February Sucks Balls

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My take on a GA story.
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On September/11/20 George Anderson submitted a story called February Sucks (February Sucks). It got a follow up by Harddaysknight on 09/19/20 (With a Little Help From my Friends), greenday0418 on 09/22/20 (February Sucks - Alternate) and then by Hooked1957 on 9/24/20 (February Sucks Redux). This is my attempt to join in.

I want to thank George Anderson for permission to use some of his passages, names and places. I want to also thank Steve, Georgie and my special friend Pat for their comments and Beta and editing help.


It had been a regular winter season, rainy on Halloween, gray and dreary on Thanksgiving, light snow on Christmas Day and cold and blustery on New Year's Eve and Day. Finally, Valentine's Day was approaching and Jane and I were going to make a night of it.

Like the Robert Burns poem, "To a Mouse," "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." We woke up to two inches of snow and it looked like more was on the way. By twelve there was a foot and everything was closing down. Linda got to the kids before me so when I got home I knew that our Valentine's date was now off the books.

"Linda, even though we can't go out, why don't you show me that new dress you were going to wear?"

"Jim, you know the deal, you'll only get to see it when you take me out."

Ever since Linda was in middle school, she enjoyed sewing. She loved to sew her own clothes and when Emma was born she enjoyed sewing stuff for her. Anyway, she had a new dress and I wanted to see it, but no soap. So out of our work clothes and into comfy sweats and a night with the kids instead.

They ended up calling off work for all but essential workers, so we ended up with a three-and-a-half-day

weekend. Let me tell you, I think I can recite every word from "Frozen," we watched it that many times. Emma with Tommy in tow stood before us and said, "Mommy, Daddy, this has been the greatest weekend ever." They both climbed onto our laps and gave us hugs and kisses we hoped would never end.

They plowed the streets on Sunday, so it was back to work on Monday. The weather took another turn and started clearing up, but I would be glad to see February go away. On Monday evening, just as we were getting ready to settle in, Linda's phone rang. She looked at the face and then said she had to take it. She got up and walked across the room and her face started to turn into a big smile.

When she hung up she came over and said, "That was Dee, and she said that because this month was such a downer and it has an extra day this year, we should celebrate its ending by going out and wishing it goodbye. The 29th is on a Friday, we could all get rooms at the Madison and then go down the street to this club that one of the guys that Dave works with says is a happening place.

"On Fridays they have a band and if we're staying at the Madison there isn't a cover charge. Wouldn't that be a great way to kiss this month goodbye? Phil and Jane are having Mrs. Porter watch their two and she said she would be happy to watch ours also.

"We can pick them up on Sunday on our way to Mom and Dad's, so we'll have two nights of playtime, one at the Madison and one at home."

I wanted to hold out and make her beg a little to see if I could get a bit more out of the experience, but with her pouty lips and pleading eyes, I caved.

"You know I would do almost anything for you babe, of course we can go."

With less than two weeks to plan, we had to do everything at a fast pace. We got the room booked; Dee took care of the reservations at the restaurant and club. Linda's excitement made my excitement kick in. I could never turn down an opportunity to be out with my beautiful wife.

Friday, February 29th, we both got off early and went home to prepare. We got the kids' bags and sleeping bags in the car along with both garment bags for our clothes. and a bag that we packed for the drive home Saturday. We drove over to Mrs. Porter's and dropped the kids off, then drove to the Madison.

We were meeting everyone at 6pm in the lobby; Dee had the table for dinner reserved for 6:30. We changed in our room, and when Linda came out of the bathroom I was speechless. The dress on her was a vision of beauty. It was cobalt blue, which made her eyes glow; it was tight around her waist and flared out from there, cut just above her knees and rippled. The top was tight, showing off just enough breasts, so she couldn't wear a bra.

She wore the leather choker I had bought her for our third anniversary; she had put cobalt stones on it to match the dress. Her earrings followed the same theme, leather with a cobalt stone dangling from her earlobe. When she moved, the earrings moved almost in time with the ripples of her dress.

My navy suit went well with her dress. We looked at the time and headed down to the lobby. As the elevator doors opened she pushed me out and said she had forgotten something in the room and she would be right down. I moved over to where everyone else was standing and we waited for her.

When next the doors opened she waltzed out like she owned the place, all eyes in the lobby were on her but her eyes were only on me. I had never realized that she was that vain. We were seated and we all decided that we would just eat a light dinner; we could always order something at the club. The talk around the table was light and there was lots of laughter. When dinner was done we donned our coats and started the one block walk to the club.

Dee had the table reserved for 8pm. It was a good thing she had as the club was filling up fast. We sat and all ordered a drink, the fun was everything we had hoped for. Linda and I aren't very good dancers but we can hold our own. We danced a couple of fast ones and a couple of slow ones, my favorite. When she would swing around the dress would flow out and make her look even more enticing.

Along the way we had ordered a couple of plates of wings to nibble on so that the drinks wouldn't get to us too fast. I had put my order in just before our last dance, and it was delivered just as we got back. I was feeding Linda, when one of our group called, out, "Get a room." They all got a good laugh out of that.

Dave stood up and walked over to Linda and asked her to dance; we often danced with the other members at parties.

"Sorry, Dave, but tonight all of my dances are reserved for Jim."

"Damn lucky guy tonight."

"And oh how he will be," she answered.

Another round of hoots, then we heard a disturbance at another table.

Most looked around and Jane said, "Isn't that Marc LaValliere over there?" They all agreed that it was; but Linda and I couldn't care less.

Marc LaValliere was the tight end of our city's professional football team. Unlike most players he preferred to live here year round instead of all over the country. This and his charity work made him even a bigger legend around here.

I looked into Linda's eyes and said, "You about ready to go to our room?"

"You just bought this plate of wings; we should eat them as we are going to need our energy for tonight."

All of a sudden Dee said, "Look, he's headed this way."

Everything went quite and from behind Linda we heard, "I'm Marc LaValliere, would you like to dance?"

Linda let go of my hand turned to look at him and just reached her hand out. As she stood to go Dave said, "I thought you said all your dances were just for Jim, now I'm really jealous." That brought another round of laughter form everyone else but me.

She followed him to the dance floor as if she were in some kind of trance. They danced their dance and when I thought she would be heading back she stayed on the floor. I started to stand up but Jane caught my hand and said, "It's just a dance, Jim; let her have this one time."

I eased back up, but that one became a third, then a forth. The band leader who looked like he was taking cues from LaValliere started a slow song next. Linda folded into his body as if he owned her. When the second slow song started I stood again, Dee grabbed my hand this time and held on tight.

"It's just one night, Jim, leave it be," Dee said

Her words confused me; I thought she was talking about the dance. LaValliere lowered his face to Linda's and whispered something to her. She looked up and nodded. LaValliere looked at the band leader, nodded his head and when the song ended Linda came back to the table.

When she got back, I whispered in her ear, "Is it time to take the next dance back to our room?" She didn't answer.

She started to sit down when Dee announced, "I'm sorry, everyone, I just have to go to the restroom right now. Linda, come with me, will you?"

"Sorry Jim, I can use some freshening up, too."

She rose and left, without answering my question. Of course, the conversation immediately turned to why no woman who is out with a group can possibly go to the restroom by herself. I had just started to wonder why my friends were working so hard to keep the conversation going on that topic, when Dee came back, Alone.

"Dee, where is Linda, Is she okay?"

"Relax Jim," Dee said smiling, "She's fine, she just has something she needs to do." Our friends started to tease me. "You don't need to worry about her. She is a grownup woman, you know."

I waited for about ten minutes and when she still hadn't returned I stood up, grabbed the empty wing plate and headed for the bar. I approached one of the female bartenders.

"Excuse me, but my wife went to the restroom about fifteen minutes ago, and hasn't come out. She never takes that long. Could you please go, or send someone; to be sure she's all right?"

The bartender looked at me like I had a third eye, when I looked down at the empty plate and said, "The wings are great, and she likes spicy food, but every now and then she gets a reaction. Really, I just want to know she's all right. She's 5' 3" tall and has brown hair."

A voice from behind me said, "She's all right, you don't need to check on her." It was Dee. Looking at the bartender she said, "Everything's fine. I'll take care of this." I wondered why the bartender looked like she had sympathy for me and turned and went back down the bar.

"Where is she, Dee? She went to the restroom with you and now I don't know where she is."

"Let's go to the end of the bar where there's some privacy." She dragged me down to where we were by ourselves. She looked into my eyes and said, "Jim, Linda loves you. She loves you and the children more than anything else in the world, and she always will, and you know it. But she is spending tonight with Marc."

"So on what was supposed to be our special night, she left me for some asshole jock." I glared at Dee as I growled the words.

"Jim, she hasn't left you. She'll come home to you tomorrow, and you'll have plenty of other special nights together."

"She didn't even have the guts to tell me to my face that she was leaving me. She just snuck out the back door."

"Jim, listen to me. She hasn't left you..."

"Well, if she hasn't left me, then where the hell is she? She sure isn't with me now, is she?" I was getting loud, and didn't care who heard me.

"Please settle down, people are looking at you. Listen, I know this hurts for you, but it's just tonight. Linda knows, we all know that you're the only man for her, and you always will be. You're the good guy."

I couldn't take anymore of her condescending bull shit. I turned and headed back to the table. As I approached everyone went quiet. Dee sat down and I stayed standing. As I scanned the table the worms were squirming.

A little too loud I said, "When our little group first started to get together, we all talked about the sanctity of the marriage. To the last one, you all and Linda agreed that

infidelity was a one and done. I didn't lead the charge; I didn't feel it even needed to be discussed. Tonight, you all have become conspirators to Linda's one and done."

Dave said, "But Jim, its Marc LaValliere."

"Dave, how would you feel if it were Dee that just took off with out even saying goodbye? How would you feel if you were the one having to go home and tell your children their parents were divorcing? Oh, wait, that's right you don't have little ones to feel the fall out."

Dee said, "Jim, calm down, Linda will be home tomorrow and everything will be just fine."

"Dee, open your whore mouth one more time and I'll knock your teeth down your throat."

"Alright Jim, you can't talk to my wife that way."

"Then you run out there and bring my wife back and give him yours."

Everyone sat there in stunned silence; they had never seen this side of me. "The minute I leave this table you all are dead to me. Don't ever try and talk to me, if you see me on the street, turn and run the other way. You will not like the outcome if you don't," I pulled a twenty out of my wallet and threw it on the table. "This should cove; you all can pay for the whore."

I grabbed my coat and saw Linda's still draped over what was her chair, under my breath I said, 'fuck it' and left. It was a lonely walk back to the hotel; would I find them there or just an empty room? When I reached the door I could tell it was dark inside so I opened it and walked in.

Lying on the bed was a red and black panty and bra set, that must have been what she had come back to set out. I looked at my watch and saw that it was just now 10:30 and my world had ended. I picked them up and threw them in the trash, changed out of my suit and gathered up our other clothes and headed for the door.

When I reached the lobby I went to check us out. The clerk looked worried so I assured her that something had come up and that the room had been perfect. She smiled again and bid me a good night.

I called Mrs. Porter and told her something came up and I was coming by to pick my kids up. She sounded worried but I assured her that everything was ok. They were asleep so I carried them one at a time and locked them into their car seats. When we got to the house, I carried them into their bedrooms and they never knew that they were at home.

Saturday morning at 10 the kids got up and started looking for us. Tthey found me on the couch in the living room.

"Daddy, why are you in here?"

"Mommy and I had a little disagreement, so this is where I ended up."

"We'll just go tell mommy to be nice to you,"

Before I could say anything they were off down the hall to the master bedroom. A few moments later they were back in the living room.

"Daddy, mommy isn't in there."

"Well I'm sure she'll turn up sooner or later."

I took them in and fixed them breakfast, when they were done they came back in and crawled up next to me, one on each side. While they were eating I knew what would be next so I had already loaded "Frozen" in the DVR.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was coming up on 1pm when we heard a car pull into the driveway. Before I could catch her Emma was at the window looking out. Her head slumped and she looked like she had just lost her best friend.

The front door flew open and in walked Linda in her blue dress.

"Jim? Jim, I'm home." She sounded just like she always did when she came home from running errands. She closed the front door and turned on a light. There standing in front of

her was Emma with her hands on her hip. Linda suddenly looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Mommy, where have you been and why were you kissing that man?"

Linda stood there ashen, she looked up and saw me and Tommy, and no words were coming out of her mouth.

"Well, mommy, answer me."

She finally found her voice and she screamed, "Emma, take your brother and go to your rooms, I'll talk to you later."

Both kids were shocked, scared and took off running down the hall to their rooms. She looked at me and said, "Why are they here?"

"Well, Linda, they live here."

"When did you bring them home?"

"Last night, I didn't feel like being alone."

"Why didn't you stay at the Madison?"

"Good question, maybe because in one split second my world came to a stop. I figured if I was going to die, I would rather be here with my kids than at some hotel alone."

"And just why would you think you were going to die?"

"Because the person I loved and thought I was going to spend my life with, threw all that away for some cheap fucking thrill. Did you and Asshole enjoy a good laugh at the cuckold you left behind?"

"What are you talking about, I didn't leave you behind, and I'm here right now."

"Where did you spend the night last night?"

"At Marc's house."

"And where were you supposed to be?"

"Well I was supposed to be with you, but Jim, I got a "once-in-a-lifetime"' chance and I couldn't let it go by."

"Well you should call him up and have him come get you because your "omce-in-a-lifetime" cost you what you thought was your forever. I'll be going in to see a lawyer on Monday; I'm asking for custody of the kids, I don't think I can trust leaving them with you."

"Jim, get over yourself, we're not getting a divorce and you're not taking my kids."

"I dumped your shit out on your bed, and I packed up all my stuff and moved it into the computer room. I need to leave now and go to the store, I need to buy a few things."

I stood up and walked past her heading for the garage. She tried to call out to me but I didn't listen. I went to the WalMart Super Store across town and bought a twin bed frame, Coolgel mattress, a twin bed in a bag, two pillows, six plastic bins and a locking door handle. Four hundred dollars lighter I pulled back into the garage and began to set up my new living quarters.

As I dragged the stuff to the home office, Linda asked what I thought I was doing; kind of dumb after her stunt the night before. Once I got it all in the room I started to put it all together. First the bed frame, then let the mattress begin to breathe, while I changed the lock. After I got my clothes put in the bins and the bed made, I noticed that it was 5:30.

I walked out, closed the door, locked it and went to find the kids. They were both in Emma's room cowering together on her bed.

"Hey, guys, have you eaten yet?" They both shook their heads no, so I said, "Where would you like to go?"

We had a running joke around the house from when Linda and I first got together; on our first date we had gone to Wendy's, so both kids yelled out, "Wendy's".

"Get your shoes and jackets on and let's go."

They were ready in a flash. I decided to take them inside to eat. When we were done and getting ready to go, Emma asked, "Are you going to get mommy anything?"

"Not this time Princess, she can make herself something if she's hungry."

We were back in the car and home in no time. Linda wasn't in the living room so I asked the wrong question, "So what do you two want to do?"

In unison they said, "Watch "Frozen.""

"Ok, let's get your baths out of the way, and then we'll get "Frozen" out."

They were off like a flash and in the tub. I helped them wash their hair and then dried them off and got them in their jammies. Wrapped together in a blanket, we started the film. Both kids were out about three quarters through the movie. I waited till the movie was over to move them to bed.

I walked the house and made sure everything was locked up. I retired to my new room and went to check my e-mail and Facebook page. E-mail had all the usual things, but on my Facebook I had a private message telling me to check out Jane Freeman's Facebook page. Jane had out done herself telling about Friday night.

To her credit, she never mentioned any names but that didn't mean that others reading her accounts didn't want to put their two cents in. A woman who I didn't know, commented about it, supplying names to the whole thing. Then came the names; I was labeled as a cuck, fag and loser. Linda fared less well. I won't say I now disagreed with the names, but it still hurt to hear her called them.