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She sounded nervous, so I complied. She looked around nervously. "I've been staying in Valdosta! That cop has been following me!"

"You mean Ditsch?"



"Well, there is something I didn't tell you. I used to date a guy who turned out the be a dealer. I broke up with him when I saw the people he hung out with, but then he became a stalker. I had to file a restraining order, so that's all on file somewhere. The cops must have thought that meant I was part of that scene, especially since they were looking at some of the guys who hang around Mel's."

"Are you okay otherwise? Can you come back to town?"

"I am afraid to go back to my apartment until this whole thing blows over. "Have you heard from Mel? She says she is selling out to Wendy and leaving town. I don't want to work there anymore if Wendy runs it. I just have one more semester to go before I get my degree."

"You can stay with me."

"I'm staying at my sisters until I know the cops are through looking at me. Have the cops come after you?"

"Big time. I think that Ditsch asshole hates my guts. I don't know why. They have interviewed me twice, and Ditch is following me sometimes too. I miss you Brandi!"

"I miss you too."

"One other thing. Do you remember the brunette who was sitting at bar the first time I came in?

"The hooker?"

"She's a cop."

"Oh shit!"

"She's Ditsch's partner."

"We are fucked!"

"Not yet. Don't give up. We will make it through this. I have an appointment back in town this afternoon, so I've got to go back. Is the number you texted from your new number?"

"Yes. I bought a burner just to be safe."

"The minute I can see you again, I want to know!"

"Okay. My sister's car is about 4 rows behind where you were parked. Drop me off and let me leave first."

"Be careful Brandi."

"I'll call soon."

She put her cap and glasses back on and wove her way through the parking lot. I waited a few minutes then circled around looking for Ditsch. I didn't see anybody following me. I realized I was hungry, and we never had lunch. I went to a McDonald's drive thru on Mahan and got a burger, suppressing memories of freshman year. I had time to go back to my apartment, but thought better of it because Ditsch might look there. I took the long way out to Barrington, stopping at C store to get a toothbrush, and toothpaste. Before I go to the condo, I made one phone call, to check something.

I got to the condo early and cleaned up a little bit. No texts or voicemail on my phone so far.

* * * * *

Eleanor Reyes had a decision to make. Muffy was driving this bachelorette party thing, and you'd think she was planning a royal coronation, not a girl party. She had to give Muffy the go ahead today or cancel out. How do you make a rational decision about an emotional and irrational subject?

She was extremely uncomfortable with Muffy's idea of a full-on sex show with hired strippers. She could hear her mother's voice telling then 12-year-old Ellie, "You don't know where it's been!" and her older and trusted male cousin talking about risky girls working in topless bars "I wouldn't fuck them with somebody else's dick!" Dirty strippers, Nando called them. Muffy and Becky were proud of some videos of hot looking male strippers coming on their faces at previous parties. Eleanor did not want video like that to be out there. But her friends wanted a party! She decided. She would go to the party, but stay sober, watch the strippers, but not touch them. Even if there was video, she would not look bad in it.

Whew! She felt better already. But there was another issue. She was not very experienced, and neither was Brandon. She really liked him, they were very compatible socially, and she would probably end up loving him, and she wanted to please him, but she only had a beginner's idea of what that would take. Brandon told her to cut loose but strippers wouldn't help with that. That's why Nando's offer was so intriguing. He certainly seemed confident, and Melody liked him. She was much more worldly than Ellie and she thought Nando was one of the good guys. Okay, self! No more goody two shoes!

She didn't want to wonder what she missed. She was going to take up Nando on his offer. Now it was just a matter of where and when. She only had 5 days until she had to leave for the bachelorette party. She called Nando to say let's do it. But he just invited her to lunch! That is not what she expected.

* * * * *

Boyce had never supervised a worse cop than Danny Ditsch. Ditsch only made detective because he happened onto a big drug bust during a traffic stop, and his uncle was a County Commissioner. Boyce heard there was also some kind of backhanded budget deal involved. He had partnered him with Bonnie Bedard with the hope that some of her smarts would rub off on him, but all it accomplished was making her question her desire to be a cop.

Following Nando Cannon on his own time after submitting his report on the case was not a good idea, and the incident caused the chief to look at the interview tapes, which drew a lot of unwanted attention. Boyce needed this case to go away, and he wanted Ditsch to be somebody else's problem, too. Maybe cold cases in the crime stoppers unit?

* * * * *

"Police have released the medical examiner's report and a statement in the Martin Velasquez case. The death was ruled to be due to a drug overdose combined with erotic auto-asphyxiation gone awry. No criminal charges will be filed. Rumors abound about who else may have been present that night, and what they may have been involved in, but it is all speculation at this point. We will continue our coverage when we have more to report. Ethel McGillicuddy, Channel 13 Eyewitless News!"

* * * * *

Nando told Eleanor to meet him Friday for an early dinner at a seafood place called Harry's downtown. It was right next to the capitol, and he could not have picked a more visible spot to meet. It was virtually certain someone she knew would see them together! Probably several friends of her parents who had known her since she was little. Lots of pols and lawyers would be here for a drink after work. Brandon's father probably ate here twice a month!

She walked in tentatively, as nervous as a cat. Nando was in the most visible booth in the place, and he waved at her! Sheesh!

"Maybe you could take out an advertisement to let everyone know I am seeing you, Nando!"

He smiled smugly. "Any smart young lady of means should meet with her own independent accountant before embarking on a marriage with tremendous potential financial effects! That is how I listed it in my calendar at work. I will turn in an expense statement for the lunch, listing the purpose of the meeting as me prospecting you as a long-term client for my firm."

She had already had two meetings with her father's attorneys, going back and forth over the pre-nuptial agreement proposed by Brandon's attorney. Brandon's family was apparently under the very mistaken impression that he had a lot more at risk than Eleanor did. The attorney said that was okay, because all the stuff they insisted on could be made reciprocal and would work to her benefit too. She thought that was all handled. What was Nando talking about?

Nando went on. "I am sure your dad's attorneys have the legal aspects of things sorted out. But I need to go over some practical considerations with you to make sure you are ready for anything that might happen, good or bad. You can happily tell anyone about that, and it will stand up to any kind of scrutiny or investigation."

She relaxed a little. "What considerations?"

"Maintaining separate banking and credit card accounts of your own, setting up new joint accounts immediately, running all living expenses through the joint accounts, maintaining a cash reserve, certain records you should always duplicate and keep a copy of under your control, and a properly appointed go bag, for starters. Very practical things that could make all the difference for a woman in a pinch, but that hopefully will never be needed."

She never thought about some of that stuff. It made sense. He handed her a binder and a blue duffel bag. "Here's a starter kit for you. Review the binder and the checklist in it and add things to the go bag as you work through the list."

She smiled. "Thank you Nando."

"Now let's talk about sex, beautiful!" She looked shocked and turned to guiltily glance over her shoulder.

I went on. "First, did your attorneys require pre-martial STD tests?"

"No. They aren't required for a license."

"They are required for you, Eleanor! Call them and make sure they are in there as required AFTER the bachelor and bachelorette parties and BEFORE the ceremony. A full panel of tests is like $250. Do not take no for an answer. You want to be documented as clean and if Brandon has problem you need to know before you marry him."

"Nando I don't think Brandon is a high-risk kind of guy."

"Maybe not but you just never know. Better safe than sorry, ounce of prevention pound of cure, all that jazz, you get my drift?"

"Okay, okay!"

"Now, tell me your goals for your sex life with Brandon."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you want? What do you expect to do for him? How good has it been so far? What should be better?

She could not speak. A thousand thoughts ran through her head. She looked bewildered.

I took up the slack. "Let me propose a few extreme scenarios and we can narrow things down from there, okay?"

She nodded but said nothing.

"After you are married, you only want to have sexual intercourse with Brandon once a week, in bed, under the covers, with the lights out and in the missionary position only. You don't expect to have an orgasm, but you hope he will, and you are okay with all that. Sounds good?"

Her face fell. "No!"

I smiled. "Okay, let's go the other way. You want to have wild and crazy sex with Brandon every night, including oral and anal sex, and you expect at least one orgasm each night, but you also want to have a couple of hot lovers on the side that he doesn't know about.

"No! I mean, the prenup says no extramarital affairs, and I don't want that anyway. But I do want to have great sex with Brandon, and have at least one orgasm each time, if not every day. I don't know about anal sex; I have never done it."

"Okay, now we are getting somewhere! What about if you two decide to have a threesome with someone, or swap partners with another couple, or go to a swinger resort together to spice things up? Should the prenup allow those things if you both agree to it?"

"I never thought about that! I don't think so, but..."

"Have you read 'Fifty Shades of Grey'?"

"Yes." She looked embarrassed.

"Would you sign a contact like that to let Brandon do those things to you?"

Her face turned red. "Some of them, not all."

"What about the reverse? Would Brandon sign up to let you do some of that to him?"

She smiled a kind of crafty little smile. "I don't know, but I might like some of that."

"You can make that reciprocal just like other parts of the prenup. But even if it is not formal and written, it needs to come out into the open so you both talk it out and know the deal."

"I am not sure I could talk to Brandon about something like that. What if he hated the idea?"

"What if it was his secret sex dream and you both missed out?" She looked worried.

"To tell you the truth, Nando, neither one of us has that much experience, so we really don't know what we like and what we don't. I really have been a bit of a goody two shoes."

I tried to smile a nasty smile at her. "We are going to fix half of that problem tonight!"

She looked shocked but said nothing.

"Tonight, I am going to do all the things to you that any man would want, and you are going to let me. Then we can talk about which ones you most want to do again. I am also going to make you do what you should want to do for Brandon if you expect him to be happy."

She looked thoughtful. "Are you going to be nasty to me, Nando?"

"Very. And I'm going to make you be nasty to me!"

I gave her an index card. "Here is an address of a condo that belongs to a friend. He and his wife are out of town all weekend, and he is fine with us being there. We can stay tonight and all day tomorrow. Park in the numbered space noted there, and then come to unit number indicated. Stay here at the restaurant for about 15 minutes after I leave, and then go shopping or something before you come to the condo. I will already be there.

She looked like a deer in the headlights. "By the way Ellie, I have always thought you were beautiful, and I am going to enjoy the hell out of having you tonight. Having you just the way I want you."

She smiled primly and munched on a breadstick as I left.

* * * * *

I left a message on Brandi's new burner but got no reply. I drove by her apartment. A car was in her parking place, but there was no answer at the door. At least there was no one following me, that I saw.

I stopped on the way to the condo and got some bottled waters and snacks, but I still there well ahead of Eleanor. Everything looked clean and tidy. I put things in the fridge and checked the towels in the bathroom. I spent a view minutes planning my assault, literally, on Ellie. I had a list of things I knew she needed to try and learn to do well, and things I just wanted her to experience. I could not work her as hard as I could Renee, and least not at first, but I had to get to those levels before we left the condo.

When Eleanor arrived, she took my breath away! She had changed into a super-hot dark green dress that clung to her thin curves like crepe paper in the rain. She also looked excited. I hope she was.

"Well, Nando, how should..."

I took her in my arms and kissed her, at first tenderly and then urgently. She stopped talking and started quivering. I glued myself to her and grabbed her tight little butt. I wanted to overwhelm her and move things at a pace that would cancel any possible hesitation on her part.

She was warm and wonderful. Slender and delicate, but with lots of flesh in all the right places. I put my hands in all the right places. There was no hesitation on her part. Her tongue became hungry for my mouth. I was doubly hungry for her. My mind was still in control, but my dick was waiting in the wings to take over. I pulled down that dark green dress, that had been such a perfect match to her cinnamon brown skin, and saw that her nipples were a pink so dark it was almost red. They made me think of those little candies they call "red hots". These were not as spicy, but bigger and much more responsive, and they would last a lot longer, too.

She was responsive all over. Her neck turned as red as her nipples, and she began to chug her breaths loudly. It sounded so right. I patiently worked her nipples, building them up for a crescendo. But when I saw her mouth wide open as she struggled to get enough oxygen, the bull in me took over. I pushed her down to her knees and used one hand to grab her hair. I used the other to pull down my zipper and drop my underwear, freeing my dick to drop across her lovely face.

Her eyes grew wider, but her mouth stayed open, and my cock found it like a heat seeking missile. She kissed it with the same fervor she had for my mouth. Her tongue swirled and explored. Her hands stopped pushing against the front of my thighs and cupped my buttocks, pulling me into her. She was a bruja, a curandera, magic woman, and I was fully in her spell.

Fortunately, she was also under my spell. She was drooling and devoting herself to my cock. She couldn't take it all in her mouth, only half, but she was letting me know she liked what she was getting. When I had reached maximum hardness, I pulled her up and kissed her face gently again, as my thinking brain reasserted itself.

"I am going to fuck you, Ellie, but first I have to get you ready. I don't want to hurt you." I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and tossed her on the bed. She struggled to get her dress off, but when she reached for her panties, I told her to leave them on.

"Lie back and spread your legs, Ellie. Grab the headboard and hold on!"

I devoted myself to her pussy, working thorough her delicate green panties, the same hue as her dress but much less saturated with color. I could see a faint outline of her pubic hair through the panties. I guess they had some folks who did fancy wax jobs in Palm Beach. It wasn't just a rectangle: it was more like a heart shape. A cute touch for her upcoming honeymoon. I hoped Brandon appreciated it the way I did.

Ellie squirmed as I kissed her thorough the panties. Her pheromones were a perfect complement to the subtle perfume she wore, and I struggled to keep my raging bull at bay until she was fully lubricated. I did not have to wait long, though, as soon a delightful amount of oily juice was soaking her panties. I stood up and jacked my cock towards her. Her eyes were glued to it, and her expression was a mix of fascination and a little fear.

A perfect time for my raging bull to take over. "Take off your panties, Ellie, and put them in your mouth."

Her expression changed to one of shock and embarrassment. "I have been tasting your sloppy wet pussy, and now you can taste it too!"

She took her hands off the headboard and put her panties in her mouth, then whimpered. I liked it.

"Pull your knees up and spread your legs, Ellie! Are you ready?"

She nodded her head yes, but her eyes said she wasn't sure.

I climbed onto the bed and knelt between her legs. The smell of her egged me on. I rubbed her outer lips with the tip of my dick, and she held her breath.

I pushed into her about an inch and her breath exploded out, then she gasped for air. Another inch and she screamed, but it was not a scared scream. More like a loud cheer at a football game. I managed to go slow until she had almost the whole thing. I was amazed at her flexibility and capacity. I think she was too. But then the rutting bull took over, and I lost all perception of any fine detail.

I fucked her like a tonic-clonic seizure, all animal and no tenderness. She looked shocked, then exultant. Her eyes grew wide, and her mouth opened in a silent scream. When my bull takes over, I don't want to come, I just want to keep fucking. As good as it feels, I don't really get triggered, I just get harder. Ellie got wetter. Mother Nature knows what she's about.

Suddenly her pussy quivered and squeezed me, and an amazed look spread across her face. It was agony and ecstasy at the same time. She gulped and looked pale for a second, then a big smile spread across her lovely face. "Fuck me Nando! Harder!"

My bull could do nothing else. I marveled at her changing expressions as she approached another climax, then closed her eyes and grunted, slamming up against me. Ellie was good at this. So was I.

After two more shuddering comes, my thinking brain recalled some of my goals for her, and I increased my pace, looking her in the eyes, and letting myself feel the heat.

"I am going to come in your mouth, Ellie, and you are going to suck me dry and swallow every drop!"

She looked astonished, scared, but curious.

It only took me another minute or so and I was on the threshold. I pulled out of her steaming pussy and slapped her face with my dick, then put it an inch or so from her mouth. She stared at it like it was a snake and she a mongoose for an instant. She pulled up her neck and moved toward it, and I played a little game of keep away which I intended to lose. She got a determined look on her face and tracked and captured it, with a little look of triumph. I knew she was a winner!

She began to suck and tongue like a madwoman. I willed myself to relax, and then let loose. She made a gurgling noise and tried to take it all. I didn't realize how much little Ellie had turned me on until I began to perceive the volume I was producing, and the incredible feeling of her sucking on me. Once she got past the initial surprise, she found she liked it! A certified winner!
