For Veronica's Sake Ch. 10

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Pillow Talk.
9.5k words

Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/17/2020
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Chapter 10

Pillow talk

Having finished cleaning and doing all of Reg's laundry, even putting it all away for him, and after doing a few more chores around our place, soon enough I was calling Veronica from her nap, giving her enough time to freshen up before joining me...


"Mmmm... Those smell good, I'm hungry now! Thank you baby, you've been amazing today, and don't I know about you, but I love how you look Dana... Thank you for doing this for me. You like it too right? I mean you're still wearing everything?"... Veronica asked as we sat down to eat and to be honest, I hadn't even thought of changing, I'd become quite comfortable dressed in her clothes, and boy, was even on a sexual high all day...

I was still feeling rather hung-over but, I was also horny as hell... Feeling the way my dress moved and with the pearl necklace jangling away, making noise as I worked, and oh my God, the stockings! How they felt caressing my legs at every turn, constantly remanding and filling me with these lusty, feminine desires... It was almost too much...

"I know... I have to admit Vee, I do like how I feel dressed like this... I keep stopping and looking at myself when I pass a mirror... It's almost like I forget once I get busy doing things... So I guess it's like anything really, you just get used to it after a while"... I answered, admitting I liked being dressed as a girl, but I was still trying to downplay it all, somewhat.

Sure, I liked dressing up, now that we'd opened this door. But being a 'guy' under it all? It did come with it's own stabbing sense of humility, having that fear of being caught and laughed at always there, and I don't know why, but I felt especially so with Reg...

I know I've been told he's cool with this sort of thing, or with me leaning in this direction... I mean he's already had Veronica once, with my approval and even my assistance... So thinking of him seeing me dressed 'en-femme' as the French would say... It would just about finish me off in the 'man' department, that much I knew...

"Oh Dana I'm so glad to hear you say that... It's not hard to see how much you've taken to all of this, and speaking of which, if you'd like, we can head up to bed early tonight... I'm ready to tell you what happened with Reg after you left... Is that okay with you?" Veronica asked, saying she was ready and hearing her, my heart rate near doubled knowing she was finally going to spill the beans and tell me everything about their 'first' night together...

"Really? Yeah of course! I'm dying to know what happened"... I said back to her, sounding excited, but I was also feeling a bit nervous as well, as I rushed around, cleaning up our dinner dishes, I wondered with the anticipation, almost to the point of fearing what she was going to tell me...

It wasn't all that late by this time, but I didn't mind and coming into the bedroom, I was happy to see Veronica already in bed, sitting with her propped up on her pillows, dressed in a short, sexy little black night dress that off set her short blond hair, she looked radiant and more gorgeous than ever...

"Oh! You're all ready in bed! Okay give me a sec to get undressed and join you... It is okay if I get out of these isn't it?"... I said to her asking, if it was alright for me to change, but Veronica was already ahead of me on that one...

"Yes baby, you can change... Into this"... She said smiling, picking up her lacy, black trimmed mint green nightie, holding it up for me to see and to take as she held it out dangling on her finger...

"You? Want me to wear this in bed?" I asked, but of course, I already knew the answer as I felt the ultra light nightie slipping through my fingers, the satin setting me off and making me tingle all over.

With Veronica nodding and smiling her agreement, I set the flimsy little thing down on the bed and began undressing with her eyes on me, watching as I slipped the pearls from my neck, and then the dress coming over my head with her telling me to leave the stockings on.

"Really? You want me to sleep in with stockings on?" I asked but smiling Veronica looked at me then winking she replied, asking...

"Who said anything about sleeping?"

"Oh! Okay, I'll leave them on, I kind a like how they feel, if I can admit that to you"... I said to her as I stepped out my little thong panties and glad of it with the wedgie they'd been giving me all day long...

Naked now, but for the stockings, I felt giddy and excited again as I slipped into her short mint green night dress next and feeling my skin tingle as it fell down around me, it made me sigh out loud in a soft sounding moan of delight, with my free little boner coming up, tenting the silky feeling satin material at the front...

All of this was so highly erotic already, a stiff breeze would have made me hard, it was all such a wonderfully naughty turn on...

With goose bumps all over me and crawling into my spot beside her, I turned to sit but was surprised to find I wasn't alone...."Oh what's this?"... I asked reaching under me and touching something hard, and I knew right away what it was...

"Oh... Little Reg?... Did you want to play with him later?"... I asked as I sat down with my ass landing half on our big 8-inch lifelike dildo, the one she's named after Reg and now that I had experienced seeing and even touching the real thing, I had to admit, the fake Reg and the real one in comparison, it turned out they weren't all that far apart...

"Maybe, but I though we'd have him here as more of a visual aid lets say".... Veronica answered, as I moved the heavy toy out from under me, with her wanting to use the big cock as different kind of 'tool' while she told me all about her night...

"Pick him up baby, hold him for me... I loved the way you did that last night... The way you held Reg's cock and put him in me... It was so fucking sexy Dana"... She said then as we both settled down a bit lower in the bed, with me taking the big dildo in my hand like she asked, and of course I remembered doing this for real with Reg... I mean, how could I not remember?

Feeling turned on as well, I decided to join in as I placed my left hand under the base of the big cock and held it up, while with my right, I wrapped my fingers around it's thick, rubbery-rigid shaft... I was hoping to give her the visual I think she was looking for...

"You mean like this?"... I whispered to her as I began to stroke the cock some, softening my grip and sliding my hand upwards...

"Oooh yes baby like that"... She sighed in a soft moan, rolling over some and pulling herself in closer to me, her big tits pressing into my arm with the satin of our nighties touching and feeling so wonderful and so soft...

"I was already wet with Reg about to fuck me for the first time... But then seeing you do that? Touching him and putting him in me? Uhhh... Oh God Dana... That was sooo incredible... It made my little clitty throb so hard... Just like now baby... Mmm... Even thinking of it is making me wet all over again... Hold him for me, stroke him, touch his cock while I tell you how good he fucked me after you left"...

Feeling the heat of her body next to me, and along with her words, beginning to tell me her tale, I was instantly caught up in the arousal, and doing what she asked., placing the base of the big dildo down on my thigh to keep it steady, watching and feeling my hand moving up and down the cock's latex shaft, but of course, all I could think of was Reg... The 'real' Reg...

"When I was touching him, feeling how warm he was, and well, how 'real' his cock felt... It... It was like nothing I'd ever experienced and it... it... I don't know... I liked doing it but still, I felt so ashamed in a way"... I said to her telling her how touching Reg's cock made me feel, but then getting down to it, I wanted to know what happened later, after I'd left...

"But I'm... I'm okay with that... I think, but can you tell me what happened Vee? How? How did Reg get dominant? Like you said?"...I asked while continuing to hold the big dildo on my leg, supporting it's weight, my hand lazily gong up and down it's vein riddled shaft with Veronica there beside me, watching and listening to me.

"He was baby, he was really dominant, and it started the second you were gone... But it wasn't like he was mean, he... He just took control, and well, he had me do things"... She said then slowly letting me in...

"Like... Like what?"... I asked wanting to know, but I was still fearful for her... I was worried but I also knew I shouldn't be...

I guess my wanting to know comes from this submissive yearning deep inside me that craved hearing stuff like this... Stuff about how Reg, how he was with Veronica, acting dominant, forceful, and so much more of a man than I could ever be... It was like I was living and having a better sex life, seeing things through their eyes, feeling what they felt.

"He was already coming back to life, but he wanted me to suck him again, and he said this time we were going to do it right, telling me to get down on my knees, but he was standing and well, do you know how I can take all of your little guy into my mouth? Right down and even lick your balls for you?"... She asked referring to her taking 'all' of me...

And yes... Veronica could easily take all 5-inches of my 'man-hood' into her mouth... But hearing her, right away I thought... "No!" There was no way she could do that with him... Not with Reg's cock... He was way too big...

"Yeah... I love how you do that, you know it makes me cum feeling your lips and tongue going that far down on me... But did you? I mean how could you do that with him? He's huge!" I asked telling her I did love when she would throat me, if I you could call it that with my meagre size... But still, it was a sure-fire way to get me cumming at the end of a blow job, it felt so amazing I could never hand on...

But still... Was she able to take ALL of Reg? It seemed unlikely, or at least it did from my point of view...

She was quiet for a second just looking at me, but then with a sly smile and tilt of her head, I knew what she was saying... But I still couldn't believe it!

"Wow baby! I... I don't know what to say... Where? Where did learn how to do that?"... I asked sounding a little worried and wondering if this was another one of those thing I'd be better off not knowing...

"Well, you know how I've told you how all of my ex's... How they were all bigger than you? Much bigger in fact, and well, over time, and after a lot of trying... Yeah I've learned how to take a guys cock deep into my throat... But with Reg? Oh my God, he's so big and thick that it took me and while"...

Listening to her I was quite astonished, sitting beside her, looking to little-Reg and still thinking it must have been nearly impossible as she went on then, telling me of her past along with more about Reg and her night...

"I mean, it's been years since I had a big cock like his... So you can imagine that I was out of practice, but Reg... He wouldn't give up, and as much as he had me ganging and covered in my own spit... I have to tell you... I fucking loved every second of it baby"...

"Gosh! I didn't know this about you... But what do you mean he wouldn't give up? Like tell me some of the stuff he said"... I asked, rather blown away with what she was telling me, but still, I wanted to know everything...I wanted every dirty detail she was willing to give me...

"Well okay... When you left, we watched you walk away for a minute, Reg wanted to make sure you didn't come back, but when you were gone, he turned, and he smiled at me, but it wasn't like a 'Hi! Nice to meet you smile'... I could tell something was different, and what he said... Can I tell you everything and you promise me you wont get up set?"... Veronica asked as she started to let me in on more of what happened, but then hearing her warning me, again, I wasn't so sure... But also, I couldn't not know either...

So, yeah I told her I'd be okay with whatever she had to say... Even if I wasn't...

Nodding, I stopped stroking the big fake cock and looked to her as she smiled and went on, telling me what Reg had said about me...

"Okay well, once you were out of sight, he smiled at me and then he said... 'Now that the girly-man has gone home and left his pretty wife for me to play with... Why don't we teach you how to suck a real cock?' as he pointed to the spot on the floor in front of him, and well... I was shivering but he sounded so calm, yet he was so much in control, and gosh Dana, I didn't think I could say no"... Veronica told me, explaining how Reg had changed with her once I'd been sent away.

Reaching over then she placed her hand on mine, taking it up and putting it back onto little-Reg, keeping it there, helping me to stroke the long cock once again...

"And.. And I guess you didn't? You didn't say no?"...I asked with my voice going quieter and softer, watching with Veronica as we both touched and felt the thick latex replica...

"No... Baby... I didn't say no to him, not once... And when I did go down on him again, that's when he really turned it on, telling that he was going to do what he did with Marg, and if I didn't like something he would stop, but no... I never told him to stop... Not even when he choked me and made me take all of him... It was so amazing, I was scared and didn't think I could do it, but he kept making suck him and try to take him, he even face fucked me with his hands at the side of his head... Oh Dana he had me so riled up and horny, I was in what I read is called this 'sub-space' where people let themselves go when they submit like that... It was incredible"...

"He? He choked you baby? Are you sure you're okay? It sounds like he was almost violent"... I asked hearing what she was telling me and I was concerned, but also, I wasn't there so I couldn't say for sure how far he was taking things, or even if Veronica was telling me everything...

"No baby her didn't harm me... Yeah it hurt sometimes, but I loved it when he made me keep trying to deep throat him, and the things he was saying, you know? Like I do with you once things get really heated during sex"... Veronica went on shocking me at every turn, listening to her telling me how forceful Reg was being, which is completely not him under usual circumstances...

I was just surprised... I mean I knew about the stories with the other couple, James and Marg but to hear more of the intimate details of just how rough he was being with Veronica, that's what was blowing my mind...

"He said I was his newest slut, and I'd better learn how to take his cock, or he's spank me until I cried, and when he did? Oh fuck baby that's when I came the first time... He spanked me over his knee really hard, but in a playful kind of way, if that makes sense... And then he fucked me again from behind and had me cumming a third time... After that, I even begged him to let me be his slut"...

"Wow! This is unreal! Are you sure we're talking about the same Reg? And he? He spanked you? Did it hurt baby?"... I asked not believing he would do that to her, but then rolling over and showing me her ass for the first time since last night, I could still the fading redness and blotchy looking areas on each of her cheeks as I smoothed my hand over her bum, even if her ass had long recovered, or so it looked, I still wanted to comfort her and show my concern...

"Nuh-uh! I loved it! Like I said baby, he made me cum spanking me and playing with my pussy while he was talking to me, then he fucked me again from behind... God, I'll never get tired of that cock!"... She said then answering me, telling me she loved being spanked by Reg, and I was still just amazed, it was something I didn't expect when I'd heard he was dominant in bed...

I mean, I'd felt him being a bit direct with me, but that only came while I was serving drinks and then later, when he told me I had to go, that's when I felt it for real, when he told me to leave and come home on my own, leaving Veronica behind for him to fuck and play with all night, and apparently, now that included her being spanked on her bare ass!

"So... What did you do when it was over? Or when did it end, I should say? Like was it daylight? -or did you two sleep at all before you came home and found me?" I asked wanting to know what they did after, but then hearing her I was surprised again because it seemed liked I'd missed an opportunity to do a little voyeuristic spying...

"Well, that wasn't quite the end of it, and since you haven't said anything, I guess it's safe to assume you didn't see us in the hot tub?"... Veronica asked me back thinking I might have been watching the two of them from where we were in our bedroom, but I guess I was too drunk to notice or I'd passed out by the time they'd made their way outside.

"No, I'm sorry I missed that... Did, did you guys do it out there too? In the hot tub?"... I asked assuming that's where he'd fucked her next, and I was half right...

"Yeah, we did fool around eventually, but for the most part we just smoked a joint and took a rest... We talked about a lot of things and well, of course you came up in there... You know? About the panties, and well... How you are"... She said then... and no, no I didn't know!

Well... I did in a way... I mean with Reg pulling me up on the panty thing, saying no guy would do that unless he, or I wanted to wear the panties...

But then after I'd left, Veronica did tell to him about our shopping trip, but what I was there for, was hearing with a certain amount of horror, was her revealing our secret in naming the dildo 'little-Reg'...

I was there when she told him we'd bought a dildo, and that she had named it after him, but as we talked in bed, it turns out that's not all she had told him...

"So like what did he say about me and the panties after I was gone?"... I asked knowing she'd outed me on this as well, her buying me 5 pairs of girl's underwear and the satin dressing robe, but I hadn't heard if there was anything said after I'd left... Yet according to Veronica, there was plenty...

"He started saying that he knew you were lying about 'having' to wear my panties, and when I told him that we'd made love with you in them... Well, he just put it together that I'd bought you some of your own... So, all I did was tell him what they were like... But trust me baby, he wasn't making fun of you"... Veronica explained, letting me know how Reg had reacted to me owning and wearing several different pairs of panties.

"He didn't make fun of me? That's not what it sounded like when you said he called me a 'girly-man' or whatever?" I asked, remembering her telling me he had called me some name like that once I'd left.

"No baby, that only really happened when we were having sex, when he was taking over, being dominant... It was a way of getting to me, but anyway... He said, as you know, the hairless thing and well, how you were willing to let me, or let us become involved with him... He said he wasn't surprised, and he didn't look down on you... He said it was just another thing to show him that you know 'where you belong'... That's how he said it"...

"Where I belong? Oh gosh, I'm not so sure I like the sound of that but, he is being rather understanding about stuff like this with me... But I can only imagine what he'd think if he had come home while I was cleaning down there today, seeing me fully dressed up like that, and about little-Reg! Oh God I'd die if you told him you'd fucked me in the ass... I mean, telling him I've fucked you with it, and licked it clean afterwards, I think that was enough"... I said to her, already embarrassed with what she'd told him so far...

However, from the look on Veronica's face... She looked guilty, yet again...