For Him? Anything!


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Distressed Deenie pleaded, "Oh Annie! Please don't think like that!" She almost spilled the beans right there and then, but their waitress arrived to take their order. Fortunately, they both knew Pete's menu by heart and just rattled off their favorites. French onion soup and a tuna melt for Deenie. A Greek salad and a grilled cheese for Annie.

As soon as the waitress left, Annie reassured her closest friend, "Don't worry. We're not going to be breaking up."

Deenie breathed a deep sigh of relief. Oh, thank you Jesus! she thought. "Ok. So what are you thinking at this point?" she asked hopefully.

"Well, I know that Evan loves me dearly. He takes every chance he can to show me his feelings. Do you know that every morning he wakes me up with a kiss like I'm Sleeping Beauty? Then he hands me a cup of coffee made just the way I like it because he knows that mornings are a nightmare for me. And he leaves me little love notes every time he goes out with his buddies, so that I don't feel neglected. He even cleans the bathroom regularly because he knows how much it skeeves me out! I mean, how many women can say that they have a husband like that?"

"Not many, girl. You do have it gooooood. Ben's idea of romance is inviting me to watch sports with him in his mancave," Deenie responded with semi-outrage.

Annie twisted her face in disgust. "Ugh, yeah. We're going to have to do a little more training with that boy. But that's a problem for another day. Right now, I need to focus on my man problems. Or maybe I should say my "me problems"?

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I love Evan with all my heart. Truly I do. But you know how I am. I don't know if I have it in me to be what he needs me to be. Part of me thinks that for Evan, I would do just about anything. But the realistic part of me knows how much I struggle to push my boundaries. I mean it took me forever to get enough confidence to make it to the top of the rock wall at the fitness center. How am I supposed to turn myself into a...a...dominatrix?" she hissed. "That just seems completely impossible,"

Annie's face looked half forlorn, but also half hopeful. That was all the encouragement Deenie needed. She gently asked Annie, "Well, what do you know about dominating someone?"

"Not a lot. Mostly what I've seen in movies. Latex and whips and someone being cuffed to like a wall or something."

Deenie blew out a breath. "Pfff. I don't know everything, but I think that's pretty much the extreme end of things. There are lots of ways to dominate without building yourself a dungeon."

Annie sighed in relief. "Really. You think? How am I supposed to learn about this stuff?"

Now we're getting somewhere. Deenie smiled widely. "The internet, my friend! That's what it's for. But there is a lot out there and I don't want you going down a rabbit hole for the next several weeks. That just might intimidate you more. I have an idea though that might help to guide you. There is this website called "Literotica." It has all kinds of erotic stories on it broken down into several categories. Why don't you check out their BDSM section? I'm sure you'll find a variety of stories that will give you an idea of the range of this type of sex life. Maybe you'll read some that will make you more comfortable with the idea. Hell, maybe you'll even find some inspiration!"

Annie leaned in. "You think?" she said again.

Deenie knew at that point that she had her on the hook. God help them all. "Yes. Definitely," Deenie said assuredly. "Here, let me find it and send you the link." A couple of moments later, Annie's notification beeped. "Try not to make any judgements right away about what you can and can't do. Just read a bunch of stories and get a feel for things.

Just then, their food arrived, and they set upon their dishes. Both women were feeling a bit relieved though for very different reasons. Neither of them knew how this would play out but at least there was a plan now. They could talk more after Annie had done some research.


March 27 th : Around 6:30 pm

Annie waited outside the sex shop, "You Play. I Play. Foreplay!" shifting her weight back and forth nervously. After a full week of reading BDSM stories she felt better about the possibilities of what she could try to accomplish. The degree that a good dom pushes their sub depends entirely on said partner's comfort level. So that meant that she and Evan would have to explore this together and feel each other out. Part of her still couldn't believe that she was here. The other part of her said that she had to at least try though - for him. Most importantly, Annie felt that knowing that not only would she not reject him, but that she was willing to make the effort for him, would be good for Evan. So here she was standing in front of what was basically a sex emporium. Just looking through the window revealed an inordinate number of rows of merchandise. Annie turned to face the street again and took a deep cleansing breath. She knew that she could have bought her supplies over the internet, but she really wanted Deenie's opinion and let's face it, support.

Just then, Deenie arrived. She approached cautiously as Annie looked like she might jump out of her skin. "How are you doing, love?"

"Oh, thank you so much for coming. I'm feeling pretty determined to do this, but I'm afraid I may panic a bit once I start looking at things," Annie managed to get out.

"You'll be ok. I will be there with you every step of the way. And you can change your mind and walk out anytime you want. No pressure," Deenie reassured her.

"Ok," Annie nodded with a mollified smile and opened the door to the shop. A little bell over the door jingled and it reminded her of Allegro's, her favorite sanctuary. Seriously, who sets up such an innocuous welcome at a sex shop? She almost laughed hysterically before she regained her composure.

"Hello there!" a young woman approached them. She was dressed in a black skirt and a scarlet red belly shirt. She had short black and blue spiked hair and piercings everywhere - her eyebrow, her navel, and a line down each ear. She was also sporting an ivy tattoo wrapped around one of her arms. Altogether, she might have looked a little fierce, but she was a petite little thing and had an effervescent voice. "Feel free to browse as much as you'd like, but don't hesitate to call me if you need any help. I'm Kara!"

"Hi, Kara. I'm Deenie, this is Annie, and we are definitely going to need your help. Annie here is planning on doing some experimenting with her husband, but it's a surprise. So, she wants to make an impression. Basically, we want his first word to be "Wow" when he sees her.

Kara beamed at them. "Yes! I love it when I get to dress someone up!" She pumped her fist exuberantly. "What kind of experimenting were you thinking of?"

Do or die, Annie, she thought. "I want to be his dom," she said with as much confidence as she could muster.

Kara sensed her hesitance and asked, "Are you sure about that?" Annie breathed in, pushed her shoulders back and nodded in the affirmative. "Well, ok then. Let's see what we can hook you up with." She walked further into the room and beckoned them to follow.

An hour and a half later, after having made several purchases and thanking Kara profusely for her patience, Annie walked out of the shop with Deenie right behind her. "How are you feeling?" Deenie asked expectantly.

"I think I can do this. It might take me a few more days to work up the nerve, but yeah, I'm going to be ok. At least, I'll be ok enough to give it my best shot. We'll see how he reacts," Annie responded.

"I'm sure he'll be super surprised," Deenie said, the irony lost on Annie.

"Yeah," Annie huffed. "Let's just hope it's a good surprise." They both held up crossed fingers and laughed. Changing the subject, Annie said she was starving, and Deenie agreed that it was time to get some grub. They decided to make their way back to Pete's Kitchen. Annie hoped that their lack of a reservation wouldn't burn them. Deenie hoped that this prank wouldn't burn Ben and her.


April 1 st : 3:30 pm Exactly

Damn this was a rough day, Evan thought. Most days, he loved his job as a high school guidance counselor. He prided himself on his ability to open his students' eyes to possibilities and perspectives that they wouldn't have previously considered. He wasn't the type to solely focus on transcripts or disciplinary records. He always endeavored to avoid that stereotype. He liked to think of himself as an encourager. But today, his efforts to encourage his kids to be their best selves were moot. Today was April Fool's Day. April Fool's Day! And this year, the students of Abraham Lincoln High School were in rare form.

Chickens! Well, adolescent chicks. They were eight weeks old according to Michael Barret, the ringleader of this caper. Seriously, who thinks to release chickens in a school? Michael. That's who. And he wasn't content to just let one or two loose. No, he got five of his friends to synchronize their watches and each release a box of birds in a different location. If I'm being honest, it was a stroke of genius to get his girlfriend to release some in the girls' locker room. Ben would be truly impressed with this kid, Evan mused. With that reflection, a thought niggled in his brain. Today was Ben's favorite day of the year. Why hadn't Evan heard from him yet? Sighing, he pushed that potential bit of drama out of his mind. He didn't have time for it.

In truth, this chicken incident, as it no doubt would be called in perpetuity, had given him enough of a headache. Fortunately, he didn't have to chase any of the squawking birds down. Unfortunately, he did have to meet with each culprit and show them the error of their ways before sending them to the vice principal for their punishment. As might be expected, even Evan couldn't get them to see things from anyone else's perspective. Not one kid managed to express regret without bursting into uncontrollable giggles. Their little demented teenaged brains just kept flashing back to the image of students and staff running out of rooms, jumping on chairs, or proactively trying to catch the panicked poultry. By the end of the day, he had been forced to admit defeat and send them all to their fate with the school's Suspender in Chief. Mr. Norton.

Evan heard the last bell of the day and gave an internal cheer. He didn't normally run out of the school as soon as classes ended, but today was an exception. He needed some TLC from his best girl! Annie always made everything better. If only he could convince her of that. She has come a long way from that woefully timid girl that Deenie set me up on a blind date with, Evan considered. For years now, Evan had been doing what he did best with Annie. He encouraged her to open her eyes to new possibilities, try new things, and take baby steps till she finally felt comfortable. He absolutely adored her. He didn't actually mind that she was introverted, but he also didn't want her to miss out on how joyful life could be. It was a balance that he tried to maintain with her and so far, he felt that he was succeeding at being a good husband.

And as a wife, she was awesome! Annie was always interested in his stories about school. In fact, she often provided keen insight when he was struggling to get through to his quieter students. She was a great cook too and an even better singer. It took forever to get her past the point where she would only sing in the shower or kitchen. Now, she regularly sang to him during their quiet moments or when he needed some soothing. His next goal was to get her to let her friends hear her sing. Baby steps. And to say that Annie could melt him with just one seductive look was an understatement. She never hesitated to give all of herself to him when they made love. It took her awhile to accept that she could take the initiative with him when she was in the mood. But little by little, they did get there. Now, they merged as equals and found a little bit of heaven together every time they were intimate.

Evan got in his car and headed home. Yep, I need some lovin' from my angel, he thought. He didn't even care what form that love took. He just knew that his Annie would make this day better for him. Forty-five minutes later, he was pulling into his driveway eager to see her. He skipped up the steps to their bungalow and let himself in dropping his keys in the dish set on the entryway table.

"Hello, Evan," he heard. He looked up and his eyes just about popped out of his head. The voice was his wife's but the woman standing in front of him did not look ANYTHING like the wife he had kissed awake this morning. WHAT? he thought. That's as far as he got. His brain couldn't process anything more.

Evan looked Annie up and down. She was standing there looking at him sternly. Her blond hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. Her legs were covered in skintight leather pants and her hips to bosom were shaped into a sharp hourglass by a black corset with hooks in the front. The ensemble was completed with black boots with four-inch heels. WHAT? he thought again. His brain could handle little more than to look at her completely stunned.

"You've kept me waiting. You'll have to be punished for that," his beloved angel said in a most deadly voice. That's when he noticed the rouge tasseled riding crop in her right hand and the black spiked leather collar with a chained leash attached in her other hand. WHAT? Am I having an aneurism? What am I looking at here?! he thought.

"You may speak," Annie declared.

I may speak. What the hell? "Umm...thank you? Uh, honey. What's going on?"

"It's time for us to embark on a new journey. Take off your clothes," she ordered. "And be quick about it!"

"Uh...Uh...Hon...Honey, I'm confused. I don't under...understand what's happening here. Why... why...why are you dressed like that? Why are you talk...talking like that? And WHAT do you have in your hands?!" he stammered.

"That's enough from you! You're already going to be punished for being late. Are you so needy that I have to punish you for moving slowly too? I said take off your clothes," she demanded grimly.

"I don't think I want to," Evan whimpered.

"Obey me!" she struck the crop against her thigh.

Evan gulped. "No. No. I'm ok. I think I'd like to keep my clothes on," he said plaintively.

"What?" Annie asked with a shaky voice.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat weakly. "I said I think I'd like to keep my clothes on?" He didn't mean for it to sound like a question but he was completely out of his depth here.

"But why?" Annie's eyes filled with tears.

"Because it seems like you want to do some not nice things to me right now!" he exclaimed slightly hysterically.

"Isn't that what you want?"

"What? NO! Why would I ever want that?!"

Suddenly, Annie burst into tears. "Why won't you obey me? Am I doing this wrong?" she whined.

"Oh honey. Why are you crying? Why are you doing this? I don't understand."

"I know about your secret. I know he wasn't supposed to tell me about it, but Ben told me how unsatisfied you've been all these years."

Murder. I'm going to murder him! Evan walked up to Annie and gently took the scary paraphernalia out of her hands. He tossed them on the floor behind him and then took her in his arms. "Don't cry baby. I don't know what's going on, though I have my suspicions. Shh. It's going to be ok. Shh. We'll figure out everything together," he rubbed her back as she sobbed.

When her crying abated a little, he guided her to the sofa. "Now, tell me exactly what Ben said to you. Don't leave anything out." Over the next few minutes, Annie recounted her conversation with Ben. Then she explained how she had done her research and prepared herself to become Evan's dom. Her story was peppered with hiccups and a few more tears but she got through it. Evan felt like he was developing a split personality as Annie spoke. One side of him wanted to kill Ben for causing his girl this much grief. The other side of him comprehended what a brilliant prank this had been and knew that eventually they would all laugh about this. For the moment, he concerned himself with taking care of Annie.

"Well, honey, I want to assure you that I have no desire to be anybody's sub, ever. But I really appreciate how much you went through just to try and make me happy. If I didn't already know how much you love me, I definitely know it now," Evan consoled his wife while wiping the tears from her face. "Umm...also, I think I should tell you that you look really hot in this outfit," he added sheepishly.

Annie burst into tears again and threw her arms around Evan. "Really? Do you mean it?"

"Oh my God, yes! I've never seen you dress like this. I mean, you always look sexy to me, but this is something else. Wow!"

Annie started laughing. "That's what I hoped you would say. It was hard for me to dress this provocatively, but you know what?" She pressed her lips against his ear and whispered, "I kind of like it." Then she giggled like a giddy schoolgirl.

Evan smiled. "So does this mean that I may get to see you like this again? Umm... minus the collar and crop, I mean."

"Mmm... maybe once in awhile like your birthday or our anniversary," she answered shyly.

"Yes! Maybe I won't kill Ben. Maybe I'll just torture him. In fact, that sounds good."

"What does?" Annie asked with wide eyes.

"Vengeance," he said with an evil smile on his face. "How do you feel about getting revenge?"

An uncharacteristically naughty smile spread on Annie's face. "Oh yes. Vengeance must be had," she said slowly. "But first we have something more pressing to attend to." She took his hand and led him to their bedroom.

Evan and Annie then spent the next few hours showing each other just how satisfied they were with their sex life. It was a marathon of tangled legs and clutched shoulders, moans and groans, gasps and sighs. It was wonderful and a night they would never forget.

The End

Well, that's my first writing effort. I hope that you enjoyed it. Please leave comments and stars. All feedback is welcome as long as you're not nasty. :) Also, let me know if you would like to see how Annie and Evan get their revenge on Ben and Deenie. I am willing to do a follow-up if there is a demand for it.

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6King6King25 days ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Absolutely continue this story! Can’t wait to read abou their plans for revenge!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Yes. Follow up! Must have revenge.

Seriously, this is good stuff. Keep it going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

What a fun start to your writing endeavours! 5 stars. Well done!

evrtxnevrtxnabout 2 months ago

Please...PLEASE...let us know about the revenge.

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