Finn Ch. 06: Wait

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Finn gets several lessons in delayed gratification.
4.5k words

Part 6 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/07/2017
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He knelt at her feet to be collared and she fought the urge to shove his head between her legs. He had shocked her the night before with his magically appearing skill. She was curious where his sudden abilities had come from but at the same time preferred the allure of not knowing. All that mattered was he had figured it out specifically to please her, a good indication that he may be successful in his training after all.

She went to the closet and pulled out what she needed then began setting it up in the middle of the room. It was large and heavy but she had learned how to manhandle it quite well. When it was unfolded and ready for use she looked at him. He stood staring at it wide eyed, his knuckles white while his hands grasped at each other.

She unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders. Her hands then went to his belt, unbuckling it then unbuttoning his jeans and pushing them to the floor. She watched him turn red under her stare and ran her nails from his sculpted chest to his hardening pride.

"Bend over it on your hands and knees. Your arms will go here and your legs will go there," she instructed him.

He stared down at the bench, chewing at his lower lip.

She started walking towards the dresser, reaching for the leather strap. Before she could grab it he moved to the bench, bending over it in the position she had directed.

"Good boy," she praised, stroking his hair. She reached down and fastened the restraints around his arms, wrists, legs and ankles loosely so he would have room to squirm. Thoughts of all the ways she could torture him if he was farther along in his training flooded her mind. When she circled behind him she reached down and lightly squeezed the sac that dangled helplessly between his thighs. He grunted and lurched up then relaxed into her hand while she gently massaged him. When his breath evened out she released him and walked back towards his head.

She knelt down so her eyes were level with his. "Look at me, Finn."

His blue eyes already looked somewhat dazed when he returned her stare.

"Good boy," she said, pressing her lips to his. "I need you to listen very carefully right now. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Mistress," he whispered.

"You do not get to come without my permission. Not now, not ever. If you feel yourself getting ready to come you will ask if you can. I will either tell you "No," "Wait," or "Yes." Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Tonight I plan on letting you come, but only when I give you permission. If you come without my permission, I wont let you come again for two weeks. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good boy," she said, pulling a blindfold down over his eyes.

He shivered when she ran the tails of the flogger over his back. She brought it down against his skin lightly, watching his body respond before bringing it down harder. Lexa had taught her the art of using a flogger and she loved the way the leather falls ran through her hand before landing on his pale flesh. She was careful to remain consistent and controlled, allowing him to lose himself in the rhythmic thuds and stings.

When he stopped pulling against the chains she knew the pain was blurring into pleasure. She moved her target lower, striking him across his backside. The marks from his punishment were still slightly visible so she reduced the strength of her swing until he was properly warmed up. He sucked in a gasp of air when the leather hit the back of his hanging manhood. She brought it down again in the same spot, listening to his breath.

"Good boy," she said, setting the flogger down on the floor. He squirmed in his chains when she opened the dresser drawer. She walked back to him and ran her hand down his back, assessing the damage she had already done.

Her arousal dripped down the insides of her thighs at the sight of him trying to escape when she ran her fingers down the middle of his backside. He started shaking when she ran her hand back up, and flinched at the sound of the lube bottle snapping open. She pushed through his entrance, reaching underneath him to stroke him while his body bucked against her intrusion. After a few minutes he began to relax and a small amount of wetness seeped into her hand. When he inhaled deeply and held it she waited to see if he would follow her directions.

"Mistress, please let me come," he gasped when he let out his breath.

"No." She stopping her stroke and quickly poured lube over a small plug, wanting to insert it while his body was still relaxed enough to accept it. Though it was the smallest one she had it was still larger than her finger and he hunched up when she pushed it in. She reached down to stroke him again until he stopped fighting his chains.

"Please let me come," he begged, his breath heavy with need.

"No." She picked back up the flogger, this time starting with his upper thighs. She moved to just below his waist before skipping his torso to continue her assault on his upper back.

"Please can I come?" he begged again, his voice desperate.

"No." She dropping the flogger to the floor.

He trembled when she ran her hand over the marks on his back, his body writhing in desperation. "Please, please can I come? Please?" he sobbed when she ran her fingertips over the base of the plug.

"Wait," she warned when he clenched as she squeezed his sac.

"Please..." he gasped.

"Wait." She slowly pulled the plug out then pushed it back in. It slid easily, the sound of his panting increasing with every stroke.

"Please, Mistress, please..." he whimpered through gasping breaths, his voice barely audible.

"Yes." She wrapped her hand around his length, providing the stimulation he was in desperate need of.

He sucked in a breath and his body tightened. When he came he convulsed so hard the chains strained to keep him held down, and she thought he was going to rip them off the bench.

"Good boy," she said, rubbing his head and body. Once he stopped shaking she took off the blindfold and wiped the dried tears from his face.


He still felt like he was floating when he opened his eyes. He rolled over in his bed and a slight soreness permeated through his back when it rubbed against the sheets. It wasn't painful like the aftermath of when she whipped him with the strap, though he almost wished it was. He dreaded hearing her footsteps coming down the hall. She would be coming to remove his collar and chains but he wasn't ready to give them up. The sound of soft steps on the wood floor made him run his fingertips one last time over the soft leather around his neck.

He moved off the bed and got to his knees, embracing his new morning routine. When she walked in he kept his eyes on the floor hoping for her praise. Her hand ran through his hair when she said the words he longed to hear, making it easier to endure when she unbuckled the restraints from his wrists. His hands fell into his lap, resisting the compulsion to wrap around her legs.

"Get ready for work then come eat breakfast," she said before leaving the room.

He got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. He lathered up with soap, ignoring the blood flow headed between his legs. After he was done getting dressed he went to the kitchen, grabbed his plate and sat down on the floor at her feet.

An hour later he was pulling into his uncle's ranch, wishing everyone else wasn't there. They would be wanting an explanation why he had disappeared since the night he walked out of the bar and why he hadn't been returning their texts.

"Well, look who's still alive!" Trevor yelled, riding over while he bridled his horse.

He forced a half smile and hoisted himself into the saddle.

"Since you ain't been around I ain't had a chance to tell you the good news," Conner said, riding up next to him.

"Oh ya? What's that?"

"When you decided to run away the other night, Andrea took comfort in my bed," Conner replied smugly.

"Congrats," he said, tipping his hat.

"Where the fuck did you run off too?" Trevor questioned him.

"He ran off to that brunette's. The one he's tryin' to hide from us," Ryan interjected, turning around in his saddle to face him.

"That's where you've been? Shacked up with her?" Trevor drilled.

"Ya, it is, and that's all there is to say." He kicked his horse forward, a weak attempt at escaping.

"Damn, that must be some good pussy!" Conner exclaimed, high-fiving Trevor.

"Can you shut the fuck up about it already?" he fumed.

"What the fuck's your problem?" Conner yelled back.

"Everybody just relax, alright? Finn obviously don't want to tell us about his girl," Trevor intervened, riding up between the two men.

"Why the fuck not? Worried she'll trade you in for one of us?" Ryan laughed.

He kept his eyes focused on the dirt path in front of him, ignoring their drivel.

"We need to meet her. If she's gonna be with one of us she needs to put up with all of us," Trevor said diplomatically.

He ran his hand over his neck, well aware his mistress didn't put up with much of anything.

"Tell you what, let's make it easy. We were talking about going to see that new superhero movie tonight. You come too and bring her. Conner's bringin' the bartender."

"Fine, I'll ask if she wants to go," he responded, hoping his promise would be enough to placate them.

"It's settled then. Movie tonight with the bartender and the brunette- may both of them spend some time on their knees in the theatre," Ryan said, putting his hands together in a symbol of prayer.

"Amen," Conner agreed with a grin.

He imagined kneeling down himself and servicing his mistress while she watched the movie. The memory of her taste, her smell, and the feel of her legs shaking against his shoulders made him wonder how long it would be before he was allowed to worship her again.


She was typing on her laptop when he walked into the house so he quietly went to where she sat and knelt down on the floor.

"Some of my friends asked if we want to go to a movie with them tonight," he stammered when her fingers paused. He was still unsure about the parameters of their relationship and didn't know if meeting his friends was an acceptable request.

"Try rephrasing that."

He wrung his hands in his lap, trying to figure out what she wanted from him. "Mistress, can we go to the movies tonight with my friends?"

"Yes, we can go," she replied, a strange smile forming on her lips. "What time does it start?"

"About two hours."

"Then we better get ready. After you shower wait in your room for me before getting dressed."

He stared at her as she walked towards the hallway, her odd smile flashing through his head.

After he showered he went to his room, got on his knees on the floor and sat back on his heels. His friends could be obnoxious and he wasn't sure how his mistress would handle them, though knowing her it may not end well. It bothered him to know he was like them. At least he was until recently. Now he didn't know what he was anymore.

"Stand," she said when she walked in.

He stood up and clasped his hands over himself, trying to cover the movement caused by how much of her legs her dress left exposed.

"Hands behind."

He had never been ashamed of his body but had also never stood naked in front a woman who was clothed with no intent of stripping. The position made him feel over exposed and when she stared at him his face burned. It didn't help that when he was in this position she manipulated him in ways he never thought he would allow.

The item she pulled out of the dresser he had seen before. She pushed the ring in place then put his shaft in the clear cage, padlocking him in. Though he didn't mind wearing it if that's what she expected from him, he was still confused.

"Mistress, I'm not going to try to touch myself," he protested.

The strange half smile lit up her face when she looked at him. "We'll see," she said, walking back towards the dresser. "Hands and knees."

When she came back towards him the familiar sound of a bottle opening made every muscle in his body clench. She gave no warning before pushing her finger into him and he jumped forward automatically.

"If you move again I'll tie you up and put something much larger than my finger in there."

He froze, knowing her threats were never empty. The lube felt cold against his skin but he was thankful she seemed to be using a generous amount. He wondered how long it would take before he would grow used to her violating that part of his body, if he ever did. When she walked back to the dresser to put the bottle away he looked up, puzzled by why it felt like there was still something inside of him.

She turned to regard him, holding a small, square remote in her hand. "You can get dressed now," she said, smiling. Her finger pressed down on the red button and a soft vibration sent a pulse of heat through his body. She pressed the button again as she exited the room and the vibrating stopped.

He shakily got to his feet and stood, trying to adjust to the feel. When he started walking he was surprised it wasn't uncomfortable. The device was small, barely big enough for him to notice it was there- at least until she turned it on. Which she did, several times before they had even sat down in his truck.

By the time they arrived at the movie theatre he knew if his ability wasn't hindered by the cage holding him hostage he would've come in his pants several times over. His friends were already in the ticket line when they stepped out of the truck. He took a few deep breaths, hoping he would be able to act normally despite his current predicament. His mistress hooked her arm through his, running her hand over his forearm while they walked.

"I was thinking you weren't gonna show," said Conner as they approached.

"Well, here we are," he replied.

"So, you're the one who's been keepin' Finn on lockdown away from his friends," Trevor jested, eyeing his mistress.

"Yes, that would be me. I'm Morgan, nice to meet all of you." She reached out, shaking everyone's extended hands.

"It's a pleasure, Morgan," said Trevor, accepting her handshake. "This is Ryan, Johnny, Conner and his girl."

"Does Conner's girl have a name?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Andrea," the blonde answered shyly. "How are you, Finn?"

"I'm good," he replied, noticing his mistress reaching into her purse. When the silent buzzing started he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning.

They made their way into the theatre and found their seats just in time to see the lights dim. He rubbed his hands over his face, thankful the darkness would cover his distress. When the vibration started again he helplessly fidgeted in his seat until she turned it off. It was a short lived reprieve before her nails dragged up his thigh, stopping when they hit the hard plastic under his pants. They tapped against it through his jeans then slid back down his leg. He let out a slow breath when she reached into her purse. Her hand ran back over his imprisoned member and he imagined what it would feel like against his skin. When he started to tremble she turned off the vibration.

After what felt like the longest two hours of his life he stood up and followed her out of the theatre. All he could think about was humping something, anything he could find, even her leg would suffice. But the plastic prevented any sensation at all, even the sensation of rubbing against the inside of his pants, which he was certain was all it would take to push him over the edge.

"I don't know about you guys but I could go for a drink and dessert somewhere," Conner suggested, putting his arm around Andrea's shoulders.

"That sounds like a good plan," Trevor replied, Ryan and Johnny nodding in agreement.

"I'm not really..." he started to decline, knowing possible release was a fifteen minute drive away.

"We'll be right behind you guys," his mistress interrupted him, reaching in her purse. He looked down at the ground, the tingle ripping through his body. She grabbed his hand and started dragging him towards the truck.

"Mistress, I can't..."

"While we're out with your friends you will show self control and behave normally and appropriately. If you're a good boy, when we get home I'll let you come. If not, I won't."

He gritted his teeth and opened the door to the truck for her, staring at the ground while she climbed in. The thought of going to bed without an opportunity for relief from the pressure building up in his body made his chest burn with anxiety.


They sat around the circular booth in the dark restaurant, laughing and conversing. Morgan ran her hand lightly through the side of his hair, a quiet reassurance that he was doing well. From what she remembered his behavior usually fit their mold. They were loud and crude, neither of which he was demonstrating tonight. Maybe it was the temporary collar he wore keeping him more subdued. It wasn't visible to the public eye, but she knew he was well aware of it every time she pushed the button in her purse.

"So, Morgan, what do you do?" Trevor asked, staring at her. His stare was familiar. She had seen it many times from men who wanted to take what they had no right to have.

"I'm a behaviorist," she replied, returning his gaze to see how long before he would look away.

"Is that, like, some kind of psychiatrist?" he asked, never breaking eye contact.

"Not exactly. I assess maladaptive behaviors in people with disabilities and come up with interventions to modify them."

He laughed, glancing around the table. "That's a lot of big words. How do you and Finn even talk?"

"More easily than when I talk to you," she fired back, causing the rest of the table to erupt with laughter.

Though Trevor laughed halfheartedly along with his friends, she could tell he wasn't used to being outwitted by a woman. But he had also probably never sat down to dinner with a woman like her. He picked up the beer in front of him and chugged the remaining ounces before snapping his fingers at the waitress and pointing to the empty glass.

"I'm sure you find Finn's behavior pretty entertaining," Ryan chimed in, throwing a wadded up straw wrapper at him.

"I think intriguing would be a better word," she replied, reaching into her purse and watching him start to fidget before she even pushed the button. She turned it off when his knuckles turned white against the handle of his beer.

"And what do you think, Finn?" Trevor asked, narrowing his eyes. "What do you think about her analyzing your behavior?"

Finn turned his head, his gaze meeting hers briefly before moving to her lips. "I think she's probably very good at her job."

She took his hand off his thigh and moved it to her own leg, dragging it over her bare skin until it was underneath her dress. "What do you boys do?" she asked, glancing from one to the next to keep their attention away from his fingertips touching the moisture soaking through her underwear.

"Cowboying jobs, mostly," Johnny said, looking from her to his drink then back to her. This was the first time he had spoken all night, clearly the beta male in the group. She smiled at him, trying to remember if anyone had told her they were looking for a project recently.

"What about you, Andrea?" she inquired.

"I just got a job bartending at Tiny's," Andrea answered, scooting closer to Conner.

"Yep, I was the first one to get to bring her home," Conner bragged, pulling her in for a kiss.

She was disappointed when Andrea didn't throw her drink in Conner's face and storm out of the restaurant. She pushed the button again out of irritation and left it on for a longer period than she had previously, then turned it off when he moved his hand and started digging his nails into the seat.