Finding Amy


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RE: Discussion -- Amy Price.

Officer Harper.

I have done some follow-up since our meeting. Met briefly with Amy's mother Evelyn Price. A curious woman. Not concerned in the slightest. Believes her daughter is safe even though she hasn't heard from her since the disappearance.

I very much suspect she knows much more than she is letting on.

Her husband passed on a few years back and apparently left her with quite the nest egg.

Other than that I've drawn somewhat of a blank on all of this I'm sorry to say.

I'm beginning to get a better understanding however of your point of view on Amy's disappearance.

I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to agree with you.

As you said, if she is alive, then perhaps she doesn't want to be found.

I also looked into the 'fallen_angel5' profile you mentioned.

Quite a fascinating website. A therapist's paradise in fact. Every degree of social dysfunction present and catered for.

The profile you mentioned however didn't appear to exist, but professionally speaking, it was a fascinating exercise none the less.

Please inform me in future if any new developments should arise.

Much like yourself, I'm not sure if I have any more to offer on this matter.

As discussed, Amy's friend Ashley Thomson seems to be going through some kind of major personal transition or crisis, but this is perhaps understandable. A coping response to a distressing situation.

As I also said to you earlier, the possibility of a mental collapse or episode is not out of the question.

There are one or two mitigating factors to consider however.

It's been my experience in the past that a woman who is usually as structured and controlled as Ashley Thomson will almost certainly fall back into her old patterns of normalcy sooner or later. In the absence of any additional information I suspect time is all that is needed.

At this point I do not intend to interject further.

Other than that I have nothing else of interest to add.

Thank-you for your honesty and candor Officer Harper.

Out of respect for the time and effort you have devoted to this I thought it appropriate to at least give you this update, such as it is.


Wendy Taft

(M.D. B.S.c )


Ashley slid the key into the lock and then opened the door.

This wasn't the kind of place she was used to at all. A cheap and tacky motel room that looked like it had been frozen in time somewhere around 1992.

"This will do just fine," she said aloud then.

The middle-aged woman at the front desk had seemed almost surprised when Ashley had walked into that tiny office and paid in cash for a room for the night.

Apparently places like this didn't see a lot of respectable looking single females, especially ones that were dressed in expensive business suits.

"Boyfriend trouble.......had to get out of the house for a while." Ashley offered. It was the only plausible explanation she could think of.

The expression on that frumpy old woman's face immediately shifted to something softer then. An acknowledgement of understanding with a hint of sympathy.

"Oh I quite understand, believe me, I've been there. You just sleep well honey. Check-out is at 10am but in your case let's make it noon."

It was a kind gesture. Ashley wasn't used to those.

It was an out of the way place for sure. One of those slightly seedy looking motels that you can only find in the middle of nowhere.

Nothing more than a paved parking lot bordered on all sides by self contained units. A single, long veranda ran along each frontage, making the place look like an early 1990's version of 'The Bates Motel'.

Once upon a time it could have almost been considered 'retro-chick', but now, it just looked old and out of step.

'Note to self, don't take a shower,' Ashley had thought to herself then, unable to stifle a slight chuckle.

Well, at least the room was a warm respite on such a bitterly cold January day as this one.

Ashley had never even seen this place before.

At the beginning of the day when she had made that check-list she hadn't even had a destination in mind. In truth, it's location wasn't even a factor.

Finding a suitable place had simply been the last item on that list.

Once she had found and bought everything she needed it was just a simple matter of driving in a random direction until she came across somewhere that looked right.

An isolated and perhaps even run-down motel was probably the best place for what she had in mind anyway.

In the end, it really had just come down to picking a direction. North, South or West.

For no reason in particular Ashley had chosen to go north. She had driven her silver Kia Sorrento about an hour out of Greater Boston before she found herself on route 495 somewhere near Nashua, New Hampshire.

She took the first off-ramp and suddenly there it was....'The Pineview Motel.'

"That's the's perfect," Ashley had whispered to herself then.

It was already 7pm by the time she pulled into that parking lot.


It really was quite a simple plan.

She might have lost all access to Amy's website profile now, but in the days before that had happened she at least had the good sense to write down the most important facts.

A list of every 'Dark Palace' member Amy had been in contact with, and what's more, she had almost all of their mobile phone numbers too.

Things were just going to have to get a little more 'hands-on' now if she was going to follow through.

That was more than okay with her. It was practically almost all she had thought about from the very first day anyway.

To Ashley getting more 'hands-on' didn't necessarily mean she was going to do everything that Amy had done, but at the very least she would get a chance to meet some of those people Amy had engaged all those months ago.

Maybe she would even enjoy a flirtatious little game with some of them, but when time came, she would find a convenient exit from the situation and make a hasty retreat before things got out of hand.

At least that's how Ashley saw it all going in her mind.

The way to do all that was really very simple.

She would join 'The Dark Palace.'

She would become another 'fallen angel' just like Amy.

In order for this to work, everything about her member profile, right down to the picture itself needed to be almost identical to Amy's in every way.

The point of all that wasn't to trick people into thinking she was Amy, but moreover to establish that the two of them were connected.

That they knew each other.

That they were the same inside.

Using her own 'fallen angel' profile to contact and possibly even interact with the other names on that list should be quite straight forward after that.

Her own profile name alone would hopefully convey the notion that she and Amy were simply two sides of the same coin.


Ashley had thought of every detail while she had sat there alone the night before. Well perhaps not completely alone. She had those 'Beautiful Strangers' inside her head keeping her company and giving her all the encouragement she needed.

And so, here she was, in a seedy little motel room in the middle of nowhere.

Just a cheap, low-rent little dive of a place. A room almost identical to the one she had seen in Amy's 'Dark Palace' profile picture.

The room itself was dominated by a king-sized bed flanked on either side by two cheap built-in night stands. Apart from a basic bathroom, the only other features were a small kitchenette and an out-dated TV sitting in the corner.

A collection of shopping bags now sat at the foot of the bed. The result of Ashley's unusual little shopping spree earlier that day.

She had gone from store to store in an almost dizzying state of arousal. The nervous tension building as she acquired each item on that list.

Clothing and lingerie stores. Shoe stores. Jewellery.

And on her journey north, a final stop at a 'Circuit City'. Wild urges and emotions tearing at her as the day wore on.

A frivolous and wonderful time.

A day of intense and even comical moments.

At one point she was almost over come by the urge to masturbate in a lingerie store changing room.

She had resisted, but only just.

And later......wicked thoughts of seducing the young sales clerk who was doing his very best to sell her an expensive digital camera and tripod.

In the end she hadn't seduced him, but she had bought both items.

Hell why not? They were things on her to-do her list anyway and the young sales guy was pretty cute after all.

Well all that preparation was over now.

There was a tense feeling in the pit of her stomach, something a little like nausea but it was far from unpleasant. A nervous little ball of energy.

That now familiar feeling of intense arousal mixed with fear.

Ashley had felt that same feeling just after she had been locked out of her apartment a few nights ago.

Her own private little photo shoot was about to take place right there in that tacky motel room.

Two important things were about to happen.

The first was to be the taking of a very carefully staged photo.

An almost perfect re-creation of Amy's hot little profile picture, only this time that mysterious minx kneeling there in that black lingerie would be Ashley Thomson.

The very idea of re-living that photo had practically driven her to distraction for most of the day, but there would be even more to come after that.

Ashley had seen it all so clearly in her mind the night before.

A dirty hotel room somewhere.

A camera fixed to a tripod automatically snapping shot after shot.

A nasty little whore calling herself 'Fallen_angel6' sitting there on a dirty old mattress, teasing herself almost cruelly before finally allowing herself to masturbate.

Staring into that camera, as she screamed out orgasm after orgasm.

All the while knowing that the very next day those photos would be seen by complete strangers.

People she had never met would log into the 'Dark Palace' website.

They would visit the profile of it's newest member.

They would open an image file full of pictures called 'Daddy's_Little_Girl' and they would see.............'her'.


Sure enough the old, white mattress on that king-sized bed had been terribly stained with 'god knows what' when she had stripped away the covers.

The cheap bedside lamps reflected just enough light against the pale white wall behind, providing a fitting backdrop for the rising of a fallen angel.

The room was about as dark as she could get it without the camera needing a flash to take a clear photo. It was a small but important detail. Looking like a deer startled by headlights (or in this case, a camera flash) wasn't exactly the look she was aiming for.

She knew every little detail of that profile photo by heart, every line, every nuance.

That startling first image that had practically grabbed her by the hair and then dragged her down this path.

Amy.....her best friend.

Kneeling on a dirty mattress in a cheap hotel room. Her upper body cinched into a tight black see-through corset. Her breasts almost spilling out over the top. Provocative little black panties.

The arch of her body creating a smooth line flowing downwards.

Arms tightly drawn behind her back giving the strong impression that they were somehow bound together.

That unique cameo necklace around her neck that had told her that the woman in that carefully cropped photo had really been Amy.

Ashley was nervous beyond words now, but there was much more going on inside her than a simple case of nerves.

She felt electric.

Alive in a way she had only dreamt of before.

Fear and lust in equal amounts.

The sickening fear of a little girl with stage-fright.

The frantic lust of a grown woman longing to be pulled into the shadows and then fucked by the wrong kind of man.

The 'old Ashley' began to shed her skin for what felt like the last time.

She slipped off her expensive jacket, folded it, and then placed it in one of the empty shopping bags. She shimmied her hips as she eased herself out of that plain and familiar skirt.

A tiny little surge of adrenaline seemed to accompany each moment as the buttons on her blouse were slowly released.

Unchecked desires taking over as the 'sweet and always dependable' Ashley Thomson began to fade and 'Fallen_angel6' stepped in to fill the void that was left behind.

The plain white blouse then discarded without a thought.

A new and unfamiliar woman stood there.

A very different person inhabiting the body that used to belong to the old Ashley.

She began to weep then, but they were not tears of sadness.

"I'm never going back. I want to feel like this forever," she said as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

She stood there for a few moments more dressed only in a sensible, white bra and panties and a pair of conservative black shoes.

She looked down at the mattress then and examined the items she had laid out for the first part of tonight's photo shoot.

A sheer black corset. The material so fine that she could see straight through it to the mattress underneath.

A lacy little black thong that wouldn't have looked out of place on a stripper.

And finally, a delicate little cameo pendant that reminded her a lot of the one Amy had been so proud of.

It was then that it finally happened. Ashley discarded the final pieces of that sensible wardrobe and with them, her old life.


The former Ashley Thomson was struggling to process all the information that was now flooding her senses.

Emotions soaring out of control. The slightest gesture or thought registering too much feeling.

And now.......finally, a true understanding of what Amy must have felt during that moment and a realization of why.

Ashley's hands were clasped tightly together behind her back in a 'vice-grip' as she thrust her chest forward, before relaxing, and arching her back just a little.

Kneeling there on an old stained mattress in a cheap motel room.

A camera on a tripod snapping a new photo every ten seconds.

Her breasts almost spilling out of that tight black lingerie.

Her heart was beating way too fast and her chest heaved as her body proceeded to suck down oxygen at an alarming rate.

The dull ache between her legs becoming a rhythmical throb that made her twitch.

Her upper body feeling constricted and almost bound. That alone was a new and unexpected sensation. The bodice of that corset encasing her in beautiful black lace from her hips to her breasts.

The way it forced her body into beautiful shapes she never thought possible.

And then......the subtle, persistent pressure of that tight black thong against the most intimate and sensitive of her flesh.

Previously dormant nerve endings suddenly waking up and then crying out to be taken advantage of.

Knowing that in her present state, the very lightest of touches would almost certainly make her come.

Her desperation was building by the second.

Ashley tightened and then pushed her pelvis forward for the next shot.

She held that position and then turned slightly for the one after that.

Trying so hard to out-do Amy.

Trying to create a perfect line that ran from the curve of her corseted breasts and then down her body from her hips to her thighs.

A frustrated little squeal sounding almost like the mewing of a kitten escaped her lips then. Actual words soon followed.

"Oh shit.....too muh.....t-too much," she stammered almost not aware of herself anymore.

A very real and very desperate plea came then.

"Please....I have to touch. Have to come so bad."

This time there was a reply. A dark, familiar masculine voice. A virtual command that echoed from a once dormant corner of her mind.

His tone was stern.

"NO......It's not going to be that easy. You must earn it. You must prove to me that you're ready to do whatever it takes. "

She knew he was right, that she would have to suffer and beg for as long as it took before she would be ready for part two of tonight's extreme little photo shoot.

If that dark silhouette of a man who had so skillfully violated Amy wanted her to suffer, then she would do it gladly for him.

It had been just as well that she had bought a digital camera with enough memory for five thousand photos.

For the next two hours Ashley had continued to pose as she verbally pleaded with that cruel man.

A slick film of sweat coating her body.

That ordeal finally breaking what was left of her will and taking her to places inside herself she never knew existed.

She was crying now. There was nothing imaginary any more about that dark silhouette that stood behind the camera mocking her with his indifference.

Shaking, broken, but ever hopeful Ashley again begged, only this time she got the reply she had been so desperate to her.

"I just wanna be your little whore. Please let me show you.......please."

"Very well," the dark voice answered. "Prove it, show me what kind of whore you really are."


It was all just a collection of frantic, almost unreal memories after that.

A hasty change of wardrobe into something that more befitted a real whore.

A little black dress, slutty lingerie, thigh-highs and black heels.

Then....... another hour of merciless teasing before he told her that she had finally suffered enough.

Dirty little hands now pulling up the hem of that dress.

A fallen angel parting her legs and staring down the lens at all those people. The strangers who would all see her.

The first violent orgasm that tore through her. Long fingernails scratching and raking at the silky crotch of little black panties that were already slick with moisture.

A base whore spitting on her own hand before violating herself with as many fingers as she could take.

An almost unprecedented capacity now for the most explicit of acts.

An unbelievable three hour marathon of debasement.

The orgasm count almost impossible to quantify as a woman who now called herself 'Fallen_angel6' inflicted not only pleasure but pain too on every sensitive area her dirty little mind could conceive.

Nipples squeezed and pinched into a red and permanently erect state.

Her still aching pussy throbbing after being repeatedly fucked by her own fingers.

A woman driven to extremes by her own desire to please a man that she wasn't even sure existed.

"Make me hurt for you...I want it so bad." She had pleaded with him.

Oh the beautiful pain that she had experienced after that moment. Laying there on that mattress, digging in her heels and thrusting her pelvis up toward the camera.

One hand then spanking her naked crotch while the other pinched and twisted her own nipples to the point of tears.

"I'm gonna make you so proud of me." She had gasped out loud then.

And finally at the end, a spent but contented fallen angel sleeping on a stained and soaked mattress in a cheap motel room.

Not dreaming, just sleeping.

Part 7. -- You Can't Fail A Rorschach Test.

"When you were here before

Couldn't look you in the eye

You're just like an angel

Your skin makes me cry"

- 'Creep', Radiohead.


It must have been over ten years ago now. It was a meeting that Ashley still remembered. Just exactly what was said in that hour had been lost to time now, but perhaps some of it had remained locked away in the back of her mind somewhere.

To be exact, the date was October 25th 2002.

"Thank-you, both of you for participating. I hope you will find this interesting and informative."

It was Jeff Prast. At age thirty-two the youngest psychology tutor at Boston College.

It was no secret that both Amy and Ashley had a crush on him, in fact the both of them were actively competing so see who would actually seduce him first.