Floret's Insect Experiences Ch. 09


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"Floret-" Iris interjects as she sees the look in my eyes, but I interrupt her instead.

"Okay, but I'll delete all the pictures first."

"O-o-okay... Quickly... please." She says quietly, moaning and groaning between her words, her pleasure is palpable, but she fights it at each turn.

I navigate the camera's user interface and manage to locate the erase memory button, deleting all her pictures.

If she had any important pictures of her parents it's her fault if they weren't backed up.

"Okay, I will uh... order them off now? Um... leave her alone... larvae? Please...?"

I say hesitant, more so just doing what I promised, not expecting it to have any effect.

However, defying common sense and belief, the larvae reverse their movements, walking down her stretched breasts and emerging from within her pants.

In this reverse ant swarm-like event, she no doubt feels them move back down her insides to remove themselves from her premises. She gasps and moans, her eyes rolling back.

Great jealousy for her position shudders my body, and I feel a fresh string of warmth run down my inner thigh.

"Gyaahh- ah!" Her arms twitch and legs twist, the straps holding the overalls had moved to the side and showed wet stains on her breast's against the white fabric.

Her hand attempts to go to her crotch, but she stops it, no doubt she came into her underwear, but she couldn't do anything about it, to not interrupt their retreat.

Her orgasms become that much more apparent when many of the larvae that leave her, are covered in see-through sticky juices.

Daisy opts to hold two hands on top of her hairpin that adorns the red curls on the side of her ponytail. It's a faded white and yellow pin of her namesake flower.

Her hands shake and she holds it like protecting it or channeling a prayer through it, staying completely still as the larvae swarm leaves her body in a disorganized fashion.

"Well... that just happened." Iris takes out a napkin from her jacket's pocket and cleans her nails of blood. She throws the used paper towel on Daisy like she's a trashcan.

Daisy sits up, seemingly empty and free of the insects, and looks at the bloodied white cloth, picking it up. She smiles carefully at Iris and puts it up against her own bleeding cheek, flinching as she touches it.

"Hey! You're not allowed to use it! It was supposed to be- Ugh!" Iris scoffs and crosses her arms, turning away.

"Go on Floret, ask her whatever the hell she was doing in your house!"

Daisy turns to look at me, and almost hits her face to my extended hand, only noticing it now. She continues to stare at it, seemingly not knowing what to do.

I shake my open palm and finally, she grasps it, and I pull her up from the ground.

She teeters but manages to stay upright, even if her whole body shakes.

With a trembling hand, she swipes and adjusts her side ponytail and the daisy flower hair clip.

She places her other hand on top of my hand too, and holds me for a moment.

Her cheek's bleeding seems to have stopped, mixed in with her tears, smearing her face light red in spots.

Her hands are warm and her fingers grip me harder.

"Here's your camera." I shove it to her chest with my free hand.

"T-thanks..." She takes it and hugs it.

"So... would you mind telling us-"

Daisy looks up at me, determination in her cried eyes: "I'm sorry...!" and she runs off faster than my hand can grasp her.

"H-hey!" I watch her get farther and farther away and decide not to give chase, even if I could probably catch her struggling run.

"Are you sure about this Floret? She never even promised to stop stalking you." Iris joins at my side and picks up the littered napkin.

"I feel kind of bad for her... and I'm sure she learned her lesson, especially from that slap."

"Oh, I- I never intended..." Iris' hands crease the napkin into a ball and she looks to the ground.

"Don't worry, I understand."

"D-do you? R-really?" Iris quickly looks up, straight into my eyes, her own purple eyes sparkle, like they do when she's on a stage singing underneath the shining spotlights.

"Uh, I think so?" I say confused, was it so hard for her to believe me? "You were so mad you slapped her, right?"

Her demeanor seems to slouch a little and she looks away. "Y-yeah, that's it, I was fuming mad... just... really... angry..."

She clears her throat and has a small coughing fit, with a hoarse voice, she asks: "Anyway, how could you order those bugs around? Could you always do that?"

"N-no, I have no idea," I look around, they are nowhere to be seen. "Uh, larvae, show yourselves...? And worms... come to me?"

We both wait with bated breath, but after a while, it's evident; nothing is going to happen.

"Strange..." I look at Iris carefully, turning my head only halfway towards her, "I thought you'd be more shocked to see... Daisy that way."

"Oh, I already knew what really happened in your flower drying class, I just wanted you to tell me."

"I'm sorry..."

"I understand it's not something easily said, even to a close... friend..." Iris trails off and adjusts her beret.

"How'd you find out anyway?"

"Brendan boasted about seeing some hot girl-on-girl action, but he wouldn't tell all the details.." Iris chuckles and holds a finger to her lips. "Then I silenced him."

"You did what?!"

"Oh, I mean I just took him elsewhere and squeezed the info out of him, and made him swear to stay quiet."

Iris smiles like an angel, her eyes narrow. "Just applying a small amount of pressure was enough to make him squeal all the secrets and secure his loyalty."

Uh... what kind of pressure...? When did Iris get like this...?

"Uhm, I see. Anyway... should we go back, if you feel like practicing?"

"Yeah, sure. Mary gave me a throat spray, it should help a bit at least."

Returning to the house, we go check out my room before we start. It seems nothing was taken, but... it's slightly messy.

Papers spread around the table and my bed, various animal plushies knocked down on the shelves, and open desk drawers almost pulled to the floor...

"Was she searching for something? Not just peeping on us?" Iris says as she stacks some papers back up into a neat pile.

"She must have... but what?" I clean up books and other things thrown on my bed.

"Though I gotta say, your room is still so adorable," Iris says, having moved on to reordering my animal friends.

"H-hey... it's my childhood room, give me some slack..." I go between Iris and the shelf, spreading out my arms. "I just haven't seen the point in throwing all of it out...!"

She backs off and laughs. "Don't worry about it so much."

"I mean it, really!"

"Whatever you say~" She sings, her voice rings enchanting like a gentle wind chime. She looks a bit surprised.

"That was good, maybe you've already recovered?"

We finish cleaning my room and go to the living room to perform voice exercises together. I'm not a bad singer, but I didn't stand a chance against her skill, vocal range, and voice.

Though it was soon clear, that she wasn't cured, even after using the throat spray. She could sing fine if she took it slow and concentrated, but whenever she tried to reach the higher notes, her voice broke or a coughing fit took hold.

After a bit of futile struggling, Iris ponders something: "You know, I heard some real high notes today, I wonder if that would help..."

"Really? When? At the band club practice?"

"No, much more recently..."

Wait... does she mean...?

Surely not...

My phone vibrates on the table and I grab it excitedly.

"Who is it?" Iris asks reserved.

"I... don't know, an unknown number. Maybe it's Jasmine? I should have her number though..."

"Oh... J-Jasmine... That's nice... you should answer it." Iris smiles strangely.

I answer it, not wanting to miss even the slight chance that it was her.


"Hey! How are you doing my dear daughter?"


"Your graduation is in two days right?"

"Y-yes... A-are you both coming...?"

The phone rumbles, as it's passed around, the voice changing to a more feminine one.

"But of course, tell me, dear, is there something you'd like as a present for your graduation?"

"Like you'd have any money of your own to buy it! But if you must know, how about... divorcing Dad? That one's free I think!"

"Ah-! L-listen here- you b-!"

My heart sings, as I hear her angry ranting start, which I gleefully interrupt.

"Oh, and if you could not show your face in my graduation or our lives ever again? That'd be great."

I hear the phone changing owner again.

"Floret! Can't you two just get along? She's your mother after all."

There are a number of things that I could say, that I so badly want to, for example:

"Biological mother or no, she's not my mom."

"When will you grow a spine and see her for who she is, a greedy manipulating freeloader?"

"Choose between that free-use whore or your daughter, shouldn't be a tough call!"

Instead, I grind my teeth and hold onto the sliver of respect for my father still remaining tucked away in the far reaches of my heart, and remain quiet.

"Floret, are you still there?" His voice asks, concerned.

I sigh loud and deep and cut the call. I throw the phone back on the table with a loud clonk, storm into my room, and bellyflop on my bed.

I hear the phone vibrating on the table again and Iris' steps sound as she approaches. For a moment I forgot she was even here.

The bed rises up and down as she sits on it and lies down too, onto her back.

"W-what about your parents Iris? What will you do after graduation?" I say something to clear the air and turn my head, and to my surprise, see her face very close to mine.

"If you're asking if I'll stay to work at our flower shop, then that's a no. I kind of wish I could be so hard on my parents too, it's difficult when I'm still living with them though."

Iris says and laughs,

"Not saying they're nearly as bad as yours though." Iris pauses for a moment.

"I haven't given up on my dream, against their best wishes. So, I'll just have to put up with them and stay here, until I've finished writing my first album, or published a single at least.

It all depends if I can land a gig or a record deal... get enough money to move..."

"What about you Floret?"

I asked Iris the question without thinking of the consequences. Of course, she would ask it back to me.

But what can I say? I don't have the faintest idea. I'm not talented in anything, I can't think of any special interests I would like to pursue...

I'm a leaf in the wind, blown away without journey or destination, and as long as the gale took me further away from my parents, I'd gladly get swept away over and over again.

"It's... it's okay if you don't know." Iris straightens herself and then speaks in a low caricature voice: "You are still young, you have plenty of time to figure things out and to change your future."

"That's your Dad right?"

"Yeah, whenever I bring up anything singing-related, you know how it is..." Iris shrugs sadly with her arms held high momentarily before they fall straight back on the bed.

"But one aspect of it's right, even if he says it with wrong motives. Just take your time to think and try out many things until you know what you want to do."

Iris places her beret on my head, pulling it down slightly on my face, and taps me on the cheek. "So, chin up, won't you?"

"Right... I've got to become a productive member of society's hamster wheel..." I pull and cover my face with her hat, it's got a soothing flowery fragrance, her delightful shampoo.

"I hate to bring them up again... but what do your parents do nowadays? Could you maybe... get a trainee position in either of their jobs?"

I crack open the hat from on top of my eyes a little and look at her.

"Dad retired from being a neurosurgeon a year before I came back to Perennial Bloom, as such, Flurel stopped working, too.

Of course, she did, now she can fully live off his money. She should have kept her travel agent's job so that she could have left my Dad alone and stayed away permanently.

Just kept to fucking her customers all over the globe instead of our house."


"I'd much rather be back here again, living alone than having to endure her being home all the time."

In these three years by myself... It's like I've found bits of myself that were shattered along the way.

Though some holes cannot be filled with old parts, I feel like I know myself better than ever, but...

not what I want to...

am supposed to do...?

"Well, I for one am glad you decided to return... I mean, I wasn't sure if we'd see each other again after you moved with your parents six years ago."

Iris' soft hand touches my leg, and her prickly nails climb towards my thigh.

"Yeah, after Dad switched to a more specialized area of medicine, he didn't have much work here anymore. It's good to be back... I haven't regretted it a single time."

I laugh, the tension letting loose of my body.

"Okay, maybe on the first day when I saw how much dust the whole house was covered in. And the school is still absolutely asinine, but that's semantics."

Iris grins and laughs with me, and for a moment we just lay there. I sink into her violet eyes, her colored contacts strikingly alluring.

I can feel her warm breath on my neck, as she looks at me with a mysterious smile, mere inches from me. Her hand pets my thigh, and climbs higher.

Her fingers reach my dried spillage, though she doesn't seem to notice as her hand doesn't stop.

S-she's my childhood friend! I... she's just... being friendly... consoling me...

She's always been quite touchy-feely and never meant anything with it.

So, it's just a misunderstanding, right?

But I did understand Dahlia correctly last time.

Argh! Which is it...?

It doesn't help that the jury's still out on Jasmine...

Iris' pupils widen and her lips let out a subtle groan, her hand travels underneath the hem of my dress, ever closer to my bare slit.

Oh... Iris, do you really... feel that way?

I would love to... but if I get this wrong...

My heartbeat quickens, hot and cold frissons dance across my skin, causing my hair to stand on end.

Arousal layered with fear-stiffening fright of messing up once more-make me break the moment by speaking.

"So... uh, do you think you can sing at Graduation now?"

"Maybe..." Iris trails off and her hand leaves my inner thigh. "I'll at least try."

She rolls over to her back and looks at the ceiling.

"Maybe the throat spray and some rest can help it calm down."

I feel... sorry for her. Even though I shouldn't, it was my choice.

But... she sounds so sad...

And even if she... wanted me, I wasn't ready for it.

Not with her.

I did it with Dahlia because she's just an acquaintance, a fling that wouldn't lead to anything.

But with Iris, it would mean... a relationship.

A commitment.

And... forgoing Jasmine.

"D-do you have a song prepared? Maybe some of the ones you sang a few years back in last year's events?"

"No, I won't do covers, not anymore. We've been practicing a song of my own with the band."

"Really? That's great!"

Positivity returns to Iris' voice. "I know," she turns to look at me smug.

"I don't want to be a cover artist, I... have things I want to say myself. Feelings I can only tell in song.

And graduation is going to be the first public performance of a song of my own, marking the beginning of my own career."

"I didn't think I would ever say this, but now I can't wait for Graduation! I want to hear what you've written!"

Iris laughs abashed. "You're going to make me even more nervous if you say things like that."

She takes her beret from my head and hides behind it briefly before sitting up and putting it on.

"It's getting quite late. I should probably leave, but... can I use the bathroom first?"

"Of course, you don't even need to ask." I smile and I watch as she walks kind of strangely out of the door, her legs more together than usual, a strange sort of strut with minimal movement of her hips.

I hear the lock of the bathroom door clack. Oh... wait a second. That's where the Corpse Flower is! The sense of urgency makes me jump out of the bed.

"Hey, Floret? Is this your flower...? It must be a flower, right?" I hear Iris hail me through the door, partially muffled.

"Y-yeah!" I rush near the bathroom door and lean to the wall, trying to calm myself of my unnecessary fright.

"It's a Corpse Flower, might want to keep your distance, it smells horrific."

"I noticed... Is it a 'new' -status flower?"

"Yes, though I haven't told anyone."

"Really? I would never have guessed you of all people would bother with that..." She falls silent for a moment. "Where did you find it?"

"I know, I... well, I found it from a spot my parents told me of..." Realization dawns on me, of how inconsiderate I had been.

"Would you have liked to join me there? I'm sure the spot still has new flowers to choose from! There's still time, we could-"

"It's okay, like you, I don't really care." She says rather bluntly.

"I have my flower ready already, it's not going to be a 'new'- flower like this, but not like I'll be staying here that much longer, after all, I will be an artist-I will tour around the continent, the world even!"

Thankfully, her tone didn't sound disappointed after the first part.

"No doubt about that!" I say enthusiastically, hoping that I didn't come off sarcastic, I really do wish for her success.

"Thank you, Floret," She says softly with sincerity, flushing the toilet and starting to wash her hands by the sound of it.

I wait for her to emerge from within the bathroom, but it's taking her a while, even though she just washed her hands?

Suddenly, the lock clicks again, and the door opens. Iris brushes her hands together as she exits, but quickly stops as she sees me waiting for her.

"Thanks a lot for helping me today. I think I just might be able to sing at graduation."

"Oh, I'm so glad, but... how come you're so sure suddenly?"

"Heheh..." Iris snickers mysteriously. "It's just that- A-haah-!" Iris suddenly moans and takes support from the wall, her other hand gripping her right boob, really sinking into it, her leather top crinkling underneath her firm grip.

"Iris! Are you okay?!"

She laughs again, this time very awkwardly. "Don't worry, I'm more than fine!"

She waves her hand dismissively as she straightens herself. "The... uh, flower's smell must have been stronger than I thought."

"Will you really be fine? Maybe you should sit down-"

"No, no, a walk home, to get some fresh air is exactly what I need."

Somehow... I think asking to walk with her, to escort her home would be met with a denial as well.

"Alright, send me a message once you've made it home safely."

Iris' awkward and somewhat pained smile suddenly disappears, replaced with a much more joyous expression.

"You don't have to worry so much, but I appreciate it anyway." She gets off the wall, grabs her overcoat, and throws on her laceless shoes.

She opens the door and turns around, "See you at Graduation." and winks.

"See ya, Iris!"

As the door closes, I watch after it for a few more seconds.

Trying to sort out my thoughts, to make sense of all the events of today, of Daisy and Jasmine, especially.

What was Jasmine doing out in the parking lot? Why is Daisy doing all... this?

And why... why did the insects suddenly appear to obey me?

Had... something strange like this happened before? There's a feeling, but I can't quite place it, it's a haze.

And I suppose Iris acted a little strangely, more impulsively than usual, too...