February Sucks - Luck


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After the pool and jacuzzi were completed, Tommy especially liked having Kim, Christie, and Suzan come over to hang out at the new pool. They flirted with Tommy shamelessly. I know they were having a friendly contest to see who could make him blush the brightest. They first started competing by wearing skimpier and skimpier bathing suits. In the end, Christie couldn't really compete, because her big breasts wouldn't allow anything too small, or they would fall out. But Christie won after she kissed Tommy in the pool, while pressing her large breasts against him. Tommy couldn't get out of the pool for a good ten minutes, even with the water being so cold. Tommy definitely was the actual winner in their contest.

As a result, Tommy gained more confidence with girls and got a girlfriend at school. Once they met Tommy's girlfriend, the girls stopped flirting with Tommy and treated his girlfriend like the luckiest girl in the world. Samantha has some great friends.

And no, I never let Linda come over to my side of the house. I did not want Linda complicating my relationship with Samantha.

But unfortunately, a few years later Samantha graduated, and we broke up. I could see it in Samantha's face when we went together to Suzan's wedding. I knew I was basically becoming her sugar daddy due to our age difference. It didn't matter to me, but I could tell it mattered to Samantha. Don't get me wrong, we got along wonderfully. We spent every weekend together and I had met most of her family. We went on many vacations together, sometimes with the kids. When she mentioned she was thinking of moving, I proposed to her. She told me how honored she was that I would ask her, but that she wanted to try the family thing. I told her I would love to start another family. She never said it, but I saw the conflict in her eyes. I was the perfect man for her, just not the perfect age.

Sadly, I felt like another woman took me for granted for being a great guy. As subtly as I could, I tried to make Samantha realize that her long list of standards were becoming a wall that no man could climb. Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Finding someone who doesn't just give lip service to it, is a hard thing to find. But like with Linda, I was a victim of my own success. I could tell that Samantha thought guys like me were a dime a dozen. I pointed out to Samantha that Linda thought the same thing and look where she is now. When Samantha replied, "I would never be that stupid," our fate was sealed.

In the end, I told Samantha I understood, and if she changed her mind, I would always be there for her. Maybe we will meet again later in life when she feels the age difference is not so important. I don't regret one moment I spent with Samantha. And at least she had the decency to have an honest discussion with me, instead of sneaking out the back door of a club.

As for Linda's friends, my ex-friends, I would still occasionally run into them, and they would try to re-convince me that I should get back with Linda. After they vented their tripe, I would always end with, "Sounds very convincing. Now tell me how you feel when your spouse cheats on you, because from what I saw that night, not only do they feel cheating is acceptable, but they also encourage it. In fact, I don't think it was an accident that we were in the club that Marc Lavilliere was known to frequent. I just happened to have the hottest wife."

Karma being what it is, I heard months later that the girls decided to move their girls' party to a new dance club that Marc Lavilliere frequented, without telling the husbands. One of Dave's work friends mentioned to Dave that he had seen Dee at the club dancing with Marc Lavilliere. He even mentioned that Marc Lavilliere disappeared after about an hour, about the same time the table full of ladies left the club. Dave's friend did not see Dee leaving with the group.

When confronted, all the wives denied even being there and there must have been a mistake. A few days later Dave's friend sent a picture of himself with his girlfriend in the club together. In the background you could clearly see Marc Lavilliere talking to the wives at the table. The wives finally confessed, but they all said that no one left with Marc Lavilliere. Of course, their stories didn't match, and the true story finally came out. But, not wanting to 'out' their friend the wives refused to say who was the one that left with Marc Lavilliere. Unfortunately for them all, when they all finally named Dee, it was too late for each of them. Too many lies and the trust was broken.

From what I was told, when the husbands all met to compare the wives' stories, Dave's final comment summed it up. "How long have they been covering for each other. They all too easily lied for each other right to our faces. This is not their first girls' night out. How do we know this wasn't just Dee's turn to have some fun with Marc Lavilliere or someone else for that matter."

Each husband had seen the look on their wives face when Marc Lavilliere had approached our table that night. All had heard their wives condoning Linda's behavior and how lucky she was to get this chance. After the first girl's night out that Linda attended, all the guys knew their wives were horny afterwards, because Linda had recounted her sex with Marc Lavilliere.

At first all the husbands were happy to get some extra excitement in the bedroom. But a couple of months later, one of the husbands joked to another how much he hated sleeping on silk sheets. After comparing notes, both husbands realized that the silk sheets were new and both sets were white. A conversation with the other husbands discovered 4 beds with new white silk sheets. The final nail, all 4 wives' favorite new sexual position had become cowgirl with their eyes closed, while their husbands thrust up into them. Each wife had been very explicit that they had to fuck them from below. The husbands were also told to shut up until their wives finished.

At first, the husband's realized they were just dildo substitutes while their wives fantasized about Marc Lavilliere, which was bad enough. But after Dee's night with Marc Lavilliere, the husbands worried their wives were reliving their own nights with Marc Lavilliere. All four couples divorced within a year.

I found all this out because Dave was the first one divorced and he apologized to me after recounting what had led up to his divorce. Later each husband personally apologized to me for their part during that night with Linda. Each basically said, 'If I had stood up for you that night, maybe I would have sent a clearer message to my own wife, and we would still be married.'

As for Marc Lavilliere, his picking up married women finally pissed off the wrong person. No one knows who did it, but when Marc Lavilliere came out the back of a club with his latest conquest, someone in a ski mask tasered Marc. Before Marc could recover the guy pulled out a hammer and hammered Marc's privates. While Marc was screaming holding his crotch, the guy literally pulverized both of Marc's kneecaps. Even though they had video, no one was ever prosecuted. There were too many husbands who had reason and opportunity. Marc Laville lost the ability to walk and probably the ability to get an erection, or even piss normally.

As for Linda. We last spoke about 'us' on the day Emma moved out. We were already divorced, and I had already rented out my side of the house and moved into a condo in the marina. While still standing in the driveway, Linda asked if she could talk to me after Emma pulled out of the driveway to head off to college.

"Jim, I still love you. I made a horrible mistake and I have regretted it every day since then. I have not even dated or even looked at another man since then. I know you have not been serious with anyone since Samantha, and I would love for you to move back in with me. Just to see how it goes?"

Linda then pulled a necklace from around her neck and held it out to me. Hanging from the end of it was my wedding ring. The ring I had given to Dee the night Linda had abandoned me. Linda looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"You still don't get what went wrong do you Linda. That night, you thought you could test my love for you, when really it was a test of your love for me."

"But I really do love you."

"No, you love what we once had. You loved that you had the perfect marriage, the perfect husband, the perfect kids. You loved that I didn't treat you like a possession, a trophy wife, that we shared important decisions. You loved that our love making, though less often, was as intense as when we were first dating. You loved that I always cared how you felt ahead of everyone else. You loved that I gave you financial security to do what you wanted. But more than anything else, you loved that I trusted you without doubt. You love me more now than you did, because you know you will never find anyone else that will make you as happy. No one will be as in love with you as I once was."

Linda did not move. She still held the necklace out, but her hand had gone white as she held onto it with a desperate grip.

"You didn't appreciate what you had and now it is gone. I can't be there for you anymore. I will never put you in a position to do what you did to me again. I always thought it was 'us' against the world. But you killed 'us' when you snuck out to be with Marc Lavilliere."

Linda began crying, "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry I went with Marc LaVilliere."

"It has never been about Marc LaValliere, Linda. You thought you got lucky that night when Marc LaValliere asked to take you home, but I got lucky too. When I was at my lowest and your friends were trying to convince me, I was a fool for getting upset, I realized you showed me that we were indeed a wonderful couple. But not because of you, but because of me. You had left because my love was so strong, not yours. My love would never have even considered doing what you did. My love was the music that we danced too, that made 'us' so special."

"As I sat at that damn table, being angry, thinking these things, I saw Samantha across the room looking sad for me. When she saw me looking at her, she smiled. Her wonderful smile reminded me that I was still a man, and I still had a chance at being happy with someone. That I could put my love and commitment into a new 'us', a different 'us'. That night, you opened my eyes and set me free."

With that, I climbed into my convertible and drove away with a huge smile on my face. I was eager to get home. Samantha had quit her out of town job and moved in with me last week. Since then, she was doing a superb job convincing me she needed me back in her life. Trust is a wonderful thing.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

He was lucky he had a house that could be perfectly divided into two with just one wall and was apparently a millionaire. Then again I guess he was unlucky that he had a cheating slut for a wife so it all balances out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

That stated it all she had no love but loving to satisfy herself .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Four solid stars. It begs belief that Jim had access to apparently unlimited funds. Bottles of the most expensive champagne, bridal suite, new expensive convertible, convert to duplex, pool and hottub, first class airline and resort accommodations,and so on a d soon. Not to mention the conversion without permits. All that aside, four stars for an improbable tale well told.


oldtwitoldtwitabout 2 months ago

I really liked it until you had Sam moving back in with you, nice plot, and it flowed well with how you wrote it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A good read. But let’s be honest…the problem with almost all these stories is that Linda wouldn’t really care about losing her marriage. She’s beautiful. She’d just move on to another husband.

muddman74muddman742 months ago

To the UK Anon of a month ago, in the US there would also be a lot of red tape involved in converting a single family dwelling into a duplex, especially in getting permits and even if the area the house is in allows duplex housing if it's in a city. Now if it were in the the country it might be a little more plausible in some areas. So yeah, a pretty big plot hole. But like one of my favorite authors here states, it his HIS universe the story is happening in so it's allowed. After all, it's fiction anyways. I gave the story full marks because it was imaginative and entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This is an excellent story very very well told. I'm not convinced someone could divide up a house so quickly or so completely. As for the fantasy of the 4 naked ladies even though he only did anything with one of them is just that a fantasy. The ending with Samantha coming back to him without any dialogue seemed like a "quick lesson give the MC a happy ending" and it spoiled what I felt was a really good story. Could only go to 4 stars as a result. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Your ending solidified not only a five star rating but that you managed to state so eloquently that he was the driving force behind their love and happiness and how she was only happy because he gave so freely and completely of himself so that everything he did was for her and as was stated earlier “I was a victim of my own success” which allowed both women to take him for granted thinking that a lot of guys were like him which Samantha found out was nowhere near accurate. He ex wife had it all and that still wasn’t enough along with the fact that she never really apologized for cheating, she apologized for him feeling bad about it because she still remembers it fondly as her best night of sex ever. Everyone has a best night of sex but regardless of what the situation was and who was involved, you don’t blatantly rub your partners nose in it or for that matter bring it up at all. You really nailed it beautifully with that closing statement he made to his ex wife.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I five starred this because of the premise that: he was set free from the emotional crash by his insight …

“ I realized you showed me that we were indeed a wonderful couple. But not because of you, but because of me. You had left because my love was so strong, not yours. My love would never have even considered doing what you did. My love was the music that we danced too, that made 'us' so special. … I saw Samantha across the room looking sad for me. When she saw me looking at her, she smiled. Her wonderful smile reminded me that I was still a man, and I still had a chance at being happy with someone. That I could put my love and commitment into a new 'us', a different 'us'. That night, you opened my eyes and set me free. "

Revisionist & sudden, undoubtedly. But it obliterated the weak wimpy introspection of GA’s original MC, which so wound me up (all credit to GA for exercising that power!).

Well written.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This story wasn't as plausible as others I have read. While somewhat satisfying, the whole premise of turning on a dime from the cheating wife to entering into another relationship was pretty difficult to accept. How devasted by her actions or in love with your wife could you be if 5 minutes after the betrayal, are you putting the moves on others?

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