Forbidden Ch. 04

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Pool games...
5.2k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/26/2018
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Everyone involved is 18years or older.


"Hallo Kate," I said extending out a hand to her.

"This wasn't how I was hoping to make a first impression," she said with a weak but still friendly smile. "I am so mortified," she added a bit self consciously. "I'm happy to meet you Mr. Job. Eric has told me so much about you. He really looks up to you," she went on to say managing to find a bit of composure and look up at me.

"Don't even worry about it," I said with a smile. "You look amazing," I lightly complemented. "And please, just call me Job," I instructed. "And speaking of my son, where is he? And where is your mother?" I posed addressing the first question to apparently, my future daughter in law and the latter to my daughter.

"He's upstairs, asleep. He drove us most of the way here, when we finally got here, he was completely exhausted," Kate answered.

"Mum went out to a luncheon with the other ladies," she said. Given that most of them were stay at home mothers and trophy wives, my wife and the neighborhood ladies, a group of seven other women, had formed a tight knit relationship. They met regularly for coffee and home prepared lunches, they also had a book club they had formed. I suspected however, that the primary reason for their meeting was gossip.

"I'm guessing she couldn't wait to brag about what a beautiful girl my son has managed to get for himself," I said causing the girl to blush and my daughter to smile knowingly, if there was something my wife couldn't do, it was to keep a secret.

"Why don't you join us in the pool daddy, we were just about to go for a swim," my daughter offered.

"You know what, that sounds like a great idea," I said smiling at her. "I need to unwind myself, last night was intense" I added for good measure.

"Why? Did you get any action?" My daughter asked.

I had to suppress the urge to panic at the question. I couldn't outright tell my family any details about my job. Still however, they knew that I worked as a security agent. As such, when they ask if I got any action, they meant if I was attacked or in any mortal danger. I smiled. "more than you imagine," I answered, chuckling slightly at my own double entendre.

"Do you need a massage?" My daughter thoughtfully asked.

"Oh, you are heaven-sent," I said groaning in feigned anguish for fatigue and soreness.

"Oh, I'd love to give you a massage daddy, but Kate here is a professional masseuse, " my daughter answered once again surprising me. "She gave me one yesterday night, and I can promise you, she had magic hands. My hands will be like hooves on your back compared to what she can do," Kristi said smiling even wider.

"Well, if she's willing, I'd be happy to get one of these, magical massages," I said smiling at her.

Despite the fact that she seemed to have reservations about it, she acquiesced and nodded. "I'd be glad to," she said.

I would like to say that it's the ring. That the kinds of thoughts that were running through my head about Kate were the product of the rings influence on me. That my attraction to her and the perverted thoughts I indulged myself in as I surreptitiously eyed her feminine form, were all the result of the damn ring. I'd also like to believe that the plans I was making on how to lure this beautiful and delicate butterfly onto my ten inch, steel hard web, was because the ring required it of me. Because I wanted to avoid whatever punishment the ring would have for me if I disobeyed its first rule. However, as I already said once before, I'm not a good person, not in the least. The ring was innocent in all this.

The one thing that could in fact be blamed on the ring, was the fact that I wasn't in any way sore or tired or in need of relaxation and unwinding. I might as well have woken up from a long restful slumber only a minute prior given how good I felt. I however, wasn't going to pass up on the opportunity to watch these two beautiful ladies move about scantily clad. And I was most certainly not going to pass up on having this beautiful soon to be bride run her delicate fingers all over my body.

I had to force my mind out of the gutter to keep from getting hard right in front of them.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself that; "One of those beautiful ladies is your daughter! What are you thinking?" Well, the honest answer is... I wasn't. For whatever reason, the psychological guards that usually turn one away from their kin sexually, were not responding. The alarms that should have been warning me away from her weren't going off in my head. I felt no compunction, no guilt and no shame, just pure and unadulterated lust. And so, while I consciously knew that she was my daughter, it went no further than that. Whether it was the ring or the fact that I am more depraved than I thought? I'm still fifty fifty about it the answer.

"I'll see you two beautiful ladies soon," I said turning around to walk upstairs to me and my wife's room.

[Gosh, he's so handsome]

The thought seemed to occur organically in my head. However, it bore another person's voice, Kate's to be precise. I paused in my tracks and turned to her. "Did you say something?" I posed half expecting her to say yes.

A look of confusion crossed both of them. "Uum, no," Kate replied.

"Oh, I thought I heard something," I said a bit awkwardly before turning and heading upstairs.

When I came back down, neither of them was in the house. However, I could hear them splashing water at each other from the pool on the back.

"Cute, isn't he?" though the words from my daughter weren't in any way shouted, I heard them clearly as if they'd been spoken into my ear.

"What?" came a semi alarmed response from my future daughter in law.

"Oh come on," my daughter countered. I could almost hear the smile in her voice. "You were practically drooling," she said with a slight laugh.

"I was not," Kate countered a bit too defensively her voice getting girlishly high pitched.

I looked down at the ring, even though growing my abilities hadn't been at the fore of my mind, it seemed they the ring had plans of its own. It aimed to grow in its abilities whether I was consciously planning it or not. I needed to start taking a more active role in using the ring.

I was bare chested in black swimming shorts as I stepped out onto the backyard where the swimming pool. Almost immediately, I was awash with the feeling of arousal. But like the thought that had entered my mind earlier, this feeling too felt foreign. Oddly enough, I could feel it coming from both ladies. Even my daughter was getting aroused by me.

Given that I wasn't wearing anything beneath the shorts, I knew the substantial slab of meat I have below the waist was rather clearly if obscenely visible and outlined despite the fact that I wasn't yet hard.

While I was perfectly aware of the glances they were casting at it, I acted oblivious. "Cannon ball," I said out loud as I jumped into the pool making the largest splash I could manage.

"Daddy!" my daughter called out in a whiny girlish voice when I resurfaced, all the while giggling. I turned away laughing as they both splashed water my way.

[You need to keep it together Kate, that's you're fiancé's father!" ]

All doubt that I was listening in on Kate's thoughts, vanished at this point. The thought had once again appeared in my head as if it was my own thought, except it was in Kate's voice. There was no way she had said that out loud given how shy she had proven to be. With my face turned away from them to avoid the water they were splashing at me, a smile crossed my lips that was probably akin to that of evil scientists in cartoons given what was going through my head. It was time to really see what this ring could do.

I wasn't exactly sure how to start, but I just did what naturally came to me. Given that the ring already allowed me to feel their arousal, I just followed Kate's arousal back to her mind. Like tracking a signal back to its source. I was bombarded by a whole myriad of thoughts and emotions. Most of the thoughts were centered around my son and the predominant emotion was guilt over her attraction to me. That part didn't come as a surprise to me, what was a surprise however, was just how turned on she was by me.

Apparently, reading minds didn't work like it did in the movies, rather than being "aware" of another person's thoughts and feelings, I actually thought and felt the very same things. And right now, I felt like my twenty year old self when I saw a really sexy girl. Except it wasn't my twenty year old self that was feeling this, it was my soon to be daughter in law, Kate. I'd forgotten just how strong sexual desire could be at that age. These two feelings were battling for dominance within her, guilt and arousal.

I'm still new at all this, so I'm not sure how I did it exactly. I was about to try and see if I could rid her of the feelings of guilt over being turned on by me, when a different idea occurred to me. Depending on how decent a person you are, what I did next was either really kinky or really twisted. Instead or ridding her of the guilt that was eating at her, I flipped a few switches in her mind and made it so that the guilt she felt, only served to fan the flames of her arousal.

The one feeling now packed the force of what both emotions had initially had. The more she thought she was betraying my son by being attracted to me, the wetter she got. The more she internally chastised herself that she shouldn't be aroused by me, the harder her nipples got and the more her clit engorged and became more sensitive.

With that done, I switched over to my daughter. With her, it was different but no less surprising. While she was just as aroused as Kate, there was no shame or guilt in her. What I felt from her, I could only describe as naughty pleasure. Much like a bad kid that had broken the rules in some way and knew they were going to get away with it. The fact that I was her father, only made her arousal and attraction to me even kinkier for her.

What came as a surprise to me however, wasn't the fact of her arousal, but just how long that arousal had been there. My daughter had been aroused by me for quite a while if her memories were anything to go by. I couldn't dig that deep into her memories, which I assume was because I hadn't grown in power that much. But the few weeks through which I could access, that attraction had been there whenever I had been around her. But while it served to make it kinky, the fact that I was her father, was also what had kept her from acting on any of these desires.

Thus with her all I had to do was eliminate the fact that I was her father as an inhibitor in her mind. While she consciously knew that I was her father, her mind didn't react to this bit of knowledge in any inhibitory way. After that I raised her a few notches higher. I did all this in less than twenty seconds by which time they had both stopped splashing water at me in retaliation for how I entered the pool, so turned to the both of them with a smile.

"I've got an idea," my daughter piped up drifting closer to Kate. "You guys want to play a game?" she posed rhetorically. "It's called "wall" and I promise, its way more fun than its name sounds," she said.

"How do we play?" Kate asked doing her best not to be obvious in the way she was ogling me.

"Well," Kristi said with a sly smile. "I take something from you, and you try to get it back from me, only a third person, the wall," she said winking at me. "Has to do all he can to keep you from getting to me and getting that item back," she explained. "If you can't get past the wall, you have to either beg or bargain. If you beg and the wall chooses to let you past, then you get your item back, and the one playing the wall takes your place as the one being "stolen" from. If you can't beg, you bargain, offer the wall a favor, and should the wall like what you're offering then they let you through and you switch places with the one who stole from you and they have to get whatever item you steal from them from you," she explained. "If you fail at both begging and bargaining and can't manage to get past the wall by your own efforts, then you have to play the rest of the game without the item stolen from you," she finished off.

"Sounds simple enough," Kate said. "There's no doubt who's going to be the wall," she said smiling at me. "But who's getting stolen from?" The last syllable barely left Kate's lips before she let out a yelp and there was a splash. Kate's hands flew to her chest as Kristi dove under water. Shortly after, she emerged behind me with a Cheshire cat smile as she held the bra she had just yanked from off Kate's chest high in the air. She swam up to my back giggling as she lay her hands on my shoulders. "Come and get it Katie," she called out teasingly.

At first, I thought Katie would protest and ask for her bra back, but devilish grin crossed her lips as she took her hands of her chest and started to try and swim towards me. I could feel my dick getting uncomfortably hard within my shorts with her approach. She tried to dive under water and worm her way around me, however I'd already anticipated that. With my daughter right behind me, all I had to do was turn to pull her out of reach.

Kate changed tactics and went for my legs trying to pull them out from under me. But I have always been a stable guy physically and not one easy to topple over. So when she hooked her hands behind my knees and pulled, rather than topple me, she only succeeded in pulling her body forward. My already hard dick twitched when her face cane into contact with it. I thought for sure that she would come up at this but instead, she kept at it. I don't known whether she was just plain ignorant on how to getting someone to fall over or just playing dumb. Rather than drive her shoulder into my waist and try to get me to fall over that way, she just pulled harder at my legs, which only served to pull her face harder into my groin.

There was no way she couldn't feel my dick against her face. This however didn't seem to deter her. In the end it was lack of air that brought her to the surface. She gasped for air when she broke the surface, unabashedly letting her bare chest rise and fall before us. "It's rather hard down there," she said giggling. "To get past you of course," she added feigning innocence.

"Yeah, my dad is rock solid," Kristi chimed in. "On his feet I mean," she explained.

"So, you ready to bargain? " I posed smiling triumphantly at her.

"Not yet old man," she said pouncing on me. She'd been hoping to use the element of surprise to try and reach over me to retrieve her bra from my daughter. Kristi however, seemed to have seen this coming and kicked off from me. My daughter using me as a spring board to kick off from just as Kate jumped forward to try and get to her, pushed me forward causing my face to sink right between Kate's C cup breasts. My hands almost of their own will wrapped themselves around her waist. The globes of her ass filled my palms and as naturally as breathing, my fingers dug in to get a better hold of her.

She however if not oblivious of all this, didn't seem to mind and was instead laughing. She continued to squirm in an effort to get out of my grip and to Kristi to no avail. I had to pull her down to withdraw my face from between her breasts, only this had the effect of making her wrap her legs around me, just as her waist came to the same level as mine. The tent I probably had under water was pushing hard her g-string covered cunt. Once again, there was no way she couldn't feel the pole poking at her beneath the water. But given that all her guilt was just turned to arousal in her mind, she had no access to any inhibitory reactions.

"So," I spoke with a sly grin, my hands idly kneading her perfect ass. "You ready to bargain?" I questioned in a teasing tone of voice.

"Well, I do have the option of begging," she said rotating her hips causing my shorts covered cock to probably push the g-string in between her lips. "You sure, you don't want to hear me beg?" she posed in an equally teasing voice. Her smile widened as she felt my cock twitch against her cunny.

"Far be it from me to stop you," I returned.

Leaning forward, she brought her lips close to my ear and whispered. "Please Mr. Job, I'm half naked in your big strong arms." She once again gyrated her hips grinding her pussy against my dick, but unlike the last time, this time, she didn't stop after doing it one time. "My fiancé, your son, is upstairs sleeping," she drove her pussy particularly hard against my dick as she said this. "He thinks I'm his shy, loving and faithful fiancé, not a brazen horny slut attracted to his father," it was almost like she had become my depraved fantasies and lusts embodied, pressing on all my depraved buttons.

By now she was just desperately humping on me trying to get off on what little contact my cock had with her clit through the two layers of clothing. "He can't see me melting in your hands, he can't see me grinding on you like a whore in heat," she offered unable to hold back a slight moan as her breathing became more and more rugged. "Please Mr. Job, tell Kristi to give me my bra, so I can be the shy, loving and faithful woman he thinks I am," she begged in a tone the relayed that she was evenly split on whether she actually wanted me to grant her request.

"Except that," I hadn't even realized that I'd closed my eyes, till I opened them to find My daughter behind Kate. A quick glance at the edges of the pool revealed that my daughter had left Kate's bra at the edge furthest from us. "You are a whore," she murmured into Kate's ear as her hands came around her torso to cup her hefty breasts. Taking her sensitive nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Almost unconsciously, Kate's head lolled back lying on top of Kristi's right shoulder. She had her chest pushed out whether in an unconscious effort to get more contact from Kristi or to present her bare chest to me, I couldn't tell. Her pink nipples we're hard enough to cut diamonds from the look of them.

"You do wanna fuck your fiancé's father, don't you, you slut?" Kristi continued to whisper in Kate's ear. Kristi's hand reached forward, her palm coming into contact with my well-defined chest. Slowly, it drifted lower over my abs, her delicate fingers deftly pulled the zipper down on my shorts and wrapped themselves the thick girth of my veiny cock. Her other hand left the other breast and drifted lower on Kate's body. She must have pulled Kate's panties to the side as shortly after, I felt, under my daughter direction, the head of my cock rub against Kate's bare clit. "You want to feel his thick cock fill your fertile womb with his thick seed," Despite Kate's humping, my daughter was careful to keep my cock from penetrating my future daughter in law. The little mynx was teasing her, just like her daddy.

"Say it," she demanded in a whisper. "Say that you want him to fuck you, say that you want him to go balls deep in you. Say that you want your fiancé's father to seed your fertile womb."

By now, it was no longer clear who was in control of Kate's body or will. "I want to be fucked by my future father in law," she spoke in an almost hypnotic trance. "I want your seed inside me. Put your baby inside me," she spoke her eyes finding mine, genuinely pleading for all she was asking for.

"Well, too bad," my daughter said no longer whispering. Her voice becoming chipper and playful once again as it had been when I first dived in the pool. She, pulled my dick away from her sopping wet cunt, eliciting a moan of desperate frustration from Kate.. "My dad is going to need a lot mor than just begging to turn on me," she said with a devilish smile and a wink at me. The little imp wasn't just teasing Kate, she was teasing me as well. "Isn't that right daddy," she offered in the most innocent while simultaneously not Innocent tone of voice.