Finding Home Pt. 22


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"Not just me," offered his sister. "You were wrong about Christopher and Broadway. He's unbelievably good at this. And," she paused and smiled wickedly, "working together makes for some unbelievable sex."

Andy made a fake gagging sound, and his sister playfully punched him in the arm. Sara was holding hands with her mom and Tommy across the room from them. Andy looked at Sara and nodded. 'I love you' she mouthed. Andy mouthed the same thing in reply.


Half an hour later the couple was seated with Gloria and Sean Adams. They were out back in the 'enthusiasts' room' as Christopher had dubbed it.

"Well," began Gloria as they had all had a chance to settle in, "this talk is going to go differently than I had thought," she grinned. "It seems Andrew cooked up another couple in short order who can help carry some of the fund-raising water."

Sara giggled, and Andy looked confused.

"John Moses was getting turned down by Hal and Doris Jennings, as well as Chuck and Darcy Weaver when - surprise - Adriana Glass and Gustav McLeod closed the deal on a $10 million dollar gift to fund a new natatorium."

"What the hell's a natatorium?" asked Andy.

"Sure, pass over the Adriana and Gustav piece and play dumb," Gloria smiled. "Sorry, but that won't play here."

"Andy was just being Andy," interjected Sara. "Gus had a rough year and his longtime girlfriend - well - let's just say it didn't end so well. So, Andy made an introduction."

"Uh huh," deadpanned Gloria. "Well, however it went down, it was brilliant stroke. Tom Ringenberg wants to use current students to help with the fundraising for the college. He's had his eye on the two of you. However, Adi and Gus have now apparently caught his eye. Please feel free to cultivate all the connections you want for your post-college careers," she smiled. "And Andrew - that move was so your mother it's not even funny." Andy saw the expression on Gloria's face turn to unspeakable sadness.

"Dave and Jenny introduced us," explained Sean Adams. "It was Jenny's idea; Dave and I played baseball together. We ended up on a 'blind date' but the whole thing was Jenny's doing. Your mom was a wonderful connector of people."

"I want to say something to the two of you," said a tearful Gloria Adams. "We are so very happy for the two of you. We were thrilled when it looked like something might happen between Andy and Eden - but I realize that our relationship with Andy's parents would have cast too large a shadow over that relationship for it to work long term. So," she turned to Sara, "please forgive me if I've been a bit cold to you. This has all been a bit overwhelming for me - both as a mom and as a woman still grieving her best friend. The two of you have been wonderful friends to Eden. She loves you more than her biological sisters, Sara. I see that and I'm more and more at peace with that."

Sara smiled and nodded. "Thank you. For what it's worth, I haven't noticed a difference. The two of you have been there when we needed you. I'm learning that's what family does for one another."

"And a natatorium is an aquatics center, Andrew," grinned Gloria.


"Care to walk back?" Andy asked Sara as they waved goodnight to the Doctors Adams.

She smiled. "I love walking with my man. Plus, Kail and Grace are getting the ice cream tonight."

As they neared the Commons, Andy pulled Sara aside.

"Be very quiet," said Andy. "Gus and Adi are coming this way. Come on, we'll go around the Admin building."

The two stealthily avoided the budding couple and entered the Commons undetected. Giggling, they entered their room.

"What's so funny?" asked Eden as she hugged her roommates.

"Gus and Adi are outside on the park bench," giggled Sara.

"Good for Gus-Gus. Why do I think there's more to this story?" queried Eden.

"Andy may have worked his voodoo," smiled Sara. "I think Miss Adi is about to get 'Andy'd.'"

Eden raised an eyebrow and then laughed.

"Where's Ethan?" asked Andy.

"They took off after the concert to go back to Freeport. His great-grandmother's birthday is tomorrow, so they went back for the party," she paused. "And before you ask, 'Rex the Smartass,' I was invited - but I thought we'd be heading to Buffalo for that other thing," she grinned.

"Wow. The family matriarch birthday party," smiled Andy. "Good for you, Snips."

"It is good. It's very good," she smiled.

Kail and Grace burst through the doors.

"You'll never guess who we saw at The Burger Barn!" announced Kail.

"I'm guessing it was Gus and Adi," smiled Eden. "They're out on the park bench as we speak."

"They're really sweet together," said Grace. "She totally digs him, and the feeling is definitely mutual. I felt like I was watching Andy and Sara 2.0."

"Dreamy, what say we crack open a bottle of hooch and fire up the solo stove? Power Girl has had a helluva good day and we need to kick back," announced Kail.

"Can we baby? That does sound amazing," echoed Sara.

"Give me 10 minutes," said Andy. "You know you can see the park bench from the balcony, right?"

Three stunned roommates looked at Kail. "Kail Elizabeth Sunderland, you sneaky bitch," laughed Eden.

"Hey, I'm socially awkward - but I'm not an idiot. I can smell what Dreamy is cooking," she laughed.

Four faces turned to Andy.

"Full disclosure," he said, "this is not just about Adi. I've seen, and heard, the way the four of you look at, and talk about Gustav McLeod. Sara and I are golden. This week has proven that - to both of us."

Sara went to him and kissed him passionately.

"Get a room," Eden giggled.

"Our roommates are nosy bitches," quipped Sara. "Wouldn't do us a damn bit of good if we did."

"As I was saying," continued Andy. "I know you all thought Gus was quite the thing last year. His coming back to campus when two of you are in new relationships does give me pause. I like Ethan and Miles a great bit. So yes, I put the bug in Adi's ear. But it would appear I was not the only one."

"What about Batgirl?" asked Kail sarcastically. "No love for Jake the Jet?"

"He's going to ask me to marry him tomorrow morning," interjected a very excited Grace.

When the sonic boom of shrieking died down, she continued her explanation.

"We were talking after we dropped Ben and Eowyn off. He let it slip. I asked him to do it here - with my sisters and my parents present - on the balcony," she smiled tearfully. "I'm really excited and really happy, and I can't imagine a better place for it to happen."

Hugs, kisses, and tears flowed freely.


The five roommates had just settled in on the balcony when they heard the door being rattled. They all saw Gus and Adi approach, and then looked at each other suspiciously when Gus hung back in the shadows and only Adi came to the door. After a brief huddle, Eden went to the door.

"Adi! Come in. Where's Gus?" asked Eden sweetly.

"He's over there," she motioned to the corner of President's Hall. "I'm a total clutz and I totally spilled my bottle of water on the front of his pants," she explained sweetly.

"Uh huh," smiled Eden. "So that's water on the front of your pants, too?"

Adi looked down, and quickly looked up at her new friend absolutely mortified.

"Shit," she muttered.

"It's fine," smiled Grace. "We'll get Gus. Come in and we'll find you something to wear while we wash those out."

The rest of the residents of the Commons had joined Eden, standing just behind her. A grinning Andy chimed in, "It's fine, Adi. Go with Sara and Grace. We'll get Gus sorted out."

A very subdued Adi went with Grace and Sara to the women's restroom.

"Dreamy, you got to let me go get Gus-Gus," said Kail, "I mean, I'm begging you."

"Be kind," said Eden in a warning tone. "We like Gus, and Andy's right. We want this to work out. It does simplify our lives by an exponential factor."


"Wow. This is really . . ." Adi's voice trailed off as she took the yoga pants Grace offered her.

"It's fine," smiled Grace. "I'd say we've all been there, but having men interested in us is a new thing for all four - five of us. We're all just finding our way, I guess."

"We'll step out and let you change," added Sara.

"Actually, Sara if you would stay? I feel like I need to talk to you about - well about Drew," said Adi boldly.

Grace gave Sara an understanding look, and headed out. Adi stepped into the stall, and cautiously broached the topic she'd introduced.

"Look Sara, I feel like I just need to clear the air with you. Drew was my first crush. I was 7 when he came to our house for the first time with Liv, and he was amazing - but I think I told you that last night. Anyway, he was just great. Jakey and I both love him to death. Then, daddy threw him out and banned him from the house," she paused. "But then I saw him at my Aunt Linda's funeral."

"I didn't know you're related to Coach Moses," interjected Sara.

"We're not. But they were really close with my parents. We call them Uncle John and Aunt Linda - or we did," she paused. "Drew sang at Linda's funeral. It was amazing. He sang 'Danny Boy' with the Groton chorale. But what stood out to me was how awful he looked. He was pale, and gaunt, and he had big dark circles under his eyes. It destroyed me to see him that way. Then, after he was wounded, Grandma Helen would call my mom. She'd call and just cry. Seeing Drew as a shell of his former self was hard on her - on all of us if I'm being honest."

"Andy's sisters told me they did not recognize him when they saw him after we first met," added Sara helpfully. "I had nothing to compare it to, so I was basically clueless."

"So, what I'm trying to say is this: I wanted to hate you. I wanted to hate your damn guts and think you were just a gold-digging bitch and scratch your eyes out and the whole girl drama bit. But then I saw the two of you together. Now, all I can say is 'thank you.'" Adi emerged from the stall and looked into Sara's face with a look of utter gratitude. "He looks amazing. The two of you together are good for one another. Then, Jacob told me what he did yesterday. That was amazing, too. I guess - well, I'm really into Gus - and I know you've been a good friend to him. I just want you to know I'm over my Drew crush, and I really want us to be friends. I'm tired of girl drama - I mean, it's just so high school - so I hope we're good?"

Sara smiled at her. "We are good. I'm happy for you. The love of a good man has changed my life - and I know Gus is a good man. I hope the two of you find the same thing."

"What are you doing here?" asked a delighted and surprised Grace. Jake the Jet stood inside the breezeway of the Commons, and it was 11:15 PM. "I thought you were talking hockey with Dre and John Filka and Coach Moses?"

"We were," said a smiling Brian Jacobs. "But I've got something so much better waiting for me in the Commons - so here I am."

"You know we can't?" Grace's voice trailed off as she grinned.

"I do. But I love sleeping with the woman I love. It's kinda my favorite thing," he said softly.

"I thought making love to me was your favorite thing," she said coyly.

"It is, but lying next to you is also my favorite. Thanks to my fucked-up family situation, I've never really slept well. That has changed dramatically since I met the lovely Grace Federspiel-Jacobs."

"Just Jacobs," she smiled as she kissed him. "Grace Jacobs sounds just fine to me."

"You sure?" he asked cautiously. "I mean Mrs. Jacobs doesn't exactly have a great track record accompanying that name."

"So, we change that. Just like we change how our kids are going to feel loved, and valued, and protected by their parents. You are a wonderful man, and you'll be an outstanding father," Grace said with a voice that spoke to Brian of sweet reassurance.

He smiled, and she felt her knees go weak. "Damn I love you," he said softly.

"Damn right you do," she grinned. "I'm tired. I need my hottie next to me to get some sleep. I hear there's a stupid hot hockey player who's going to ask me to marry him tomorrow morning. No way I want racoon eyes when that happens."

"Lead the way, Gracie," Brian said lovingly.


Eden and Kail lay in bed whispering excitedly. "Damn Elsa, did you see Tall Girl totally macking on our Gus-Gus?" asked Kail.

Eden giggled. "I did. Good for them. They look amazing together, and she's sweet."

"You're not mad that Dreamy hooked them up?" asked an astonished Kail.

Eden turned to face her friend. "I'm not. I really care for Ethan. I'm not quite ready to say that I love him - I need a bit more time and space from Andy and Sara for that to happen," she admitted. "Having the handsome Gustav McLeod roaming about would have made that even more complicated. I feel like this dating thing is hard enough without multiple options on the table."

"Dreamy really did a number on you, didn't he?"

"No. I did a number on myself," Eden said ruefully. "Ethan is wonderful. If I'd never met Andy DeGroat, I'd be head over heels for that boy. But" she paused. "I did meet Andy, and I loved him, and we made love."

"I could not have done what you did, E," admitted Kail. "I'd be slapping a choke hold on Gracie, I'm afraid."

"No. You would not," said Eden firmly. "You love Gracie like I love Sara. You'd do exactly what I did. Deny it if you want - but we both know that's true."

Kail was silent for a moment. "I'd like to think so, but I'm not so sure," she said softly. "I mean when I saw Andy primed and ready to go - well my lady bits were screaming at me. Dreamy could have mounted me right there and then," she chuckled.

Kail could hear Eden's smile in the dark. "He's a wonderful lover - that's for sure. But I'm sure Miles takes good care of you."

"He will - I mean he does - but we haven't - you know," Kail stammered.

"So, the two of you haven't made love?" queried Eden quietly.

"Not yet. We both want to go slow. It's hard though, 'cause he's a total stud. I mean, he could have mounted me a couple of times and I would not have complained. You feeling me, Elsa?"

Eden giggled. "He must care about you quite a bit to hold back like that."

"I love that man," said Kail bluntly. "But after hearing how great the first time was for you, Gracie, and Kisses - I guess I'm just a bit nervous, is all. I mean - what if it's not as great for me as it was for the three of you? That would suck for Power Girl. And I'm still getting used to the fact that I'm not some sort of Ginormica freak. I'm still amazed that a man as beautiful as Andy loves and cares for us. Then, you throw in Jake the Hottie and Miles and Ethan and - well - I just never thought the four of us would be coming up aces in the Manwich department, you know?"

"I do. It is overwhelming. But then, I just try to remember what Jessica has been telling us, and Andy, and Coach Shea. We do kick ass. You're amazing, and so are my puffy nipples," she giggled. "The rest of the world needs to get over themselves."

Kail nodded. Their sisterly conversation was interrupted by the passionate cries of Adriana Glass as she and Gus enjoyed their time on the balcony. Both women broke into giggles.

"Well, good for her," said Eden quietly. "I'm all for Tall Girl getting Andy'd."

"Me too," said a snickering Kail. "Good night, Elsa."

"Good night, Power Girl."

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Finding Home is a great story, and I enjoy the spinoffs. Maybe new stories with a gap in chronology? Like returning students at the start of term dealing with the new Colton? Or Andy & Sara' first Christmas as husband and wife in the new house?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I really enjoyed this series and have reread it several times hoping that there will finally be some more chapters by the time I get to the end. Unfortunately, it's looking less and less like that is going to happen. The companion stories were also good and I was hoping to see them get developed. As it's been close to a year since the last post, it's not looking like that will be happening either. If the author ever does find the time and inspiration to continue these stories, I'll be right there to read them. Thanks for what's been posted so far and I'll keep checking for any new updates.

MountainMan1336MountainMan133612 months ago

I gave you 5 stars on ewach cahpter and I am looking forward to the next chapter. This story is no where near finished.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It has LONG gone time for the next several Chapters of this story!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Marvelous. More, more, more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I just hope the story continues on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I can’t wait for more either, you are a very talented writer

rbloch66rbloch66over 1 year ago

Great series…. I look forward to the continuation, because this story is clearly not resolved.

Oldsofty1961Oldsofty1961over 1 year ago

are you kidding me your going tto stop this great story and leave it like this maybe you are a badwrite so diapointed in you .

ksjediksjediover 1 year ago

Good story can't wait to read more!!

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