For Veronica's Sake Ch. 07

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Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/17/2020
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Chapter 7


I was in work the following Monday when Veronica sent me a text... Reading it briefly I could see that she was telling me to meet her at the mall after work, saying she wanted to look at more swimsuits... I was confused what with her buying us both new bathing suits the week before...

I mean, how could I forget the baby blue Speedo she'd bought me? They were so small, they reminded me of panties...

But anyway, I was in work at the time and thinking whatever... I agreed to meet her in the food court later that afternoon...


"Hi baby! What's going on? I thought we just bought new swimsuits? Wasn't my weenie-bikini small enough for you?"... I asked joking as we met up with me leaning over to give her a kiss as she sat at one of the food court tables.

"Hi Dana, and yes I know... But I wanted you to come with me this time and help me choose, you have such a good eye for clothes"... She said back as I sat down with her, and yeah, I do have a good dress sense, but something was telling me different, it felt like there might be more to this...

"Hmm? I don't know... It feels like you're not telling me something... What is it baby? It's about Thursday when Reg comes back isn't it?"... I asked as we sat with me picking at her chicken Caesar salad...

"Yes... Of course this is about Reg, and Thursday... It's a big step we're taking...and well, you know how he said, we'll know when it happens?" She asked and yes, I did remember him saying that, how if the timing was right and we wanted to continue, which we had agreed we would, or Veronica felt she was ready anyway, or at least she sounded like she was convinced each time we talked...

"Yeah I remember him saying that, and I'm sure he's right, I mean it's not like this is all written down somewhere, and I like what he said about us not having to do anything, telling us to just relax and let nature take it's course.... Why are you asking? Did you see it differently somehow?"... I asked, not really knowing what she was thinking...

"No, I see it like that too... I like the idea of us just trying to be ourselves, but I was wondering if there wasn't anything we could do that might show him, or give him a sign, that was like us not doing anything -- but still... It would definitely say something"...

Listening to her, suddenly my head was spinning... "Uhh okay? But umm... You want to run that by me again?" I asked with Veronica rolling her eyes at me, but I didn't really get where she was going...

"What I'm saying is... Although we don't 'have' to do anything, it doesn't mean there isn't something we 'can' do that will let him know...Something we can do that he'll see and right away, it should tell him, or it will certainly point things in the direction we already want to be going... Does that make more sense?"

"Oh... Wait, I think I know what you mean... Is that why we're here at the mall? To find you a skimpier bathing suit?" I asked smiling and giving her a sexy wink...

"Yes, there is that... I want to look as sexy as I can for him... But I was also thinking of you baby... Are you willing to be a little daring for me?" She asked smiling now, and from the sound of her, I thought I should be worried...and as it turned out... I was right...

"Well, yeah... You know I'm 'usually' willing to go that extra mile for you, but I don't know... The way you say things, it sounds like I should I be worried"... I replied telling her that in most case I'm not known as one to say no to her, but now though? She was being rather secretive, and I had my doubts...

"Oh relax and come with me and trust me, once you see, you'll understand what I'm saying, now come on lets go, the store I want is this way"... She said then, more so directing me as she had me standing and held by the arm, leading me back into the mall from the food court...

"Where are we going?" I asked, but all I heard back was a... "You'll see!"... as we made our way and walking for what felt like forever, until we finally came to the place she was looking for...

"Bikini Hut? So you are getting a new bathing suit?"... I asked thinking I had this figured out... But again... I was still only half right...

"I don't know, Vee, that white one was kinda skimpy already... How much smaller do these things get?" I asked as she had us wading into the cramped store unit that was jamb-packed with hundreds of bikinis and women's swimsuits in every colour and patter you could imagine...

"Yeah, I picked out a few new ones for myself... I mean, I can't wear the same suit every time... But I wasn't just thinking of me... Here come with me, the lady has them on hold for me"... She told me, but I was confused, letting her lead on, taking me further in where we were met with a woman, the store owner who had Veronica's new suits there and waiting for her...

"What do you mean? Not just for you?" I asked half under my breath as we reached the back of the small boutique to find a small dark-haired woman sitting behind a glass display case...

"Hi! I'm back... This is my husband, the one I was telling you about... So, we're okay to go in? The two of us?"... Veronica asked the woman who hardly lifted her head up out of her phone, waving yes and pointing to the back, through a curtain as Veronica ignored my question, taking my hand and the bikinis the woman had sitting beside her on the counter top.

Following, I assumed we were heading into a changing area, and I was a little surprised the women let me go in with her... But instead, when we reached the back, Veronica had us both heading into what was essentially just the staff washroom...

"I had to bribe her to let me try these on in here with you, I promised her we wouldn't get up to any funny business while... Ummm... While we try a few of these on"... Veronica explained as she started taking her clothes off, but again, hearing her saying 'we'... I wasn't sure of her context..

"Uhh okay? But why are you saying 'we'? These are all girl's swimsuits? Isn't there another weenie-bikini in here for me?" I asked thinking she wanted to get me into another Speedo, but then judging from the flush redness coming to her cheeks, once again my intuition was off...

"That's what I'm saying baby... If we wanted to send Reg a sign, or send a message on Thursday night... Then him seeing you in this suit? I think that will work... Don't you?"...

Holding up to my dismayed eyes a dark red, floral print bikini, top and bottom she was asking me, near pleading saying Reg will see this as a clear sign...

"Will you try them on for me baby? Will you do this for me? Please?"

Looking at her, she could see the shock and horror in my eyes, and she knew I wasn't going down without a fight...

"W-w-what? Are you crazy? I can wear that!"... I stuttered out, and realized I was loud in my shocked state, I toned it down as I continued... I wasn't going to give up so easy on this, no way...

"Veronica, you don't think I'm going to wear this do you? I can't wear a bikini... Reg would laugh me out of the place, and Jesus! Why would I need the top? I'm flat as a pancake!"... I added, bringing my voice down, but still, my urgency and resistance were being made clear...

"No! I don't expect you to wear the top" She came back, being a little defensive, pouting some...

"Just try on the bottoms for me... Please baby? I'll make it worth your while"... She added, changing her tone again but I was still very reluctant, even with her pleading and beginning to bargain with me, telling me she'll make it worth it for me... Whatever that meant...

"Listen, I know this isn't easy, but none of this is, and if we want to do this, which you know I do... I just thought doing something like showing Reg more of your feminine side, it would send him the right kind of message... Don't you think so? Like it would let him know that you're willing to take this role, and step aside for a little while... You know?...Let Reg take over for the rest of the night and be the only man in the room, so to speak?"

Sounding more seductive as she went on, describing things as me stepping aside and letting Reg take over... It sent a shiver running down my back... Beginning to tremble, I knew I was in trouble here with this bikini thing...

She was right... This wasn't easy on either of us, and with what she was saying, I looked again at the dark red and black bathing suit bottoms, and holding up the tiny thing on it's also tiny hanger, I did notice they weren't all that much different from the baby blue Speedo she already had me wearing... But what had me hesitating was dark red floral rose pattern...

"God... The things I let you talk me into... I swear... Okay, I'll wear it... But can you find me one that's a solid print? I mean... I might get away with the bottoms, but the flowers might kinda give me away don't ya think?"... I said to her, doing my own bargaining as I conceded, yet at the same time I felt a certain thrill I couldn't deny or excuse away...

The thought alone had my pulse racing, and added with a stirring in my pants, my telling Veronica that I'd wear bikini bottoms for her in the hot tub the night Reg came back, this very Thursday... I could feel myself beginning to quake with a frightened arousal, not believing what we were doing and even more so that I was allowing myself to do such a thing.

Smiling as bright as day with my acceptance, Veronica looked like she was ready to molest me she was so excited... But instead, beaming and looking happier than even, she sent me back out into the store to ask the woman for help finding the same suit in a colour I liked, but looking at her I wasn't too sure about doing that either...

"What?"... Veronica question at seeing me stop, hesitating and looking at her nervously...

"Just tell her I don't like that one, and I'm letting you choose for me... But don't just get something in black or dark blue... Be a little brave for me, and besides, I can read you like a book Dana, I know you want this now that we're here, I can see it all over you're face, so go have fun, pick something that you think really suites you, okay?"

Knowing she had me, of course I was blushing like crazy as I nodded asking her "Is it that obvious?"...

"Yes baby, you always give in way too easy, that's how I know... But you also know I love it too, and next were going into Veronica's Secret, I want you to have some sexy little panties of your own... Now go quick, or she will think we're fucking in here and kick us out!"

Looking at her as I went to leave I turned back blushing still but asking... "Uhh? Isn't it Victoria's Secret?" correcting her on the name to which she came back saying... "Not when I'm there it's not...and besides, I am the one with the secret... Your secret... Now go! Pick something and don't take too long"...

Laughing with her cute reply, who was I to argue?... Even with her telling me why we were going into 'Veronica's Secret' -- after we'd finished bikini shopping...

"Hi there"... I said to the woman running the place, still stuck in her phone and looking none too please that I was bothering her...

"My wife, she wasn't too big on this suit, and well, lucky me, I get to choose one for her... Umm tell me? Do you have anything like this but in a solid colour maybe?" I asked as the small, older woman rose up, still looking rather unconcerned, saying... "Follow me" in a dry, smoke filled voice as she made her way through endless racks of the tiny bathing suits...

"The solids are just over here... Same size? - and what colour were you looking for? Did you have something in mind? The gold and silver Lemay are nice, and quite popular... Or how about this? Fuchsia... This is nice too. See how it's tie-dyed with the white?"... She said pointing out the different suits, including this third, pink-ish, fuchsia coloured one...

The Lemay I wasn't too sure about, although it would look stunning on Veronica, all silvery and glittery, or even better in gold, set against her short blond hair... I wasn't so big on me wearing either for them myself... But the fuchsia? It wasn't much better looking, or so I thought at first...

It was very bright, but dark pink at it's deepest with the tie-dye rings turning to a real pink before fading onto the white. I hemmed over this one... It was different, but I still thought it might be a bit too much for me to get away with, even in just the bottoms that were cut different from my Speedo as well, sitting higher on the hips and cut lower into a vee-shape at the front.

However, just as I was going ask if there was anything else, I remembering what Veronica had said about being brave, so I thought again, and whether or not the colours suited me, I smiled and asked the woman for the third suit, the tie-died pink and fuchsia two piece, and thanking her I made my way back to Veronica...

Steeping back into the cramped washroom, I held up the suit I'd chosen and was met with what I had expected... My wife's smiling face and her rather joyous approval...

"Oh wow! I love this! These colours are perfect baby... Great choice.! Now quick, get out of those jeans"... She said to me, pleased with my choice while taking the tiny hangar from me, beaming a huge smile and looking quite excited...

"I can't with my underwear on, and besides, we've been back here long enough...Sorry to wreck your fun, but if it's the same size as my Speedo, it'll fit me... So can we just get this one and whatever you've picked for yourself and get out of here?"... I asked, not really wanting to undress in this dingy little closet bathroom...

Veronica, she seemed okay with that... I think she was just glad I didn't put up too much of fight in letting her do this, and well, it was kinda fun, but then stepping out into the mall after paying, I remembered where we were going next...

"Vee are your sure about this? I know I said I like the way your panties feel, but can't we leave it at that? I mean how far do you think this will go?"... I asked feeling embarrassed again about the whole panty thing as we made our way back through the mall...

"Oh don't worry so much... I'm not going have you in garters and stockings, but I've been thinking since you liked mine so much... I just thought it would be nice for you to have a few pairs of your own"...

Leaning in whispering near her I asked,"You mean like for our sexy times?" then giving a flick of my eyes as we reached the entrance, where stopping and looking at me she answered "Yeah sure, or anytime is okay with me baby, I know how much you like them"...

Winking at me herself and turning away, I was left standing there looking shocked before gathering myself and chasing after her, trying again to let her know I didn't want this being full time thing...

"I know... I'm only teasing you Dana, relax and lets have some fun... Really baby, just get over it... I have... I mean, so what if you liked wearing my panties? I loved it, and I promise I won't 'out you' to anyone here... You just walk with me like the doting husband that you are, and when I hold something up, you just say yes or no... Now here.. Oh look, these are cute!"... She said then telling me to not worry so much, and that she wasn't going to humiliate me in this expensive lingerie store.

I knew she was all for this, but still, there was always going to be that emasculating element there for me to deal with... This thing I was discovering... There was this wall in front of me that I knew I'd have to climb each time it came to something like this... Something I'd have to find my way over...

It was shameful, but also... I wanted it...and I guessed if that was enough for Veronica, I suppose I should be feeling the same...

However, as she held up a tiny pink thong, saying it was cute, I knew she was going for the funny side, which did put me at ease -- and the pink thong was given a definite 'No' as she put them back and we moved on.

It was a strange yet very exhilarating rush, that I'll say... Walking behind Veronica as she picked up several pairs as we went, some getting the 'yes' nod but most were just too frilly and I wasn't big on the thong idea either, but she did make me get one, which in the end rounded out my 'few' to five pairs.

Four were regular looking full panel panties made of a satiny material, with two in white, one cream colour or 'nude' as I was told, and the last were black, as I was also told, they were..."For special occasions"... as Veronica had said it to me with a wicked smile, laying them over her arm and continuing...

"That should be enough for now don't you think?"... She asked to which I gave her another nod as we made our way towards the tills... But then stopping again, something else caught her eye...

"Ooooh! This is really nice"... She cooed stopping to pick up the material of a shimmering white dressing robe as it hung on a mannequin, dressed in a complete matching set from the corset bra down to the garters and stockings.

"Yeah that is nice... It all looks expensive, but I'll buy it for you Vee... Did you want everything? The whole set is way sexy, you'd look amazing in it baby"...

"It is lovely but no... I was just thinking of the robe...and it's for you, not me"... She answered telling me she didn't want the sexy set for herself, but then stepping to the rack beside the display, she fished around and came out with the short, sexy little robe in the size she was looking for...

"Here we go! Quick baby, no one is looking, slip this on for a second, I want to see if it fits you"... She added, taking the delicate thing off of it's hangar and holding it open for me to put my arms into... But I was still like ten seconds behind her... Back when she was saying the robe was for me...

"Wh-what? Why would you want to get this for me?"... I asked hesitating and not knowing where she came up with this idea of not just buying me a sexy, short satin dressing robe, but why did I have to try it on in the damn store?

"I've seen you in my short robe a few times, and I know your night alone wasn't the first time, it's okay, it is really comfortable, and you looked sexy as hell in it, so... I want you to get your own sexy little short robe".... She answered, but this wasn't the same, not at all...

"Yeah but your robe is Terry cloth and it is comfortable, but this"... I answered, struggling to put it on...

"There? See it's doesn't fit... Now can we put it back just get the panties and please get out of here?"... I asked after I'd tried to get the robe on but wearing my shirt underneath made it too small, which I had hoped would get me off the hook, but of course, Veronica was on to me...

"No way buster! That fits you fine, you're just wearing too much right now, once you're at home and all naked for me, accept for maybe your cute little panties, this is going to look great on you, and here, feel how soft it is"...

Taking the robe from her, it did feel nice, with a shameful thrill coming over me, knowing what we were doing, the wonderful sensations leaving me to sigh and nod my acceptance, but mostly I just wanted to get out of there...

"Mwwa! See? I told you... You can never say no to me... Now come on, lets go"... Veronica said then after giving me a loud, happy sounding kiss on the cheek, as I gave in, again with her all happy and bouncing away in front of me.

"Okay...I think I've tortured you in here long enough... Did you want to go to the hardware store... Look at tool belts instead of garter belts? You know? 'Man-up' for half an hour?"... She joked, sort of running cover in front of the check out girl as I handed her my credit card, paying for my own 'gifts' from my wonderful, doting, and quite hilarious wife...

"Ha-ha, very funny... No thank you, but I do wanna get beer on the way home, and maybe later I can talk you into doing a little skinny dipping in the hot tub with me? I promise I'll start out in my new suit?"... I asked as we left the lingerie store while giving her the Groucho Marks, double eyebrow, thinking of playing some hot tub games of our own before Reg came back...