All Comments on 'February's Future'

by arsawyer

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  • 153 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I agree with many others, there were many errors within the story that should've been fixed before posting. Many, many errors. Other than that, and the horrible ending to the story, it was very good. Loved the plot but you should have ended it a couple of paragraphs earlier or on a much happier note. 3*

muskyboymuskyboy12 months ago

Not a bad effort until the time cops showed up, totally ruined it. Using February Sucks as bait to get readers was unnecessary as the story wasn't bad if you had used any cheated on husband. Points off for dragging February Sucks into this story, but the time cop ending ruined an otherwise not too bad effort.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Cool! I guess it goes to show that, no matter how you try to dodge it, February Sucks! 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Arsawyer i enjoyed it, i thought it was original & refreshing. Don’t let the naysayers get to you. Since half of them have never written a story. I will take a story like this any day of week over all the cuck crap that has been posted lately in this category. Keep writing & thank you! 5*

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Certainly one of the most original version of this well known plot. But, besides the high level of unrealism, the behaviour of the MC was again between weak and stupid: he needed to write in pages what was going to happen just at the last minute ? Why not tell her the same content by voice, days before the event ? Why she told her evil friend that her husband knew about their evil plot ? Why the MC didn't wait, at least to see the wife reaction to the playboy invitation ? She was hesitant, to say the least: would have she cheated again ? Why she drank the spiked drink after what the MC said to her ? And why the MC didn't do anything to avoid it ? Too much unrealistic, but not for the science fiction theme, the idiotic behaviours of the main couple was. Good intention but a wasted attempt. Certainly no need for a second part.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

That was embarrassing.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Definitely the WRONG category. Should be in Fantasy/Science Fiction. And that mostly because of the ending scene with the time cops. While it was all contrived, the Time Cops plot device turns the whole story into a cartoon. Unless the Time Cops come from a dictatorship, when and how did Jim and Stanley vote for the legislators who made the law they were being arrested for? Where are these body of laws made available to the public so that citizens can know what laws they live under? And why bother to appear in a different timeline to "arrest" these time criminals rather than just transport them to wherever the Prime Timeline exists where such crimes are tried and such criminals are prosecuted and sentenced? I mean, if the three time cops can somehow transport these time criminals away, why would they have to do it in person?


Or maybe they just summarily execute them. Yeah. Then they go fuck Linda so she doesn't miss out on her night or cosmic rapture fucking. I figure that's why you made it three cops; an air tight plot device.



AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Was a solid 4* until the rubbish about getting their daughters child adopted. Then decided to go all in with the stupid's with the temporal police. As the comment below states, the revenge on Dee, Dave and Phil is missing.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

If in syfy never would read this version.

LOVE slap-hapy-papy #9

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

We need to see where this going, if anywhere.

BSreaderBSreader12 months ago

Interesting science fiction story. Who knows what can happen.

BSreaderBSreader12 months ago

Knows it was good so far.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Totally lame ending

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

This was an interesting story, but nearly every sentence contained at least one error. For example, consider the sentence: "He will ignore, and when I try to stay up, he will pushed down into my seat." Please proof read your future stories before posting them.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The ending ruined the rest of the premise of the story - further built into the premise is that the new written novels would not have the keys to time travel being developed - so pointless and done for the sake of effect.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

cute. HOWEVER - If I went back in time I would make certain I never married Linda. I mean why be with a women that would do what she did and leave with Marc in the first place? You avoid it this time by going back what what prevents any future cheating? She is weak, it is in her DNA.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Loved the story, some of the comments not so much! Its a free site, yet some of the Nazi grammers (not a word i know) complain its not polished. Go to a bookstore, and PAY FOR professionally edited eork if it means that much

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Interesting take on it. Despite the continuous blemishes, it was headed for four stars. The time cops wrinkle took away a star.


CastAdriftCastAdrift11 months ago

I'm glad I decided to check this story. Very clever and a good problem avoidance. I could have done without the ending intrusion, but that's just me.

For future stories, re-reads and closer editing would make it easier on readers.


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I kinda liked it, as it was different. And best of all, Jim doesn't become a cuckold and Marc gets his ass beat in front of a crowd. :-) I always wanted to invest in a few companies before they became big hits like; IBM, AT&T, Comcast, ESPN, Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, just to name a few that would have made money over the years and decades. Wouldn't have to work again, and maybe start on that "Great American Novel" that everyone wants to write.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great up until the ending.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Would have liked it to be a bit longer. But that's just me. Nice outcome at the ballroom.

VERY different way to have a new (good)outcome. One of the better February stories. Good job!

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades11 months ago

I greatly enjoyed this adaptation of the "February" stories great job. Thanks for your wrioting.

WargamerWargamer11 months ago

Excellent imagination displayed, excellent story all around. This story was so different it impressed me greatly. Thank you arsawyer we’ll done!!

Scores 5/5

XluckyleeXluckylee11 months ago

One of the best adaptation I have read of the February story. Thank you.5 from xluckylee

Tarloso2Tarloso211 months ago

C'mon..part 3.....there must be a part 3

saccadesaccade11 months ago

Really liked the story, however wouldn't he still live with the knowledge that without his extreme intervention she would choose to cheat... I think I would struggle to live with that

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Ehhh.. the decision to cheat was STILL upto Linda. If her love for him was strong and pure, NOBODY would've been able to insert themselves.. Linda's love was fickle and selfish. she wanted to cheat.. it doesn't matter in your version it was all a set up. the decision to betray her husband, children and vows was ultimately STILL up to her. In your version he goes back to stop her from leaving with LV. When it really should've been him fixing his relationship with his kids. This is just another story of someone preventing an affair instead of waiting to see if their mate wiill choose them. My probelm with premises like this is that you will NEVER know if they would've chosed you without you interfering?. You will NEVER know if they would cheat if the opportunity presented itself again? or know just how much respect, loyalty and love they have for you. Nobody wants to have to police their mate. They should have enough self control, respect, love and loyalty to stop themselves. This story was ok but nothing I'd read again. In the first version Linda was a uncaring, disrespectful delusional gutter slut who just couldn't help herself. Her love for her husband ran shallow. In this version, Linda is this loyal loving wife who's somehow a victime?. But I call busllshit as I remember the Linda from all the other "February sucks" versions. You can blame the fake friends and Mark L all you want.. but the decision to leave with him was HER decision. Nobody was holding a gun to her head. She wanted it so bad her husband being severely beaten wasn't enough to even garner a sincere apology from her.. it was still fuck you and your male ego and come help me take care of these 3 kids.. one of which wasn't even his.. I legit just don't like Linda in ANY version. We have to allow people to take accountability for their actions and stop trying to place blame on everyone else... but the person that royally fuck'd up.. Jim shouldn't of had to go back in time to stop Linda from ruining their lives.. Linda should've remembered she's a married mother of 2 with a husband she loved with every breath she took. No friends or foe would've been able to break that... so I'm not going🤷🏾‍♀️

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Good story. Needs a legit follow up, a part 2.

Lawrie1941Lawrie194111 months ago

100% except for the last paragraph, probably the best of all the rest

dgfergiedgfergie11 months ago

Well that was a very good story..............until the time cops showed up! 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This reads like a story your inner cuck thinks you should write so that people do not see you ass the sissy bitch boy that gets his boy cunt fucked by your wifes bulls.

But deep down, we both know it's true, so why bother faking it? Just slurp your cum from that shit covered dick like a good little sissy cuck you are.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A silly, comic book like story with no proofread. Poor effort

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller195110 months ago

i gave it five, but i don't know how i feel about it.

mdadaminmdadamin10 months ago

I do not know why most of the stories here always show that there is no law, and anybody can hit the husband and destroy him and the husband can not do any nothing while if the husband fights back he would go to Jill

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller19518 months ago

don't like the ending at all. It left a

bad taste in my mouth.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

First, the story needs a massive amount of proofreading. It is a language hot mess. Other than that, I liked the tale. Until the last paragraph, which knocked a star off. So, with one star gone for the lack of proofreading and one for the time police, that leaves three stars.

By the way, some others overlook the fact that Linda's original decision to leave would have been due to Dee's drugs, not necessarily a moral weakness.

Again, not a bad tale, but ruined by the abortion of the English language that was posted. Three stars.


AethurAethur7 months ago

Interesting premise with the genetic time travel. The problem is that 'fixing' things is a completely flawed idea. The story makes us believe that Linda was a perfectly good wife and mother prior to The Night. From the MC's POV, she was a completely bitch afterwards and never changed. We're supposed to believe that he was able to keep her from becoming that woman simply by stopping the plan to destroy their family? Sure, I get it. Stopping that night prevents THAT version of his family from being destroyed. But what caused Linda to cheat was still in her, and there would always be the risk of her doing it without the MC having any meta knowledge to prevent it. Also, the ending destroyed the happy ending.

Despite the criticism, it was a good/different take on something that's been done to death. Thanks for sharing. Solid 4.25*

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This was a good idea for a story. But trying to tie this together with the first ending, seemed a little hard to keep up with. I suggest you end this, and go off in a different direction...

4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Truly the best of this author's attempts with Feb Sux. Hilarious and loved it. Thanks for an original attempt.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Too much fantasy crap, totally not even realistic in any sense of reason or rationale. Simply to far fetched.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Hehe. Good read. Fun stuff.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

wrong catagory, too much sci-fi no longer loving wife = really didn't care for this...

TeeceemcgTeeceemcg3 months ago

Again, arsawyer, try rereading what you wrote. Doing this even once will allow you to catch a great many of the silly, distracting errors made in the text.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker3 months ago

Not bad, but the wrong category. 5 stars. The Bear likes happy endings. It was Happy, wasn't it? I think it was. Hard to tell.


AllNigherAllNigher3 months ago

Arthur: I agree with your comments. I imagine the ecstasy blurb was his attempt to show that it wasn't a character issue, but she was drugged.

However, that only explains (MAYBE) her running off that night, not her being a bitch thereafter.... Do your comments remain valid in my opinion

Maybe if she's been painted as contrite afterward, or confused, or something other than entitled as in the original it would make sense...

dgfergiedgfergie2 months ago

Time travel always a confusing thing in SCIFI stories. There are always paradoxes I think in is the word. Things like if you travel back in time before you were born and die, did you ever really exist?pretty good story but my old wore out brain just ain't up for it. 4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Dave and Dee go out to make sure that Linda gets fucked by ML, but luckily, Jim is a master of unarmed combat.

You haven't only messed with timeline 347. The entire multiverse is in peril...

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Well, liked the story however a bit confusing to follow with the time paradoxes and such. A surprise ending for sure and totally unexpected. What will the time police do now? A good story overall but should have ended just before the unique ending.

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