Fantasy on Halloween Island


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"She shaved me clean, in front of Parker, who was smirking the whole time. I got my revenge though, when the woman did the same for her, even though hers was no more than a thin landing strip beforehand."

"I thought that was it, but I was way wrong. She had me lie on my tummy on the table. I felt something like a pen writing on me. It was henna! She gave us henna tattoos, which I'll show you later, they are awesome. It's all over my body, from the neck down. It's like the ones they get in native rituals. Parker is getting hers now! Oops, gotta run, we're done, see you in a few!"

I waited anxiously for them to show up. They both had wicked smiles on their faces when they saw me. They filled me in on all their happenings, their feelings, their excitement about it.

Parker laughed, "mom got all hot and bothered when Xi ling was shaving her. I was afraid she'd orgasm right there on the table!"

"I haven't been touched in weeks, a light breeze might make me orgasm! But, hush, you seemed to really enjoy that tattoo getting very dangerously close to your pussy, too!" Rebecca teased back.

Rebecca slipped her dress off. She was nude. Her body was filled with reddish orange colored patterns. It was on her arms to her wrists. It was on her back all the way down to her ass, then down her legs to her ankles. In front it was down to her cleavage, then from under her tits down to her....glorious pussy. The only "bare" spots left untouched were her face and neck, her tits, her ass cheeks, and just barely above where her labia started. It was....arousing to say the least. We both looked at Parker. I didn't know what to expect, she was her daughter, after all.

Parker blushed and said, "it's not like guys might not be seeing me this way for a couple days," as she stripped for us. Her patterns were different, but the same areas were untouched. I'm a man, can't say that I'm not. I got a bit of a hard on, seeing them both standing there in all their glorious, tattooed nudity. Quickly though, they dressed, reminding me that I was still an "outsider" in a way, to them.

We had room service, all free. I enjoyed the best steak I'd had in years. Parker and Rebecca kept up a constant conversation about the "what's," the "where's," and the "whyfores" I couldn't help but stare at them. I did my best to appear not to be ogling, but I was, totally. They both had on loose dresses, I could see down their tops at times. I could see the tattoos running up their legs and under their dresses. My imagination was running wild.

"God, I'm so horny I could fuck a cactus," Rebecca moaned.

"Yes, this is probably the longest you've gone without sex since high school, or before," Parker joked (it's her joke, no sex before 18 years old, per literotica).

"Yes, you should see the guys at work with their puppy dog eyes. I just wanna drop to my knees and suck them off right there in the lobby!"

"Mom!" Parker playfully protested. "I'll bet Don has been the worst, you suck him the most!"

"God, he's been relentless. I just think of how much more slutty I'm going to be when I return, especially horny from this whole thing. The guys are going to be extra busy when I get back."

"You are so into sucking cock," Parker said with a smirk. "Me, I prefer Don's big, beautiful black cock in my pussy."

That thought just blew my mind that some guy at Rebecca's job had "mother/daughter'd" the two of them.

"Oh, I know, I've had it too, remember? I just like the size and shape....and the way it tastes."

"And the way he said he makes you sometimes speak in tongues when he's fucking you with it?" Parker teased.

"Oh please, you've told me about some of your legendary frat parties. Didn't you suck like 3 guys off one night?"

Parker giggled, "uh, 4, and one guy it was twice."

"See? Call ME the slut," Rebecca laughed.

"You ARE," Parker persisted. "God, Jamie, on the plane, there was a group of college guys that were together. One was in the aisle seat next to me, and three others in the seats in front of us. Mom REFUSED to wear a bra, so her sundress showed her nasty little nipples, which were rock hard cuz she was hot from flirting."

"Me? You NEVER wear a bra and your, are bigger and get harder than mine."

Parker blushed.

"I couldn't help it with those guys, well, they WERE yummy looking," Rebecca sighed.

"Yeah, and mom spent nearly the whole flight holding on the the seat ahead of her like she wanted to be close when she talked, knowing full well they could see down her top to her big, fat tits. I even caught her flipping her skirt up like she was fanning herself for air. I know they caught more than just a knee or upper weren't wearing panties either, were you?" she asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Guilty," Rebecca blushed. "What can I say? I know how to flirt. You just sat there like a stone while the guy next to you had his hand all OVER your leg. With any encouragement, I'm sure he'd have felt glory."

They both stopped when they realized how wide my eyes were at all the revelations.

They both blushed, then called it a tie. It was still early evening. Parker put on her bathing suit and went to the patio to lay out on the lounger. Rebecca and I had a glass of wine, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure about all this?" I said, still concerned. "You aren't going to...purposely lose are you?"

"I'm thrilled by all this, but mostly by the risk. You are right, it's dangerous, it's crazy, stupid, even. But, you know me. I like the thrill. I love halloween, especially when it comes to devious and interesting sex games....I....can't help it. I need to do this. But, I want that money more than I want sex, even if you find that hard to believe. And, I have the added motivation to try and make it for Parker, and WITH Parker. No, I'm going to try my best to get through, and I'll have the biggest, longest fuck party when I get back," she giggled.

We both looked out at Parker, who was lying face down on the lounger, her top off.

"Parker....I can't stop her, either," Rebecca said softly. "I'm afraid she's totally like me. She's even ahead of me at her age. I didn't do the fraternity thing until I was at least 21!" she joked. "These people don't seem the type to hurt people. They are just kinksters, like us, just insanely rich kinksters who can play better games."

"I guess. I'm glad I get to observe, though, not that I can do anything unarmed on a remote island."

"True, do NOT get in the way, though. That's in the rules, observers can NOT help in any way, physically or otherwise. You have to stay a distance away. I'm sure that'll be in the final instructions at drop-off."

"Shit, drop-off," I sighed. "That's like less than 12 hours away. I had my own agenda. I wasn't fully committed to it, but I'm a poker player, I've been known to bluff on occasion.

I said, "you know, I'm not so sure I can do this."

"Do what?" she asked with concern.

"Observe you getting....caught and taken."

"I don't think they'll let you watch me get taken, there's a mansion on the coast of the other side. I think we'll get taken there....I mean, IF we get taken."

"Still, I'm unsure about all of this."

She smirked. "What do you want?" She caught me.

"A favor." I think she knew what I meant.

"A favor, eh? Anything you want?"

I nodded.

She smiled, "deal, it's only fair."

I saw she was tiring. I told her to lie down. I went out to get Parker. Before I stepped outside I saw two guys on the balcony right next to ours. They were clearly leering at Parker and elbowing each other. I cleared my throat. The guys stepped out of sight and Parker put her top back on.

"You had some company," I chuckled.

She whispered, "I know, I could hear them! I saw them when I came outside. They look like athletes. They are both hooooot hot hot, if this was any other day I think I'd have a different night altogether."

"Jeez, you are like your mom," I laughed.

"She has no idea, really," she admitted. "Want me to show you?" she asked. I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Go back in, get behind the curtain, watch," she instructed. I did so.

I saw her lie back down. She lay there for awhile. Sure enough, the guys appeared again. Soon, they were making conversation with her. She was propped up on her elbows, her tits were clearly hanging down for them to see from the vantage point on the side. They mentioned her tattoos so Parker turned to show them the entire work. That exposed her full chest to them when she turned towards them. She even pulled her bikini bottoms down, exposing her crack, to show them where the tattoos ended. Finally, she came back inside, not bothering to fasten her top, leaving her tits completely bare for them to view.

"We'll be here through the weekend!" they said in unison as she came back inside with a wink

"They asked me over for a beer," she grinned. She shrugged like she just couldn't help being attractive to men. Only their timing was bad, I knew that on any other night....

It was a long night. I barely slept. I was in the bed next to the two of them. Two beauties who I couldn't touch, two who might be in the clutches of others, in a matter of a few hours. It was tormenting. How they both slept as soundly as they did, I'll never know. Also, they both slept in the nude...and the covers didn't always cover them's hard to sleep with a hard on. I woke up with one as well.

We needn't have bothered with a wakeup call, we were all wide awake in the early hours of Sunday, Halloween morning. To their surprise, there were two robes, presented like presents, ribbon and all, sitting at the door to our room. The note said. "Wear this, nothing else."

The girls looked at each other and shrugged. They removed their clothing, to my benefit. The robes were thin. I surmised they were just to not get them arrested for indecent exposure on the way to the drop-off.

We were picked up by a taxi that seemed like was meant specifically for us. The driver kept looking back at us with smiles. I had a feeling he knew where we were headed, and why. They dropped us off at a private boat launch. There were about a dozen women standing around in similar robes. I spotted "Demeter," the muscled woman with the pink hair. I was pretty sure she was an American Gladiator or a semi-famous wrestler of some kind.

We rode the ferry pretty much in silence, other than a few whispers and points at the other contestants for the few miles out to the island. This island was private, it had another name, it wasn't on most U.S. maps but here, for this, they called it Halloween Island. My heart was racing as the boat approached shore, I couldn't even imagine what was happening in the girls hearts and minds.

We were unloaded on a very small dock. We were met by a nerdy nebbish looking man who collected the robes from the women. They were now all nude. I saw they all had henna tattoos, of all impressive shapes and designs. From my background with sports and sports betting I recognized several of the women. One was a blonde russian tennis player, ranked several years ago, she still looked very fit, with similar build to Parker. I saw another woman I recognized, she was one of the costars of a TV show that was a hit within the last several years. Some of the other women looked like athletes, runners, gymnasts, they were quite toned.

I was given a garish neon pink T shirt with the word "observer" on it, along with several other men, and one woman. Each of the contestants also had a color assigned to them, the troll applied a dot right above their cleavages. Rebecca and Parker's were green.

The man started reading to the group from a script. "When the horn sounds you start. The contest ends when all contestants are safely on the grounds of the ferry launch, marked in red or when all contestants are either safe, or have been captured."

Several women raised their hands as if to ask questions. He ignored them to continue, "the maps are on the table, one per person. Observers are not permitted a map," he said, eyeing me for some reason. I'll admit, I wanted one.

"Contestants are allowed to help each other by support and planning only, you are NOT allowed to physically aid another contestant in any way," he said, this time eyeing Rebecca and Parker. They were each going to be on their own in that way.

"You are also NOT allowed to physically detain or obstruct another contestant," he said, this time eyeing Destiny, who just smirked. I wondered if this was her first time or not.

"Once you cross the red line you will be handed a gold pass, freeing you of any obligations thereafter. You may use your pass to obtain....other transportation as you will see."

"There are three main routes to the other end. As you'll see on the map, route A goes parallel to the west beach. You'll find the paths there less overgrown, with easier passage. However, the hunters will have that same advantage. The middle route "B" will take you over the hills, which, you can see, will be quite a climb. It's a slower route, obviously, but you can see aways behind you and if you are climbers may be a good option. Route "C" runs parallel to the eastern shore. It's quite muddy and swampy, a very slow and arduous trek, however, it will be the same for anyone chasing you. Your choice. The forest paths are quite complex, made so purposely, made into maze like turns. Follow the map carefully until you reach the point where you'll have to choose your final route."

"You MAY want to ask if there are any other options for success. You ARE allowed to hide and wait it out. However, the nights get chilly, the mosquitos are quite vicious, AND the hunters....well, they are quite proficient. No one has ever been successful at waiting it out. However, if you do, and make it to the morning's horn, it also earns you a golden ticket."

"Anyone caught physically helping or obstructing another contestant will be disqualified. Anyone with an observer who is found to have helped guide you or phyically helps or obstructs another contestant will have their contestants disqualified. We follow rules here, for your aid and detriment."

Rebecca raised her hand. The guy looked over his thick bifocals and said, "yes?"

"Am I allowed to daughter?" she said, pointing to Parker.

"Ah yes, the "teams." Anyone working as a team, those designated with the same colors ARE allowed to help each other as per your agreement, page 8, section B."

I saw a couple of women, who I assumed to be lesbians, or at least together rejoice at that news.

"Finally, no more questions," he huffed. "There will be no more answers. The hunters have been assigned. As per our standard, the hunters have chosen their prey, based on your video and picture accounts, as well as the questionnaires. The hunters are allowed to hunt ONLY their color prey. Green hunter, green prey, got it?" he said, eyeing Rebecca again. I noticed this time his gaze was focused on her bounteous breasts, which were heaving from excited panting. "Also, just because hunters may have the same color amulet, it doesn't mean they are working together, they are just hunting the same prey."

"If, you were to encounter a hunter of a different color, designated by a necklace amulet of color they are required to wear, you are to show deference to that hunter by kneeling until he or she passes. They are NOT allowed to restrain or obstruct you in any way. If you are caught by a hunter of your color you are allowed to run, kick, scream, fight if you wish until you escape or are subdued. Weapons of any kind, sticks, rocks...ANYTHING are not allowed by either you or the hunters. The hunters start 15 minutes after the horn. Am I clear? Follow the rules, get to the boat, your time begins....NOW!" he said, just as a loud air horn sounded.

The ladies scrambled for the table with the maps, each carrying the small backpack they were assigned. The half dozen of us observers were stopped by a small detail of security.

"But I thought we could observe," I started to protest.

"And so you shall, follow us," one gruff soldier looking dude said to me.

They led us to a row of All terrain vehicles (ATV's). We each got on one and the driver took us down the beach quite a ways. I was expecting to be taken to an observation tower or something but instead we pulled down a path off the beach and up to a plain, brick building, covered mostly by branches and overgrowth. Inside though, it was like the pentagon. There were at least a dozen TV monitors. We could see the women heading into the forest. To our surprise we could follow every move they made by watching the monitors. There were cameras on the paths recording them the whole way. This was not some cheap party store closed circuit thing, this was HD, high quality stuff. I saw Rebecca's panicked look as she and Parker stumbled down the forest paths trying to follow the map.

Just an aside here. Rebecca couldn't find a gas station if she was parked across the street and Parker, honest to god, totally the truth here, when she was in high school, only knew one way to get from her house to her school. If she had to make a different turn she'd get lost. She lived a mile from the school! I suddenly didn't like their chances.

They were keeping up with the more athletic women, though. They seemed to stay especially close to Demeter, which I thought was their best bet, as well. They were far into the forest when another air horn sounded. The hunters were let loose. The monitor showed there to be dozens of them, all of them in camoflage, wearing either hooded cloaks or black eye masks. I remembered how Rebecca said that some of them were probably famous, so they could maintain their anonymity using their disguises. They were not allowed to use devices to aid them in tracking, it was all based on knowing the map, stamina, and any rudimentary tracking ability they had. I wondered how many of them were tasked with tracking Rebecca and Parker.

I couldn't help but watch Rebecca's "group" which included Demeter, Parker, and another fleet footed woman and three others. I couldn't help but be distracted by both Rebecca's and Demeter's tits as they bounced and heaved along the way. They seemed to be working together. They were pointing their directions out on the map to each other. Maze like twists and turns were purposely cut into the forest, creating many choices and false trails, leading either back to the beginning or coming to a stop in thick growth.

Like I said, Rebecca would get lost in a Walmart so I knew she needed to follow Demeter, who was barking out instructions to the small group. Two of them didn't listen, they argued, then bolted down a path Demeter warned them against. I saw them apprehended a short time later as hunters overwhelmed them.

Demeter led them carefully to the "decision spot," the point of the island they'd have to choose which route to take. I saw actual fear and panic on both of their faces. This was now real. The thrill of "thinking about getting caught," was now the ACTUALITY of getting caught. I wondered if they were as committed as they seemed before.

Suddenly, from out of the brush came a hunter. He had a gold stone in his amulet. I heard (yes, the cams were wired for sound as well) the fleet footed brunette from Rebecca's group shriek and bolt. The hunter chased after her. They disappeared down the path. The three of them now looked panicked and there appeared to be others approaching. They were arguing which path to take but there was no time for debate. Demeter chose her own way, she bolted towards the beach route, which was far more reliant on footspeed than any stealth or guile.

That left Rebecca and Parker to fend for themselves. With someone approaching the looked at each other with panic. There were two hunters about to encounter them on their path. Before they could decide, the hunters were upon them. To their extreme luck the hunters had blue and purple, respectively. They grunted at the women, who fell to their needs in submission, as instructed. The hunters, true to their code, walked past as if they weren't even there. The women got up quickly. There was another hunter approaching. There was no time, the hunter came out between the paths. Rebecca screamed and ran down the path towards the hills, Parker ran into the swamps. The hunter bent down, examined the ground and the footprints, then followed after Parker. Just then, we were all hustled out of the concrete "bunker" and taken farther up the beach to another bunker, similarly equipped.