Far Pangaea 71 : Polly Roger


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"In case you haven't noticed we're outnumbered and they have a bigger boat. Now shut the hell up."

The words draw more laughter as even the First Mate joins the humorous situation below. Moving her other leg over she now sits on the ledge. For a Pirate she sure liked showing off her legs. Tactics Jack surmised. To catch her opponent off guard as he checks her out.

"God you say? What makes you so special Mister Ramse?"

"Nothing. He's just drunk and rambling. Finished off the last bit of Tequila I had last night. Where are you folks headed?"

"A good question. For now in circles it seems. We've travelled the coast for a month now. Encountered many things in such a short time. Our crew here for instance. Each of them found adrift like yourself. All joining our adventure. Survival the only worthy option."

"Living is a good plan. Destination even better. Any islands in this fishbowl?"

"Indeed. Quite a good number. We've sent small bands into their interiors. None return. 'Tis safer we remain at sea it seems." Rogers taps her sword blade on her palm.

"Dinosaurs most likely. We fought off a Plesiosaurus a few days back. I've seen a T-Rex and a Pterodactyl since being here."

"Killed all of 'em we did." Lowball jumps in winking at Jack.

"Looking at Jack here I might just believe that." Addison smirks, "You're welcome to join us. Safer on the Captain's boat the Castille. Most of my men here come from an era that had no idea what dinosaurs even were. Until last week. There's a nasty Mosasaur trolling the waters. Run afoul of it a few times now. Your sailboat is like a guppy to it. Certain death."

"Nice of you to offer. We'll take our chances."

Rogers sighs, "Note the flag Jack. Pirate's we are. It doesn't look like you have much but regardless...booty is booty."

Suddenly, all of the men grew eager. Making crude comments about Bianca being a worthy booty. Addison nods. Jack himself looked ripe for her taking. Finally, somebody civilized enough to know how to please a woman. Besides that he was the closest male yet to her own timeline. Someone that she could actually talk to that would understand her.

"You can try. I won't let you hurt anyone here." Jack drew out his Glocks from behind his back. His bravado forcing the crew of the Castille to chuckle and display a challenging awe.

"Much ammunition left in those guns Jack?" Addison grins, "Fighting off dinosaurs has bound to have limited your ammo."

"Enough to take out who I need to."

Kicking her boots on the side of the boat led to a port window opening. Out pokes a cannon primed directly at Jack's boat. Jack stands his ground.

"My aren't you a cool bastard, Jack. A cannon in your face and you play Dirty Harry."

"You say third world war Rogers. Jet went down. You a pilot?"

"Was. Stealth fighter. Stationed on the Carrier the Obadiah."

"As in Obadiah Ridge. I knew him personally. His Wife and Daughter also survived the same crash I did."

"Really now? Then you must know that he vanished in 2022? Of course you don't."

That prompted Jack to ask, "Heard of REGION?"

"REGION? I can't say I have." He knew she was lying.

"Alien tech. I'm in search of a survivor here in Pangaea. His name is Lucas Dorsey."

The crew shows fear at the name. Even Addison. Fluffing her breasts in her position on the ledge she smiles, "Death wish Jack. Our Captain has told us all about Dorsey. If you have questions you should speak with Mordecai."

"Tell him to come out and say hello."

"His dinner time I'm afraid. I must insist you come aboard and join us. Glock against cannon. Not a very fair fight and you know this."

Taking a deep breath Jack knew if he continued the others would suffer for his defiance. His choices limited he lowers his guns. Suffer they still might. Waving the others to stand down he checks out their behavior. Bianca and Lowball swallow dryly at his reluctance. Beneath the shade of the cabin Wretch too hid well in her robe and cloak. So well that Jack had to squint as he looked for her. No way was she under that bundle of clothing and blankets. Where in the world had she gone?

Two loud thumps force the boat to sway violently as Kensington and an Indian of some sort wearing a chest plate that resembled markings on a Mayan calendar dropped down. Kensington at first procured Jack's guns looking them over and pointing them out to sea to discover their future potential too him. One was then pointed up toward Lowball. Jack swiftly planted his hand over the gun nudging Kensington's aim.

"We can end this here and now." Jack growls as the Brit looks the Colonel up and down. Smirking the Brit nods. The Indian headed straight for the cabin. Pilfering in everything that lie within. Returning to daylight holding sexy clothing belonging to Bianca and 8-track tapes.

"Hey! Those are mine." She snaps in her native tongue of Greek. Keeping in role as Jack had hoped she would. Observing Kensington claim the garment and smell her nightie he turns his nose up at it. Bianca sneered but also knew that the scent he captured was that of Lowball who had worn it days before when they were on the Cliff dwelling of Wretch. Kensington deserved the pungent odor. The Mayan poised the music up toward Addison.

"Bring everything aboard. Memories of home I must say." She calls down. Kensington kept Jack's Glocks tucking them in his belt. The pillage continued as the Mayan produced Jack's Sniper rifle. Among other items such as his backpack full of tech. Within it his only communication with Ruby and the others at the Ganthorian Hilton. He was not happy seeing it manhandled. As the Mayan ended his search Jack once again wondered how he could not discover Wretch. Let alone his sword Soultaker. He would have to worry about her later.

A rope ladder is hurled down along with baskets on ropes. Kensington and the Mayan packed the baskets with every personal item there. Watching as each basket rose up to the deck to be emptied and sent back for more. Eventually there was nothing left. Save for Lowball's axe. Kensington crawled up to the cabin roof and extended a hand.

"Hand it over."

"Aye!" The Leprechaun attempts to swing it at him. Missing the Brit's hand by inches. A blow from the axe would have severed his hand at the wrist. Shocked the Brit snatches the axe and kicks Lowball backward toppling him over the cabin's front end.

Laughter rose up once again as Kensington turns and raises his arms in the air holding up the small battleax. Smirking at Jack the Brit tosses the axe into the water. It vanished into the depths. As it did a loud yell from the front found Lowball peering over the edge of the boat in anger, "PAPSMERE! Ye threw away Papsmere."

Jack creased his brow, "He named his axe Papsmere? Now I've heard it all." Behind him Bianca wanted to laugh even though it was sad and she feared for their lives. Above them Addison Rogers couldn't contain her amusement. Of the crew only she knew what a medical Pap smear even was.

"Time to come aboard Jack. Bring your friends."

Jack felt the boat lightly collide against the bigger ships hull. With the shudder he chose to look down for the cat and Iota. Neither were in sight. In his thoughts he wondered just where his crew had gone. First Wretch and now Iota and the feline. Then a glimmer caught his eye. The cat had leaped against the wooden hull and dug its claws in. Escaping through a second port window. Where was Iota though?

As Kensington nudged Jack toward Bianca he hadn't seen Iota vanish up Jack's pants leg. Her climbing making Jack uncomfortable. Of course he knew where the Sprite was headed. He maintained his composure regardless. That explained those two. Yet not Wretch. He had no choice but to hope she would be safe.

Kensington reaches out and grips Bianca by the butt cheek. Squealing she whirls around and slugs the Brit. His jaw tender from her blow. For a woman she had a mean right hook. It took Jack to control her and point at Kensington to refrain his aggression. Addison joined the breakup.

"Calm it down Kensington. These are our guests. Show a moment of respect."

"As ye say Addy."

Lowball still fuming marches up behind the Brit and taps his hip. In turning the Leprechaun doubles up his fist and punches the Brit in the balls. Doubling over made the crew laugh even harder at his expense. Jack took the initiative to grip Lowball by the arm and literally fling the runt skyward. Too everyone's amazement Lowball flew up and over the dozens of men above. Even Addison marveled at the strength Jack Ramse possessed.

"Well now." Rogers puckers as Lowball slams hard on to the deck groaning. His helmet once again lodged upon his skull by the impact. Dizzy the runt falls back and merely lays there.

Helping Bianca climb the ladder Jack turned back toward Kensington and the Mayan. Eyes narrow Jack extends a hand toward Kensington. Not out of friendship however. Grabbing his guns he shoves Kensington over the edge into the water.

"Find his axe."

In his assault the Mayan took a stand. Producing a blowgun he fires a dart at Jack. Stabbing Jack in the neck he smirks knowing the venom would knock Jack out in seconds. As Jack plucks the dangling dart he looks it over. Nothing happened. The Mayan's eyes grew large as Jack moved forward stabbing the man in the arm with it. The venom instantly dropped the Indian. Below in the water Kensington wailed about.

"Doesn't anybody in Pangaea know how to swim?"

Whispering so as not to be heard Jack encouraged the hiding Fenway to produce a gravity field while maintaining his quarantine in front of the boat. He knew the orbs sensors would hear and decipher his words. With no sudden response to his command his eyes dart about. Playing along with the Mayan's expectant drug implant he stammers about to look less obvious. The folks above making wagers how long Jack would last before toppling over. Sneering as he hears Bianca reach the deck of the ship he hears her cries as the male majority manhandle her dragging her amidst their folly.

"Come on Fenway. Don't fail me." Jack murmurs again. Glaring about something unexpected catches his eye. Toward the rear of the ship where none of the corsairs hovered about he spots Wretch alive and well. Crawling from the water nude. There was something different about her though. As if she had returned to her ancient form. Old and gnarly in body, yet agile enough to literally climb up the side of the ship and squeeze her body through a port hole barely big enough for Lowball to get through. He didn't have time to question how she managed it. All he knew was she had the sword Soultaker over her shoulder dangling from a strap. For now he was content. Still needy of a distraction he calls out under his breath once more for Fenway. Ordering the orb on constant autopilot so that he could stash away the controls.

Then, it happened.

Behind the clawing for life Kensington erupted something even more unexpected. At least to the crew above. Like a God rising from the depths came Lowball's battleax. Papsmere roared high above them. Up amid the sails of the ship. Whipping about in a deadly swath that tore through canvas sails. Hearing bellows above Jack made his move. While all eyes watched the axes journey, including Lowball still sprawled on the deck in awe.

Jack leans over the side of the boat and grabs Kensington by his shirt dragging him from the water as if weighing nothing. Like he did Lowball earlier he tosses the Brit through the air in a spit of trailing seawater. His launch leading him over the quieted men. Even Addison was inspired by the events. Her awe leading back toward Jack instead. In her thoughts she smiled. Maybe this stud was a God.

As Kensington dropped hard in a thud next to Lowball he fell unconscious. Water gurgling from his mouth. Lowball took the initiative. Crawling to his feet he planted a boot on Kensington's chest and raised an arm high in the air.

"To Ye'er Master Papsmere. I command Thee."

The axe dropped instantaneously toward Lowball and the Brit. Eyes bulging at its rapid descent made it slam into the planked deck lodging itself. Kensington kept his ear by an inch. Laughter immediately returned to mock the false God. Lowball cringed with teeth gnashed. Surrounded now by Pirates taunting him. Try as they might they couldn't lift the axe. Giving up on it made Lowball smug. Arms folded the Leprechaun attempted to maintain his superiority. It didn't last. A boot to his ass made him grumble in defeat. All the while Addison Rogers watched Jack carry the Mayan over his shoulder up the ladder. Impressed that he wouldn't leave any man behind. His military oath she surmised. Reaching the top the Redhead coaxed her Men to procure the Mayan and help Jack over the edge. Unknown to them on his way up he had whispered further commands to Fenway. With the distraction of everything the softball sized orb followed the water level along side the ship and enter the port hole that Wretch had stowed away through. In stealth mode the orb hid in the most unexpected of places. Within the barrel of a cannon. Safe and sound.

The cadre of corsairs spread out as Jack took his first step on the deck. Tall and imposing. Eyes squinting at each of them as he cracks his knuckles. Seeing Bianca's struggle amid the bruisers pawing her up he clears his throat loudly.

"Big mistake. Making her mad isn't smart. Trust me."

Bianca feels their grips loosening and takes the advantage to pull free of them. Kissing her Ram's head ring she snarls. Her eyes fierce and drawing on her best dramatic pose. The Pirates didn't know what to make of her. All they knew was that none of them had felt a woman in months. Fearing for their life in touching Addison Rogers. Her fighting skills more than any of them could deal with. Respect earned immediately. Their second thought was simple. Why couldn't they find a girl they could bed down? Disappointment led to Bianca cautiously stepping toward Jack. Joining his side while still acting out her inner demon.

Suddenly, clapping could be heard.

"Bravo. Welcome aboard once again Jack. It appears there's more to you than I presumed. Such strength. Such control." Addison waltzes directly in front of Jack and nuzzles up against his chest. Her own bosom crushing into his pecs. Beside them Bianca snarls at Addison until she feels a dagger up to her throat. Bianca's act ended with a flare of eyes. Even Jack knew this act wouldn't last. Addison's palm cups his crotch with a fearless smirk.

"Oh my! The God has a big ego. I can feel it..." She pauses a moment to look down with a hesitant look. Something beneath her hand tried to push her palm away. Easing away Jack knew the culprit instantly. Maintaining his swagger Jack lifted his left hand and gripped Addison's wrist, dragging the dagger from Bianca's throat. The First mate allowing it as she marvels his crotch.

"Call your wolves off."

Nodding with an uncertainty she flutters her free hand over her shoulder. Curiosity remaining in her eyes.

"Put their booty in my quarters until I have time to look it over. Pour the God some rum."

"Not thirsty. We either agree to get along or I throw every one of you overboard." He steps around Addison and boldly moves over to Lowball. Nudging the runt aside the Colonel bends over gripping the axe handle and easily pries it from the wood. His strength exceeding any single man in the vicinity. Raising the blade he looks it over before handing it down to Lowball. The Leprechaun happy to be reunited with his best friend.

Bianca went overboard and snarled directly into Addison's face. Eyes rolling the Redhead punched Bianca directly in the nose. The Greek beauty fell to her knees and dropped forward to the deck.

"You show me yours. I'll show you mine." Addison wipes Bianca's blood on the shirt of the closest crew member. Strutting sensually toward Jack she beguiles with a smile, "As you said Call your wolves off."

"Done. If any man here hurts that girl they go swimming. AM I CLEAR?"

"Such confidence. Come Jack...let us get acquainted."

Leering down at Lowball Jack nods, "Stand guard over the Goat." The runt gripped his axe hilt as never before. Addison pointing at her crew to behave. A stroll led the two Leaders away from the earshot of others.

"2036. Correct?"

"Yep. China, U.S. relations went to shit. War broke out. No nukes thankfully but loads of tech dropped planes and boats like flies. Ground troops mostly robotic. The bad part of that was the technology was made in China itself. Chinese had a secret tech. Easily overrode anything we had. Something ancient they found in the White Pyramid of Xian. Shaanxi Province. Legendary became reality. Something from that Pyramid took control of my stealth fighter. Purple light. Next thing I knew I was falling from the sky into open water. Had to bust out in order to eject. Parachute and a dinghy pretty much all I had. Thank goodness there was more to me than meets the eye." She winks at Jack.

"Meaning what?"

"Classified. That would be telling." She taps an index finger on his chest. Sighing she continues, "Fine. In 2036 we had special flight suits with survival supplies. Food. Water. Insulated well. Hand guns that do a bit more than your antiques. Ion weapons."

"Used those. Rather apply my own guns. Even if that means forging my own bullets."

"Now where did you use those Handsome Jack?" She narrows her eyes studying him. "Alien hardware. My people found and adapted. Survived pretty well here so far. Fought off Fallen Angels and Vampire Queens. I'm still here."

"My! We both know you're no God. Just more highly trained than those around you. Next to myself that is."

"You might be surprised. I didn't believe it either but I'm still learning my heritage. Who knows? You might be a Goddess."

"Already knew that about myself." She caresses her cleavage nibbling her lip.

"Get over yourself Rogers. I have a girl."

"The Goat as you deemed her?"

"Nope. Colonel Ruby Goddard. She crashed here with me. Tough lady. Worthy."

Addison looks shocked for a brief moment. Something he said capturing her inner thoughts. Jack notes her temporary retreat and narrows his eyes. He decides to change the subject.

"Why haven't I met your Captain?"

"In time. Right now that might prove fatal."

"Dinner time you mentioned earlier?"

"You have no idea." She raises an eye brow as if stressed by the menu. The glint of fear in her eye made Jack uneasy. Whoever this Captain was had a definite stranglehold on his crew. That worried him.

"One Soldier to another Rogers. Are any of us safe on this boat?"

A thin smile she notes his pupils dilate, "Hourglass is ready to run out of sand Jack."

"What?" He feels lightheaded suddenly.

"That Fer-de-Lance venom you were injected with. It's finally taking effect. I was actually buying into the whole Godhood thing. It takes a strong man to last as long as you have. Luckily for my man Quihito he only got the leftovers when you jabbed his arm with the dart. He might survive. You? We'll just have to see Almighty Jack."

He staggers in step as Addison motions for members of her crew to move in to catch his fall. He scans about as his vision blurs. Looking back at Addison she blows him a kiss. With a flutter of fingers Jack's world fades away.

Once convinced he was out cold Addison marches toward Bianca and Lowball. Kensington had finally revived and was sitting up. A boot to his face he falls back once more to look up at Addison.

"Take Jack to my quarters. Hand the midget a mop. Sink the sailboat." She prowls further toward the stern then turns around, "Once that's done...rape the Goat."

The crew break out into a cheer as commands spread throughout in a chain. Reaching the gunners below deck. Arming the cannons they fire upon the boat. The small craft try as they might couldn't be hit. It merely floated lifelessly away from the ship. Finally giving up the gunners shrug. The cannonball Fenway returned to his home stealthily. Bianca cried like a baby. Lowball lost his axe once again to Kensington. This time he decided to keep the blade just to taunt the runt.