Finding Love (Lock and Load story)

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Nancy never knew what she was getting herself into.
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"That's it, baby. Suck all the come out. That is my good girl." Nancy petted Amanda's golden curls as she rubbed her tongue over Nancy's well eaten pussy. "Now go start the shower."

Coming was without a doubt the very best way to wake up, Nancy thought as she stretched her muscles enjoying the lingering pulse between her thighs. Amanda was turning out to be a great trainee. Nancy looked at the clock with a groan. Thank god there was a three day weekend coming up.

Nancy climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Amanda was under the sink digging through the cabinet with her sweet round ass in the air and her legs spread wide. Nancy smiled at the beautiful golden cunt on display. She moved close and began to fondle her clit with her middle finger.

Amanda groaned and squirmed trying to get closer. Like a cat she pushed closer to Nancy's hand. Nancy began fondling her in earnest, thrusting her thumb deep into Amanda's sopping pussy.

"That's it, ride it, baby." Nancy crooned using her hand to caress her upturned ass. "Show me how much you like it."

Amanda thrust back even harder. It was everything that she had ever feared and more. She groaned and twisted against Nancy's hand, knowing she was going to climax just like she always did when Nancy touched her. She had feared having sex with a woman because she knew that she would find it more pleasurable than with any man. She had begged Nathan not to send her here, knowing that he would expect her to fulfill his fantasy of a 3-way when she finished.

Nathan Young was her fiancée and he had sent her to be trained as a sex slave because he liked the idea of having a sexually submissive wife. Amanda had agreed finally after he had told her how much he needed this.

As she drew closer to her climax she knew that there was no way that she would be able to marry Nathan. She was, heart and soul, in love with Nancy, a woman that she had known less than a week. The woman who had brought her to orgasm more times in that week than Nathan had in the 8 months that they had been together.

She moaned deeply as her orgasm overtook her. Nancy withdrew her hand and waited. Amanda scrambled out from under the counter quickly and began sucking her come from Nancy's fingers.

"Very good, Mandy." Nancy sighed and kissed her. Amanda was overwhelmed by the emotion that was pouring though her. She wrapped her arms tightly around Nancy and put all the emotion she was feeling into the kiss. Nancy became swept up in the kiss, her fingers tangled in Amanda's hair holding her steady for the onslaught of lips and tongues.

Nancy abruptly pulled back. "Mandy?"

Amanda groaned. "Okay so I love you. Is that so terrible?"

"But you don't even like sex with woman, remember?"

"I was afraid that I was a lesbian and apparently I am."

"Mandy, honey, it is okay." Nancy said stroking her hair.

"What am I going to do?" Amanda cried. "There is no way I can marry Nathan."

"Wait a minute." Nancy said quickly. "You have to finish training before you can make any life altering decisions. Training is definitely the wrong place to be deciding that you have a different sexual orientation."


"Training shows you that pleasure is every where. Men or women can bring you to the highest peaks, there are no boundaries."

"Exactly! I can, for the first time, shrug off all expectations and discover what I, as an individual, actually want." Amanda spoke passionately. "I don't have anyone telling me who I am supposed to be. I am not resisting who I am to please others. I am in love with you."

"That is the training talking." Nancy tried rationalizing.

"No it is not. You love me, too. Admit it."

"Sweetie, I am fond of you but I am not a lesbian. I love men. I love, love, love dick." Nancy gently brushed her cheek. "I could not be satisfied in a lesbian relationship for long."

"I know. What am I going to do?"

"Why don't you wait until training is over to make any decisions?" Nancy coaxed.

"It is not fair to Nathan." Amanda sighed. "He deserves to know the truth."

"Shit!" Nancy growled. Brad was going to kill her. Bobby was going to...What? Stop sleeping with her? Too late for that. She hadn't seen him since she had first started training Amanda.

Apparently she was going to have to track him down and tell him a couple of things. Bobby wasn't going to have any trouble with the break-up. They had been having problems before now. She just wasn't in love with him. Unfortunately, she had been hiding behind her training rather than tell the truth.

"Let's shower then we can get started making some kind of plan."

Reese's day was shaping up to be long and frustrating. Brad had gone long on two meetings this morning and had missed training sessions with Bonnie and Lisa. Now Reese was struggling to get everything back on track. The phone rang and Reese answered it quickly.

"Thank you for calling, Lock and Load, Brad—"

"Reese, I need to talk to you." Nancy interrupted.

"What's up?" Reese asked resuming her time struggle.

"I am in a mess and I need some help."

"Okay, what can I do?"

"Amanda wants to break off her engagement."

"Her engagement to our client, Nathan Young? The man that is currently paying a small fortune to have is wife to be trained?"

"Yes?" Nancy said hesitantly.


"She is in love with me. I turned a trainee into a lesbian."

"No you didn't. She probably was one to begin with and you just helped her to clarify."

"Not helping, Reese."

"Tell her to wait until she has completed—"

"I tried that. She won't listen. She says it is not fair to Nathan to make him wait, all the while thinking that she is coming back to him."

"I see her point."

"Brad is going to kill me."

"No, he is not going to kill you...Well maybe—"


"Look, why wait?" Reese sighed. "This is not something she is going to just get over and move on with her life. She is not going through with the marriage, so why prolong it? Tell him then we will work it out with him."

"Amanda is going home this weekend to tell him."

"Tell Nathan first. That way when you tell Brad you will already know how Nathan took it. That way, Brad will side with you if he is angry because you are family, and if he is not angry then you have no reason to worry about it. You never know she may be able to salvage some sort of relationship with him."

"I doubt it, but I will try it your way."

"Good luck." Reese said sweetly.

"Fuck off!"

Nancy sighed as she hung up. Amanda was right. She was going to have to tell him. It was only fair.

Nancy picked up the phone again. She had some things of her own that she had put off way too long. She dialed Bobby's number.


"Bobby, it's me."

"Hey, what's up? How is your trainee?"

"Fine, but she is not the reason I am calling." Nancy bit her lip. "Can you break away for an hour?"

"Sure, I will meet you at my place. Let's say 15 minutes?"

"Okay." Nancy hung up and groaned. He thought she wanted a little afternoon delight. He would be hard and hot and demanding while she was breaking it off. Maybe she would just tell him afterward. A parting gift as it were.

She smiled sadly and headed out to break a heart.

Nancy sat naked except for her jewelry in submissive pose. She placed herself so she was the first thing he would see as he came through the door. She had used vanilla scented oil (her secret weapon) on her cunt and nipples so they would shine. He had never been able to resist the candy sweetness. The door opened.

"That is what I am talking about." Bobby said with a grin. "Get over here and suck my cock."

Nancy complied quickly. She was very talented with her mouth but it was not what she did best. She was very limber and able to do many positions that seemed impossible. Bobby always liked to warm up in her mouth.

"Did you miss me?" Bobby asked holding her hair. "I have missed you. I missed fucking you. Go get on the bed. The swing is already set up so as soon as you are stretched out you can get on that."

Nancy stood and headed for the bedroom. Bobby's room had the biggest bed, a light pine California King with thick posts at the foot and huge cabinetry head board. There were mirrors every where in the room. He said that it helped with training, but truthfully he just really liked to watch.

Nancy stood on the bed and turned toward him. While he shed his clothes, she began to stretch. She made sure that she had his attention before she slid into the splits. She rocked her naked pussy against that bed and grabbed her tits. Bobby was easy to enflame.

He finished disrobing and jumped on the bed. He pushed her down on her back, grabbed her thighs and plunged in to the hilt.

"So what have you been up to, my little slut." Bobby asked hoarse with the pleasure of being buried in her cunt.

"Amanda. She has been eating me out all the time. She rubs her pink little tongue right there." Nancy said with a moan. "Fuck me harder, Bobby."

Bobby blinked. It was the first time she had said him name in bed. Something was up. He fucked her hard for a minute before pulling out and flipping her over. He thrust into her doggy style and pounded her hard.

"Yes, Bobby, yes." Nancy groaned.

"Play with your clit. I want you to come."

She reached down and manipulated the hardened center of pleasure as he fucked her. She could feel her orgasm building. She moaned as it crested and Bobby rode out her tremors.

When her pleasure had lessened to a tingle he pulled away and stood next to the bed. "Come here and get in the swing."

Nancy crawled to him and let him help her into the leather contraption. The swing supported her back and held her thighs wide open. All Bobby had to do was stand in front of her, give the swing a little push and she would impale herself on his shaft. He fucked her slowly with a gentle rhythm,

"What is going on, Nancy?" He asked.

"Now is not the time." She panted softly.

"Tell me now." He told her as he smacked her sharply on the ass.

"Fine! We need to break-up."


"We aren't in love." She explained. "It has recently been brought to my attention that it isn't fair to let someone believe that there is something there when there isn't."

"Oh, well, okay."


"We can still get together every once in a while to fuck right?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I would miss this sweet cunt. I know that we aren't in love but we are fucking fantastic in the sack. So I figure, every once in a while we get together for a few screaming orgasms and then we fuck." Bobby laughed at his own lame joke.

Nancy giggled. "We'll see. Right now you aren't giving me very much incentive to come back."

"I'll show you incentive." Bobby growled and fucked her until she passed out.

"Come with me." Amanda begged.

"What?" Nancy gasped.

"Well, you know how you gave Bobby a little something to ease the break?" Amanda explained. "Nathan has a fantasy about fucking two women at the same time. I figure I break-up with him but ease the blow by fulfilling his biggest fantasy. That way he won't be too mad, right?"

"I don't know. He may not appreciate you giving him his fantasy and taking away any chance he has to have that again."

"Come on I need you there this weekend." Amanda pouted. "I need you, please."

"What is in it for me? I need some incentive." Nancy smile as Amanda buried herself between her thighs. "This incentive thing is fucking great."

Amanda sucked her to 3 orgasms before Nancy screamed, "Alright I will go."

Amanda squealed against her clit and began all over again to say 'thank you.'

Nathan Young's house was a sprawling ranch on a huge piece of land. There was a wide wrap around porch that circled the entire house. The detached garage was big enough for 4 cars and all the doors were closed.

Amanda pulled into the wide driveway and killed the motor. "God, I am nervous."

Nancy squeezed her hand. "Every thing will work out."

"I know."

"Do you want to tell him first?"

"It just seems cruel not to." Amanda smiled. "Like giving a kid an ice cream cone then telling him he can only have the lick that he just had."

Nancy laughed at the image. "You can do this. Do you want me to come with you?"


Amanda headed for the house. Nancy followed feeling distinctly uncomfortable. She rang the bell and the door instantly flew open.

A large blonde mountain grabbed Amanda and kissed her passionately. Nancy stood transfixed by the sight of this huge man enveloping tiny Amanda. Nathan had to be six and half feet, with broad shoulders, narrow hips and an amazing ass.

Amanda put up with the kiss for a full minute before she hit him to get him to let her go. She was embarrassed to be kissing anyone in front of Nancy. He pulled back in question. Amanda blushed prettily as she looked over at Nancy.

Nancy's grin was telling. She had thoroughly enjoyed the show. Nathan looked at Nancy realizing for the first time that they were not alone. Nancy's breath caught. He had the palest green eyes, the color of the inside of a lime, with brown flecks that shone like gold. He had a face that would make angels voluntarily fall from heaven.

That very moment Nancy knew what it felt like to be in love. She had just fallen in love at first sight. How stupid could she be? Who falls in love with her lesbian lovers soon to be ex-fiancée?

"Who is this?" Nathan asked with substantial male interest.

"This is Nancy." Amanda said.

"Hi Nathan, I have heard a great deal about you." Nancy said extending her hand.

"Hi." Nathan grasped her hand in his huge paw and held it.

Nancy had the distinct feeling that he felt the same connection that she did.

"Can we come in?" Amanda said breaking the spell.

"Of course." Nathan said stepping aside.

Amanda stepped inside and headed for the kitchen. She needed a glass of water to ease the dryness in her throat. This breaking up thing was not easy.

Nancy stepped past him and stopped in the entryway. He closed the door and stepped up close behind her. She could feel the heat coming off of him.

She stood there enjoying the thrill of sexual desire that swirled in her belly. She had always loved that first meeting glittery feeling, the undeniable sexual attraction coupled with the fear of rejection.

"How do you know Amanda?" He said close to her ear. So close that she could feel the warmth of his breath against the shell of her ear. It caused a delicious shiver to race down her spine.

"From the school." Nancy said leaning back barely enough to brush against him.

"Really?" His voice filled poorly disguised excitement. "Why are you here?"

"Mandy really should be the one to explain." Nancy smiled.

"Can you tell me one thing?"


This time when he spoke she felt his lips brushing lightly against her ear. "Will I get to touch you while you are here?" He held his breath. He could not remember a time when he wanted to touch a woman more than this busty black haired beauty. He was so close that he could smell the sweetness of her skin. She smelled like fresh baked cookies and looked twice as tempting to taste.

Nancy turned to face him, her breasts brushing the wall of his chest just enough to harden her nipples. She smiled a secretive smile that was so flirty that it caused his member to swell.

"We'll see." She said before turning and heading the direction Amanda had gone.

Nathan watched the sway of her hips as she walked away and knew that this weekend was going to change his life forever. He couldn't wait. The moment he had clapped eyes on Nancy, he knew that sending Amanda to that school had paid off big. If he was right in his assumptions, he was getting one hell of a three-way this weekend. He followed Nancy to the kitchen with a huge grin and a hard-on to match.

Amanda had poured them each a glass of lemonade and set it at the table where she sat nervously waiting. Nancy walked in and crouched next to her.

"You okay?" She whispered. Amanda nodded. "Do you want me to go?"

"No please stay."

"Okay. Don't worry. I have a feeling things are going to work out just fine." Nancy smiled cryptically. She heard Nathan coming and leaned in and kissed Amanda softly before she stood and found the seat next to her. She looked up at Nathan who had stopped in the doorway when he saw them kissing. She gave him another soft smile that made him burn.

"Nathan, sit down, please. We need to talk." Amanda said ignorant of the sizzle going on between the other two.

Nathan looked at Amanda warily. The hesitant, resigned tone of voice was not what he would have expected at a time like this.

"What's up, Amanda?" He asked as he took a seat.

"I don't think that we should get married." She said quickly holding Nancy's hand in a brutal grip.

"Excuse me?" Nathan could not have heard that right.

"I am in love with someone else." Amanda said firmly.

"Really?" Nathan grit his teeth trying not to explode. He sent her to that school and some prick had moved in on her. "Who?" As he asked he came to another conclusion. She had not brought Nancy here for him. She had brought her for moral support. He was going to lose it. He had sent her to that school so that she would be submissive to his desire, this desire specifically, and she was breaking it off. It was just cruel to show up with this woman and let him believe that he could have everything he ever wanted then take it away like this.


"What about Nancy?" Nathan shook his head in confusion.

"I am in love with her."

"What?" Nathan gaped, the whole situation tilted.

"I cannot marry you because I am in love with Nancy. I am a lesbian."

"You are a lesbian?" Nathan asked Nancy glaring at her.

"I am not a lesbian. You could consider me bi, I guess but not really. I am straight, but I do have sex with women."

The pornographic thoughts clouded his focus for a moment. "Are you in love with Amanda?"

"I love her but I am not in love with her."

"Speak straight for just one moment please. You are twisting my entire brain trying to keep up with you."

"Amanda is in love with me, but I am not in love with her. She understands that I need more than she is able to give me for a love to develop."

"Really?" Nathan looked at Amanda for confirmation.

"Yes. I am aware that Nancy is not a lesbian. I understand that she needs more than I could possibly give her." Amanda confirmed sadly. "No matter what my relationship with Nancy may turn out to be or not, I need you to know that I cannot marry you."

Nathan looked stunned. He was having a hard time putting his thoughts in order. Part of him was angry that she was breaking off the engagement, while the rest of him was trying to picture her and Nancy together.

Nancy watched him filter the information and decided that the rest would be better received if Amanda gave him a minute to digest. "Go to the bedroom and get ready. I will take care of the rest." She said to Amanda.

"Are you sure?" Amanda asked her, unsure of his true reaction.

"I am saying this as your mistress. Go now."

"Yes ma'am."

When she was gone Nancy turned to Nathan. He had finished filtering.

"What the fuck is going on?" He bit out. "I sent her to that school to be trained not seduced."

"Look, Amanda is having a hard time separating the training from real life. Maybe when she is done with training she will come to her senses." Nancy tried, but Nathan wasn't buying anymore than Amanda had.

"What happened?"

"Well, maybe it is a transference kind of thing. She developed a strong attachment to me because I was her trainer."

"I thought that Brad was training her."

"He was, but there were some problems."

"What kind of problems?"

"She refused to perform orally on a master because he carried the scent of another woman." Nancy bit her lip thinking how close Amanda had come to real peril. "There was a great deal of anger and she was almost expelled. However, cooler heads prevailed and she was given to me for extensive girl on girl training. So bright side she got to stay, dark side I turned your bride into a lesbian. She is doing very well with the female training though."