For a Baby

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Fertility treatment has odd side effect.
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Warning: I'm told I use too many words, so don't expect a short jerkoff story.

I tried being brief and lost the plot, so will stick to my own style and letting the story tell itself and be as brief or as long as it needs to be. You have been warned.

If you like it, thanks for reading.

If not then thanks for trying to read it.

I write because I like writing stories.


Chapter 1

I was worried my cock was going to explode and all I would be left with is a withering stump, a miniature version of its former self. Positive I had seen calluses on it yesterday as I was having a piss. Faye was off in her own world where she tended to go whenever we were passionate with each other. It was the fourth day in a row of what I now term our 'Sexathon'. She demanded that I deliver the 'Wonder Juice' as she calls it. I had asked her once why she had given it that moniker and got her laughing response, "Because I wonder if this time your juices will do their job." For the last 18 months I have been performing, four times a day over four days every four weeks.

Don't misunderstand me I loved every minute of every day, including all the in between practice sessions Faye required me to attend. I counted my lucky stars that practice was only required at least twice a day over the remaining twenty days of each four week period, I needed the practice. Yes, I know you mathematics wizards can count, I was trying to be gentlemanly about the missing four days. I was fortunate that she started her time heavy but after four days it basically disappeared. I was always happy to help her flush out any last remnants on the fifth and all subsequent days.

Hold a moment as Faye has her second orgasm while I blast my final load of the day.

God I love this woman, who else could put up with an oversexed moron like me. When we decided that it was time to have a family she made me promise to put in an extra effort while she was ovulating. I said earlier that I am a gentleman, I always do as the lady asks and I keep my word. So for four days every four weeks I shoot double the normal doses so she could get pregnant, not counting the oral and other manual orgasms that we enjoyed. Eighteen months with no success in the baby making factory was starting to wear on us. Lately we had been getting testy. We had originally thought there was plenty of time after we got married twelve years ago, but life intervened and our careers took off into places we never expected.

Now we were approaching the big four oh and that proverbial biological clock is ticking loudly and incessantly. At 38 years of age we started trying. By coincidence we share the same birth date and birth place. Keep your minds out of the gutter, neither of us are adopted and we share nothing in common in families, looks or genes. I am 6'1" with a typical swimmers shape of broad shoulders, slim hips and legs, and muscles that work instead of bulge. Faye has a typical sexy female shape in a little less than average height of 5'3". Hourglass figure with big boobs, slim waist and hips-butt that just has to be grabbed to be believed. If she was more beautiful I would need those ultra dark welding goggles just to look at her.

We went to a fertility clinic a few months ago, actually a number of them, and we were tested left right and centre just to find we have nothing physically or mentally wrong. Neither of us wanted to use laboratory methods to conceive, leaving that for a last ditch desperate effort. Faye worked at a well known local women's magazine and one of her friends working with her suggested a new product that was currently being trialled. Tatum was one of the magazine's reporters and thought she could write an article, or series of articles, about it. Having a real person to follow through the process gave it a good angle. Faye agreed, the editor agreed and I went along for the ride as the plus-one.

Last month we were accepted by the specialist to join the trial. They explained it was using natural organic ingredients that enhance our baby-making thingymajiggets. Being a trial they couldn't guarantee results, and while problems couldn't be ruled out they hadn't encountered any drastic side effects. We agreed and were provided with a course of tablets and powder to make into drinks. They tasted horrible, but we persisted.

During the first cycle taking the course of supplements and we noticed straight away how more vigorous I became. My cock felt larger and harder and the liquid shooting out was thicker, with more volume and delivered with greater force. Faye had once yelled out, "Oh god Dave, I can feel each shot hitting my cervix," just before her orgasm destroyed the ability to make sense.

I noticed changes in her as well, her pussy was giving off a strong odour that had me instantly horny and my cock erect. Her pussy juices had a taste so sweet I was afraid my teeth would rot. We were both ready to have sex at any time of the day, even more so than usual.

Life could return to normal for the next ten days or so until we would restart the treatment on the first day of her cycle. Faye quickly reverted to her everyday self, allowing me to make love to her morning and night. Even after years of marriage my lust for my bride had not waned. She enjoyed my attentions and had long ago accepted my libido as a part of our lives together. I kept telling her it was her wonderful personality that attracted me so much. She just laughingly responded that, "of course my lust had nothing to do with her sexy body." I tried to be honest but she never fully believed me, even though she said much the same thing to me all the time.

Her physical attributes first got my attention, who wouldn't look at a woman so perfect in every way. Then as we got to know each other better I found myself seeing the person in her before I ever noticed her body. She was loving, giving and intelligent. Beautiful face, nicely rounded butt and self supporting big boobs were just added extras.

Ten days after her ovulation cycle ended, the unmentionable four days was about to start and we began the second month of the treatment regime. I hadn't lost any of my sexual need or the enhancements of my organ. I think Faye breathed a sigh of relief when her thing started and her sex parts would get a much needed rest. I had been needing at least three orgasms each and every day. I managed to survive the working day, but as soon as I arrived home I would grab my wife and drag her to the bedroom. Last night was a doozy and almost typical.

I found her in the kitchen rolling some dough to make tarts for dinner. Not realising she hadn't heard me come home I did my usual of walking up behind her and grabbing her by the waist. She screamed and swivelled around and gave me a glancing blow with the rolling pin. It hurt! That part wasn't typical. Immediately becoming apologetic she dropped the offending weapon letting it bounce on the floor.

"Oh sorry, so sorry dear. Here let me look at it. Oh, you have flour all through your hair now. Gosh there's a big red mark where I donged you. Damn sorry dear, but that'll teach you to sneak up on a defenceless woman. Especially one making tarts in the kitchen, we females are wildcats when our tarts are being threatened. Here let me kiss it better."

By this time the sting had gone from my injury and I took back the initiative by scooping her into my arms and carrying her to the bedroom. By now she was laughing and squealing, showing her enjoyment at being cavemanned. Carefully tossing her onto the bed I pushed her skirt up and was delighted to see she had prepared for me to come home. I was greeted by a bare pussy that was all juiced up and ready for me. Of course I investigated further to her increased enjoyment and gave her the lips, tongue and finger treatment. I would like to say she had a climax just from this, so I will. She had a climax just from this foreplay.

I needed to reduce the pressure in my pants and while Faye removed her bits of clothing I shrugged mine off and we played naked on the bed. I'm happy to report that my larger than original equipment was well received and she had quickly adapted her parts to easily take mine. The down side of being without sex for the entire work day was that I had a short fuse with this first orgasm each night. I had learned what got my wife off quickly though and I made sure her sensitive spots got direct attention from my cock. I was about to shoot and as I tensed up, I hunched to affix my mouth to one of her nipples. Either is suitable, tonight it was the right one, as they seem to have a direct link to her sex centre allowing her to climax quickly.

The next four days were a misery for me as my libido wasn't taking a back seat at all. Taking the tablets and powder re-powered us and my lust went through the roof. I found myself sneaking to the men's toilets at work to wank myself in a toilet cubicle. Fortunately my workmates just thought I had a bad case of the trots, I didn't correct them. Faye refuses any contact with her vagina during this time so I had to convince her I needed the alternatives. She loves me enough to take it for king and country, although she started complaining how hard it had become due to my new size. She could only fit about half of it into her mouth before I got wedged in her mouth and exceeded the limit that her lips could stretch. She also gagged something chronic when I came as my liquids pounded the back of her mouth. She told me it was like a pressure cleaner in use and got worried the skin inside her throat would be blasted off. This didn't stop her helping me, but she did rotate through handjobs, tit fucks and careful contact lap dances.

We were glad her four days was over and we could return to normal sex, even though I still needed the alternatives to fill the gaps. With the new cycle of supplements I had to get sex three times plus the workplace wanks and nightly added extras from Faye.

The following week and a half went fast, just like my cum. By the time the ovulating period was over we were more than happy to stop the doctor's stimulus package. It is possible to get too much of a good thing! We then went through ten days of sex to keep me sane. During the day I would start to get the shakes and cravings like I was a junkie going cold turkey. I was wanking myself every four hours at most just to keep from getting the tremors. I always had an active libido since meeting Faye and this had increased the longer we were together. Thus the normal twice a day for intercourse plus additional happy moments that Faye provided me. But now it was in stimulated overdrive.

Chapter 2

Some things are as regular as clockwork and can be forecast far into the future, like the position of the stars, planets and moons, and the starting time for Faye's unmentionable four days every four weeks. I was slow in waking as usual after she had taken me in her mouth before sunrise, but this morning I was brought from asleep to awake within a second. Faye was in our attached bathroom cheering and squealing.

"Nothing, absolutely fucking fantastically nothing, Dave, Dave, wake up you moron. Nothing has happened," then getting 50 kilograms of woman landing on me with, "Isn't that the most, the best news ever! Nothing, nada, zilch, zero. Like a politicians promise, empty."

I may have above average intelligence, but not first thing in the morning before my first coffee. So a gorgeous naked woman jumping all over me first thing gets one response only. I got horny and my cock rose to intrude on her fun.

"Get that away fool. Don't need it anymore. It's done its job. That's terrific news, isn't it dear!"

I probably would have answered if she had actually made her excited statements sound like questions, but all I could think of was to ask one myself.

"I'd agree if I knew what you were so excited about. What has or hasn't happened? Small words please."

She tapped me on the head and with the largest smile possible answered me. Now it was about now that I began to properly wake up and my brain began to fire up its neurons so I think I silently answered myself a bare whisker before she did.

"My period hasn't started. I got prepared overnight as always and this morning nothing had appeared. It was clean, no blood. Surely even you must know what this means."

I am the smartest bloke on the planet, "Yep, I know. We can save money by not buying tampons. You have hit your midlife crisis and gone menopausal," for that I got the only response worthy, "Ow!" She hit my head with more than just a tap.

I smiled and wrapped her in my arms and laughingly said, "Congratulations darling. I know what it should mean and I think it's fan-bloody-tastic."

She kissed me with passion boiling over that suddenly went into overdrive when I mumbled another word around the kiss, "Mum."

It took over an hour for us to get out of bed, and I felt like going back to sleep for a few more hours. Faye bubbled and bounced her way around the house that day, we both had to take a day off.

The following week was the longest I can recall in my life. Faye was on tenterhooks the whole time as the test kit she had on hand said to wait a week. The only respite I got was at work and during sex. My cock hadn't shrunk back to its old original size, and to make matters worse I was still horny most of the day. My wanking now was every few hours and I managed that long only because I put up with the erection for ages. Keeping it hidden and out of site became a problem as it was so big it filled out my pants and often slipped out of my undies to then poke down my leg. To keep it in its proper place I had to wear two pairs of tight undies. Unfortunately that also squeezed up my balls and they became particularly uncomfortable. So I resolved myself to frequent toilet breaks and padding my undies in between time to catch the precum that oozed out. Faye thought it a huge joke when I complained of my problem to her, although she suggested I could take extended leave. I would still have to wank all day as Faye was working, but at least I wouldn't have to hide it.

The little test kit confirmed that she was indeed pregnant, although the mood swings and morning sickness was enough confirmation needed. We celebrated, firstly in bed, then with our friends at a local restaurant.

Chapter 3

Faye had good friends at work who were often visiting her at home. Tatum was a 35 year old single woman and Isabelle was 40 and divorced. They often got together for evenings at one of their homes or out on the town. They liked me tagging along to chauffeur them and help keep the horny males in check. It gave me a chance to dance with each of them and enjoy the mild flirting we indulged in. Faye was the worst at this and thought it funny when her friends tried to get a rise from me. They were particularly bad if a slow tune came up while I was with one of them on the dance floor.

After many evenings of unsuccessfully keeping my boner from touching them I had given up and let them rub against me. It seemed they got a real thrill by making me horny. I must say it was fun for me as well and Faye got many orgasms as a result of their efforts. I even got used to the jokes at my expense after returning to our table having poked my dance partner in the belly with my erection. Faye was again the worst needing to hear every little detail of the encounter. I wondered sometimes if she got horny herself at hearing about my dancing cocks exploits with other women.

I learned to smile and laugh at the stories Faye's friends would tell her. Of course she would relate her dancing experience with me back to them as well. I just enjoyed holding various women while I waited to get home with my wife to release my built up sexual tension. Her friends were both sexy in their own way with Isabelle having a similar hourglass figure, but with larger breasts. Tatum was a much slimmer build and her breasts a bit smaller, but on her shape they looked magnificent. I may be married and would never even dream of cheating, but I am male with eyes. Flirting with her friends did give me an ego boost, not that I really needed it as Faye was more than enough for me.

We had scheduled the necessary visit to the doctor in charge of the trials who was really happy with the outcome. I explained my larger penis and ball size, and increased sex drive that hadn't returned to normal yet.

"I have had reports of similar experiences from other men on the program. They stated that after a few weeks it returned to normal once the treatment course was finished. If you could schedule another appointment through my receptionist for a month's time. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Dickson."

Life continued except for Faye suffering morning sickness that seemed to start a minute after rising in the morning and lasting through to when she fell asleep at night. We tried to maintain our sex life, and I must say my dearest was a trooper, Never once did she complain, but I could see she struggled. We kissed a lot and this was the first sign of our problems. After a few seconds of lip locking Faye would begin to belch, trying to be discrete and non intrusive on our together moment. But it is difficult to smooch and be unaffected when one partner is burping in her throat. We cut down to many quick kisses and cheek pecks. I won't mention the odd time she had to stop and race to the toilet to throw up, talk about ego deflation.

Then vaginal sex got difficult as her pussy went dry and regardless of what we tried she couldn't create any natural lubrication. Being a loving wife, she bought some lube so I could still get my needs met. I began to be disheartened because she wasn't receiving the same thrills as before. I stopped requesting sex with her, I know she hated not having sex as it had been an integral part of our relationship. Still, we loved each other and we would survive until better times. Faye stepped up her efforts being the loving partner that she was, realising I was still overcoming the effects of the fertility treatment. She gave me hand jobs and blow jobs night and morning, but even that was difficult. I needed twice as many orgasms to satisfy my needs, so instead of three times per day of intercourse I would need between five and seven manual orgasms from her. This ignored the wanks I had to give myself during the workday, which was getting worse.

Without the satisfying sexual intercourse we enjoyed at night and first thing in the morning I had to increase the number of wanks at work. If I left it too long my cock would get hard all by itself and precum would leak out. The bulge in my pants was bad enough, but having a wet spot as well was really embarrassing. I had already been doubling on my underpants to hold my cock in place, so it didn't escape to stretch down my leg or jump out above the waist band. That made it hard to walk and sit like having a broom handle down my pants' leg. I got funny looks from my workmates as well because they wondered how come I was getting a boner all the time. We had no gorgeous females in the office, even at reception where we had two women but they were over aged and over sized.

I had to add pads to my undies that men use for incontinence. They added to the bulge at my cock end, but by leaving shirts untucked I managed to disguise it, I hope. One time I was wearing an older pair of trousers to work and the pressure from my bulge unzipped the fly and my mini-me rushed out to greet the world. Thank goodness I was by myself at the time.

Then things really started getting bad.

The taste and smell of my cum was causing Faye to be nauseous. If she was anywhere near my semen she felt like puking just from the smell. She did puke after swallowing it, and gagged from the taste when she just caught it in her mouth. We were limited to her giving me a hand job, but I had to leave her and shoot in a different room. Although we ended up with me masturbating as she displayed her body and did sexy things from across the room. Three metres was enough distance to not invoke her gag reflex. When replacing the pads in my undies I had to set up a bin with a lid in the spare room as the smell emanating from the used pads made her gag and feel ill. This also meant I had to get undressed in the other room as well. I used a lot of talcum powder down there so the smell of the pad I was wearing didn't cause problems when we were close together.