Father Goose


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At lunch time we sat around eating and having small talk as usual. When the food was done Leslie passed around a bottle of rum and small sips were taken by everyone.

"We need some entertainment!" said Leslie at one point.

The ladies agreed and I thought for sure there would be more singing.

Instead Leslie went to one of the vacant bunks and pulled the mattress onto the floor, dragging it to where it was in the middle of our group. I was as mystified as the others when she was doing this.

"Anneke wants to show us something." she announced.

"I do?" replied Anneke.

"Yes you do." said Leslie as she took Anneke's hand and led her to the mattress. Leslie guided Anneke to her hands and knees and Anneke gave an uncomfortable giggle as she did so.

Leslie caressed Anneke's ass and then looked at me. "Bob?" she beckoned.

I understood and didn't mind what Leslie was asking me to do. Not at all.

"Oh no..." said Anneke as she tried to get up.

Leslie held her down with a hand on her back. "No, don't go anywhere. You haven't joined our club yet", she said as she rubbed Anneke's back, "and we want you to join our club, don't we ladies?"

A happy chorus of yes and 'oui' followed.

Getting behind Anneke I was ready for action. Anneke didn't bother trying to fight it and silently accepted her fate.

"Mmmph!!" was her sole complaint as I plunged into her pussy and stroked myself to her deepest parts.

The ladies watched in rapt fascination as I mated with Anneke.

Not that they hadn't seen me with other women before but that was almost always by candlelight and it wasn't as overt as this was. Verina moved to her left to get a better view of my cock going in and out of Anneke.

Leslie continued rubbing Anneke's back while I was busy fucking. In the midst of it all Leslie leaned into me and kissed me. Her tongue darting in and out of my mouth as we kissed.

Leslie moved from me and then moved in close to Anneke and kissed her too. I could feel Anneke tense around my cock and then she relaxed and returned Leslie's attentions.

I'd had an inkling the ladies were doing things like this and now I knew.

It didn't bother me in the least.

I was feeling close and decided to end the show with a bang. I grabbed Anneke by the hips and would slowly pull out of her and then slam it back in. We both grunted from the effort and the impact. It felt good.

A few strokes this way and then I held her hips tight filling her with my seed.

Looking around I saw more than a couple glassy eyed, slack-jawed faces on the ladies as they considered what they had just seen.

The next day the sky was back to normal and lunch was the usual come and go affair instead of a gathering. But at dinner when we circled up the mattress was on the floor again.

After we ate there was some chatter about the day and then a kind of mutual silence as the ladies stared at Anneke. She dutifully took her place on the mattress and then looked at me.

Our second performance went much better than the first ending with Anneke collapsing face first onto the mattress with a very powerful orgasm.

The next night surprised me when Anneke quite eagerly took her place on the mattress. I didn't disappoint her.

Our relationship changed after that and she became a much more compliant lover.

By Christmas it was safe to say Anneke was pregnant.

January 15th 1943 was an unremarkable day in the Bismarck Sea except for Leslie birthing my first child, a very healthy and very loud baby boy! We named him Gérard for Leslie's father.

February saw Verina and Laurelle give birth to healthy happy daughters. Laurelle's labor wasn't easy and it took almost two days but she got through it and was ship shape after some rest.

The infants were of course the center of attention for the ladies.

One consequence of their shared experiences with pregnancy and child bearing was the sharing of feeding duties. And it wasn't just the three mothers, it was the other ladies who were able to make milk who started taking turns with the infants.

I'll admit that this struck a chord in my being that I hadn't expected.

Right at the end of February there was a sudden increase in Japanese activity and we knew a battle was in the making and somewhere nearby. Convoys were definitely coming and going from Rabaul and we'd see some of the same ships returning just a few days later so I figured the target was on New Guinea somewhere.

The battle came our way on the morning of March 3rd. B-17 bombers and P-38 fighters mixed it up with a bunch of Japanese Zeroes high up above our island. There were a couple Australian Beaufighters in the furball too.

While the drama was going on over our heads the sea was aflame with wrecked and sinking Japanese ships. I could see American and Australian patrol torpedo boats dodging enemy fire and zipping in and out to attack enemy ships and rescue Allied airmen from the sea. We even saw a huge PBY Catalina come in and pluck some men from the water.

I couldn't just sit there while American and Australian guys were dying in the water!

Explaining myself to Leslie and the ladies they helped me cast off after I got the Daihatsu landing craft fired up. I had to reverse out of the pool and into the channel where I turned and made for open water.

After I made it to blue water I realized that the Japanese would ignore my boat but the Americans and Australians would see it as a target. It didn't matter. Throwing caution to the wind I made for groups of men in the water. Where I saw Japanese I had to pass them by. Where I saw Allies I stopped and got them into the boat.

The Allied fliers uniformly tried to evade me until myself and some of the rescued airmen would yell at them to let them know we weren't Japanese. I didn't blame them for their fears. The sharks were less dangerous than the Japanese when it came to Allied airmen.

I ended up with fourteen men on the boat. Most of them were unharmed save for their time in the water and a few were bruised but not broken.

One of them had managed to save a two-way radio he called a 'walkie talkie'.

I got them back to the island where their next surprise was seeing six women in old German navy uniforms and three infants.

One of the several Aussies looked at the pregnant women, the mothers, and the babies and says to me, "Is this lot yours?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

He broke into a smile and slapped me on the back, "Well, good on you mate!"

The one American with the walkie talkie managed to contact a passing fighter and a few hours later and just after dusk a massive Martin PBM Mariner was floating just off shore waiting to rescue us.

Leslie had a tear in her eye as I helped her and the baby into the Daihatsu. "This was our home!" she cried.

The next morning we were in the relatively safe harbor of Port Moresby where the Mariner was refueled and we were sent on our way to the American airfield at Lockhart River, Australia.

The American officers at what they called 'Iron Range' were not so pleased with my presence and they took a dim view of six young women pregnant by the same man.

I ended up in a jail cell for a couple days before I was brought before a heavy set and angry looking USAAC Colonel.

"I have a problem." he said to me as he looked at some reports on his desk. Looking at me he continued, "You're my problem."

I went to say something and he held up a hand to silence me.

"What you did with those girls who were entrusted to your care is reprehensible. Normally I'd have had you shot and reported you as missing."

He stood up and came around the desk to face me. "But the Australians tell me you put your ass on the line and sailed into the middle of a goddamned enemy fleet to rescue some of their men and some of mine. You know the fucking Japanese would have executed you as a spy for driving one of their boats, right?"

"I imagine so, yes."

"And you did it anyway?" He stared at me.

"I didn't think to do anything else."

"Well, shit." he said and walked over to a cabinet with a carafe and glasses on it. He poured two glasses of what looked to be whiskey and handed me one.

"You're a fucking hero, my friend. I owe you for the lives of six of my men. The Aussies owe you for eight of theirs and in a minute I'm sending you to see their commander. But for right now I'm drinking to your health, you scurrilous bastard!" Smiling at me we clanked our glasses and tossed them back.

Thirty minutes later a Royal Australian Air Force Colonel welcomed me into his office with a similar greeting.

More alcohol was offered and accepted.

He asked me much more about the situation that led us to the island, our year of isolation, and the details of how six young women ended up in my arms.

"It makes quite the tale, doesn't it?" he said as he poured me another tumbler of gin.

He clanked glasses with me and we sipped at the liquor.

"But it's a tale you're going to keep to yourself. At least until after this war is over. In exchange for your discretion we're offering you and your...family...a nearby station that was abandoned at the outset of the war."

I asked about the ladies.

"The English women were offered the opportunity to return to England while the French and Dutch ladies would not be afforded that same courtesy, and for obvious reasons."

He sipped his gin. "Remarkably, but not surprisingly, all six of them have chosen to live with you at the station if you accept our offer."

I had to ask, "And if I don't accept your offer?"

He smiled. "Then there are two humorless chaps outside who will hand you over to the Americans for conscription into their army and from thence out of Australia."

My turn to sip my drink, "Then I accept your kind offer!"

Turned out the 'two humorless chaps' thought pretty highly of me. They were full of cheer and chatter as they took me on a very bumpy ride that ended up in front of a house that would have looked great in 'Gone With The Wind'.

It was a sizable affair made of brick and sporting a stout metal roof. It seemed in good repair, too.

My armed escorts left me to myself with the few things I owned.

An hour later a truck came along and deposited my family at my doorstep.

I was wondering about supplies and furnishings and food and that kind of thing when the first truck departed and three other trucks arrived.

Between the grateful American and Australians we had what we needed to get a household and a ranch going.

A few days later I made my way to the town of Lockhart River and found myself a fishing boat captain who had a fuel ration. A deal was struck and he and I made a fishing trip back to the island.

The Japanese were not the threat they had been before the battle and we were careful to move at night. Arriving at the island we loaded up the gold, silver, cash, liquor, guns, and ammunition. The remaining fuel was put in the tanks and we were blessed with an uneventful trip back to Australia.

I paid the captain handsomely for his trouble. It was more than he'd made in the past ten years.

Now I had enough money to get set up and I also had enough liquor to open a bar.

And with three thousand troops nearby that's exactly what I did! My nascent bar lasted all of one night until I ran out of liquor! The capacity of young men for liquor should not be underestimated.

It was the first of April when I was finally home for good.

The next morning I was treated to a real breakfast that Verina and Laurelle had put together. Lunch was made by Stephanie. At dinner I was surprised when I came to our dining room and found no one there.

"Out here!" called Leslie.

They were all sitting on the floor. There were four babies now and not just three. Their plates were sitting in front of them piled high with fritters made from tinned beef. They were sitting around a modest mattress on the floor and they were all naked.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"This is dinner." she said, handing me a plate.

"And the rest of this?"

"We're celebrating being at home. Maybe you should make yourself at home Robert?" she made her point by unbuttoning my shirt.

I was soon naked and enjoying my dinner. The happy banter made me forget that a war was on and I felt myself transported back to the happy days on our island.

After we finished dinner a bottle of gin was passed around and modest sips were taken.

And then Leslie smiled and got herself onto the mattress. She was on her hands and knees with her cute little ass waggling in the air.

"I believe you owe me a lesson, Mr. Grant!"

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AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Excellent!!! Very well written ...as one reads along one can see the film...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Great story. I like that you hittented there was lesbian action but kept the story focused on the heterosexual action. A little bit of girl on girl kissing while the guy is facing 1 of them is great. I would like to see a sequel and have you do another classic such as Operation Petticoat, McCalls Navy etc.

AndersonsBiographerAndersonsBiographerabout 1 month ago

Cute story.

I saw the 1964 film before, and I thought it would give me the creeps to read something based on it. Cary Grant was 60 when Father Goose came out, and I think the children ranged from roughly ages 8-15. But, I think you changed the characters and circumstances enough that I wasn't left with any chomo vibes. That's impressive.

Amusingly, Grant really did have a child fairly late in life. His only daughter was born in 1966.

Haxaw11Haxaw113 months ago

Damn great story, Thank for sharing. 👍

vanhooserclvanhoosercl3 months ago

I love the movie Father goose now do operation petticoat

Lars420Lars4203 months ago

Excellent story! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Niceguy2000Niceguy20003 months ago

I remember the original film, a local TV station.showed it a couple of times a year...back when TV stations showed films.

In the original, the girls were just girls, and this being Lit, I knew you couldn't go there.

This was a lot more wholesome...than that scenario.

Though in reality (and playing the odds of the time), I think one of the girls (Stephanie?) would have said "no", leading her and Bob to have a different sort of relationship...respectful friends.

All told, well done.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was a fantastic story. My only suggestion, which you did imply, just never detailed it, is there likely would have been a lot more women eating pussy in that situation. Alone, horny, watching others fuck; yeah even if one or more was initially hesitant, their libidos would have had them eventually succumb to eating at the Y, particularly the submissive ones like Laurette and Anneke.

But you can't do everything and this story was more from Bob's POV. And if was quite the POV.

You did a wonderful job melding great story telling with wicked hot monkey sex. This is not as easy as some may think. And to do it with a classic like Father Goose is in another class. Actually, perhaps it can lead to further re-writes, by yourself or others, of classic stories with sexual undertones, only you insert the sex.

This is a job very well done and I regret Lit has a five star scoring system when I read stories like this, for it deserves a perfect ten. As it stands, 5/5 stars. And I hope to see more of this type of story.

Dewey Cheatham

NikkiAdams5556NikkiAdams55563 months ago

i love that movie, now I'll love it even more

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Quite a bit different from the early 60s chaste (but tumultuous) romance between "goody two-shoes" and the "filthy beast". To really appreciate the story you should see the film and follow where the author took off from.

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