Fertility Treatment


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"Nothing," Dr. Batchelor answered. "Staff volunteer for that assignment, and it is quite popular. We used to divide it up between men and women, but we've found that the patients are more comfortable if it is a woman in the treatment room with them." There was something about the clinical way Dr. Batchelor talked about eight people fucking in front of us, assisted by a nude staffer that made it seem even more erotic.

"Any more questions?" the Doctor asked. "No? Ok, remember you are not committed to undergo the alternative fertility treatment. If you decide you can't do what you saw today, that's fine. Just call us and let us know. If you keep going along this hall to my left, you'll find a door that leads to the garage and your cars."

Heidi and I walked down the hall in silence about ten paces behind Mark and Glenda. When we reached the door, I held it for Heidi and asked, "are we really going to do this?"

Heidi smiled, put her arms around me, kissed me, and said, "Hell yes!" The way she said that made me realize that I wanted to undergo the treatment with Heidi. I wasn't thinking that it would help her get pregnant. I was thinking that we'd have a lot of fun.

As we got in the car, Heidi said, "Will, I'm so horny I'd fuck you right here. Let's get home quick!" The problem with that was we lived close to the University, we were on the north side of town, and it was about 5:00 p.m. I made the mistake of taking 315. Just after I got on the expressway, traffic ground to a halt.

After about ten minutes without moving an inch, Heidi aid, "I can't take this any longer." She unzipped her slacks and plunged a hand into her panties. If you're stuck in traffic, there are worse things to do than watch and listen to your wife get herself off, especially if your wife is as beautiful and sexy as Heidi. I'm sure the guys in the delivery truck in the lane to our right thought so too.

After Heidi came, she said, "Damn, I'm being selfish." She reached over, unzipped my trousers, pulled my dick out, and began stroking me. Of course, that was when traffic started moving, very slowly. I crawled along southbound 315 at five miles an hour while Heidi jacked me off. I'm not sure what the guys in the delivery truck thought about that.

Heidi and I were ready to go back to Dr. Crawford and do the treatment immediately. Due to Heidi's cycle, we couldn't be scheduled for treatment until 17 days later. I don't think what we'd seen in Dr. Crawford's office or the idea of doing that ourselves was ever out of our minds at any time while we waited. Heidi and I spent a lot of time talking about what we thought it would be like to be one of the couples doing the treatment. The more we talked about it, the more excited we became.

Heidi summarized where we both were mentally when she told me, "shit, Will, if Dr. Crawford had just said, 'I want you to take off all your clothes, go into a room and fuck with other people fucking around you and still more people watching,' I'd have stormed out of her office and probably reported her. Having seen people do it, I can't wait to do it too. I don't care if it gets me pregnant. This will be the hottest thing we've ever done."

A day or so later, we had another conversation. Heidi had a female friend at work who was also having trouble conceiving. "What if Carol got referred to Dr. Crawford and is observing when we have treatment? What if she has treatment the same day" Heidi asked.

"Would that bother you if it happened?" I asked.

Heidi thought for a moment. "No," she said. "I know this sounds perverted, but I think I'd actually be proud if someone we knew saw us doing the treatment."

The other thing Heidi and I did over those 17 days was make love, a lot. We had sex every morning when we woke up. We had sex every night before we fell asleep. We had sex for lunch on the weekends. No oral either. It was all dick in pussy. Sometimes I was on top. Sometimes Heidi was on top. We tried new positions. Some worked for us and some didn't, but we never quit until both of us had come. Dr. Crawford told us later that was planned. The anticipation of going through the treatment caused most couples to increase their pre-treatment sexual activity which increased the likelihood of pregnancy.

Finally, we reached The Day. We were due at Dr. Crawford's at 1:30 p.m. Her office had said we should both wear clothes the other thought sexy, and suggested we go out to lunch first, but go easy on alcohol. It was a warm day, so Heidi wore a sundress with a low V on her chest. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra and, when she leaned across the table at lunch, I saw two magnificent bare breasts. I really wanted to make love to this extraordinary woman with other people watching.

We got to Dr. Crawford's early. There was one other couple in the waiting room. They looked to be only 21 or 22. Did women that young really have trouble conceiving? Were they observing or would they be fucking beside us later?

A cute, chubby girl in scrubs entered the waiting room and said, "Heidi and Will?" We stood. "Follow me please," the girl said. We followed her into the office.

Dr. Crawford's office occupied a lot of space. There were long hallways and cross hallways. We made several turns and I was completely lost by the time the girl gestured for us to enter a small room. "Please take off your shoes and all your clothes and give them to me," the girl said.

Heidi kicked off her shoes, pulled her sundress over her head, and pushed her panties to her feet. She handed them to the girl as I did my shoes, trousers, shirt, and boxers. The girl walked away leaving the two of us totally nude and the door to the room open.

Heidi put her arms around me, smiled, and pulled us tight. "Here we go," she said. "I don't know if this will get me pregnant, but we'll sure have some fun." I didn't know where this seeming exhibitionist streak in my wife came from, but I liked it. We sat side-by-side, naked on the exam table, holding hands. Everyone who walked by looked in at us. We could have closed the door, but we didn't.

It seemed like a long time before the same girl came back and said, "please follow me." Naked and barefoot, Heidi and I followed her into the hall. Again, we took a circuitous route, passing many staff and, I think, some clothed patients. At one point, our guide stopped at a counter staffed by a couple of women and read some paperwork on a clipboard. Heidi and I stood there nude, waiting. Then, our guide was off again, leading us around more corners. As I looked down intersecting hallways, I caught a couple of glances of other nude people being led around by others in scrubs. I got the sense that the whole point was to parade us naked around the office.

The girl finally led us to a door and said, "this is the pre-treatment room." She opened the door. There was a nude couple in the room already: Glenda and Mark. "I was hoping it would be you two," Glenda said. Glenda had a great body. Seeing Mark nude reinforced the impression of a distance runner, although he had an impressive dick.

"That's funny," Heidi said. "I've been hoping we'd get treatment the same day as you, too. You guys look great naked."

"So do you guys," Glenda said.

"I guess part of the idea is that we're supposed to look at each other's wives," Mark said.

"I think so," I replied.

Glenda went to Heidi and put an arm around her bare waist. "Who wouldn't want to look at these two beauties with nothing on?" Glenda asked. I saw Mark smile for the first time. "Just think," Glenda continued, "in a few minutes, all four of us will be fucking in the same room. Let's make sure to get mats next to each other!"

"Of course!" Heidi replied. Glenda's enthusiasm was catching and raising the sexual heat.

We were interrupted when a different girl in scrubs led a third nude couple into the room. It was the other couple from the waiting room. They seemed fit and the woman had a nice, albeit slightly skinny body. They seemed embarrassed.

The third couple was followed closely by a female staffer in a lab coat and heels. It was the same woman from the day we had observed. "Hi, you are the only patients today," the young woman said. "I'm Gwen. I work here as a researcher. You've all observed the treatment, so you know that I'll be nude in the treatment room with you. Right now, though, we want to focus on you. Research has shown that people find it arousing to show their genitalia to others and to see other's genitalia. We want you to show off to each other. We'll start with the guys because they're easier. Will, would you please stand in front of Holly so she can look at your penis and scrotum? Dennis, please stand in front of Glenda. Mark, you stand in front of Heidi."

Holly seemed a little fearful of looking at my dick and balls. After a couple of minutes, Gwen called a shift. I went in front of Glenda. Mark went in front of Holly. Dennis went in front of Heidi. Glenda was the opposite of Holly. She looked at my dick from above and squatted down to look up from below. Glenda called, "Gwen, am I allowed to touch?"

Gwen replied, "That's up to Heidi and Will."

"Heidi?" Glenda asked.

"No fair," Heidi said. "No one said anything about touching when I had Mark in front of me."

Mark stepped away from Holly and said, "Heidi, feel free to touch my dick."

Heidi giggled, and said, "Ok Glenda, you can touch Will."

I didn't mind Glenda handling my dick. She was a sexy woman. Before it got interesting, though, Gwen announced, "ladies, time to show off those vaginas." Gwen had Heidi sit on a chair, lean back, and spread her legs. Damn Heidi looked great. Mark looked at me. I nodded. He took a step forward and ran a finger around Heidi's labia. Heidi flinched, but smiled at both of us.

Next, it was Glenda's turn to show off. All three of Mark, Dennis, and me were erect by that point. Glenda said as she sat down, "Boys, you're about to get even harder." Glenda sat, leaned back, spread her legs, and shoved a finger into her pussy. She began finger herself.

Heidi was standing next to me with a hand around my dick. "I wish I'd thought of that," she said. I wanted to finger Glenda, but I passed because that would have meant stepping away from Heidi and I liked her holding my dick.

Finally, it was young Holly's turn to expose herself. She timidly sat down, but waited a few seconds before she leaned back, and a few more seconds before she spread her legs. Holly was a very handsome woman. "Holly, you're a beauty," I said.

"Definitely," Mark added.

"That's what I've been trying to tell her," Dennis said.

"Holly," Glenda said, "loosen up. We're all naked. We're all going to make love together because we all want children. It's natural, nothing to be embarrassed about. It's just us. Have fun."

Holly sat back up. Her face looked a little less scared.

Holly got off the chair and Gwen said, "we want you to take some time to stimulate each other. You're not confined to your own partner, but everyone must consent."

Dennis immediately pulled Mark and me together. "Would you two please play with Holly? She needs to loosen up." Mark and I nodded and followed Dennis to his partner. "Holly," Dennis asked, "is it ok if Mark and Will play with you? Please?" Holly silently nodded her head.

I stepped behind Holly and began running a hand over her skinny ass. Mark stepped in front of her and began massaging her clit. After a moment, I stepped right up against Holly and reached around her to fondle her small breasts. I intentionally pushed my hard dock partway into her ass crack. Holly's breathing got faster. Mark stepped back and said "Dennis, I think you're up."

Dennis went to Holly, hugged her, and kissed her as Mark and I stepped away. Looking around, we saw Glenda and Heidi each with a hand between the other's legs. Heidi looked at me and said, "well, you and Mark left us alone."

I walked over to the two sexy women, gently pulled Glenda's hand away from Heidi, and put my own hand between Heidi's thighs. "I like that better," Heidi cooed. I shoved my finger into her pussy and started rubbing a spot I knew was sensitive. "I really like that!" Heidi said.

Medical treatments be damned, I was having fun. I heard a chime. Gwen announced, "Dr. Crawford thinks you are ready for intercourse. Please follow me into the treatment room." The fun was moving to a new level.

We followed Gwen into the treatment room. There were roughly 25 seats around the wall above us. They were all filled. Heidi and I sat on a mat right next to Glenda and Mark. Gwen gave the speech we'd heard before and removed her coat. Heidi lay back. I moved on top of her and slid into her.

Sex was Heidi's and my favorite thing to do together, and we always enjoyed each other. However, I don't recall having seen as much wanton pleasure in Heidi's face as I saw that day in Dr. Crawford's office. "Will," Heidi said, "are you having as much fun as I am?" I nodded.

Glenda had heard Heidi and piped up, "I sure am."

"Let's make this last as long as we can," Heidi said.

Gwen had heard Heidi too. She announced, "please, patients, take as long as you wish. We realize this is a unique opportunity and you may derive benefits from it beyond strictly conception. I'm happy to stay here as long as you wish."

Heidi and I made love very slowly. We kissed a lot. I was vaguely aware of noises that sounded like orgasm coming from Holly long before we were close. Heidi was starting to buck her pelvis into me and clamp down on me when we heard Glenda gasp, "oh God!" A few moments later, I heard Glenda ask, "Gwen, can we stay and watch Heidi and Will?" Heidi and I looked into each other's eyes. We were both close to orgasm and almost 30 people were watching.

I could feel myself about to come when Heidi clamped her legs around me even tighter. She was bucking frantically. She pulled me down until my face was beside hers. "Will . . . I . . . love . . .YOU!" she moaned. I shot on "love" and kept shooting past "you." For once, I was certain Heidi had come. We were both panting and trying to kiss each other at the same time. Finally, we calmed and caught our breath. I pulled out, stood, and helped Heidi to her feet. Naked and having just orgasmed in front of a bunch of strangers, she had never looked more beautiful, or happier.

Glenda, Mark, and Gwen were standing there nude. "That was nice," Glenda said.

"I think Judy and Karen have left," Gwen said. Let's go back to the pre-treatment room and I'll brief you on follow up." We followed Gwen to the other room. She carried her coat but didn't put it on.

In the pre-treatment room, Gwen said, "I couldn't say this with Dr. Crawford and patients listening. I've been here for about eight months and have done the treatment room for the last four. Glenda, Mark, Heidi, Will, you guys had the most arousing treatment session, by far, that I've seen. Um, this may seem weird, but would you guys watch while I get myself off?" We agreed gladly. Watching Gwen masturbate herself to orgasm was also arousing.

After Gwen came, she told Heidi and Gwen to keep using pregnancy tests. We were also supposed to schedule follow up appointments in a month.

We started to just leave. Heidi stopped. "Gwen," she asked, "where are our clothes?"

The four of us sat nude in the pre-treatment room while Gwen tracked down our clothing. After a couple of minutes, Mark asked, "Heidi, Will, would you like to get together for dinner Saturday?"

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caveman21936caveman21936over 1 year ago

Really, did it work? The story is not finished until we know the couples conceived.

olblueyesolblueyesalmost 2 years ago

Hmmmmmm! i missed the fun in this story. i know a name or two was messed up. that threw me off a bit...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great premise, needs more description

Overall, it's good. Hot! But we have hardly any idea what the couples looked like, what the characters felt watching the staffer masturbate after the treatment. A little more description would really put this over the top.

leftlingulaleftlingulaalmost 4 years ago
Inventive Tale

Very imaginative here. I honestly thought it was going another direction, but this was a much better direction. Well done...

RoboButtonsRoboButtonsalmost 4 years ago
More Romance Than Erotic, Still Enjoyable

Excellent concept and character development. Thought your world building worked phenomenally. I join other users in encouraging you to slow down your pacing for sex scenes. Bring us into the intimacy and keep working on building toward a more satisfying climax.

JeanCFNMJeanCFNMalmost 4 years ago


yes you should check them....Stoner is one of the good ones

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Interesting premise

But the sex scenes aren't really erotic. They just happen. No significant teasing. Nothing that could constitute extended foreplay. No material dialog during the sex scenes.

Really missing all that -- and more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Did it work?

So did Heidi get pregnant? Did they come back for a second treatment? Did the two couples get together for sex as well as supper? So many opportunities for a part two!

JeanCFNMJeanCFNMalmost 4 years ago

good fun but maybe they need another treatment.

To save money they have a party to do the same

Omart57Omart57almost 4 years ago
Awesome Story!

Really enjoyed this, Now, I will have check out your other stories!

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