Fateful Plateful


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When I finally stopped gargling and giggling, I realized that I had lost track of London. The last I remember, he'd been sitting on the other couch, playing with himself. Now, he was nowhere to be seen.

I tried to say, "Where's Lon?" but what came out was more like "er-clon?" Realizing that I still had my mouthful of semen, with bubbles of the stuff now drying on my lips, cheeks, nose, and chin, I decided it was unnecessary to worry too much about Lon. He'd be fine wherever he'd gone.

Not getting a response from Lyle and hearing him breathing quietly I figured that he had fallen asleep. With my head comfortably back and surrounded by his muscular thighs I thought I'd do the same. I closed my eyes, but as I drifted off, in this funny position, my mouth was slightly open and I snored once or twice. That woke me up and without even thinking about it I swallowed the load of cum in my mouth.

It went down so smoothly and warmed me as it did. It did not induce an orgasm exactly, but it stirred something inside of me that was just perfect.

Ah, sex. Good. Sex equals good. Cum. Good. These words were floating around in my brain when I heard some noise and realized that Lon must have gone into the kitchen. I struggled to get up and wandered in, my cum-stained t-shirt now pretty dry and cum drying on my face.

I expected London to be making something else to eat or to drink, but instead he was just standing in the kitchen, slowly playing with himself, watching what sounded like porn on his iPad on the kitchen counter.

"Oh, London, I'm so sorry. You probably need to have another orgasm. Would you like to come in my mouth?" I asked him.

"Are you kidding? Sure. But, I have this for you if you want it."

He held up a small, rectangular platter or serving tray (about the size of an iPad Mini) with a mirror at the bottom. Sitting on the mirror was a bunch of semen shots.

"Is that yours? Did you just come while I was giving Lyle that blowjob, or whatever it was? You know, that was my first ever blowjob. I'm pretty sure I sucked."

London started to laugh at me.

Quickly regrouping, I added, "I mean, I'm pretty sure I sucked at, um, sucking." I snorted another laugh.

When he finished chortling, Lon said, "Well, I didn't want to horn in. Plus it was so hot watching you play with the cum and then each time you came from just tasting the cum, well, that was amazing. It was so hot, watching you shake and kind of zone out in your climaxes. I had to finish jerking off, but I thought you might want to have some more so I came on this mirrored plate."

"Aw, jeez, Lon, thanks. Thanks a bunch," I said, smiling at him. I took the plate and just looked at the luscious load of ejaculate sparkling in the dim light from their snowy backyard.

I smelled it and it had that same funky, but sexy smell. I had to taste it, but I wondered if maybe all this sex was tiring the guys out. I know I'd probably doubled my total orgasm count, ever, this morning. (Hey, this was all new to me.)

Sticking out my tongue, I made a pass at part of the cum spurts on the mirror. It was a turn-on to see London jerking himself, too. I slurped up a portion of the cum, surprised that it was still thick in consistency even though the taste was cool. Trying to figure out when he'd come, I realized that he must have had this orgasm while I was busy sucking on Lyle's cock. I didn't even notice.

With some of the cum dripping off my tongue, I said to him, "Hey, you're not mad that I sucked on Lyle, are you?" When he shook his head no, I went on, "If you want to come in my mouth now that would be cool."

"Uh, sure. Do you want to sit down?" he said, pushing over a low stool they kept in a corner of the kitchen.

I sat my butt down and leaned over just a little to get to London's cock. I didn't know guys could cum so much and so often, but then I remembered reading that guys around 18 or 20 years of age were at their sexual peak. Having two or three orgasms in the course of an hour or two was not at all uncommon.

And, sure enough, within a minute or two of attacking his cock with my tongue and lips, I thought he might be ready to come again. I was still holding the plate with its still to be tasted bounty and sucking on London when I could see Lyle enter the kitchen out of the corner of my eye. It looked like he was jerking off too.

These two guys! Jeez. Horny bastards! Then I thought about myself and decided we were all probably just normal teens.

Before I knew it, London was shooting off in my mouth. It caused me to climax again too. It wasn't as big as the ones earlier, but it was pretty great. Plus, orgasms can tire you out. Well, they sometimes tire me out. Or so I learned that morning.

I was so into my own climax, though, that I kind of lost touch with the activity in and near my mouth. You see, while London was filling up my mouth with a smaller, but still impressive load of cum, Lyle had been playing with himself and he had an orgasm along with mine, carefully ejaculating onto the already loaded mirrored plate.

London's orgasm and my orgasm finished at about the same time, but I tried to milk both of them as long as possible. When I decided that we were both done, I saw that Lyle's orgasm combined with London's seemed to now mostly cover the mirror. I had about a plateful of semen for myself. Yay!

So, that was three each for the guys and probably somewhere around six for me. That sounded both reasonable and equitable.

The two of them just stood there as I began a slow and loving clean up of the mirror with my lips and tongue. After a few long licks with my tongue dripping some of the cum back down onto the plate, I did something that actually surprised me: I lay one whole side of my face into the sea of semen and slowly moved it around as my tongue tried to lick up what was in front of it.

The feeling of the gooey, congealing cum was weird and still wonderful and very hot. When I'd had enough of the smooth, gooey semen rubbing around on my cheek I raised my head and let what cum was there fall back onto the plate. Then I put my lips together and sucked up all the remaining cum.

Being the usual neat freak that I was, I proceeded to lick the mirror until it was completely clean, finishing with any remaining cum on my face.

The guys just stared at me. I just stared back. Finally, with the alcohol content of our blood back down to near normal levels, the two of them poured some more hot coffee for us as I went to the bathroom to see what really needed cleaning up.

Looking in the bathroom mirror was a shock; everything I saw needed cleaning up. I had dried cum in my hair, eyebrows, eyelids, and all over my face. The eye that had suffered the indignity of two or three cum shots was really red, but it didn't hurt really.

Water is such a great liquid for getting out cum. I managed to clean myself up so that I only looked like a slut who'd try to clean herself up, and not a degenerate who was beyond salvation.

When I returned to the family room, they had on jeans and the same t-shirts. They'd put on the radio and we discovered that it was good that we'd gotten cleaned up. The storm was so bad, they were telling anyone who could leave work early to go home. That probably meant that our parents were all going to be home earlier than usual.

"So, uh, wow..." I said as astutely as one could say it. (I can be pithy when the situation demands.)

"Um, yeah, so," said Lyle.

"I guess I'll be going home. I need to take a shower," I told them. "At least!"

"We should probably shovel the driveway. We could do yours if you want."

"Yeah, that would be great," I said.

And with those insightful orations, I put on my boots and went to the door.

Before I could leave, both of them came to me and told me that they'd had a great time. I told them that I had too and thanked them for everything.

It got awkward for a moment, but then Lyle said, "Hey, maybe we could get together again and you could teach us about, uh, well, you know, pussies."

"Yeah, when I was going out with Cheryl I don't think I could ever make her come. Maybe you could show us how to lick you. Would that be OK?"

I was really touched by this. They were in the same boat as I was. We were all just trying to figure it out.

"Yeah, sure. That would be great. Not one's ever licked me so it would be fun to have the two of you doing it." I smiled at them both. "You know, guys, I'm so glad I know you two. You're cool. Thanks again for breakfast and all your cum."

"I still want to see your boobs," Lyle said with London agreeing.

I smiled and told them, "Maybe next time."

They both smiled and gave me hugs. Then I left and I ran back to my house.

After a shower that included washing the dried cum out of my hair, I lit a fire, got out a novel I was in the middle of, and plopped myself down on the couch to read.

It was difficult for me to concentrate on anything but remembering the morning's shenanigans. Wow. I'd tasted cum. I'd licked up cum. I'd drunk cum. I'd sucked up cum. I'd gargled cum. I'd given blowjobs (even though I still had no idea what I was doing). I'd had at least half a dozen completely new kinds of orgasms that happened with no manipulation of my sensitive nipples or clitoris, whatsoever. I'd smelled semen. I'd swished it around and around in my mouth. I'd swallowed six loads of it.

Now, if I remembered correctly (and if I were being generous), six loads was about one fluid ounce. Boy. That means they had to get a lot of guys for those porn videos where the girl drinks what looks like a cup of semen. That's a lot of guys. Where do they get all those guys? Some of those girls were drinking a bowlful of semen. Jeez, that meant that they had to have collected the cum from like fifty or maybe one hundred orgasms or more. Wow!

My mind was just thinking about dicks. How weird. I was surprised that I hadn't thought at all about fucking. All I wanted to do was to suck more cock and swallow more cum.

I was thankful, though, for my old friends London and Lyle for providing such a fun time, no pressure, lots of laughing, lots of coming, and a great breakfast too.

Then I was reminded that since it didn't hurt when Bull and I had done it the last time, maybe it would stop hurting from now on. I suddenly was looking forward to more fucking. In fact, now that I'd had these incredible, almost spiritual, orgasms, perhaps the next time I fucked Bull I'd be able to have them too.

But then there were all kinds of things I still needed to learn. I didn't think I had given terribly good blowjobs. The guys hadn't shoved into my mouth too deeply at all. I wondered if I could ever deep throat like some of those girls could. I wondered about anal sex, too. The idea of it was gross, but maybe the additional pressure on the general area of my crotch would give me those huge orgasms too. Maybe even bigger.

Many, many questions about sex concerned me. What turns on a guy? What turns me on? Are all guys pretty much like Bull, Allen, Lyle, and London? Was I going to find some guy who was very different? Was there more to learn about cocks? There must be. I hadn't even done anything with the guys' balls today. I guess I should have, but what? And since no one had ever licked me, how could I teach the twins what to do?

On the other hand, as they say, practice makes perfect. Maybe the twins and I could teach each other about licking me and I could get the Twins to make me another plateful of cum. Maybe it would actually be enough to drink. Hmm. I even wondered what kinds of food would go with it. My mind was trying to get a grip on this whole sex thing. I figured that I was off to a good start.

Yes, here was an additional academic endeavor for me, one with an untold number of climaxes, both other's and my own. I was eager for my education to continue.

I'd had a great day in class. And I was eagerly anticipating the next lesson!

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roveroneroveroneabout 2 years ago

She is GREAT...! And going to make guys VERY happy...

And great they want to get better themselves...

KingCuddleKingCuddleabout 3 years ago

Are you near Nashville? :+PPPP

derherrenwolfderherrenwolfabout 5 years ago
So fuckin sexy

Probably the sexiest cum story I've ever read—and so well-written, too!

pooky12349pooky12349about 7 years ago
way cool

Hello Carol,

Another great story. I love the way you write, pretty much giving all the lovely details, but also knowing when its a good time to go off into a digression. My fiction writing does a certain amount of that and I find it a lot of fun. So when a writer knows how to do it it adds a lot to the story. I also like that your characters are not all perfect and beautiful, that's not saying that Cara isn't perfect but she doesn't have the "perfect" body, and I really like that, it makes it all the more interesting because thats really what life is about. I hope I'm saying this right otherwise it could get insulting, and I certainly wouldn't intentionally insult a great story or a great writer!

It was such fun watching Cara and the twins learning about sex, or at least discovering another aspect of it. I was a little surprised when she didn't take their cocks fully into her mouth and I think she was too, because she'd seen enough of it on the porn films. But that was still cool, now they'll have something to do next time they get together when they'll all have had a chance to think about what they had done and ways they could improve on it.

And in case you're wondering, I did get a hard on and I did have a great time jacking off to Cara's adventures. So thank you!


AntinomyAntinomyalmost 8 years ago
a favorite

I believe I've read this story three times now, and I've loved it every time.

42154215about 8 years ago

Carol , you have a great way of storytelling . To read this story based on a young woman exploring her sexuality is very diferent from most writers here . Both guys and girls have been thro the feelings and emotions portrayed to one degree or another . It's an exiting time in life

I for one am really interested to find out more from a girls point of view . I loved every word

TGMarionTGMarionover 9 years ago

I can't explain the joy of reading this story and then finding Global Carol's Submissions page exploding with links. I share Cara's fixation and Carol expresses it so damn well it hurts. I love the way Cara savors, plays, and swallows. I love that she asks, suggests, and indulges in her sexuality, enjoying herself and her partners. I'm eager to find out how deep her desires go, and who else will help her satisfy her appetite in future chapters. Thank you so much for writing stories like these, Carol. It's such a relief to have found you.

Global CarolGlobal Carolalmost 10 years agoAuthor

Whoa, cowboy! Just who are you callin’ “literate” and “hilarious?” (Pardon me while I go look up them big words.)

To paraphrase an old show tune, “I’m just a gal who can’t say no as often as I should.” But sometimes messy and wet sex can be fun.

Most stories have their own particular audiences. Perhaps it would have been better to post this story in another category. That concern will be considered in future posts.

And for those not offended by this story, Thank you for your kind words.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
perhaps the most literate writer on Literotica and hilarious too

Carol is literate and hilarious. I don't think any of the other Lit writers are up to her standards. There are a number of excellent and enjoyable writers, but she is at the top in my opinion. Perhaps she will provide more excellent offerings SOON. Thank you for your efforts, Carol. Cowboy100

OleguyOleguyabout 10 years ago

To 'yuck' I say go elsewhere. If you don't like it show your character and ability.

'Carol' that is a fascinatingly different approach.

Damned good.

SithspitSithspitabout 10 years ago

One of the things I love about your stories is how erudite you are. You manage to pull off sexy, erotic, and fun in an intelligent manner, avoiding all of the cliched language and making it sound GOOD.

Great to see you "back". Long break after that lengthy story; looking forward to more. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Thank you!

I am soooo glad to see you are back! Please continue to write.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Another fine Christmas Carol!

It's great you're back! Keep going, please and ignore (I know you do...) the anonymous clods with their "yuck"...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
The writer is a total wanker

The writer is a total wanker

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Another Chapter?

I never thought I would enjoy cum play, but it was absolutely great! Write another chapter, Please?

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