Finding Amy


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In a very real sense, those women seemed to have more control over their lives, not less.

'So many contradictions in all of this.' Ashley thought to herself.

For such a strong and highly principled woman it was not lost on Ashley that her own mind was now constantly bombarded with dreams and visions of her own sexual submission.

'Maybe choosing to submit to something is the greatest form of freedom......', she had finally concluded before taking that line of thought even further, '.............maybe taking a break from emancipation can even be liberating.'

Ashley had been accused by so many people in the past of over-analyzing everything she saw, and they were probably right.

In this case however, she felt more justified than ever in questioning everything she felt and saw.

This whole 'Dark Palace' world was real and the women and men that inhabited it were all very real too.

Amy had been part of that world.

Ashley herself even had the presence of mind to know that she was being seduced by that same dark world too.

That idea wasn't scary to her anymore, just the opposite.

She wanted it to seduce her.

Maybe discovering this side of herself had actually been some kind of indirect gift from Amy.

Perhaps all of that pain and confusion had even been necessary.

Perhaps it was the only way she could have discovered the real Ashley that had been inside her all along.

That was the only line of thought that had really made any sense to Ashley then.

The idea that what she was going through was not just simply a process......but a gift.

It was an empowering thought and it put her at ease enough to be able to continue. She scanned and studied the 'Dark Palace' website once more, only this time with a little more focus.

She began to make some interesting new observations then.

Amy's profile had been far from unique.

There were over a hundred women just like Amy in the Boston area alone who were searching for encounters that ranged from the 'almost romantic' to the 'graphically explicit'.

Amy's page was far from shocking when compared to many of those other women...In fact...she seemed to fit right in.

The amount of men on that site seemed to out-number the women by a factor of three to one also.

Amy's profile seemed to conform to a kind of structure that she now saw again and again.

Most often there would be a graphic and detailed wish-list of experiences along with a sexually charged but anonymous profile picture.

The face in those pictures always seemed to be cropped out of frame or digitally obscured. Very few of those women actually showed their face in those profiles.

While Amy hadn't shown her face in her profile picture either, she had definitely shown it in those explicit photos inside those file folders.

It was then that Ashley recalled with a surge of adrenaline that there had been two more file folders in Amy's profile.

They were the folders that she had been afraid to open.

The reasoning behind that fear was a pretty sound one.

Those final two folders were restricted. Ashley was pretty sure that while signed into Amy's account she could probably open those folders. Other members of 'Dark Palace' however, needed Amy's permission to view them.

Those first two image folders that Ashley had opened so far had been so very shocking to her then. For the first time she had seen her best friend engaged in activities that had changed her perception of her forever.

To make matters worse those first two folders had merely been the 'unrestricted' ones. There was no telling what would be in the last two un-opened folders.

Yes, it was true that Ashley felt different now, that she had even embraced all of this, but even so, she found herself afraid once more as she opened Amy's personal folder list and saw the four folders. In front of her


User: Fallen_angel5

Personal Folders.....

1) Daddy's_Little_Girl (click to open)

Image folder

50 files

Access Open -- All Users

2) Fuck_Toy (click to open)

Image folder

50 files

Access Open -- All Users

3) Party_Favor (r) (click to open)

Image folder

61 files

Access Restricted -- Permission Required

4) Puppet (r) (click to open)

Image folder

72 files

Access Restricted -- Permission Required


"Okay....just open the next one for now....It's're ready for this," Ashley said calmly to herself then.

And she truly did feel that way. She felt she was finally ready to travel down that rabbit hole one more time.

She opened the first restricted file. It was called 'Party Favor'. Once more tiny image thumbnails began to scroll across her screen. There were sixty-one images in all.

Almost trembling with nerves Ashley clicked on the first image and it expanded to fill the whole screen.

This time she didn't linger on that first photo. She clicked on image after image in rapid succession as if trying to minimize any affect that those photos might have on her.

If her intention really had been to soften the impact of what she saw by using that quick-fire method, then it clearly didn't work.

She got to perhaps the forty-first of those sixty-one images before she had to stop.

Heart racing.

Heat rising.

Nausea.....fear.....and inevitably..............intense arousal.

"Oh Jesus Christ Amy....." She breathed.


Ashley lay awake in her bed the entire night.

Sleep was a virtual impossibility for her then.

Her mind buzzed with graphic, almost shocking re-enactments of the images she had seen in Amy's 'Party Favor' folder.

Many of those visions were simply animated depictions of Amy performing those acts.

Many more were her own explicit fabrications where she saw herself instead of Amy going through every experience.

Vivid and intense fantasies that enflamed her own desires to the point of desperation.

Only just the night before Ashley had entertained the thought of the four men she had met in her hallway entering her apartment.

She had pictured them laughing and smirking.

She had watched silently while they verbally poured scorn upon her.

Saw herself obey without question when they ordered her to kneel on her hands and knees in the middle of her own bed.

She had behaved more like an obedient little lap-dog than a grown woman.

Each of those young men simply took his own turn at fucking her.

Vigorous, aggressive thrusts that rocked her body and drove the air out of her lungs.

A chorus of animal sounds as her accompaniment.

She saw herself scream and climax as each man had sprayed his seed deep inside her.

But...that had just been a fantasy.

What Ashley had just witnessed her close friend Amy doing in those sixty-one new pictures was no mere fantasy at was all very real.

In seemed that Amy's reality was far more explicit and much more intense than any single day-dream or fantasy of Ashley's.

In the space of five minutes all of those new-found desires and yearnings that Ashley had considered too 'extreme' had been instantly down-graded to a mere 'ordinary' when compared to the real-life adventures of Amy.

It had all looked so respectable in the first few photos. Amy was dressed immaculately in a prim and proper business suit.

She had even worn a pair of very conservative 'librarian' style eye glasses which she had somehow managed to keep in place in all of those photos.

Apparently it had all started out as something like a formal gathering at first, but the difference between these photos and the previous ones soon became very apparent to Ashley.

There were other people in these photos and their faces were in plain sight.

The first important fact about those people was that Ashley didn't recognize any of them. The second important characteristic was that they were all men.

Six in all. Smartly dressed and at a guess probably all in their thirties or forties.

Amy had seemed to beam with happiness in those first photos. Why wouldn't she?

Six attractive and attentive men all focused on Amy.

Every set of eyes in that room was upon her.

It actually looked a lot like a meeting of business professionals in an expensive, up market hotel room.

By only the sixth photo however, that pleasant little 'business gathering motif' had changed as Amy sat on a couch flanked on either side by two men.

Her head was thrown back and she gazed at the ceiling through glassy eyes.

The man on the right kissed her neck while the other lightly nibbled on an ear-lobe.

Those two industrious men didn't stop there either. Their hands and fingers were also being put to good use.

One of them had slipped a hand inside her blouse and cupped one of her breasts while his partner on the other side had buried his own hand up her skirt and was clearly massaging her crotch.

Ashley had gone back to that photo more than once that night and lingered upon it.

It was just so beautiful. A vision of heaven that she desperately wanted to experience.

She saw that look on Amy's face and instinctively knew what it meant.

It was a moment of pure bliss.

A sublime state of lust mixed with the anticipation of what would surely follow.

"God I want that so bad Amy. I wanna feel what you feel," Ashley actually confessed out loud to the screen then. She wasn't talking to herself when she said it either. In a very real sense she was talking to Amy.

Events seemed to take a fast, almost aggressive turn towards the extreme then.

Clothing was rapidly removed. A red g-string and bra appeared briefly in the next two shots before they too were removed.

Amy was suddenly naked and on her hands and knees on a mattress. Six similarly naked men in various states of arousal surrounded her.

It was a scene that was disturbingly close to Ashley's own vivid fantasies, but this was clearly no dream.

What she saw next confirmed to her in startling fashion, just how far down that dark path her friend Amy had travelled.

From that point onwards there was nothing gentle, romantic or even playful about any of what Ashley saw.

Her good friend Amy Price simply became their personal whore. There was no other way Ashley could describe it.

Amy had attempted to perform oral sex on a couple of those men at first before one of her impatient suitors seemed to jump the line and he started to fuck her from behind.

She struggled to take a large erect cock down her throat while that was happening, but the size of it seemed to be giving her problems.

So many explicit and even shocking images bombarded Ashley then.

An image of a man laying on the mattress as Amy straddled him and then lowered herself onto his large erection.

A close-up of his cock entering her.

Amy supporting herself on hands and knees once more as she continued to straddle that man and administer a blow-job to another at the same time.

But even then, things were only just beginning for 'fallen_angel5'.

The next image was a clear indication of what was really in store for Amy.

A shot of her from behind.

Her pussy being drilled from underneath.

The back of her head obscuring the crotch of a man whose cock was buried deep down her throat.

Strong masculine hands spreading apart her buttocks and exposing a tiny little ass-hole.

"Oh no you didn't." Ashley said out loud then in almost disbelief.

Amy's toned little body went rigid in the next few photos as one of the men eased his erect cock into that tiny opening.

The situation just seemed to erupt into a whole new level of debauchery then.

Ashley saw her friend's diminutive frame tense and contract in shot after shot as three huge cocks pounded her all at once.

Then, a close-up of Amy's face as she took it all.

Extreme sensations and primal urges triggering emotions. Those emotions instantly registering on that pretty face without any barrier of censorship or thought.

Every intimate orifice being filled with erect male flesh.

The gravity of that moment was clearly not lost on Amy. Her facial expressions communicated a feeling that was far beyond mere pleasure or lust. Something unknowable to anyone else except Amy herself.

Aroused determination. Eyes closed tight.

The obvious and violent orgasms that seemed to spontaneously erupt from her again and again and again.

A final few shots of a spent, almost delirious Amy laying on her stomach. Her head turned to one side. A beatific, satisfied smile spreading across her Angel face.

Ashley just felt a mixture of shock and awe after seeing all of that.

Up until that point she had considered herself a decent match for Amy in this sordid little sexual face-off.

But that had just been Ashley's own hubris showing through.

It was all so clear now.

Aside from a few fantasies and a humiliating night locked out of her own apartment, what had she really done?

She clearly wasn't even in the same league yet as her friend Amy, but that didn't mean she couldn't catch up......If she really wanted to.


Ashley saw the light of dawn begin to brighten her widows as she curled herself into a ball underneath the covers of her empty bed.

She knew then that the entire night had passed while she had lain there, but to her it could have only been ten minutes.

Her concept of time didn't seem to be functioning well at all.

Every second of every minute her brain had been virtually overloaded with those fresh new images of her friend Amy.

Each thought and vision elicited a new and primitive response.

It seemed that every new discovery would trigger yet another important revelation, not just about Amy, but about her too.

She let herself succumb to that complex cocktail of volatile emotions.

Emotions that were in-turn intensified by hormonal fluctuations on a massive scale.



Was all this just the beginning of her own insanity or was it something more, some kind of doorway to something wonderful.

Ashley didn't know the answer to that question yet, but to her it was all a mute point now anyway. No matter what the outcome was, she had already resolved to follow the path, and sooner or later the answer would present itself.

While the personal fear that accompanied all these new revelations had been almost sickening, that fear didn't even register when compared to the pure excitement and all-consuming desires that seemed to fill every moment of Ashley's life now.

The comparisons between this new existence and her old one were almost impossible to make.

It was like she had been emotionally dead before all of this, and then been brought back to life by everything she had discovered.

If she could at least try to observe and maybe even understand some of what was happening to her, then surely it would all be okay. That conclusion alone had taken hours of intense soul searching and internal debate to get to, and even then she wasn't sure if she really believed it.

On the positive side, Ashley actually felt more in-tune with her own body now in ways she had never known before.

It was all even quite logical really.

Thoughts and visions that ignited arousal.

The feeling of adrenaline as her heart-rate responded.

That dull ache between her legs rapidly building to a throbbing sensation as her body diverted blood-flow to those sensitive, intimate areas.

Then, the corresponding flood of moisture in her crotch and that faint scent of arousal as her own body cried out to be used in the basest of ways.

Oh so many ways.

An unlimited combination of dirty and degrading acts to corrupt the body and mind of Ashley Thomson and turn her into a filthy little 'Fallen Angel'.

Extreme and even dangerous sexual situations that enflamed her passions causing her to yearn for forbidden things. Her very body taking control and informing her mind of what needed to happen.

Her complete capitulation to those needs and the intense pleasure that resulted.

Perhaps the most interesting part of all this was that no drug or substance was responsible for any of what she felt.

No. This was simply the natural state of the new Ashley.

That thought led her to a simple and immediate conclusion.

'If this is who I am now...then why fight it?'

Part 6. - A Fallen Angel Rises.

"It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another....."

- William Blake.


"You said during our phone conversation that Ashley Thomson acted aggressively. Can you recall anything else she said? Maybe something that struck you as odd?"

Will Harper just shrugged his shoulders.

"All of it struck me as odd Dr Taft. To tell you the truth I used to feel sorry for Ashley but I don't really feel much of anything for that woman anymore."

"That's a pretty cold attitude Officer Harper, considering the obvious distress that woman has been through." Wendy Taft replied.

Those words ignited an instant flame of anger deep within him. It was indeed fortunate for the good doctor, he was so very well practiced at hiding his emotions.

A vital skill that all officers learned through necessity.

She might have even got a rise out of a lesser man with a comment like that, but not from Will.

He wrote the book on self-control, and he wasn't about to let a 'Shrink' push his buttons like some rookie.

No. He only showed emotion when he deemed it necessary, or the situation called for it.

Sure it was a rare privilege to have someone the stature of Wendy Taft seek him out, even more unusual was that she had come down to the station to speak with him in person.

But, as unusual as all this was, it still didn't give her the right to criticize his attitude or anything else to do with his investigation into the disappearance of Amy Price.

Regardless of that rough start, he did however hold a grudging respect for Dr Taft. Her contributions to other investigations had proven to be useful.

She had also become well known as somewhat of a 'go to' person in the courtroom.

More than one prosecution team had successfully engaged her services as an expert witness.

She cut an almost imposing figure as stood there beside the metal table in 'Interview Room two'.

No doubt she had a softer side that she displayed to her clients but Will Harper was having a hard time imagining that side of the 'almost famous' Doctor.

Ironically she was just as well known around the station for her trade-mark choice of wardrobe as she was for her occasional work with the Boston P.D.

Hilary Clinton aside, she was jokingly known as the undisputed 'queen' of the pant-suit.

"Do you know how many missing persons cases we get each year Dr Taft?"

"Many I'm sure." She replied.

"And do you also have any idea of how many extra hours I have put into this file trying to help Ashley Thomson?"

Only then did Wendy Taft apparently begin to grasp just how much of his own effort he had actually invested into all of this.

"I didn't mean to offend Officer Harper, I'm just trying to better grasp the situation."

"Truth is, I put way more time into this than I should have. I felt there was a good chance of a positive outcome to all of this but I realize now that I was mistaken."

"What makes you so sure Officer Harper?" Wendy Taft replied sounding almost stunned by that last statement.

Will took a deep breath before giving the most definitive answer he could manage.

"Putting it as simply as I can.......Amy Price wrote a farewell note and then vanished without a trace.

She could have been murdered. She might even have been abducted, but chances are that if she is still alive she doesn't want to be found. God knows she had enough money at her disposal."

"I see." Wendy Taft replied.
