February Consequences


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He left a few minutes later. He sat back down and finished his muffin. She followed Jim to his work. Maybe his meeting was here? She pulled over at the street. She couldn't park in the empty parking lot. From her viewpoint she watched him go into the building. About a half hour later, she watched his boss's boss, Mr Hughes enter the building. She was not cut out for staking people out. She needed to pee, and she was hungry. There was a burger joint down the street so she decided that the meeting could go on a while so she decided to go get a snack and take a potty break.

When she came back fifteen minutes later, she panicked. The parking lot was empty. Jim's car was gone. Where should she look. She had no idea. He seemed to be going in one direction toward downtown, so she decided to head that direction. She had driven about three blocks when she saw Jim at the Esso station putting gas in. She circled the block and waited for him to drive onto the boulevard.

He drove at a moderate sped across town until he pulled into the Hyatt Airport. It was the nearest nice hotel to his work location. Linda drove past as he pulled into the first driveway. She circled the block and drove in the driveway that he used. She found his truck, and parked several parking places before it. She watched him check his phone as he walked to the entrance to the hotel.

Doing her best Harriet the Spy, she jumped out and entered the hotel lobby. She glanced around from left to right, and she saw him going into the restaurant. She found a spot where she could see him from the lobby, and sat down to observe.

As she sat watching Jim, she heard the elevator door across from her 'ding'. She tried to cover her face as she watched the other woman, Carolyn come out of the elevator and enter the restaurant. Jim stood as she entered, and he pulled the chair out, as he often did for Linda. Carolyn kissed Jim on the cheek before sitting in the chair.

Linda did not like that at all.

She watched as the woman touched Jim's hands as they spoke together, very casually. She felt pangs in her heart as she became aware that her husband has a connection to this woman. Linda was so jealous of their connection.

When Jim stood up, This Carolyn woman stood up and gave Jim a hug that Linda felt lasted too long. She hurried outside to her car to wait.

He returned to his car, and looked at his phone. Placed a call, and got inside to drive away.

Linda was surprised as Jim returned to their home where a late model Camry was in the driveway. Parking two houses down, she watched the woman from Java Joint get out of the car, and hug Jim before they turned and entered the house.

About fifteen minutes passed, and the woman and Jim came out of the house. Jim opened and closed her car door for the woman. He waved as she drove away. Linda watched as he took his phone out. What woman was he calling now?"

Linda jumped when her phone rang.

She fumbles as she answered her phone. "Hello?"

"If you're going to follow me all morning, then you should park your car in the driveway, and ride with me."

He waved at her. "It'll be easier."

Linda was so embarrassed that he knew she was following him. He understood that she wanted to see what he was doing. He had felt that way every Friday night that the girls were out. He reassured her that it didn't matter that she followed him because those women could never replace her in his heart. She smiled but wasn't so sure.

He held her hand and smiled at her as they went into Costco to shop. His touching her skin made her feel safe. Brushing her arms with his fingertips, or holding her hand while pushing the shopping cart. Hamburger patties, potato salad, cole slaw, buns, and baked beans filled their shopping cart.

Arriving at his In-Laws, Jim told her to make herself pretty because he wants there to be no doubt that they had reconciled. He had things to do to get ready.

An hour later, her mother knocked on her door, and entered her room. "Feel any better after chasing your husband around town?"

"No, mostly embarrassed myself. He knew the whole time."

"Oh, he is so much like your father. Two peas in a pod." She smiled, and touched her daughter's hand. "Why aren't you dressed?"

"Your guests have arrived, and the boys have the burgers ready. Your children have destroyed the backyard with their toys, and your dad is making them pick up the yard. Everyone that's here is here to see you. So let's get you dressed, and outside to greet your guests."

Her mother pulled Linda's hair back, and fixed her bangs as they paused at the patio door. "Remember these people love you, and they're here to show support for you."

When the patio door opened, everyone looked at her. She was picture perfect from her hair to her shoes. The red sundress with a simple blue sweater made her look like an image from a springtime catalog. Jim rushed to take her hand and pull her onto the patio. The children swooped in around her legs. She hoped that someone got a picture of this moment.

There was over a dozen people greeting her, and waving to her. Dr Gwen and Franklin, Trisha and Bill, Bob and Gail, Jon and Ali, Mr Hughes and his wife, and Gary and his wife rounded out the company. No one was surprised that Dee, Dave, Jane, and Phil weren't there. Jim and Linda walked around and greeted each couple and thanked them for coming by.

Everyone milled around, and once food was served, everyone got stuffed. The mood lightened as everyone had a full belly.

Jim stood up and reached for her, and made her stand up before the group.

"May have have everyone's attention? All of you know that we went through a little rough spell over the last few months, but I believe that Linda and I have reached a point where we can recommit to each other." He got down on his right knee.

"Linda, I pledge to you today in front of God and family that I will love you for richer or poorer; in sickness and health; forsaking all others until death do us part. Do you Linda pledge before God and family, to honor your family, for richer or poorer; in sickness and health; forsaking all others until death do us part."

She cried as she said, "I do."

Everyone rushed the couple to congratulate them.

"Hot damn, she moving back home today!" Jeff laughed as he said that.

Jim turned to his father-in-law, "No sir. She not moving back home with me."

He looked sternly at Jim. "Why is that?"

"Because I sold our home today. So we're homeless."

Linda had a panic look in her face. "Whhhaaaaat did you say."

"We don't live there anymore."

She didn't know whether to be angry or shocked.

"Trust me, please trust me." He turned to the group that looked at him strangely.

"This morning, I took a new job as the Regional Sales Manager for the Emerson Automotive Group in Tulsa."

The group hooted and hollered for Jim.

He turned to his wife. "Will you join me today as we start a new life together?"

She looked in his eyes. "For richer or poorer."

He smiled his best smile for her, and she smiled her best smile for him.

"Great, because we have a private plane waiting for us at the airport." He waved to everyone. "Let's go!" And he pulled her behind him through the house and out the front door.

"I haven't packed anything?!" She felt dizzy. "I need things. The kids. I don't understand?" Jim closed the truck door, and rushed around to the drivers side.

"Your stuff is packed in that carry-on behind your seat. You may not believe this but there are stores in Tulsa to buy what you may need." He smiled at her as he waited to pull out into traffic. "Don't worry about the kids, your folks have them until Monday, and Jon and Ali will take them Tuesday and Wednesday until we get back."

"After last night, when I saw you, I knew that you had broken the bad influences that clouded your mind, and we could start over so I went to the house this morning and packed you a bag. I am so glad that you're going with us."

She could not help but notice, he said with 'us'. She felt sad that he had a plan for a life without her. While she had been delusional about Jim being wrong, she never thought that he would leave her. Dee had brainwashed her to feel that she was always right, and Jim should be happy to get whatever crumbs she wanted to give him. She understood that Dee was wrong, and twas he root of her problems for most of her life. When there was no Dee, there was no problems. There was a sadness within her, and she had lost a lifelong friend, but it was that friend that had jeopardized her marriage.

As Jim drove Linda toward the airport, he attempted to explain what had transpired.

"After I ...., the incident, I made a choice, a decision to be the best father and provider that I could be. I pushed my team, and myself. As a team, we set new sales records, and I brought in several new high priority clients while getting Emma to school, and Tommy to daycare. Picking them up on time. I never missed a dance class, or school event. Home for dinner every night."

"The notoriety of being an Utube sensation lead to a TV interview where they talked about the winter shipping problem that I resolved. That lead to a headhunter coming to see me at work. There were several companies interested in me. He pointed out that this city and the incident needed to be put behind me, and it was time for a fresh start somewhere new. I put together a plan to move ahead. I interviewed with several companies, but only one company had my best interests at heart. Emerson."

He smiled. "The funniest thing is..., you remember the snowstorm, and we were sitting in the break-room when Mr Hughes came in, and praised our work. He said there was a client in Tulsa that was extremely pleased that I got their merchandise to them. That company is Emerson."

He drove past the entrance to the main terminal at the airport. They continued past the cargo planes area to a smaller building marked 'Corporate Terminal'. They pulled into the daily parking across the street from the terminal. Jim pulled the carry-on bag from behind Linda's seat, and his carry-on from behind his seat. The wind was brisk as they walked toward the terminal. Linda was glad when they entered the building. Jim went to the counter, and checked in with the representative.

Jim returned and told Linda that needed to wait outside for a shuttle to their plane. It was only a couple of minutes when a young man in a double seated golf cart pulled up, loaded their bags, seated them in the back seat, and drove them across the tarmac.

Linda had never flown in a private plane before. Jim had remarked that the plane was smaller and it would be a bumpier ride than commercial planes. The shuttle pulled up to a nondescript private plane that Jim called a turbo prop plane. Jim motioned Linda to climb the stairs ahead of him, as he carried the bags up with him.

As she entered the cabin, it was so plush and fancy. The exterior lied about what was inside. Large comfortable leather seats with leg room. The she noticed a familiar face sitting at a table looking over papers. It was coffee lady. She smiled at Linda, and rose to greet her. She extended her hand.

Shaking Linda's hand, "I am glad to finally meet you. I am Maria, and it was a pleasure to sell your home. It is so beautiful. I am ashamed how easy it was to sell it. I showed it three times while your family was in Florida, and I got a cash offer on the second day from the third family." Linda moved between seats as Maria slid past to hug Jim. "It's good to see you."

Jim replied that it was good her as well. "Where's our host?"

Maria pointed toward the washroom. "When the terminal notified the pilot that you had arrived, she wanted to freshen up."

'She', Linda heard.

She watched the washroom door until it opened and out came her worst nightmare. The OTHER Woman. Carolyn, the woman who wanted her husband, and said she would get him.

Carolyn approached Linda with a smile, and her hand extended for a handshake. Linda looked her over. She was very pretty, but older than she originally thought. Nearer her mother's age than Trisha's age, but very trim and fit. She was wearing the same corporate dress outfit from the hotel that morning.

"Hello, Linda. I am pleased to finally meet you."

Linda did not take Carolyn's hand. "You want to take my husband! Don't deny it. I heard it on my phone."

Fire streamed from her eyes. Fear engulfed her mind that this woman might be able to take her Jim.

Carolyn raised her left hand to show her wedding rings. "Down, girl. Already have one husband and I don't need another one. I've spent almost thirty years training the one I already have." She laughed out loud. "Oh, child. Those remarks were for your slutty friend, and I guess for you indirectly. You know if Jim divorced you, she would have been on him, like white on rice, as we say back home."

She reached out and took Linda's hands into hers. "To be honest, I didn't lie. I do want your husband, but not in that kind of way." She smiled a reassuring smile while cupping Linda's hands. "In that way, he will always be yours. That, you can take to the bank."

The pilot interrupted, and told her that he was ready to lock down the plane for departure.

"Linda, you come seat with me.", as she pointed to an inside seat. "We have much to discuss over the next two hours."

Once in the air, Jim sat with Maria going over papers and maps. She had quite the collection of pages that Jim looked over. He began sorting those pages into three piles, Linda observed.

Carolyn held Linda's hand as told the story of Emerson Automotive Group. Her father had started the business with one used car lot outside of Tulsa. Over time, he added more used car lots either through expansion or purchase across Oklahoma. About twenty years ago, Chevrolet approached him and offered him his first new car dealership.

Now forty years later, Emerson held more than a dozen new car dealerships, and more than two dozen used car dealerships across Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas.

She informed Linda that Regional manager that Jim was replacing, had left the company after purchasing a new Honda dealership in Colorado. Her two brothers had wanted to promote someone within the company, but she wanted someone with a new perspective. Someone that understood how important family and business are to each other. How they needed someone that knew you have to go the extra mile for your customers even if you diminish profits. When Jim got their parts shipped to them in the worst snowstorm of the year while other suppliers said they would have told them to wait for parts, she knew she had found her man.

"I am aware of the incident, anyone with a computer is, but I am glad that you have resolved it. I need him happy and secure. You make him happy, I know it. The stories he told me about you, the love he showed was obvious. He never spoke bad about you to me. He did about your friends. I won't lie about that."

She patted Linda's hands. "These days, it seems that many people, our friends included, are unhappy. And whether or not, they do it conscientiously or unconsciously, they wish to tear down anyone or anything that is deemed good or wholesome. If they're not happy, then you shouldn't be happy either. Based entirely on Jim's opinion of your friends, I think they fall into that category."

"I am a happy person, and I want you to be a happy person also. I want nothing more than for you and Jim to have a happy life in Oklahoma. I have no delusions that Jim will not work for us forever, but when it's his time to go, we will celebrate that he will be opening the next chapter in the life of Jim and Linda."

The pilot notified them that he was beginning the descent into Tulsa.

She squeezed Linda's hand. "I believe that you and I will be great friends."

Once on the ground, they began to deboard the plane. As Linda looked outside through the door, she saw two Jeep Wranglers with two men sitting on the hoods. When Carolyn stepped onto the tarmac, a tall older man walked up to her. He embraced her, and kissed her on the lips. "Hello to you, too." She smiled.

"Jim and Linda, I want you to meet my husband, Micheal."

He waved his right hand while his left held an envelope.

"She's the only one that calls me Micheal." he joked.

Everyone shook hands, and he handed Jim the envelope. "That's got your room key, and room number in there. It's only the Holiday Express, but it's nearest to our place." He pointed to the man on the other jeep. "That's Lil'Tony, he's going to take you to the hotel so you can relax. You gonna have a busy day tomorrow."

He took his wife's hand.

Carolyn smile an honest smile. "I am glad to have you here. Get some rest. I believe that Maria has several homes for you to look at tomorrow, and I expect her to have you out to our place for supper on time. Have a good night." The older couple walked hand-in-hand to their jeep.

"Little Tony, shall we go."

He laughed. "Come on, let's go!" They got into the jeep and drove away into the night

Neon lights lit the parking lot of the motel. Jim got their bags from the jeep. Lil'Tony offered to carry them, but Jim refused.

"See ya, tomorrow." Lil' Tony waved as he drove away.

As the reality of the situation presented itself to them, Jim and Linda walked quietly inside the motel. A nice courteous lady greeted them. "Hello, how are you this evening. Miss Carolyn said that you're special guests. Your room has inside and outside access with your key-card. Vending is on second floor, and ice is on both floors. You're right down the hallway to your right. Have a good night."

They each looked at her strangely. That was so different from home. Their old home. It made Linda sad. She was excited but apprehensive. This is a big move. Away from her parents, friends, and work.

Jim opened the door, and let Linda enter first. On the small table was a vase of flowers and a picnic basket. Linda opened the card on the flowers. "Welcome to our family, Jim and Linda.'.

He sat the bags on the dresser, and before he could turn around he felt Linda put her arms around his middle and snuggle tight. He spun himself around to face her without breaking her grasp. His arms went around her as well.

They stood there for a minute. They didn't speak. Each aware of the other, each wanting to address the elephant in the room. It had been along time since they had been intimate together. She wonder if he would have issues with how she disrespected him sexually, and he wondered who she would be thinking about if they have sex.

Jim decided to take charge, he pulled his shirt over his head, and pulled Linda into a passionate kiss. Within a few moments, he pulled Linda's sundress over her head and tossed it on the floor. He glanced into the mirror behind them and took in her amazing ass. So perfect he thought, as she rubbed her hands across his chest moving them toward toward his jeans.

He pulled back from her touch, and he picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the king sized bed. He laid her down, and climbed atop her lithe form. They hungerly kissed each other like starved beasts. Jim kissed slowly down her body. From her lips, to across her bra-clad breasts, and down her belly to her mound of Venus. He pulled her panties down her thighs and over her feet. He stood, and pushed his jeans and boxers down to his feet and stepped out. He looked hungerly at her almost naked body.

Without a word being said, he pulled her to the edge of the bed. Forgotten were his doubts and fears as he entered his wife. She arched her back as he stroke within her. Fast, then longer slow strokes, as Jim tried to remain calm. It had been a long time for him.

As he looked at her, so beautiful and so sexy. The tender gasping between her breathes. "Faster, my love, faster." she whispered. "I'm so close...".