Finn Ch. 10: Predator


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She scrolled through her phone until he climbed back in the seat next to her. He grabbed the cowboy hat off his dashboard, shoved it down on his head, smiled at her then shifted into gear and headed back down the driveway.

They made their way down the back roads, and she watched out the window as the green pastures and miles of orchards flew by. She had spent the past ten years avoiding this town, swearing to never come back. But there was no denying the beauty of the quiet countryside.

"Go Lions!" he yelled as they drove past the high school.

She smiled and turned towards him. "Do you miss being on top of the world?"

"Sometimes. Life was so easy back then."

Maybe for him. There was no amount of money anyone could pay her to go back through those blue hallways.

"I still can't believe I don't remember you."

It was a line she had heard him say before. "I didn't take many classes there."

"Why not?"

She sat staring at him, wondering how she finally managed to make her way into the passenger seat of his truck, and also wondering why even after all these years it was still somewhere she wanted to be. He looked the same as he always had. His jawline was a little more squared, his body a little more filled out, but his smile and eyes would never change. She moved her gaze back out the window to watch Tiny's Bar disappear behind them. "I took most my classes at the community college."

"Oh, I see." He smirked and pushed in the clutch, switching gears as they pulled farther away from town. "You were one of those girls."

"One of what girls?" Her head snapped back towards him, her eyes narrowed.

"The smart girls," he replied, then his smile faded when he caught her stare. "It's okay. I already knew 'cause of the way you talk."

"What do you mean the way I talk?" she drilled, turning her entire body towards him.

"You talk very correctly..." he started, shoving his body as far against his door as he could. "Please don't get mad," he continued, rubbing his hand against his neck. Then his lips parted into their charming smile, begging for her forgiveness. "I like the way you talk. It's sexy."

"Sexy?" She crossed her arms and tried to force her face to stay set, but it was a hard task. It was a strange feeling to want to touch someone so badly. His body was always calling to her, begging for her caress or her discipline. "Are you sure it's the way I speak, or is it the things I say?"

"Why do you do it?" he asked, his expression becoming more serious.

"Do what?"

"Dominate men." Now his smile was gone, his eyes darting quickly between hers and the road. "I mean, I can tell you enjoy it, but I'm curious why."

She uncrossed her arms and looked back out the window for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "Men are taught to be dominant from the minute they're born. They're taught to be in control of everything, including their emotions, at all times. They're biologically inclined to be aggressive, and also naturally physically stronger than a woman. So for a man to submit to me, to trust me enough to go against both nature and nurture to show me what he truly wants and desires, well, nobody could ever convince me there is anything sexier than that."

He slowed to a stop in the middle of the empty road and shifted the truck into park. He bent down over the seat, pressing his lips to her thigh before opening his door and stepping out.

She watched him through the window as he walked over to the barbwire fence that stretched as far as her eyes could see. Besides the fence and the old road in front of her no other signs of civilization could be seen. He unlocked a gate that had she not been there to see him open she would never have known was there. Then he climbed back into the truck, pulled through the gate and shut off the engine.

"Where are the horses?" she asked when he swung open the trailer door and all that was inside was a four wheeler.

"You said to bring a horse that wouldn't buck you off," he replied, setting up two ramps behind the back wheels. "Ol' Red here is the safest horse I own."

She stepped out of the way while he climbed on, backed down the ramps, then pulled up next to her.

"Are you ready, Mistress?"

She sat down behind him and wrapped her arms around him, grasping the front of his shirt when the four wheeler jerked forward as he took off.

The cool wind whipped through her hair as he tore down the path. She looked to the side, staring out at the rolling hills. When he turned off the trail she held out her hand to let her fingers run through the tall stalks of wild wheat surrounding them. He weaved through the old oak trees, the gnarled branches reaching down like grasping hands as they flew by.

The air smelled fresh and green, like rich earth and sun drenched fields. Like how he always smelled. She ran her hands over his stomach while she watched the world flying by, moving them under his shirt so she could feel the muscles under his skin. She let her fingertips slide under the waist of his jeans before running them back up to his chest. His body was hers to touch, at least it was for now. She wanted to remember how it felt to have him at her mercy, even if it would only be for a short while.

She didn't know what he would choose as his collar. All she knew was once he was double collared she would no longer have an excuse to keep him in training. She wondered how long she could drag it out, prevent him from making a decision. But that would be unfair to him, and every time he nervously touched at his neck reminded her.

When she looked ahead she saw they were reaching a cliff and wondered what was on the other side. It looked like the world ended there and they would fly off the edge then fall into the underworld. She closed her eyes and waited to feel the drop, but instead he turned and continued parallel to the edge. She looked back at where they had come from. All she could see was rolling hills, tree tops and blue with just enough white clouds to break up the monochrome sky.

"It's going to get bumpy," he yelled over the engine.

She clasped her wandering hands together then caught her breath as they bounced down the hill to the flat land below. The ground was covered in smooth rocks, and from the sand she could tell this was where the water collected every year. The four wheeler jerked and jumped over the rocks to the other side, the fence finally coming into view.

"We're being watched," he said, slowing down and pointing to a patch of trees.

She turned her head and saw a coyote sitting in the shade, intently observing their every move. She had fallen asleep to the yips of pups in the orchards surrounding her house more often than not. But those coyotes ran at the first glimpse of a human. Out here they were bolder, and the scavenger sat watching them as they slowly made their way down the fence line.

"As long as it's not a wolf..." he said, turning his attention back to the fence.

"There aren't any wolves out here anymore."

"That's what they say..."

"You don't believe them?"

"No. I've heard them howling when I've had to come out here at night. It's the most terrifying sound I've ever heard," he said, then turned to look at her over his shoulder. "Well, second most terrifying."

"What's the most terrifying?"

"The sound of you coming through the front door, Mistress."

She felt the smile take over her face and laid her cheek against his back, wrapping her arms around his waist and holding tight as he sped off again.


The sun was fighting with the growing clouds to prove its dominance of the sky when they pulled back into his parents' driveway. He looped around and backed his trailer in where it had originally been then got out to unhook. She stepped out of the truck and began wandering around, glancing inside the red barn at the huge stacks of hay before wandering to the other side to see if a horse would come to the fence.

When she turned the corner her heart skipped a beat. There it was, covered in a layer of dust as if it hadn't been moved in years. She slowly made her way closer, then reached up and ran her hand along the white aluminum of the gooseneck. When she reached the door on the side she let her hand drop and wiped the dust off on her jeans.

She curled her fingers around the door latch and pulled. When the door popped open she looked over her shoulder to see where he was. Squeaking came from the direction she had come from, telling her he was cranking up the stock trailer. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she peered inside.

This was where her mind had wandered to on most nights over ten years ago, even though it was somewhere she had never been. She stepped inside and ran her hand over the cheap counter tops, her eyes running over the small couch covered in a paisley print. He was the first cowboy in town with a living quarters horse trailer, courtesy of his parents, and the minute he turned sixteen and could pull it without their company the stories of what went on inside haunted her.

It was far from luxurious as she had often dreamt it to be. The bed in the gooseneck was tossed together with random blankets and mismatched pillows. Paper plates and plastic cups were stacked on the stained counter next to the tin colored sink. It smelled like old settled dirt that hadn't been disturbed in years.

Her eyes fell on him standing by the door, watching her. "What would you do if I was just a random girl you picked up in town today?" she asked.

"You saw what I would do the night I brought you home from the bar. You weren't impressed, Mistress," he reminded her.

He was already going to take a thousand pieces of her when he left. What was one more? She pulled her shirt off over her head and tossed it on the couch, then stepped out of her shoes. Her hands reached around her back, unclasping her bra and letting it fall to the floor. She turned away from him, bending over to push her jeans and underwear to the floor. She climbed the three steps into the bed then sat down and turned back to face him, letting her legs dangle over the edge.

"What do you want to do to me, Finn?"

He stepped inside and shut the door, clicking the lock into place. "Please you, Mistress," he replied, his eyes trying to stay on the floor.

"Look at me, Finn."

His eyes wandered over her body, lingering on her exposed breasts.

"What do you want to do to me?"

"Please you, Mistress."

"No," she said, slowly shaking her head. "Tell me what you would do if I told you for the next hour I would allow you to do whatever you wanted."

He stood frozen, his hands clasped in front of him.

Men were never good with words, which was why she usually didn't require them to speak more than two or three at a time. "Show me, then."

He timidly approached her, as if waiting to see if it was a test. His hand ran lightly down her leg, and when she didn't punish him he moved onto the first step, this time running his hand up her thigh. By the time he reached the second step, he was getting bolder. He lightly brushed his lips against hers, grabbing her face between his hands. When he opened his mouth she followed, dragging her tongue over his then biting into his lower lip.

He pushed his mouth harder into hers and she pushed back, her teeth grazing against his. She began pulling at his shirt, trying to get the buttons undone, craving the feel of his skin against her own. It slid off his body and she ran her hands down his back, her fingers reaching underneath the waist of his jeans. They moved farther onto the bed, his lips never breaking from hers as he pushed her down underneath him. Her hands ran through his hair, knocking the hat off his head and sending it tumbling to the floor.

His mouth pulled away, moving to her neck. His lips lit up the nerve endings in her sensitive skin, his warm breath accentuating the tingle. His tongue traced over her collar bone before his lips began making their way down her chest. He moved to the part of her his eyes always devoured, his mouth covering the hardened peaks.

She wanted to grab his hair and pull him back up to her mouth, desperate for the feel of his weight on top of her. But she shivered when his tongue dragged down her stomach, his lips coming together and pressing into her skin as he made his way lower. She spread her legs in eager anticipation but he trailed his tongue down her hip to her thigh. His mouth made its way to her knee before moving to the other side and working its way back up the inside. His lips tickled against her, and she jumped when he skipped the last few inches and covered her with his mouth.

His tongue knew exactly where to go and that's where it stayed, softly teasing the sensitive skin above her clit. Her back arched off the bed, her hands grasping for his hair. He pushed his fingers into her, stroking them up and sending her arousal pouring down his hand. When the feel of his fingers disappeared she opened her eyes and watched him put them into his mouth, sucking them clean before burying his head back between her legs and pushing his tongue inside her.

Her mind was too lost in the warmth of his mouth to notice him rolling her over until she found herself on her stomach. When his tongue pushed its way between her cheeks she moaned and raised her hips, pushing back into his mouth. He grasped at her with his hands, pulling her apart and circling his tongue over her. Her body trembled, her moans becoming more frantic. She wanted to scream for him not to stop when his mouth moved away, breaking contact momentarily before his lips pressed into the indents at the small of her back.

He continued up her spine, taking the time to circle each bump. By the time he reached her ear she was writhing beneath his touch, desperate to take back control. When she felt him pressing between her legs she shoved a pillow underneath her hips, raising herself just enough for him to easily slide inside.

His mouth trailed over the back of her neck as he pushed into her. The intrusion radiated through her, bringing a gasp from her lips. His mouth nuzzled against her ear as he thrust into her, his breath hot against her skin. Her hands grasped at the blankets, her moans turning into desperate cries when the ripples of heat started burning through her veins. His name and several other expletives poured from her mouth when the orgasm hit, and she groaned as he continued to drive into her, drawing out the sensation.

"Please let me come, Mistress," he begged into her ear, his fingers running down her arm then entwining in her own.

"Yes," she said, bracing herself for the impact of his desperate need.

He sped up his stroke, his fingers tightening around hers. She held her breath as he pounded into her, forgetting how rough a man could be when allowed to have control of the penetration. But his body sent tremors through her as it rammed into her own, and she pushed her hips up as much as she could until he was penetrating through her with intense accuracy.

"Wait... Don't come yet..." she gasped, hoping she caught him in time.

"Please, Mistress!" he begged, slowing down.

"No! Keep going!" she yelled, then cried out when his body ripped through her again, his hips slamming down onto hers.

"I can't...I can't...Please, Mistress!" his pleas continued in her ear, but it didn't matter anymore.

Her body clamped down, every nerve surging through her like rolling fire. "Yes," she whispered, forcing the word out in a breathless submission.

He shoved into her as far as her body would allow, his loud moan echoing through her. He pulsed inside her as he weakly continued thrusting until finally remaining still. His lips repeatedly pressed against her back, his weight pushing her into the mattress, his length still buried deep inside her. But she didn't tell him enough, because it wasn't. She wanted him chained and on his knees. She wanted him squirming and pleading and trembling. She wanted him crawling and shaking and begging. But above all those things, she wanted him inside her.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

OMG!! This is an incredible series, up there with the best of literotica! What a chapter & final!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This whole series is so stunning. I'd love an "alternate universe" version without any of the bdsm stuff, just their incredible chemistry. Vanilla romance is my fetish, lol. But I do like her dominance but when she turns on the tenderness, it's great. Stellar writing.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I liked this chapter the best so far. Great story. You really got me good with your great writing. The whole series is fraught with peril. At least to me. Thanks for writing this!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I’m reading this whole series and this scene is one of the hottest love making scenes I have ever read. Great work.

PlushpuppyPlushpuppyover 6 years ago

I think this is the Mistresses 2nd chance with her heart and soul. Sounds like she has been emotional hurt before and she hasn't grieved the hurt and therefore is guarded.

I think that the Mistress will risk her heart for Finn. For Finn the risk is his friends and family seeing him as less than. He would need to shed his life and become a different person forever.

UrSquireGUrSquireGover 6 years ago
A second chance

Please everyone comment.

1. Is Mistress Morgan's second chance with Finn, herself, or both?

2. The word chance signifies opportunity with risk. What do you think she will risk? What will be put up to risk for her? For what?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Utterly great series ... please keep the chapters coming!

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