Finding the Perfect Fit Pt. 17


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A text freed me from the quagmire my mind was becoming, from Jamie. He said he'd get a ride to work from Tom and if I'd picked him after then he might not freeze. Not thinking about it, I told him I'd listened to that song he'd mentioned last week and tucked my phone away, wondering what he would say.

When the message came, I found it much lighter in tone than I expected.

'Yeah, not a good song to start the day off with. I'd go with Battery, gets the blood pumping!' I took his advice and sure enough, after a slow intro it launched into a driving, relentless tempo that got me moving and I burned through the rest of my shift with ease. That done, I clocked out, bought a salad and was feeling better until the automatic door slid open and revealed the hellscape that outside had become.

A inconsistent drizzle of sleet had covered everything in a second, imperfect skin of ice, tiny spheres of ice crunching under foot. And it was still coming down, the wind throwing it in sudden, startling bursts. Starting my car, I got the windshield scraper out and cleared off front, back and driver's side windows, slipping several times but powering through.

By the time I sat down and cranked the heater, I was beyond pissed off and kept my earbuds in, spamming Battery as I began the exhaustingly slow and careful drive home. Even from the parking lot I could see where a SUV had smashed into the stoplight, knocking it at a drunken angle and turning the four way intersection into an existential crisis. The jackass who had done the deed was pacing while yelling into his phone, a thirty something guy in an expensive coat and with a bad mustache who looked like a complainer, the sort who always found something to throw a fit over when shopping around the gas station.

Avoiding that mess, I kicked my trusty, well worn car in reverse and got going, my face pulled into a snarl as other cars weaved and skidded about me. What was usually a ten minute drive became thirty, driving past three more accidents as the sleet thickened into hail, cutting visibility even further. The hammering of the weather cut past the metal as the sides of the road began to clog with water, ice floating along without a care in the world.

I caught myself saying; "I gotta get the fuck off the road," over and over but it was the damn truth. But where else aside from my dorm, which had no protection, could I go? My parent's place was on the other side of town and while my car would be protected in the garage, there was no way I was going to risk that trip.

Pulling into the campus, my face starting to ache from being on high alert, I dodged a car that had spun out, passed by another that had taken out a light pole, and finally made it home. Parking, I offered thanks to God and whatever else had helped me make it though. Grabbing my salad I no longer wanted, I got out into the shit and ran to my trunk, thanking Dad as I popped it and pulled out a tarp. Sure, I was getting soaked but I used bungie straps to secure the corners with the eyelets and after a few minutes, my car had more protection than most sitting out there, getting hammered by hail.

That done, I went inside, Donna missing, made it to my room and stripped. Wrapping up in a blanket, I shivered while browsing and eventually tossing my phone to the side only to immediately scrabble to pick it back up, asking if Jamie made it to work safely.

'It's the fucking 9th circle of Hell out here!' I had no idea what he was talking about but a picture followed his last message, showing a fancy new car had somehow skidded into a parking lot and smashed into a power pole, making me flinch. It looked to be a very recent model, the sort I really hadn't worked on cause they rarely came into Dick's.

'It knocked out the power at work so we're just sitting here, Boss is coming to figure things out.' I gave a harsh bark of laughter, happy for Jamie, but if he got out early that meant me going back out into the shit.

'Should I get ready to pick ya up then?' I asked, never wanting to leave my blanket wrap.

'Not sure. It's bad out there Gen.' My thumb hovered over the screen before furiously pounding out my next message.

'You're not walking. I'll steal another car and get you if I have to.' If Donna showed up with her vehicle still functioning, I'd be willing to take it out for a spin.

'Grand Theft Auto is a game, not a suggestion.' I snorted, keeping the blanket about me as I found another pair of jeans and a sweater, getting ready to brave the elements. Sitting back down, I looked at clothes I'd picked out and it finally dawned on me that Jamie was going to be coming here. All week I'd been waiting for this and now that it was coming to pass, what was I going to do with it?

Last time I'd taken Jamie with him on his back and legs spread, a vision that was getting me in the right frame of mind and mood. Sure, we could do that again but I wanted to try something new. Then again, Jamie might have an idea so making plans now might be too much. All of this assumed I could even survive the trip to get him. Looking out my window, I saw snow had been added to the mix, slowly covering up the ice and making it that much more dangerous.

A thought pinged off in my head and I checked the kitchen, holding the blanket about me as I confirmed the fridge only had a few bottles of water and a sad, wilted half head of lettuce. The cabinets didn't have much else aside from a few packages of ramen that made my stomach churn. I was done and over with the cheap stuff and had been eyeing a new ramen shop for a while but never found the time to check it out.

Sighing, I got back to my room and dressed, no new messages on my phone. Stepping into damp shoes and pulling my coat on, I stepped back outside into the wind and absolute chill slashed through my jeans with ease. Raising the tarp, I got in and started my car then began to pull the now heavy tarp off, wrestling it back into the tightly rolled bundle it had been. Using the bungie cords, I got it somewhat wrangled back into shape and shoved it in the trunk, breathing hard and the large snowflakes sticking to me.

Windows were clear, car hot, I ventured back out. The roads were largely abandoned and I was thankful for it, taking it easy to a grocery store and grabbing enough food for Jamie and I, then leaving the shockingly pack place behind and going to Jamie's Dairy Queen.

When I pulled up, I saw none of the lights were on and when I got out, the sign on the door said 'Closed'. Getting back inside, I texted Jamie I was here if he wanted a ride. While waiting, I saw the expensive car that had knocked out the power was gone but the power pole definitely wasn't standing straight, something it and I had in common.

The door opened and Jamie came running out, Missy giving me a wave as she relocked the door.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Slamming the door behind him, Jamie shivered, turning the radio up and then off as it was just the DJ reporting on the weather. "We were cleaning using flashlights, waiting to hear back from the electric company but it ain't happening today."

"I picked up some food but we might be snowed in. Ya sure ya wanna be stuck at my place?" Jamie gave me a flat stare, then started shaking his head.

"Where else could I go? Hang out with Tom in our tiny dorm and pretend I didn't walk in on him jacking off the other night? Or maybe, I could have a romantic night with my girlfriend!" I had to admit, he had a point.

"I'm glad I got one of the dorm houses, even if it was the meth one." I said, Jamie's expression one of utter bafflement but I couldn't laugh. Now was the time for driving. "Sorry gotta pay attention." Jamie nodded and I went slow, the snow blowing over the windshield and scurrying across the now white ground in odd waves that invited the eye to watch. I resisted the urge and made the trip back, the turn to Jamie's dorm turning into a slide where I corrected and pumped the brakes like I'd been taught. Recovering, I parked and breathed, Jamie looking like he'd just shat himself.

"Cool, glad we're not dead." He said as I got moving, pulling up in front of the snow veiled building that was on the verge of disappearing. "If I'm not back in ten minutes, never forget me." Snatching up one of my hands, Jamie looked into my eyes before bursting out laughing.

"How could I ever forget your rack, I mean, you?" My quip only made him laugh harder, fighting to get back in his coat.

"Damn right!" Checking around, there was only snow and the promise of bitter cold, Jamie lifted his shirt and showed the peach bra he was wearing.

"Jamie!" I looked as well, seeing no one but tittering out of nervousness.

"Hey, if someone's out in this then they deserved a look." A quick peck on the cheek and Jamie was gone into the swirling chaos, so white and innocent. Flicking the radio back on, I found some old song and let it play, it ending and another weather report that promised more snow during the night. Jamie, being very careful, walking from the blinding purity, the wind playing with the few dark strands of hair that had escaped his hood.

"Oh God, let's get to your place." With a burst of cold and wet flakes blowing in, Jamie sat and I followed orders, getting back without incident but not talking either. I was getting a headache from focusing and for once was happy to be done driving, parking beside Donna's car and letting out a sigh that we'd have to contend with her.

Jamie helped me take the groceries in and Donna was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, ear buds in and books open. She waved but otherwise stayed put as I put away the frozen pizza's, salad mix and cans of soup. That done, Jamie and I went to where we both wanted to be and he at once started stripping.

"Well then." I said as Jamie launched his shirt across the room and then let his baggy jeans drop and stepped out of the denim puddle. In the peach bra and plain black panties, it occurred to me that he had worn this to work and was probably his new normal.

"Gonna wash up real quick. I did a bunch of cleaning and... Yeah." Holding his hands up as if they were dripping with blood, Jamie dug into his bag and pulled forth a pair of basketball shorts and his usual huge hoodie and together they hid all his feminine assets. Hell, and his guy assets too.

Taking off my coat and shoes, I wondered what today would bring. Or tomorrow, if it kept snowing and classes got called off. When Jamie returned he sat close enough our hips were touching and leaned against me, smelling of soap.

"Do you have anything in mind for this evening's entertainment darling?" I asked in a deep, snooty voice, pretending to be that elusive upper crust of society that might as well have existed on a different plane of existence than I did.

"I got a few ideas." Rubbing his leg, I pulled back the shorts to reveal he had shaved his legs once more and they were wonderfully smooth. "Finding time to shave isn't easy but it's worth it."

"How does it feel?" I asked, the rising heat within being paired with the curiosity of how Jamie felt about typical female actions and clothing.

"Weird but in a good way? Like, I can tell when I've shaved without looking. I can feel my jeans more, same with these shorts. And I'm more aware of my legs this way, if that makes any sense." I nodded, getting the general gist of what he was talking about but having been doing this for years now, it was all so familiar and usual for me.

A knock on the door made me pull my hand back, then wonder why I bothered when Donna poked her head in.

"Hey, it's supposed to snow for like the next two days so classes are probably canceled tomorrow. I'mma be watching Netflix and hoping the power doesn't go out. Got any movie suggestions?" Donna had managed to catch up on Supernatural and having to wait on new episodes one at a time, week over week, annoyed her beyond words.

"Seen Enter the Spiderverse yet?" Donna shook her head and Jamie lit up. "It's one of the best Spider-Man movies ever and has Nic Cage as Spider-Man Noir. It's perfect."

"Wait, what?" The French word got my attention, tearing my mind away from Jamie and towards the story I'd started, so fragile but able to be anything.

"You haven't seen it either?! Come on." Snagging my blanket, I followed Jamie and we snugged up on the floor together, resting our backs on the couch as Donna found the movie on her new TV and got it playing. Hidden by the blanket, I slipped my hand in his shorts while watching Miles' world get turned upside down, rubbing Jamie through his panties. His legs stirred as I teased him to full hardness, enjoying both the movie and how well he was dealing with my actions.

By the time Spiderverse had wrapped up, I was impressed with the movie and eager to get back to my room and see what Jamie had in mind for activities. Donna, lounging with the air of an empress, spoke up as I gave Jamie the blanket to cover his arousal.

"Not bad. What else ya got?" She asked, begrudgingly, as if watching an animated movie was beneath her.

"Um, The Fountain is slow but beautiful, The Irishman is long as hell but interesting, I've heard good things about Parasite but I'm not sure it's on Netflix yet? And there's always Pulp Fiction. We're in college after all and have to watch it at least once a year." I laughed at that, throwing an arm over Jamie's shoulder and giving Donna a cool look, letting her know I was going to steal him away and she would be left with the 30 inch screen and the whole of the internet to keep her company.

"Oh, real quick, do any of you know what this is?" We shuffled back in the line of sight, seeing she Donna was pointing at. It was a movie call Mulholland Drive, a pretty blonde on the thumbnail image, the tags proclaiming it 'dark' and 'mind bending'.

"Shit." Just from that word I knew Jamie had seen it. It had the same weight of when one of the mechanics asked Dick if he had seen the game yesterday and knowing damn well he had. That same word, pronounced 'shiet!' by Dick, carried the same meaning. "That's a David Lynch movie."

"Never heard of him." Neither had I but that didn't mean I was going to advertise my ignorance when I could ask Jamie later.

"He's got his own style and it's weird. I watched Twin Peaks, a show he made, and it was good but... weird." Jamie sounded hesitant, as if the movie was going to crawl out of the screen and make him watch it.

"You're going to be here all night, right?" I nodded along with Jamie as Donna thought it over. "I can do scary as long as I'm not alone." Thinking back on this conversation, Jamie said weird, not scary and the question of how she handled that was never asked.

"What, all that Supernatural didn't toughen ya up?" I said, retreating into my room before any response could be given. "If she interrupts us 'cause of your movie suggestion, ya get to explain it." Muttering that to Jamie, he rolled his eyes and stepped back out.

"Hey, if you get too freaked out, knock first okay? Gen and I were going to be, I dunno, writing poetry for each other and you don't need to see that." Jamie said, smirking at my laughter as he shut the door behind him. "There, was that so hard?"

"Poetry? Is that what we're calling it now?" I got out through my laughter, nearly falling on my ass as Jamie balled the blanket up and threw it at me.

"What would you call it? Hm?" Tossing the bundle to the bed, I flipped on the closet light and struck a pose, leg raised seductively as I teased my shirt over my head. "See, that's not fair."

"Why not? Cause ya could do the same thing." I said, seeing the thought enter into his head and he tried to mirror my pose, having much more success just removing his shirt and slipping his shorts down.

"Fuck subtlety." At that, I joined him in getting down to my underwear, grinning all the while as Jamie clicked my door's lock. "So, I believe you were asking me for ideas before the movie break, yes?"

"Hm, why yes, yes I was." I said in the same smoozy voice as before.

"So... Would you mind indulging me?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Is that code for fuckin' ya again?" His flat stare told me no, it was not. Not yet anyway. Kneeling, he pulled out the bag containing my penis... Okay, that reads really wrong now that I'm looking at it. Jamie got my dildo and the straps that held it on. There, better.

"Hm, huh. Not sure how this is going to work..." He said, mouth twisted into a frown as he looked at the brown bag hiding such fun.

"Whatcha thinkin'?" I joined in, unable to resist the urge to unlatch his bra.

"Wha! Gen!" I giggled but he just slid it off, stretching, full pale breasts on show. "I can't help but notice that shut you up."

"Aboobles." That nonsense was all I could offer as Jamie grinned, poking one of my still bra covered boobs.

"So, I've had this idea, this, it's not a fetish but..." Falling silent, Jamie thought his words over before shrugging. "I had a thought that it would be hot to lift up a skirt and well, having that be waiting." He pointed at the bag holding my dildo and I was instantly on board, my mind twisting what he said around.

"Sure, as long as we're both in skirts." I grinned at his confusion, reaching in my closet and not finding what I was looking for at first but a pleated mini skirt rescued from my parent's place was tossed Jamie's way. "Cause I agree, that would be hot." Biting his lower lip, Jamie dropped his gaze to the skirt and there wasn't much left to say. Joining me in the closet, HAHA so funny, he picked out some of his stuff stashed on a shelf as I stood beside him, finding the pencil skirt and taking a lace bra with me.

Lighting the candle that qualified as mood lighting, I changed into lace panties and bra, pulling up the stockings that Jamie loved so. Then moved on to the gray low cut shirt and getting the base for the dildo on before worming into the pencil skirt. Taking up my purple dick, I tucked it in the back of skirt's waistband like tough guys did with guns. It was a surprise either way.

"Wow, this shows off a lot of leg." Jamie was looking in the mirror, the pleated skirt falling just above mid-thigh, not quite hiding away the elastic tops of his white stockings.

"Looking good!" Smoothing the skirt over his hips, the black and red checkered pattern matching the Christine shirt he had finally found a chance to wear. While Jamie didn't have thunder thighs, there was enough meat and shape to them that he didn't look out of place in such a short skirt.

"How do you wear this out in public?" His tone made it clear that he considered such a thing unthinkable.

"I'm used to it but if ya really worried, ya wear a pair of spandex shorts or something under it so not everything is shown off." Jamie blushed and, with a finger, I flipped up the hem, peeking his lacy panties and he showing that he was quite excited by all of this already. He gave an adorable 'eep!', hands darting down to fix the skirt and make himself decent.

"Don't do that!" Slowly unfurling from his protective stance familiar to me from wearing skirts on a windy day, Jamie smoothed it out and sighed. "This is way too short."

"I mean, I like it but yeah, it's not a thing ya wear out and about unless ya want attention." I mean, sure, anyone with a nice pair of legs could turn heads wearing that but most of them had thoughts and ideas I really didn't want to deal with. Jamie would have the same problem, especially if he stuck with the stockings. "Sooo... Ya ready?"

"...Make up?" He asked and I smiled, wanting to get this going but knowing how all these little additions added to his happiness and pushed his appearance further away from male. The more feminine Jamie looked, the more girly he seemed to act and both those things boiled my brain into shutdown and the fire took over.