Feliformia Ch. 12


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Perhaps they had also decided to allow Syr this special time alone with me, or maybe they had realized that they, too, had an opportunity to spend two special weeks exclusively with each other. It was not a secret that Erika was really into Kitty, probably more than she was into me, so these two weeks was a chance for her to experience what being a lesbian full-time meant.

Kitty and I weren't jealous one bit. She missed sleeping with me, and I missed sleeping with her, but we were okay with that, knowing it wouldn't change our relationship at all. After this trip, I would take great care of my catgirl, and she knew it.

For now, my time with Syr was priceless. This dream girl gave me a run for my money by making sure we had fantastic sex at least twice a day, either in the bedroom or on the beach under the night sky. It was my reward for having rescued her aunt from a devastating retirement plan.

But sex was not all that was great. Because Syr couldn't act as a submissive maid during the day due to her aunt's presence, she was forced to show me her real personality a bit more. It made me fall in love all over again; she was cutely shy and a romantic daydreamer. I could tell that she was a good artist because her mind always wandered elsewhere, searching for new creative ideas even though she wasn't doing it on purpose.

"I love our vacation! I don't want them to end."

"Haha. One week to go, Syr. Can you believe how much work we have done so far?"

"Yes, Erika is amazing. She thought about every single detail and priority, and now my aunt almost has a functional inn. You did so much work on the roof and bedrooms too."

"We all worked hard, even Kitty. Have you ever imagined she would spend so much time cutting branches and cleaning the garden area?"

"Oh? You don't know?"

"...? Don't know what?"

"Erika blackmailed her. She told Kitty that if she didn't work hard, she wouldn't have sex with her."

"... Seriously? Doing that to Kitty is like a crime."

"Yes, Master Mark... I fear that Kitty is still lazy. She wouldn't do anything useful unless there was a kinky reward at the end. A perverted carrot and stick."

Why was I not surprised? Well, I didn't know if I was more unimpressed by Kitty for only moving her butt if she could get something sexual out of it, or by Erika, who had shamelessly abused her powers.

"As usual, those two like having fun in their own weird way. Alright, let's get out of bed. Let's go prepare breakfast for everybody."


"Don't make that face. You are not my maid while we are here. Remember? I'll prepare breakfast with you."

Syr returned her head to my chest and grumbled a little. Not being allowed to fulfill her maid duty while we were on vacation was slowly chewing at her. She was happier when I let her serve me, so being robbed of that feeling of pride and accomplishment was not easy to endure.

Despite that, I gave her a good slap on the butt, and we got ready for a trip to the now squeaky clean bathroom for a quick shower.


A bit later, Erika was the first one to show up for breakfast. Syr and I had already prepared a continental breakfast for them to choose from. Erika grabbed a croissant and came to see me while adorably chewing on it.

"Good morning, Erika. Oh, boy. You look tired."

"Yeah... I understand why you were exhausted when I first met you. Handling Kitty alone is a lot of work for one person. She is a nymphomaniac."

"Haha. That's Kitty for you. She is an endless reservoir of sex."

"That's an understatement. But, hey, I wanted to ask you... Kitty is missing being tied up and all. She is getting restless. We didn't bring anything BDSM related to play with her, and now I realize it was a mistake. I'm not sure what I can do to cheer her up."

"I thought it would happen. You should have brought her latex suit."

"Ah, yes, Mark. It would have gone down well with Michelle around. Seriously? Do you have any idea about what would make her happy?"

That was a first; Erika coming to me for sex advice about Kitty. Without their latex costumes and bondage equipment, they were a bit lost. That told quite a bit about their sexlife. Fortunately, this unexpected question reminded me of something special.

Since Syr was around and I didn't want her to hear what I was going to tell Erika, I leaned forward and whispered something in her ear.

"... What? Really?"

"Yup. Trust me, Erika."

"It's such a weird idea."

"I tell you, Kitty is going to love it."

"Mark, you are sick in the head."

"Ah well, you do whatever you want, Miss red-hair."

Erika shook her head and mumbled a few faint words...

"I am dating a bunch of weirdos!"

Kitty and Michelle joined us at one of the dining room tables shortly after. The small catgirl went straight to Erika, her assigned vacation girlfriend, and Michelle sat in front of Syr and me. As usual, I had to be the one breaking through her ice-cold attitude toward me.

"Good morning to you too, Michelle."

"Mmm... Yeah. So what's the plan for today?"

Syr elbowed me in the ribs to stop my sarcasm, still fearing I was just making things worse, but Erika was the one who replied to Michelle's question.

"We prepare the grand opening."

"Uh? We can't open it. My inn doesn't even have all the rooms ready. There is still so much work to do to fix the place."

"Well, Michelle, we need cash flow. We can't keep burning through your savings like this. We need customers. The kitchen is good to go, the dining room is ready, and we even have some tables outside. You'd be surprised how much money you can make by only beers and snacks. You and S...Elizabeth can cook, Kitty and I can serve, and Mark... Well... You can keep working on the renovation, I guess."

'Oh... fun!"

For once, I was with Michelle. It seemed a bit early to open the inn for clients. Sure, it was way cleaner than before, but our to-do list was still extensive. Also, Kitty serving customers? She would do it because she had been blackmailed, but she had no such skills.

I preferred to check with Kitty directly to determine if she was willing to act as a waitress.

"Kitty, are you okay with this, or do you prefer to keep working on the inn with me? Ooch!"

Syr slammed her elbow into my rib cage again and gave me another funny stare, meaning that the way I talked to Kitty in front of Michelle was probably inappropriate to keep suspicions at bay. And the small catgirl reacted accordingly.

"No! I prefer to work with my lovely girlfriend."

Of course, saying that was not enough, so she engaged Erika in a deep kiss, making sure she used a lot of tongue and slurpy noises to convince Michelle that she was only dating the red-haired girl, the one who was trying not to laugh under the silly sexual assault.

Michelle rolled her eyes at the sloppy lesbian show and asked a more practical question.

"So, if we want to open Admiral Lobster and serve snacks and beers, we need to go to the grocery store, I guess."

Hearing that caused Erika to detach her lips from Kitty's and angrily protest.

"Absolutely NOT! Michelle, Admiral Lobster is a terrible name for an inn. We need a new name."

"You... you don't like Admiral Lobster?"

"God, no! It's awful! This is not a seafood restaurant."

Taken aback by Erika's straightforwardness, Michelle looked at Kitty, Syr, and even me, hoping to get a different opinion. Unfortunately for her, she was the only one who thought Admiral Lobster was a good name.

"S... so... What name do you propose then?"

"I'm not sure... But we have to come up with something else."

"I know a great name."

Everybody turned toward Syr, who had her eyes closed while sipping her coffee. After a moment, as if she were done confirming within herself that she was ready to share her idea, a beautiful smile appeared on her lips, and she parted them to let the words out.

"Cats of the Caribbean!"





For various reasons, nobody had expected Syr to pick such a name, which left us speechless.

Five seconds was enough for Kitty to process what had been said and jump on her two feet while raising an arm high up in the air.


Erika followed her immediately by standing as well and wrapping an arm around Kitty's waist.

"Sounds good to me!"

My three girls had made their choice, and going against them would mean my death, so...

"Great name! What do you think, Michelle?"

Syr's aunt looked at all of us over and over, trying to figure out what had just happened to her inn. Having possibly convinced herself that Admiral Lobster would be her retirement project, this sudden change of nomenclature shook her to her core.

But after receiving so much help from all of us, did she really have the decisional weight to go against our proposal? She had been the one who had displayed terrifyingly poor judgment, and we had been the one rescuing her from an inevitable catastrophe.

Michelle scratched the back of her neck and...

"Cats of the Caribbean, uh? It has a nice ring to it."


Kitty jumped over the table and wrapped her arms around Michelle's neck. Apparently, there was a new inn in the Caribbean... one that had drawn its name from an unusual source.


"She is so pretty."

"Kitty! Focus on our task instead of flirting."

"Why is it for us to buy the food if we are not the ones that are going to cook it!"

"The others stayed behind to prepare the inn for the grand opening tomorrow. You still refuse to work inside it because of the creature you saw in the kitchen. So, that's why you are here with me. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Syr had made us a good list. Let's try not to miss anything, okay?"

"Okay, but still... The girl over there is so pretty, the one picking up the cauliflower."

"Are you that dissatisfied with Erika?"

"Yes. She forced me to work in exchange for sex. It's inhumane."

"Ah, come on. Aren't you proud of all the cleanup you did outside the inn?"

"It wouldn't have been done nearly as well by someone else."

"There you go. That's the spirit. Come, cathead. We need shrimp."

It was good to spend some time alone with Kitty. As much as I loved being around Syr, I was not used to keeping my hands away from my small catgirl. Her sense of humor, even if exhausting at times, always made me happy. She was way smarter than she would make it look and had an innate talent to cheer me up and make me look at things from a different angle.

Little things like her being vocal about a random cute girl in a grocery store have always been a life lesson. Kitty never cared about what people would think of her or what she liked. I remembered the first few months when I started dating her; I was so sheltered and scared about what people would think of me if they had discovered that I lived with a girl who was wearing a latex catsuit permanently.

Kitty had changed the way my brain was wired. Her patience with me had been legendary, and she slowly, and sometimes not so gently, pushed me in the right direction, one of happiness. I didn't hesitate nearly as much anymore before doing the things I wanted to do.

If she had not transformed me, I didn't think this inn vacation project would have happened. I would have never allowed myself to rattle Michelle's cage the way I did.

I needed Kitty in my life.

"Eww! What are those?"

"Seriously, Kitty? Don't you know what a scallop is? Syr made some at home more than once. You just don't remember."

"They are like small animals without eyes."

"That's a way to look at it. Alright, we have the shrimp. We need the frozen chicken wings, and then we are all set."


Our cart was full and heavy. There better be many clients tomorrow, or else there would be a lot of extra food for us to eat before it spoiled.

As we headed toward the meat freezers, Kitty placed her body in front of my cart and slowed me down on purpose. Why was she doing that?

"Hey, cathead... What are you doing?"

"Shhh... wait!"

"What do you mean, wait? Wait for what?"


Suddenly, Kitty began fast walking, almost jogging, toward the end of an alley, leaving me very confused, as only she could make me feel. But then, I got it...

"Kitty! DON'T...!"

The pretty cauliflower girl from earlier unsuspectingly appeared from around the corner, and Kitty "accidentally" rammed into her, making her trip. It was so well staged that Kitty ended up on the floor on top of the cute young girl, with her face jammed in her chest.



Kitty lifted her head to end up nose to nose with the shocked girl who was wondering what had just happened.

At this point, I had a strong urge to grab Kitty by the collar and give her a severe spanking for having done something so abusive to an unsuspecting person. But before I could react, she started apologizing profusely... and lying.

"I'm... I'm so sorry! I didn't see you at all... and..."

"Haha! It's okay. I didn't see you either. Good thing that you are not very heavy."

"I know, right! Haha. I'm very small."

"Can... can you get off me? So I can stand?"

"Oh, yes! Sorry!"

Of course, Kitty had to sit on the girl's hips and grab her waist before finally standing and help the girl up.

"Sorry again! Are you hurt? I'm Kitty, by the way."

"No, I'm fine. Kitty? I'm Mae! Nice meeting you!"

Only Kitty could do these awkward things and managed to make friends out of it. That said, she had good taste. That Mae girl was very pretty, and somewhere in my heart, I understood why Kitty attempted this stunt, no matter how inappropriate it was. Maybe having three girlfriends had conditioned me to think that I could eventually add more if I ever wanted to. Kissing Mae would probably be a pleasant experience.

I shook my head like an Etch A Sketch, to erase that temporary image that had formed in my mind, and returned my attention to Kitty.

"Hey! You are pretty cute, Mae. We are opening our new inn tomorrow. Would you like to come working with us?"

WHAT? Was Kitty trying to hire a random girl to work at our inn? I didn't hear Erika mentioning anything about getting new staff yet. We didn't even know if we were going to have any customers when we opened. Kitty and Erika acting as temporary waitresses were certainly going to be enough to start with.

But Mae reacted positively to the spontaneous request.

"Oh? Really? I'm actually a waitress, and I'm out of work since the last hurricane. I'm sure I could help you get started. What is the name of the place?"

"Cats of the Caribbean!"

"Never heard of it. Where is it?"

Kitty turned to me with a big childish smile, knowing very well how much she had irritated me...

"MARK? Where's our inn?"


After putting all our food in the pickup truck's bed, I climbed in the driver seat, ready to have a good chat with Kitty.

"Did you just hire somebody without asking permission?"

"Yes. And I even got to hug her. Her boobs were amazing!"

"Do you realize how furious Erika will be?"

"It was totally worth it! And Michelle will need an employee when we leave anyway."

"And you couldn't find a better way other than assaulting an innocent girl to introduce yourself."

"Meow! It worked and I got to caress her perfect waist too!"

"Okay, well. Since you think it's right to do whatever you want, I'm sure you won't mind if I do what I want now."

"Uh? What do you mean?"

Without warning, I easily pulled the muscleless catgirl toward me and placed a hand behind her back to keep her pinned belly down over my lap.

"Hey! What are you doing? Let go of me!"

"I'm giving you something you deserve."

I lifted her skirt to expose her cute cat butt, and then...







For some reason, spanking her while parked in the middle of a grocery store lot felt immensely satisfying.


"You did WHAT?"

"Why are you all mad at me? She is super pretty."

It was Erika's turn to be frustrated at Kitty for hiring someone without having discussed it beforehand.

"Being pretty doesn't mean we have money to pay her salary! What will happen if we get no clients this week?"

"You worry too much. You always find solutions."

"Is that your plan, Kitty? You get us into trouble and ask me to fix it?"


My hand was still numb from having punished Kitty earlier, but it didn't change her good mood. She had decided that this new girl would work at the inn, and that was the end of it. To her, it was a good thing, and nobody could convince her otherwise.

Syr had spent the last few hours in a temporary craft room that she had set up to confection the various items needed to furnish the inn, such as curtains, pillows, towels, and more. She was coming back from it, holding a small cardbox.

"So, does it mean I have to craft an additional uniform?"

"Uniform? S...Elizabeth? What are you talking about?"

"The Cats of the Caribbean needs a good reputation, so I made you uniforms that people would like and remember."

"And... you crafted those today?"

"Yes. Here. They were rather simple to make."

Erika, extremely apprehensive, looked inside the box that had been handed to her, and her jaw clenched.

"... You got to be fucking me!"

"A more elaborate costume would have taken too much of my time. These will do just fine."

"No way I'm wearing this in public!"

"What is it?"

Erika's adverse reaction made Kitty curious, so she looked inside the box too, but unsurprisingly adopted a drastically different stance.

"MEOW! Erika! Come! We must wear them now!"

"NO WAY! Forget it!"

"You must come with me!"

"Stop pulling on my arm!"

"No! Come! We must wear them!"

It was unclear why Erika decided to comply at that moment, but she finally followed Kitty upstairs without even showing me what those secret uniforms were. As usual, I couldn't count on Syr to explain it to me. Instead, she just went back to the kitchen to assist Michelle with the food preparation for tomorrow's opening. They came up with a short menu that people would order from, but everything needed to be prepared in advance to serve the clients quickly and efficiently.

Since we brought back beers from the store, I grabbed one and went to sit at one of the tables outside. The inn looked so much better than it was just a week ago. With a fixed roof, replaced broken windows, and a fresh coat of paint, the place looked much more like what I had envisioned when I had decided to take on that challenge.

Kitty had done a fantastic job of getting rid of all the debris and extra vegetation, which made a world of difference in terms of attractiveness. At night, we had burned so much of what she had collected on the moonlit beach that it made it look like we were in a movie. Yes, this place was welcoming again.

For the next little while, I enjoyed the noise of the crashing waves while sipping on my cold beer. I was pretty sure nobody would call me lazy after all that energy I had spent under the burning sun repairing the building with the help of a few workers. A twenty minutes break wasn't too much to ask.

But then my peace and quiet came to a halt when a certain sexy Asian girl with black hair trotted out of the inn wearing her new... uniform.

"What the..."

"Look! Mark! I'm so cute!"

Kitty raised her arms in the air and spun on herself to show me what she was wearing... or what she wasn't wearing.

It turned out that her uniform was a minimalist black bikini, similar to what she wore at home when playing in the pool, but Syr had attached a fluffy cat tail to her barely covered butt. Of course, on top of her head was a matching pair of cat ears. I got the concept with the new inn's name, but were those wrist and ankle cuffs along with the collar really necessary?

While she knew I was distracted trying to keep my boner in check and comprehending how what she was wearing could be appropriate, Kitty turned around and called Erika over.
