Fling Maybe? Ch. 05


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She was raw now. No longer hiding from me. This was her and trusted me with her heart. We reached a new level.

"Dance with me."

She smiled, "You want dance with me? I'm all sweaty and gross."

"I don't care. I like you sweaty and gross."

She giggled, "There's no music."

"We don't need music."

She slid from my lap. I took her outstretched her hand. She walked us to the middle of the floor.

"You're finally going to show me some of those ballet moves?" She teased.


I wrapped my arms around her waist and she placed her hands around my shoulders. We swayed and twirled to an imaginary song. She seemed impressed.

"This is nice."

"Yes, it is."

"This week has been quite astonishing hasn't it?"

"I wouldn't change a second of it."

She smiled, "Me either." She laid her head on my chest. "Your mom was right."

"How so?"

"She said our reunion was fated. We were supposed to run into each other at that seminar six months ago. We're supposed to be here right now like this. Pregnant with our first child. Crazy right?"

"I say we go for broke."

She raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

I reached in my pocket. She backed up.

I went down to one knee before her.

"Oh Greggy, what are you doing?" She covered her mouth with her hand.

I presented the purple box to her. Inside was a two-carat princess cut diamond ring.

"This is crazy. Sudden, I know, but why wait? Let' start this love story off with a bang. Before you came into my life I was so lost. I was starting to believe love wasn't in the cards for me. Then I saw you and you were love personified. Your smile alone is what gets me up in the morning. I love you more than anything or anyone in this world. Now you're giving me the honor of being a father. Let's complete this trifecta. What do you say? You want to marry an insane, sexy ginger?"

That made her laugh. She nodded her head.

"Is that a yes?"

She nodded her head again, "Yes."

"Yes?" I said for confirmation.

"Yes man." She said with her hands on her hips.

I hopped up and lifted her off her feet and spinning her in circles. I put her back on feet and slid the ring on her finger.

She marveled at it under the lights.

"Did I do good?"

"It's perfect." She kissed me.

I never seen her smile so bright. This was the smile I wanted to keep on her face for the rest of our lives.

"When did you buy it?"

"A few hours ago. After I signed that contract you were the only person I wanted to share the news with. I realized I wanted to share everything with you including my last name."

"Even though I was leaving?"

"I wanted to lock you in."

She cupped my face. "Well Mr. O'Brien, I'm locked in and I'm all yours." I kissed my beautiful fiancé.

We continued our dance until we heard a knock on the door.

"Ms. Mason, I'm sorry to interrupt, but the center is closing in ten minutes." The young lady I met at the front desk said.

"Thanks, Trina we are on our way out."

I helped Mo with her bags.

This was by far the best day of my life. My book was finally getting published, I got engaged to my dream girl and she is carrying my first child. That night we cuddled and talked until the wee hours of the morning. We connected on an even deeper spiritual level.


I couldn't put into words what I was feeling. My world had been turned upside down in the best way possible. I was floating on air and I owed it all to one special man. He made foggy things clear. He's seen the worst and the best of me, and hasn't so much as flinched. He loved me. I knew that in my soul.

I know once I make the announcement to my family and friends at what's supposed to be my going away party, there is going to be some backlash. I was mentally preparing myself to defend my choices.

None of that mattered now though. Greg and I were sitting in the doctor's office waiting on some test results. I was nervous. I could tell he was too, but he was calmly holding my hand reassuring me the entire time.

Dr. Kumar, who has been my doctor since I was fourteen years old entered the room with a blue folder in hand.

"How is my favorite dancer doing?" She hugged me.

"I'm nervous."

She pulled a rolling stool to the side of my bed. She smiled at me warmly. "Don't be. And who might you be?" She looked at Greg.

"Gregory O'Brien." They shook hands.

"My fiancé."

"Nice. Congratulations. When is the wedding?"

"We haven't set a date yet."

"Make sure when you do, you send me an invite."

"Of course."

"So, let's get down to business. My darling you are pregnant, so that explains the symptoms you've been having. Your vitals look amazing. No worries there. I would like to do an ultrasound to see if we can get a heartbeat on our little person."

I sighed, so far so good. I looked at Greg. He looked relieved too.

Dr. Kumar pulled over a machine with a monitor attached to the top and turned it on. She lifted my shirt and applied a cold, blue gel. She took down what looked like a wand and moved it over my belly. The screen came alive. A black and gray image appeared with a squishing sound.

"Alright where are you hiding?" She said moving the wand from one area to another. The sound on the machine change to a strong thumping sound. Inside the gray image was a shape. "There you are. That's one strong heartbeat." Tears instantly sprang in my eyes. There was my baby.

I looked up at Greg his eyes were wide. A single tear slid down his cheek. He kissed the back of the hand he was holding.

"I say you're about eight to ten weeks along."

That added up with the night at Lucky's.

"Is he healthy?"

"It's still too early to determine much, but baby looks good. Would you like me to print off a few copies?"

"Yes." We said in unison.

"Sure thing. Monette I'm going to get you started on some prenatal pills. They should help with your iron levels as well. I know how it sometimes fluctuates." She said while cleaning the blue goo off my belly.

"Any questions for me?" She asked.

"I haven't really been taking care of myself lately. Just this past weekend alone I drank countless glasses of wine and liquor. I've pretty much eaten whatever I could get my hands on. You think it might influence the baby."

"Only time will tell, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. You're still in the early stages. There is still time to reverse some of your actions by taking care of you and the baby. Up your water intake, take your vitamins and make healthier food choices. It is okay to indulge every now and again, but keep it moderate."

I nodded my head. "Okay, thanks."

"When are you able to determine the sex?" Greg asked.

"Usually around the eighteenth week. But by week twenty-two we have an even clearer result. Anything else?" He shook his head. "I will see you again in about four weeks, but if you have any questions, or concerns please don't hesitate to call. Congratulations to both the baby and the upcoming nuptials. Joanne will have your pictures up front."

"Thanks Dr. Kumar."

"You're welcome sweetie. Nice meeting you Mr. O'Brien."

"You as well."

"Make sure you take care of my girl and that little bundle of joy."

"Absolutely. You have my word, Doc."

We left the doctor's office. He insisted we stop at the pharmacy and pick up vitamins and other prenatal necessities. It was cute and nerve racking watching him read every label to make sure he was getting the very best products on the market. He had some staff meetings at the university that he was running late for.

"You're going to be late."

He checked his watch. "You're right. Tomorrow we're going to that organic store on Main Street. Stock up of some veggies, fruits and organic meats." He paid for the items.

"You're going to be annoying through this whole pregnancy, aren't you?"

"Probably. Only because I want to make sure you and our little guy are healthy and strong." He rubbed my belly and kissed my forehead.

"What if it's a girl?"

"I don't care what it is. I just want a happy and healthy child."

"But you want a boy."

"I really don't care about the sex, but the men in my family have only produced boys. More than likely you're carrying the newest O'Brien man. You heard that heartbeat. Strong and manly. Just like his father."

"We'll see in a few months. What are your parents going to think? Just a few days ago we were in their home fronting like we were only friends. Now were engaged and having a baby." I laughed.

"I have a feeling they're going to be ecstatic. My mother loves you and Pop said he wouldn't mind having you as a daughter-in law."


"You made one hell of a first impression. Everyone loved you. Including my brothers. They asked when I was bringing you back to Chicago. I don't think I'm allowed back home without you." He laughed.

"I loved it there. Your family was so warm and inviting. When do you want to tell them?"

"We can tell them now if you want? I'm sure they're home." He pulled out his cellphone.

I was a little nervous, but it was best to get it out of the way now. "Yeah call them."

He video called them. We were sitting in the car outside of my apartment building.

"Gregory, how are you?" Her high-pitched voice answered.

"I'm good mom. Great, actually. Look who I have with me?" He positioned the phone, so we were both in the camera.

"Hi Cat." I waved.

"Monette. How are you, lassie? Has my boy manned up and gotten his shit together?"


I giggled.

"Hush Gregory. I'm talking to my future daughter-in-law. I'm already looking forward to seeing you for the holidays when you return."

"I can't wait to visit you guys again as well. In fact, I might be visiting sooner than later."

"Aren't you leaving in a few days?"

"I was, but plans have changed."


"Greg has something to tell you." I chickened out. He shook his head.

"Monette and I are engaged."

I showed her my ring.

"You have to fucking kidding me?" She put the phone down. We were looking at the ceiling fan, but we still hear her talking. "Honey... Your son proposed to the girl. Yes. They're getting married." She hollered.

"Is she happy or not?"

Greg shrugged. She returned to the phone.

"I'm so happy. Pop is thrilled too. I knew there was more to your relationship than you let on. You can't fool this old gal."

"Mom there's something else."

"What more could there be? Unless she's pregnant too."

We were silent.

Her eyes got bigger. "Your pregnant too."

I nodded my head, "Yes."

"Good lord you're about to give an old woman a heart attack." She put the phone down again. "Honey and we're having another grandbaby."

I laughed, "She seems excited."

She returned to the phone. "How far along are you?"

"About ten weeks. We just found out today."

"What a blessing. You have to come for Thanksgiving."

"I think we can make that happen, right babe?"

"Absolutely. Mom I have to go to work. We just wanted to let you know what was going on. Talk to you soon."

"You two have made my day. Welcome to the family, Mo. Even though I claimed you already. It's official now. Talk to you later."

"Bye." I waved.

"That went well."

"Yes, it did. I told you they loved you. She's probably already online looking for baby clothes."

"Aw man, now I feel bad."


"My family is not as welcoming. They're rough around the edges. You saw how my sister behaved. My father is no better. I told him I would take him and his wife to breakfast in the morning. He wants me to bring you along."

"I would love to meet my father in law." He seemed gong ho. He had no idea what he was agreeing to.

"He's a retired army captain and can be intimidating. I hope he doesn't run you off."

"I'm not worried and I'm not going anywhere. He's not the first father I had to impress."

"Okay, don't say I didn't warn you."

Greg made sure I got into my apartment safely and he was off to his meetings. Tonight, my friends were throwing me a going away party at my favorite karaoke spot downtown. Little do they know it has turned into an engagement party instead. What a surprise they were in for. I haven't even told Kimmie about the proposal yet, so she'll be finding out with everyone else. Greg invited some of his close friends as well. It was better this way. Almost everyone important in our lives would be there and know at the same time.

I sent a text to Kimmie letting her know the appointment went well and I would see her later.

I was folding a load of laundry when I heard the front door open and close.

"Where you at Sweets?"

"Laundry room."

I could hear his heavy footsteps make their way down the hall.

"Hot damn. A man could get use to coming home to a sight like this."

I turned around, "What a woman doing your laundry." I said sarcastically.

He came towards me and enveloped me in his arms.

"No. A half-naked woman doing my laundry." I was in a white t-shirt and a pair of white a pink boy shorts. He gave me that goofy smile of his.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Whatever you want. I'm at your mercy." He reached down and squeezed my ass.

I groaned. "Be careful of the words you speak. I might use them against you."

"Please do. Is there something you desire my beautiful wife-to-be?"

I combed my fingers through his woolly beard. "With all the excitement of the last couple of days we haven't made love. We only have an hour and a half before we are supposed to arrive at the party. We both know that isn't enough time to do what we want and get ready."

There was that goofy smile again.

"Is there something I can do to hold you over until we return?" He licked those incredibly juicy lips of his.

"I could use some of that wicked tongue of yours if your offering." He bent down a kissed me in a tongue probing kiss. We battled with our we appendages until he relinquished control and allowed me to suck on his tongue.

I was aware his hands had moved under my shirt. He cupped my bare left breast grazing the pebbled nipple causing me to gasp and break the kiss. He stepped back and went down to his knees. I watched as he hooked his hands in the sides of my underwear pulling them down my legs. His green eyes absorbing every detail of my lower body as if he hadn't seen it before. He pulled me forward by ass and nuzzled his face in my slightly grown out curls of my pubis. He inhaled deeply.

I never seen a man so taken by the smell of my body. It was a huge turn on.

"Turn around and bend over." He growled.

I turned around placing my elbows on the washer. My ass was in his face. He kissed and licked all over my brown round globes while groaning. Leaving wet streaks all over my ass. He tried to put a hickey on each of my butt cheeks. It felt so good.

"You love these chocolate cakes, don't you?" I rubbed my ass across his face.

"You know I do. Open your legs wider."

I did as he requested. My middle was dripping. He pulled my cheeks apart exposing both my holes.

"So pretty." He leaned in and ran his tongue from my clit to my asshole in one long wet lick.

I moaned, "Ooh."

"You like that baby?" He swirled his wet tongue around my asshole.

"Oh yes Greggy." I wiggled my hips left and right.

He went lower to loudly slurping up my juices. Probing my hole with his tongue, teasing it with quick jabs. I tried to take ahold of it with my muscles, but he was too quick, so I reached behind me and grabbed the back of his head holding him steady as I bounced my ass off his face. He kept his long tongue extended. His broad nose kept bumping my asshole. I fucked myself on his tongue and face while he held my ass cheeks as wide open as possible.

He made a zig zagging motion with his tongue. I screamed. "Greggy oh. Please."

He let go of my ass and I ground my hot pussy all over his sexy face. His whole face was being smothered, but I could still hear the faint sounds of his groans. He reached up under my shirt and tweaked my hard nipples. Pulling on them gently at first then harder. Causing a fire to swirl around my belly and lower body. My knees were getting weak and my heart was beating fast. I was close, and he knew it because he wiggled his tongue faster. He let go of my nipples and smacked my ass cheeks so hard it took my breath away and caused liquid to shoot out my pussy and all over his face.

"Oh shit!" I screamed as I creamed.

And like the freak he is he licked up every drop. Moaning and slurping loudly. Even the cum that trailed down my inner thighs were devoured. I was breathless and shaking. He stood to his feet. He turned me around to face him. He had a wide grin. He was drenched in my juices. His red lips were sticky, and his beard was dripping wet. I yanked his beard bringing his sticky lips to mine. I took my time licking all around his mouth savoring my own flavor before I hungrily took his mouth. I sucked on his deadly tongue. His hands were all over my ass pressing me to him making sure I felt how hard he was. I only released his mouth to catch my breath and try to regain control of my trembling body.

He picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He placed me on the washer. The surface was cool. He stood between my knees.

"Was that enough to hold you over until later?"

I raised my hands in the air, so he could pull my shirt over my head. He tossed it into the basket. The air from the air conditioner teased my already hard nipples.

"We're going to be late. I need some more of you."

I considered his darkened green eyes while unbuttoning his jeans and sliding down the zipper reaching into the opening his boxers provided and took ahold of the monster inside. It twitched in my hand. It still amazes me how my hand barely fit around it. He's thick and heavy. I stroked him up and down. Looking up at him he stared at me intently licking his lips as he ran his hands all over my body. Once again, a river was flowing between my thighs.

I made myself comfortable by placing some freshly washed towels behind me while he undressed completely. Once his superman-like body was bare he moved in on me. He scooted me to the edge of the washer. I leaned back on my elbows and wrapped one leg around his waist.

He tapped the bulbous head of his penis on my clit causing me to gasp.

"C'mon baby don't tease me. I need you so bad." I begged.

In one smooth thrust he entered me. Pausing to savor the initial contact. "You feel so good, Sweets."

He pulled me up. Supporting me in an upright position, which left my hands free to touch his body. Thrusting upward, I spasmed all over. At this angle he was hitting a spot deep within me that has never been touched. My eyes snapped shut. This was a new overwhelming sensation.

"You okay babe? You want me to stop?"

I opened my eyes to see the concern in his.

"No. Please. Please don't stop." My lips were quivering.

He resumed his measured upward thrust. I threw my head back as he hit the spot again. God, I could feel it in my toes.

"Look at me." He commanded through bated breath. "I want see what I'm doing to you."

I opened my eyes to gaze upon the power and love in his. He leaned in and kissed me. His thrust intensified. Sweat dripped down his brow. He was on auto-pilot. There would no stopping him until we both reached our climax. He bit back his own moan just to see my reaction. It was Immediate and devastating.

"Oh fuck." I screamed breaking the kiss. I felt like I was having a hot flash. My body was overheating.

"Shit. So tight and wet." He hoisted my leg that was around his waist and put over his shoulder.

The angle changed once again, and I was done for. He frenched kissed the area right behind my knee. My toes curled. I screamed his name as I came so hard I was seeing stars and bright lights behind my eyelids. Surely, I was about to pass out. Faintly, I heard him yell out as he released.