Fiona's Forecourt Fantasy

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Her dream man is behind the counter.
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Fiona's Forecourt Fantasy

Written By: Sisi Burks

Edited By: Bazzle

Date Finished: November 8, 2023

Chapter One

Parking in my usual spot, I looked out at the side of the red brick building, my breathing still hard from my late-night workout that I had only just finished. I could have easily walked the short distance to the gym and then on to here, but I am at heart lazy. The sky above me was pitch black compared to the startling bright flood of lights that came from the forecourt. I felt at ease, almost as if it were like my own home. Being so used to this place, I knew what to expect from it, especially at this time of night. It was rare there were ever any other customers aside from me, making it a peaceful, quick errand. I took my time getting my purse over my shoulder and adjusted my spandex pants that were digging into my hips, as I sat still and listened to the ten o'clock headlines on the radio. With nothing of interest happening, I turned off my car ignition and got out, almost confidently walking across to my salvation of the moment just the other side of glass doors. I was too quick and eager, I had to momentarily pause to wait for them to slowly slide open.

Having quickly walked up and down the aisle choosing some snacks. As I got ever closer to the front of the store. I stopped whilst looking up and we ended up smiling at each other, I didn't even have to tell the man behind the counter what I wanted. He knew exactly what I was after, there had been several years of me doing this, around the same time, and needing the same thing. It was the closest gas station to my apartment that stayed open all night. As such it quickly became the one I would use. Being a sucker to routine, and a night owl that I was, it was normally around ten a night when I would show up getting my energy drinks, snacks, and most importantly my cigarettes. Seeing as every day was very much the same, I saw the same man working the register every night.

A young man in his twenties with dark skin and neatly cut black hair. His name was Rohan, something I didn't know for the first couple of years of shopping there. I was not much of a conversationalist, enjoying my solitude at home and when out and about, most of the time. I always got in and got out of the store as quickly as I could. Almost embarrassed buying my cigarettes. But Rohan was a very talkative and friendly person.

"How are you, Miss Fiona?" He was already turning to the side, his arm outstretched, his fingers grabbing the exact pack of cigarettes we both knew I needed. A pack of 20 Marlboro menthol special blends. My much needed daily fix.

Even after years of the same question, I shifted the can of my energy drink closer to him, forcing myself to make eye contact as I smiled though it didn't cover all my nervousness. "Well enough. Can't complain." I answered as blandly as I could as I slipped my card out of my wallet and focused my attention on the card machine and paying instead of the way that Rohan looked at me. He always had that kind smile that seemed so genuine. I could never look for too long without my cheeks going red. "How about you?" It was only polite to ask as we waited.

"It's been fine. Still working on that math class, I told you about. Just getting the hang of it." Rohan motioned to the side where his textbook was open and papers laid out on the counter. It was obvious he was giving it some effort.

"I have never been good with numbers. I don't see how you do it." My eyes came back over to Rohan's, hearing the receipt being printed out.

He reached over and ripped it off before scrunching it up and tossing the paper into the trash bin under the desk, knowing I never wanted it. We did this routine every single night. Everything was well rehearsed like a mundane performance. "Oh? Well, it just takes practice," Rohan chuckled. "What do you do for work, Miss Fiona?" This was the first time he asked me a personal question since we exchanged names months ago.

"I'm a fiction writer." It was the best way I could think of to say it. I had multiple published and mildly successful books out. Couldn't really say all that. This job found me, because I have a wild imagination that lets me tell amazing stories. It really does come in handy.

Rohan got my things put in a small plastic bag, looking back up to me with a sparkle in his dark brown eyes. "Really? That is so interesting. So, you are good with words then, Miss Fiona?" His kind warmth shone through.

"Better with them than numbers. That's for sure." I let out a small nervous giggle as I took my bag from him. "Thanks. Have a good night."

"You too, Miss Fiona." With that, I was leaving and getting back into my car. My heart was fluttering from the small conversation we had as I looked at one of the big windows on the side of the building. I saw Rohan going back to his studies, sitting in a stool behind the counter. It was strange. I saw him more than anyone else in my life.

Sure, I talked to other people in my life over the phone and through text message, but when it came to face to face, it was just Rohan. We barely knew one another, but slowly over time we were learning more. Like I knew he was studying to be an accountant. I also knew the gas station was a family business that Rohan's parents owned. That was why he had been working there for so long and never seemed to take a day off. They all lived in the apartment behind the store. He didn't have far to commute. I didn't go to the gym every night, but I still had to visit the store.

After getting home and showering all the sweat off my body before changing into more comfortable clothes, I found myself thinking about the handsome cashier. He was so happy it seemed, every single night. I had not caught him having a bad time yet. He was always there with that bright smile no matter what. Something made me want to go back and see him again, and no it was not that he just sold me my much needed daily dose of cigarettes. The idea of just seeing him again would be out of my character.

Going out to the balcony of my third floor apartment, I lit the first cigarette from the new pack and leaned on the railing, enjoying the cool breeze blowing through my damp hair. If I looked off past the trees, over the hum of the road below I could see the twinkling bright lights of the gas station in the far distance. There was something comforting about knowing that Rohan would be still awake reading his exercise books while I was writing. I was not completely alone in the night. He was close by and busy working as well. I knew I must be lonely as hell if I was thinking about the man working the gas station I frequented like this. Though my mind was wondering even further as I enjoyed my smoke.

It was ridiculous of me to even think something could happen between us. Rohan was good looking and seemed to have a nice build about him. Not only that but he was a good bit younger than me. I was chubby and plain looking, rarely ever wore makeup or anything nice. I did not need to. I kept my dark hair up in a bun or ponytail at almost all times. I was a big girl. Even though I went to the gym for an hour a couple of nights a week, I was trying to work on it. There was no way on earth I was his type.

Even so, that didn't mean I couldn't fantasize.

I could picture the young man behind me in my apartment with me. His arms firmly wrapped around my thick soft midsection while I smoked on the balcony, watching as the clear night became more stormy, small droplets falling from the sky. He would touch me gently, his fingers dragging against the fabric of my tank top as he explored my tummy before moving his hand up to cup one of my breasts.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I realized it really was actually drizzling outside now and I was in danger of getting wet. It would have been the perfect setting for a passionate night with the sexy Asian man. But, in reality it was just me there, staring out at the lights between the trees as I pulled on my cigarette and longed for someone I would never have.

Maybe it had just been too long since I had sex. I couldn't even remember exactly how long, but I knew I must need it if I was having these thoughts about a man. The one I saw at the gas station every night. Whilst again blowing the smoke from my lungs, the gray particulates hanging in the wet air, I considered getting back on the dating apps so I could take care of all this. I could go for a fling. A one night stand. Just something quick to fuck to get these daydreams out of my mind. It was possible I could even find a man who looked like Rohan so I could really get it out of my system.

Something about all that just felt wrong. Of course, fantasizing about the young man didn't feel right either. It just seemed easier and more fulfilling than trying out dating again.

Letting my eyes slip closed, I could feel him. Pressed up against my back, his frame standing a bit taller than me, his hands now firmly on both my breasts squeezing tightly. He took his time groping and enjoying them with only my thin tank top between us, never bothered wearing a bra as I spent most of my time alone at home. Rohan was pressing his crotch against my ass, an impressively thick erection pushing between my cheeks. It felt so real as my body began to respond and there was this deep throbbing between my legs.

"Your tits are so big, Miss Fiona." His voice sounded deeper and toned down from what I was used to as he spoke into my ear from behind. Instead of squeezing my breasts, he began focusing on playing with my hard nipples through the thin fabric. He pinched and pulled at them lightly, never being too rough with how he touched me. It felt amazing, making my legs shake as I tried to lean back against him. Of course, behind me was only the metal railing of the balcony. I used it, wishing it were Rohan pushing back against me as I wiggled my ass against the bars, sucking in more of the smoke from my fizzling cigarette.

Feeling the cold raindrops hitting my face from that position, I opened my eyes and looked through the sliding glass door of my apartment. From where I stood, I could see the computer screen on in the dark room and I knew what I should be doing. Writing not masturbating. Sighing, I pushed myself off the railing and with three deep drags finished up with my cigarette, putting it out in my empty ashtray that sat on a small table near the door. I would be back out soon enough as I slipped inside and flipped the light on in the living room before I shivered before I pulled a long cardigan on. I was only wearing the thin black tank top and a pair of basic large comfortable white panties that now had a small dark wet spot in the crotch. It was my normal outfit when working at night. No need for pants when it was only me.

I got settled with my snacks and energy drink at my desk and after finding the right music, I got right to work with my mind still on Rohan. It would have been much easier to write about all the things I wanted him to do to me, but that was sadly not my goal for the night.

Chapter Two

A couple nights later, after my Friday session at the gym, I found myself parking in a more secluded, much darker parking spot at the gas station. I don't know why, there was no one in my spot or anything different. It just felt right to have a little privacy. It was not the cleverest of decisions. It had been pouring down rain most of the day and right then was no different. I should have wanted to park closer but, no. I had smoked a little more than usual earlier in the day and I was already thinking about having a cigarette from the new pack in my car before going home even though it was only minutes away. I finished my last one a couple of very long hours ago. Home meant working on my writing and I found it more relaxing to listen to the rain pounding down on the metal roof. Might as well make the most of the night.

After pulling the hood of my jacket up over my messy sweaty ponytail, I got out of the car and walked quickly up to the automatic doors. By the time I got under the awning, my jacket and leggings were uncomfortably wet. Coming inside blinking hard at the contrast under the fluorescent lights, I could smell incense being burned. I always wondered what was different about those nights when Rohan would have the sticks burning in an intricate, dragon head holder. I always liked the smoky fragrance it gave off and how the thin smoke rolled out of the nostrils of the animal.

"Good evening." Rohan got up from his stool and stepped away from his books, a smile on his face as he watched me take my dripping wet hood off. "It's really coming down out there." He commented with a slight laugh in his voice.

I nodded, cheeks already going red. "It really is." I responded before going off to get my treats for the night. It had been harder the past couple of days since my mind was running wild with the attraction I felt towards the cashier. It was impossible not to think of all the lewd things he had done in my daydreams when we were face to face. I took my time picking out a snack before I went off to get the same energy drink as every night before. Coming up to the counter, my cigarettes were already being rung up and sat down in front of me. I slide the rest towards Rohan's waiting hands.

"Having a good night, Miss Fiona?" he asked as he scanned the two other items.

"Yes, I'm enjoying the rain. Though getting out in it is not as fun." I smiled, hoping he couldn't see right through me. I couldn't help but rub my thighs together slightly as I felt my crotch begin to heat up. That was just from being around him. Being seen by him. My mind was working overtime. I was far too horny for comfort in the situation. But there was something exciting that mixed with the nervousness it brought with it.

"Me too. It makes it more relaxing to study when it rains." Rohan nodded to me, seeming to not notice anything off about me. Wasn't like it was unlike me to be shy and quiet. "I bet it helps you write, doesn't it?"

"It is nice." I agreed, now working on paying and not looking at the handsome man. Though I could still feel his gorgeous brown eyes were on me, I was hopeful that he was looking me up and down. "I do my best work when it's stormy." I added, giving him another little detail about myself.

"Did you have a good workout this evening?" Rohan asked as we finished up the transaction.

"Yeah, it went well. Beat my distance in twenty minutes." I was proud of myself for that and he was probably the only person I would be sharing such a minor thing with.

"Oh, good work, Miss Fiona." He said as his charming smile grew slightly as he got my things bagged up and held it by the handle out to me.

I took the plastic bag, our fingers brushing gently during the exchange. They were warm and welcoming. "Thanks. Getting there. Slowly." I couldn't help the smile on my own face, waving as a simple goodbye to the man before I was rushing through what felt like heavier rain and back to my car.

Once inside, I stripped out of my soaking wet jacket and shoved it over into the seat beside me. That left me in only my tight black t-shirt and leggings sticking to my skin. I smiled, getting my new pack out of the bag and slapping it down against the heel of my hand and ripping off the clear packaging, I worked out one of the cigarettes and placed it between my lips. I grabbed my lighter from my purse and with a deep drag I lit it up. Finally, having the harsh but delightful smoke in my lungs, I leaned back and rolled the window down only a little, jumping slightly as I felt the drops of rain that snuck in. With the rain tapping loudly on the metallic roof there was so much water sliding down my windshield I couldn't see a thing out of it. I was in my own little smoke filled world and it was perfect.

I got comfortable in the driver's seat, wiping the rain drops from my forehead before pushing my ponytail against the headrest whilst closing my eyes. I planned on thinking about my new story while smoking my cigarette as I had this peaceful feeling. There was so much that needed to be thought out.

Even so, the heat was building between my legs, even on such a wet cold night. That had more of my attention than anything else. I shifted in my seat, my free hand resting on my thigh as I took in the smoke of my cigarette. Why was my body so hot? It felt like it was spreading all over. I was aching to touch myself right there in the parking lot. Not only that, I let my mind wander a bit to the man right inside the shop. With my eyes closed, he was there. Standing beside my car in the rain wearing only his t-shirt and jeans that were so soaked they stuck to his skin, highlighting his slim frame. Rohan tapped his fingers on the slightly opened window, getting me to roll it down while he blocked me from the raindrops. I couldn't help but exhale my latest drag all over the smiling, but wet, cashier.

Nothing needed to be said between us before Rohan reached over and his long thin fingers gently groped my tits. There were more than a handful for him, the skin spilling out the sides of his fingers as he grabbed and squeezed experimentally. With his wet hair plastered to his forehead, drips dropping off his bushy eyebrows and off his cute nose. Rohan didn't seem to care one bit about the storm as his dark eyes focused completely on me and my body. After playing with both my breasts, getting my nipples nice and hard, Rohan showed off his bright white teeth as he smiled as he pulled my t-shirt up and over my large chest, now showing my sweaty purple sports bra.

In only seconds, my big breasts plopped out as he pulled my cups up and over them. I gasped as his cool wet palm covered my hard, pink nipple as he squeezed the breast again, getting a good feel of my bare tit. It was becoming hard to focus on my burning cigarette while enjoying the feeling as he was playing with me like that. The smoke was billowing from my lips and nose as my free hand slowly moved to the inside of my thigh. I again brought the filter to my lips with my left hand and took a long drag as I began touching myself through my thin leggings with my right. My wet heat was impossible not to feel through the overly stretched fabric of my leggings when pressing right against it and my clit throbbed as I moaned and began vigorously rubbing at it.

Rohan switched between my breasts, giving them both the same amount of attention before he leaned into the car, wet hair dripping onto me as he leaned in and lifting my sagging breasts took one of my nipples in his mouth. A shot of electrical pleasure bolted and flowed through my body, I couldn't help making soft moans as I moved my hand to slide it down the front of my pants. His tongue worked over the sensitive nub, flicking it and teasing before he began sucking. Finally my fingers dipped down between my soaked folds, gathering some of the slick wetness before I began rubbing my clit slowly. "Oh Rohan." I sighed, letting my head fall back against the back of my seat. I could feel the raindrops on my face and didn't bother wiping it away, both of my hands now busy. Carefully, I brought my cigarette back to my lips, taking a hit from it as both me and Rohan worked on my body. The man shifted further over squeezing his small frame through the open window and began sucking my other nipple, his soft lips and stubbly mouth driving me wild.

I squealed as his mouth popped off my tit and the man stood back up a little, his face close to mine, he smiled at me before, replacing the sensation with his hand again, giving it a nice squeeze. His palm then slipped down my soft, chubby belly, joining mine inside my pants. His hand was so much bigger that it pushed mine out of the way. I braced for him to touch me, opening my legs as wide as I was able to, wedging my knees against the door and center console, and thrusting my hips forwards, but before he could touch me properly, I jolted my eyes open by the sound of a loud horn blaring from the road behind me.