands. She wanted them to feel like today was just another day in the office and that if they didn't buy, there would be someone tomorrow who would.

But when she pulled into the parking lot, Susan's little red Miata was nowhere to be seen. It was Susan's job, as a junior agent, to be early. Her phone rang as she put her car in park.

"Where are you?!" she heard Susan's voice say urgently.

Frowning, she replied. "I'm at the office. Where are you and the buyer?"

She heard trepidation seep into Susan's voice. "We're at the property. The fire marshal and the county planners are here, too. Didn't you get the revised itinerary I texted you?"

Kerri clapped her hand over her face. She looked at her text messages. "No, I didn't." She heard Susan curse softly on the other end of the line.

She pinched the phone between her chin and shoulder as she put the car in reverse. "If I haul ass, I can be there in ninety minutes. You need to cover for me."

Susan's reply was brief. "Will do." And then she hung up.

The tires of Kerri's two-year-old Forerunner squealed as she accelerated out of the parking lot. The original plan had been paperwork at the office, a two-hour road trip and then dinner at a hotel near the property. Then on Sunday morning the big meeting at the property with affected or interested persons. They had pulled a lot of strings to get the fire marshal and other inspectors to come out on a Sunday at the buyer's request. Apparently, plans had changed.

Kerri gritted her teeth as she pulled onto the expressway and put the hammer down.


As luck would have it, the buyer himself apologized for the plan change and the day went by without incident. The group thoroughly inspected the forty-acre property and buildings but found things in manageable order.

"I am sorry, but I need to inconvenience you further." The buyer said with a frown. He was a handsome, middle-aged Latin man, named Devon. "I find myself unavailable tomorrow due to family concerns and I need to be back in town tonight." He straightened his tie and met Kerri's gaze. "I know it's late, but could I interest you in supper at the Four Palms, back in Cocoa Beach? My treat of course. We can sign the paperwork and be done."

Kerri was pleasantly surprised, and she smiled at the man. "Of course. It's no trouble at all!" In her mind it was perfect. She would be able to sleep in her own bed tonight and restart the no-kids weekend with her husband. "That would be just fine."

Susan had been beside herself all day, trying to figure out the mix-up. She was relieved as well. As Devon turned, the young, blonde woman's eyes followed the tall man as he walked away. "Wow, I'd love to give that Latin a chance at some lovin'," she said softly, then looked sheepishly at Kerri. "Do I still have a job?"

Kerri's face turned serious. "From now on, major itinerary changes require a phone call. And you keep trying until you reach me."

Susan bit her bottom lip nervously and nodded. Then Kerri smiled at her junior agent. She had screwed up, but she'd proven herself very competent on many other occasions. "But for today, no harm, no foul."


Susan was in awe from the moment they walked into the Four Palms. The lobby was immense, four stories high with grand granite columns, with brass and crystal fixtures. The carpet was a magnificent emerald green with intricate patterns in subtler shades.

She glanced at Kerri who still managed to look elegant after three hours walking in a dark blue skirt and tapered blazer, with an off-white silk blouse. She'd worn some slip-on athletic shoes for the inspection but was back in an elegant but practical pair of three-inch slingbacks. Susan was a little jealous of her to be honest. Susan's slacks and blouse combo with flat pumps made her feel underdressed.

She leaned over and she whispered to Kerri. "How the hell did he get a reservation here on such short notice? I've heard you gotta book weeks in advance."

Kerri nodded but kept her eyes forward. "Well, we already know he has money, and that will get you friends in high places."

Susan whistled softly as they stepped into the posh hotel restaurant and bar.


Devon rose and greeted them as the maître d' escorted them to his secluded table. He had changed into a handsome tan suit that looked great with his dark skin tone.

"Again, my apologies, ladies, for the abrupt change of plans." He motioned towards the two young people seated at the table. "This is my daughter Alenna and Edward. If we must cast blame for today, we must cast it at Edward. This morning, he proposed to my daughter on the beach, as the sun rose over the ocean."

Alenna's smile would have lit up a room. She wore a lovely off-the-shoulder floral dress. Her dark hair was short in a fashionable pixie cut.

"That's wonderful!" Susan blurted loudly. There were smiles and handshakes all around.

Devon smiled. "Alenna is also my lawyer. So, she will be helping me with the rest of the paperwork. You brought them, yes?"

Kerri patted her attaché. "Good!" The handsome man smiled. "But first, champagne, yes? We are far from home and family, so you will celebrate with us! And tomorrow we fly home." Damon shot a glare at his new son-in-law-to-be. "And then Edward must face the wrath of my wife, for proposing so far from home."

Edward looked a bit sheepish, but Alenna spoke up for him. "Nonsense, Papa. It was quiet and beautiful and romantic. I loved it." She shot a proud smile at her fiancé'. "Though, I figured he was up to something when he got me up before dawn."

Susan looked thrilled with the idea of partying with Devon and his family, but Kerri spoke up. "Ordinarily, I'd love to stay, but I had to cancel plans with my husband this weekend, and I'd like to get home to him."

Alenna smiled and nodded. "That's so sweet. You should go. Let us complete our business and let her be with her man."

Devon halfheartedly agreed and Susan looked crestfallen. Kerri realized at that moment she hadn't eaten at all, that day. Things had just been too hectic. "On the other hand," Kerri continued, "I'm starving, so dinner would be lovely, and I guess one glass of champagne would be okay."

Devon smiled widely and signaled the waiter. "Champagne!"


The champagne and food were marvelous and after the second of Devon's three toasts to the new couple, she excused herself to the ladies' room. As she exited the lounge, something, or rather, someone, caught her eye.

Kerri was stunned to see her husband Andy walk through the main dining room. She stopped abruptly, making a server stop short behind her. She stepped out of his way and apologized softly. She stepped next to the wall and followed her husband with her eyes. He was dressed very nicely in a dark blue pair of dress slacks and a pale blue dress shirt. He looked great.

He walked to the back of the room where he arrived at a big corner booth. There were three other men there. She studied them. They all appeared to be in their thirties like Andy, but she didn't recognize any of them. All were well dressed and groomed, and they greeted her husband as he arrived. He shook hands with them all, before sitting at the end of the booth. A waiter approached the table and she saw her husband order something--a drink she supposed. There were already a few empty pilsner glasses on the table.

Kerri shrugged. Andy was, of course, free to make whatever plans he wanted when she went out of town, and there seemed to be nothing untoward about this at all, she thought. She was about to turn back to her party when her eye was caught by another couple of someones.

She wouldn't have called herself worldly, but Kerri knew a couple of high-end call girls when she saw them. Like a few people in the room, she tracked the two women with a sense of dread in her gut. A blonde and a redhead, in colorful bodycon minidresses and heels. Both women were extremely attractive and somehow managed the fine line between elegant and slutty.

As she feared, both women stopped at her husband's table. Her eyes glued to Andy's face. She was relieved to see that he looked surprised by the women's arrival. His friends, however, did not. Two of the men stood and welcomed them, before allowing the women to slide into the booth. Andy stepped out from his seat, to allow the blonde to slide between him and another man.

"Kerri! Where have you been?" She jumped as Susan grabbed her arm. "Are you coming or what? They are waiting to order dessert."

Kerri stammered. "I umm... I just thought I saw someone I knew," she glanced back at her husband and was relieved to note that her husband looked decidedly uncomfortable.

She sighed and nodded at Susan. "Okay, it's nothing. Let's go."

When she arrived back at the table, she apologized for taking so long.

"We were just about to order dessert if you'd like some. I hear the crème brûlée is to die for, here," Alenna said smiling. "But if you need to go, we understand."

Kerri paused a moment before answering and then set her jaw. "You know what, I just spoke to my husband and he's not feeling well. I will stay for dessert," she glanced at Devon. "And more champagne?"

The older man smoothed down his mustache and grinned at her. "Yes, more champagne!"

Susan couldn't contain herself. "Yippee!" she said, but rather quietly, finally realizing how her voice traveled in the room.


The celebration went on for another hour. Kerri tried not to but had to excuse herself once. She couldn't help herself.

As she found an out-of-the-way vantage point, she was there to see her husband stand up and her breath caught in her throat as he reached down to help the blonde slide from the booth. She breathed a sigh of relief as one of the other men, rose and escorted the young hottie from the room, with a wide grin and an excited look to his friends.

The other two of her husband's companions were chatting up the pretty redhead aggressively.

Finally, she returned to the table just as everyone was wrapping up. Devon walked up to her and offered his hand. "Kerri, it was a pleasure working with you on this purchase. The entire experience has been enjoyable." Devon said, eloquently. He bowed slightly as he shook hands with both ladies.

Alenna smiled and did likewise. "I am sorry your husband is feeling too poorly to enjoy the rest of the night with you." She looked at her new fiancé. "I will be more fortunate, I think. Yes?"

Edward nodded enthusiastically at his dark-haired bride-to-be.

Kerri leaned over to Susan and whispered in her ear. "Hang back and then meet me in the ladies' lounge."

Puzzled, Susan raised her eyebrow as Kerri stepped away.


Susan waited impatiently in the ladies' lounge; a small comfortable room attached to the ladies' restroom. She glanced at her phone to check the time. She was stunned when Kerri stepped from the ladies' room, looking, well... stunning.

Kerri had removed her blouse and wore just the blazer over her bra. The blazer buttoned at the perfect spot to hide the bra. Several inches of luscious cleavage were on display. She'd added more make-up and looked like she was headed out for a hot night on the town. She had apparently rolled up her skirt a few inches as well, showing off her shapely legs.

"Jesus, Kerri, what the fuck is going on? You're not gonna do something stupid, are you?" she asked with a worried look.

Kerri laughed. "No. It's all fine. Andy is here in the restaurant. I'm going to surprise him."

Susan breathed a sigh of relief and then ogled the exposed cleavage before her. "I'll say you will."

"Take this," Kerri said and handed Susan her attaché that held the paperwork for the property deal and her blouse. "I'll see you Monday morning."

The young brunette smiled widely. "You'd better tell me all about it."

Kerri nodded and smiled back.


Anton was not having a great night. He walked up to the bar rather despondently. First, only two ladies had accepted their invitation to join them and then Blaze seemed to be doing much better with the redhead than he was. Tate had already taken the blonde upstairs.

He sighed. If he'd known he wasn't going to get laid, he would have done that at home with his wife. He walked up to the bar and ordered himself another Jack and Coke. As the bartender stepped away, Anton caught his breath as a gorgeous brunette stepped up beside him. He saw her reflection in the mirror over the bar, and she was looking at him in the same mirror.

She smiled. "Looks like you guys are having quite the party over there," she said softly. She turned toward him and set her elbow on the bar. A small purse on a gold chain dangled from her wrist.

Anton turned and couldn't help but let his eyes take in the beautiful woman before him. She was medium height in her heels and her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders in lovely loose curls. Her eye makeup was dark and smoky. He had to force himself not to stare at the serious cleavage she was showing off.

The bartender dropped off the Jack and Coke and the woman looked at him. "I'll have a lemon drop martini, please."

"I umm... yeah. I'm just out with some friends." He tried to say coolly. But inside he was a bundle of nerves. This chick was way out of his league. But she was talking with him. She could have ordered further down the bar. "How about you? Are you here with anybody?"

She smiled seductively and shook her head, before pulling her hair over her shoulder. "Nope, I'm just out looking for some fun."

The bartender appeared with the martini and the beautiful woman reached for her purse. The young man laid his Diners Club card down on the bar. "Nope, I got this. I'm Anton, by the way."

She smiled and inclined her head. "Thank you, Anton, you're very sweet." She did not offer her name, but Anton didn't seem to notice.

With his heart beating wildly he turned on the cool and tucked his card away once the bartender swiped it. "Happy to. Say, would you like to join my friends and I?" He gestured toward the corner booth. She looked over and noted unhappily that her husband was not present.

She glanced around quickly and breathed a sigh of relief as she spotted him stepping down a hall towards the restrooms, alone. She gave Anton a smile that was turned up to eleven. "I'd love to."


Andy wasn't having a great night either. His new acquaintances were turning out to be the sorts he didn't usually hang around with. He finished drying his hands and exited the restroom. He glanced toward the table and was starting to think about making his excuses when he noted the brunette at the table sandwiched between Anton and Blaze. Blaze was still chatting up the redheaded hooker in the green dress. Andy's jaw nearly fell to his chest when he recognized his wife who was smiling brightly at Anton.