Finally Free Pt. 01

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His family sucked! How is his future affected?
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NOTES: This story contains elements of the Loving Wives, Anal and/or Group Sex categories, and a bit of Incest/Taboo but I put it in Novels and Novellas due to the length of this and the follow on part(s).

There will be at least one and possibly two more parts depending on how it works out.

All persons engaging in sex are over 18.


"What are you doing?" she asked softly, curiously.

"Oh, no!" Sean thought. "She's here?! What is she doing here? She's supposed to be in school!?" That she had caught him red handed was a no brainer. Here he was dancing around her room with a pair of her panties in each hand; one wrapped around his cock stroking it with them, the other up to his face sniffing the crotch. Sean turned around to look at her, noticing the phone in her hand pointed directly at him. "What are you doing with the phone?" Sean asked, while trying to come up with an answer to her question, and a way out of this predicament. He had come home for the summer after his sophomore year at college to spend time with his family and enjoy the summer, but right now he was seriously debating the thought process that had caused him to think he could ever be happy here.

"Oh, just making a little movie for the family," Josie stated. "This is sure to get me everything I want from you!"

"And how is that?" Sean asked her. Josie is his younger sister by two years. We have a very hateful relationship with each other going all the way back to when she was born -- Sean didn't think she liked him even then. Sean had no clue what made her hate him so much! She's just so fucking sexy! With her 32B breasts resting atop her tight, toned, sporty body; she is a walking, talking wet dream! She is his sister. Sean had tried to love her, but she continually does shit like this: constantly reminding him of why he hated her!

"You will give me whatever I ask for or I will post this to the internet and send it special delivery to our family chat site," Josie said, with an evil sneer. "Grandma and Grandpa, both sets. Mom and dad... oh yeah, they'll love it! Aunts, uncles and cousins. All of them will get to see my older brother dancing around my room with my panties in his hands while stroking his cock!" She said with all the hate in her voice she could muster.

"So, you're talking about blackmailing me?" Sean asked. By this time he had already dropped both pairs of panties and was just standing in the middle of her room, my cock was flaccid and shoulders were slumped.

"Oh, hell yeah, big brother! You better believe it," Josie said, still holding the phone in her hand.

"What do you want?" Sean asked, her plainly.

"Well now, let's see... I think we can start with you letting me borrow your car next Saturday, my girlfriends and I want to go out and don't want one of our parents to take us." she said, seeing her eyes working as she thought about what she wanted to take from her brother. "I think your phone is too pretty, way prettier than mine, so you can give that to me also," Josie said, with the hateful sneer coming back to her face.

"Fuck off!" Sean responded angrily. "You're not getting my car or my phone!" A red mist was floating before his eyes, he'd had enough of his little sister; memories came flooding back of him getting beat because of her lies; one beating by his grandpa was so bad he required a three day hospital stay -- all because our cousin -- I think it was my cousin? -- had started a grass fire with fireworks and blamed him. He moved towards the doorway she was still standing in, "Excuse me,"

"You'd break your grandmothers' hearts?" Josie asked him her fingers flying over her phone as she stepped out of his way.

"Both of those bitches hate me just as much as you do, so why the fuck do I care anymore what either of you think?!" Sean said, walking into his room. "Grandpa almost killed me because of you and your fucking lies," he said, closing and locking his door. He didn't see Josie's stunned expression at his words, or the tears welling in her eyes.

Hearing the knob rattle as Sean unlocked his door, Josie stood up from her bed and rushed to her doorway as his door inched open. She had spent the last thirty minutes or so listening to the sounds of things crashing and breaking in his room. His face tear streaked and his eyes red he stepped through the door with his backpack and two other sports bags on his shoulders. "Wh... what... what are you doing, Sean?" Josie stammered when he stepped out.

"Wow!" Sean said, in total surprise. "You've called me so many hateful, derogatory, and nasty names over the last fifteen or so years I had actually thought you didn't know my real name!"

"Of course, I know your name, you're my brother!"

"No, I'm not, I'm the person you have spent so many years hating on that now you have your wish," Sean replied, not really understanding his new good mood. He flung his hand at the family pictures dotting the living room. "You've had mom and dad erase me from all the family photos, now you can erase me from the rest of your life and just forget about me; that should make all of you extremely happy!" Sean said, walking towards the front door with his bags; it was everything he owned... and it was actually all his, since his parents and relatives hadn't bought him anything since the birth of his sister, the things he couldn't take with him he had destroyed, thus all the breakage Josie had heard while sitting on her bed. As far as he was concerned they could clean up the mess and he would start anew somewhere far from all their hatred.

Following close behind him Josie lunged forward and grabbed his arm, "Please, Sean, don't leave! I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry for trying to blackmail you!" Josie pleaded with him to stay. "Look, here's my phone, I deleted the video, I swear, you can check," she said, while quickly tapping the screen to unlock her phone for him to see that she had.

"Get your filthy, nasty, whoring hands off me!" Sean growled in the most menacing, hate filled tone Josie had ever heard, jerking his arm forward shrugging her off. Thrusting open the door, walking out to the driveway where his car was parked, Josie was still apologizing and begging him not to leave. "Too little, too late, you hateful fucking cunt!" He growled as he tossed the bags he was carrying into the back seat of his car. Climbing into his car, backing down the driveway before his door was even shut. Turning his head to make sure he wouldn't have a wreck backing out he saw his sister slumped on the lawn, yelling out of his window he told her, "Remember, you got what you wanted!" Sean never looked back.



After having received a phone call from her neighbor, Josie's mother, Mary, pulled into the driveway, seeing her daughter still on the lawn crying to the point she was hyperventilating. "If he hurt my daughter, I swear to God, I'll kill him!" Was the first thought she had upon seeing Sean's car gone. Walking to her daughter her first question to Josie was, "What did Sean do to you? Did he hit you?" Of course, Josie was so far into her self-induced trauma there was no way she could speak a word, let alone a coherent word. Hearing the chirp of tires behind her she turned her head, seeing her husband rush from his brand new BMW SUV toward them. Mary had called him on her way home.

"What happened?" Bill asked, as he got close.

"I don't know, she isn't talking," Mary said, as Bill moved past her.

"That's because she can't," Bill said, kneeling beside Josie sitting her up. Looking into her eyes, seeing how vacant her gaze was, he gave her a light slap on each cheek, bringing her back to the present. "What happened, Josie? Why are you out here like this?"

"Oh daddy, he's gone! I fucked up and went too far this time," Josie wailed, panting, trying to get her breathing under control. "He's gone... he destroyed his room and packed his bags and drove off!" she said, finally getting herself back under control.

"Can you stand?" Bill asked, seriously concerned about what had happened. Seeing her nod he said, "Come on, let's get you inside." Taking her arm and guiding her into the house. Upon entering the house they all went straight to Sean's room. The first thing they saw was his mattress just about completely shredded; then all of his baseball trophies busted and shattered across the floor -- they couldn't enter the room without stepping on a piece of marble from one of the many, many trophies he had earned over his long career. However, what brought it all home to them was the 42 inch plasma television he had bought, the summer between his junior and senior high school year, with a baseball half buried almost dead center of the screen. "This is the stuff he bought himself," Bill whispered almost to himself, "or he earned on his own merit." He was focused on the shattered trophies.

"He's really gone?" Mary asked, not believing it, even seeing all the destruction in his room. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad right now as that boy had ruined her life. Yet, as she stood amongst the destruction of his room she looked at everything he had accomplished on his own... all the trophies from his baseball career, his television that he paid for on his own because she refused to pay for anything, even his clothing. Glancing at her husband then looking around her son's room she realized he hadn't ruined anything for her, she had ruined his entire life due to her short sightedness after he was born. Yes, she was sixteen when he was born and Bill, only seventeen himself, had married her, and approximately two years later, had given her this lovely home and made it more than comfortable for all of them. Her husband was an excellent provider, Mary had never had to work a day in her life; all she had to do was take care of her children and enjoy her life, but she now realized she had treated her first born son like shit, always degrading him, always blaming him for every little thing that happened bad in her life.

Her mind took her back to when he was twelve, seeing him lying in a hospital bed with so many tubes and wires hooked up to him he looked like a piece of machinery; her own father having beaten him so bad he almost died that first night because he had started a fire with a pop bottle rocket, denying, the day after he regained consciousness, that it was him who'd started it, and not a single person believing him. And after that, all the hate that was flung on him, even to the point of being banned from ever returning to their family farm, by every person in the family because the fire could have burned down the house, even though it never got within five hundred feet of it. Hell, it never even got within a thousand feet, she remembered now. Tears of regret and sorrow started rolling down her cheeks for the boy she never knew and the son she had just lost, remembering the words she'd uttered as she saw her daughter lying in the yard, "If he hurt my daughter, I swear to God, I'll kill him!" then she recalled her first words to Josie, "What did Sean do to you? Did he hit you?" showing her habit of always blaming him for everything that was wrong with her life.

"But why?" Josie asked, confused by her brother's actions. "Why would he destroy his stuff like this?" The words he had spoken to her echoing in her mind as she surveyed the destruction... "Both those bitches hate me just as much as you do... Grandpa almost killed me because of you and your fucking lies..." The fact he didn't think she knew his name because of all the hateful things she said to him and about him surprisingly hurt her.

"So we couldn't use it... or sell it -- to make any money off of him," Bill said, in a surprisingly sad voice. Recalling every slight, every mean word and deed, and every disparaging insult they had hurled at his son over the years; all of the abuses they had heaped upon Sean just because they could. What really staggered him was seeing his twelve year old son lying in a hospital bed, damn near beaten to death, swearing he didn't do it, the tears running down Sean's face when he realized none of them believed him. Only now he saw the truth in his son's eyes as he looked back upon that memory, he knew, deep in his heart, Sean didn't start that fire; and that realization stunned him so greatly he actually fell on the shredded mattress, that he had known it all along...


Sean was leaving the bank, having just emptied his old account, the one his parents had access to, and transferring his money to his business account when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Seeing it was his sister sending him a text he simply deleted it without reading it. He had been expecting this, turning his phone off; he would change the number when he got to wherever he was going. And go he did, with every mile he drove away from his former home he felt lighter, happier than he had ever felt. He realized a huge weight had been lifted from him: the weight of the hate his own family had heaped upon him all these years.

Sean Brown was finally free!...or so he thought.


Six years later...

Looking out the window of his first class seat Sean watched the illusion of the ground rising up as the plane came in for a landing. He had received the call earlier this morning, at his San Diego home, that one of the companies he had sold his first program to, right after finishing his freshman year of college, had been hacked over the weekend so here he was flying into the lion's den as it were, his home town. As a freelance computer programmer and Internet Technologies professional he spent a lot of his time traveling to his clients to make sure their computer systems were in proper working order, but this trip was something abnormal. Usually he made his annual junket to his hometown to take care of this client while his estranged family was on vacation, it was quite easy -- he just ghosted them on Facebook, this time they weren't. Nevertheless, his client came first, so here he was. Upon arriving at his hotel he notified the client he was in town and would be there first thing in the morning to sort them out.

Discovering the source of the breach was quite fast and easy, it was from the computer of a midlevel marketing manager; determining what information, if any, had been stolen... not so much. Finally, around 1:30 in the afternoon on his second day in the building, Sean was able to determine that no information had been stolen simply due to the fact the malware hadn't been able to 'phone home', in other words, all the stolen data was in the designated storage location but the code had not been able to get the information out due to the phone lines being shut off at the time set for the program to transmit it.

Josie was sitting at her desk outside the office of Mr. Ovon when Mrs. Ling, the Vice President of Computer Technology and Security for the company, and Sean walked up. Looking up from her computer screen she first noticed Mrs. Ling then naturally she looked to her companion, upon seeing her brother her breath froze in her chest and she went white as a sheet. Sean, for his part, lurched for a heartbeat then carried on as usual.

"We need to check Mr. Ovon's computer for malware," Mrs. Ling informed Josie. Both of them proceeded to walk around her desk and into Mr. Ovon's office without announcement. Josie hurried after them, entering the office she saw Sean was already tapping keys locking down the computer then reaching to disconnect the network cable all while hearing Mrs. Ling say, "Mr. Ovon there was a computer security breach over the weekend and it originated from this terminal." Completing his initial security tasks Sean walked behind the desk and pushed Mr. Ovon away taking control of the desk and computer as easily as snapping his fingers. Looking at the screen Sean's eyes went as big as saucers in shock, turning the screen towards Mrs. Ling and Josie showing them what had so shocked him, it was an image involving a horse and a woman in an intimate act, overcoming her shock Mrs. Ling reached for the phone. "This is Mrs. Ling, I need security to Mr. Ovon's office to escort him out of the building, please?" she ordered, her words snapping Josie out of her shock, watching Mrs. Ling turning to Mr. Ovon. "Gather your personal items, if anything is left behind we will ship it to you at your last known address." While they waited for security Sean stayed between Mr. Ovon, and Mrs. Ling and Josie, acting as a barrier in case he decided to attack either of them. Josie walked out moving back to her desk when security arrived and escorted Mr. Ovon off the property.

"Will you be able to clean it up or do we need to replace it?" Mrs. Ling asked, as she and Sean were left alone in the office.

"No, I can clean it, Sylvia. I should be done in about two hours." Josie heard Sean say as she stepped back into the office, watching Sean opening his briefcase and removing some computer disks.

"Very well, then I am going to go upstairs and let them know what you found, and that Mr. Ovon has been terminated and why," Sylvia said, her eyes ran down Sean's chest remembering what they once had. What she had hoped to come to be, yet was denied her wish. She turned and saw Josie standing there. "Step in and close the door!" Mrs. Ling ordered. After Josie closed the door she said, "According to what Sean and I uncovered during our investigation into the breach it seems you knew about Mr. Ovon sitting in here beating his dick and not doing his work. Why haven't you reported him?" Mrs. Ling asked, her eyes were cold and hard.

"He threatened to fire me if I did." Josie said, in a small voice looking down. "Told me that if I told anyone he would make it so I was the guilty party, and no one would believe me if I said he was lying and that he would make it so I never got another job."

"Okay. You've been here how long?" Mrs. Ling asked, her brow wrinkled in thought. "Two years, correct?" Seeing Josie nod she continued, "And you've been doing his work for the last year or so?" Mrs. Ling asked her.

"About that, yes,"

"So here's how it's going to go. You are going to continue doing what you've been doing but in this office as soon as Sean gets this computer up and running again," Mrs. Ling said, her eyes boring into Josie when her head came up. "That will make you the acting Marketing Manager. IF you do a good job, and don't fuck anything up, I will see about making it a permanent position for you." She didn't really have anything against Josie other than there was bad blood between her and Sean. She was actually surprised Josie didn't recognize her as she and Sean graduated high school together and went to the same college until he moved away after something happened right after the end of their sophomore year. "Do you agree, or do I need to start the search for a replacement for Mr. Ovon?" Mrs. Ling asked, crossing her arms waiting for Josie's answer.

Josie was in shock, she had never expected this, but she knew the answer to the last question: "Yes, I agree!" Josie said, breathlessly. "If I may be so bold, how long is my probation period?"

"Standard probation; ninety days." Mrs. Ling said aloofly, checking her nails to make it seem that she cared not if Josie took the position or not. "Since you've been doing the job for the last year I don't think you'll have any difficulty, unless you just royally screw the pooch somehow." She glanced over at Sean her gaze softening as it fell upon him. "I've got to head upstairs, same time and place tonight?" Mrs. Ling asked Sean.

"Yep," Sean said. "I'll be there!" Mrs. Ling nodded, turned on her heal and left to inform her boss. "I will be done in a little bit, I will give you your access code, and before I leave I will also give it to Mrs. Ling. Now if you'll excuse me?" Sean said to her in as polite a manner as he could. This was his very first client and he had no intentions of giving them a reason to replace him.