Forbidden Lesson Plan (Reschooled)


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Trey, holding his hands down in front of his sweatpants to conceal the boner he got from the teacher's seductive comments, nodded along with the story.

"I can go in to help him if you want. You know I would do anything- "

"No!" Ava firmly voiced back at her star pupil.

Cara looked dejected and walked back toward her lab stool. Ethan walked into the classroom and could see she was upset. Ava noticed them conversing as she turned away from Trey and turned her shaken attention to the book on her desk.

With thirty seconds left before the bell, Mrs. Dawson surveyed her class and noticed two missing students. The first empty lab position belonged to Trey. The second one was Ethan's. How? He just walked in! Ava peeked under the desks and into the corners. She then thought of the only other place her son could be hiding.

The curious mother opened her office door. SHIT! Standing behind her desk, obsessively staring at her computer screen, was Ethan. Please tell me that idiot deleted the photo!

Ethan, somehow not even hearing his mom open the door, suddenly sensed her presence and lurched. "I- I- I just came in to help Trey finish his computer work so he wouldn't miss class! Cara said you gave him all this work and I just wanted to help! But he wasn't here and the computer was on... so... yeah."

There was a part of Ava that was touched by her son wanting to help his friend. That part was buried far below layers of fear. "That is my work computer. He's doing his work on a student laptop in the hallway!" Ava yelled and lied.

Ethan's ears were bright red. Ava wanted to die. She watched her son stammer, and she frantically ordered, "Go take your seat!" Ethan ran out of the office.

As the bell rang, Ava had other priorities. She lunged for her office chair and inhaled the pixels on the screen. Sure enough, it was the image she had left for Trey.

Jesus Christ, Trey, what the hell did you just do?! Ava's face was in her palms. She pressed the metal band of her wedding ring into her eyebrow painfully, almost punishing herself for her thoughtlessness for her secret life.

There was no use in denying what had just happened. Ava had seen how entranced her son was. He couldn't have had that dazed look in his eye for any other reason. Ava knew how sexy the photo was, but it wasn't until she thought of the expression on her son's face again that it truly sunk in how ridiculous and alluring the photo was.

In the middle of a long street, standing against a setting sun at dusk, Ava's arms reached elegantly into the air. A blue scarf dangled from her closed fist. As her photographer had recommended, her blonde hair was let down in its wavy form. Her eyes and lips were serious yet seductive. Her round breasts rested within a white crochet crop top. Her waist tilted in a pair of denim booty shorts. Below her smooth, long legs, she wore red high heels on the digital asphalt. Her entire body sexily twisted as she prepared to drop the flag to start the imaginary street race.

Ethan could have been having any number of thoughts. And regardless of which ones he had, Ava had to explain herself quickly. She took out her red pen and jotted two notes. The first one she slid under the bathroom door to Trey. "Never leave the image up AGAIN!"

In his defense, you probably made him not think straight.

"Sorry, everyone." Late to her own class, Ava started the class by returning work to her students. It was a change, but it was a special circumstance. When she handed Charlie and David their worksheets, she didn't even wait for their reactions. She was focused only on getting the note to Ethan.

When she reached his desk, in addition to his worksheet, there was a note. "You're probably wondering what's up with that weird photo. You know how your Aunt Kathy is a wedding photographer? She wants to get into modeling shoots. She invited me over to test a few photos to see if she was any good. She sent them to my work email by mistake. I think they're pretty funny, right?"

Locking her eyes on her son as she handed on the papers, Ava saw him reading and then chuckle to himself. His face was still red, but he had clearly bought her alibi. Thank god.


The bell rang, and Ava watched the students gather their backpacks and filter out of the classroom. She adjusted her reading glasses and subtly held her gaze on Ethan.

Given how distracted and antsy she had been all day, the last thing she needed was to worry about Ethan discovering her secret. The entire class, she had been feeling more intense staring than usual. It was a little discomforting to be hit from all directions. If it wasn't Trey, it was Charlie. When she turned to Charlie, David was staring at her from behind. But obviously, her attention was mainly on how Ethan was looking at her. She couldn't tell if it was skepticism of her alibi, his shock that she'd even take a photo like that for fun, or if she had stirred a fantasy in his head.

Ava kept a keen eye on him as he walked out of the room - the uncertain aura in his brown eyes, his anxious fingers gripping and flexing on the straps of his backpack, and the outlines in the crotch of his khakis. He's not- Well, he could've hidden it under his shirt.

It was another strange experience on a strange day.

With the class empty, right on cue, Charlie and David approached Ava at the front of the classroom. They both had uneasy smiles about them - polite but anxious. Ava curtly smiled back. The entire situation with the two boys had been weighing heavily on her since the game.

"Let's step into my office, gentlemen."

Charlie and David took their seats in front of the desk as Ava sat down in her black leather office chair behind it. The room was filled with tension. They all remembered well what they had done together last time they were in the office together and how naughty and hot it had been. The young men were sitting up ready to speak for themselves, but they also were waiting to hear what their teacher had to say.

"How are you guys doing today?"

Charlie and David turned to each other and nodded. "We're good."

"Good," Ava grinned. Her hands rubbed the cool leather of her armrest. "I think it's obvious to all of us what I wanted to talk to you about today." Their throats closed up, and they nodded back. Ava leaned forward and folded her hands on her desk. "My mind was all over the place for a while. I'm guessing you two had a similar experience after the game?"

They nodded again. "Yeah, we thought we'd do it. We actually wanted to talk to you about it," David explained. "But we definitely wanna hear what you have to say first."

"Yeah." Charlie nodded in unison. "And we didn't say it last time. We were just-"

"Kind of nervous," David answered.

"Yeah, kind of nervous. But thank you for last time."

"Yeah, thanks."

Ava watched Charlie gulp, and she smiled. Well, I appreciate you saying that." Ava adjusted her blonde hair behind her glasses. "Don't feel like I thought you were ungrateful, though. I knew you guys appreciated it. I made a mad dash into the bathroom right after, so I didn't give you a chance to say thank you, ha."

The boys laughed with Ava. Their serious faces were replaced by the sheepish, bright smiles that always came from remembering a great sexual experience with a crush.

"So, I know how boys your age think. And I know you were probably wondering what would happen now. How we move forward. How I am going to handle this. If I'd ever speak to you about any of this ever again..."

David and Charlie laughed and nodded. Those were their exact thoughts.

"Right," Ava sat back. "I've gone through all of those same thoughts." Just then, a yellow square caught the corner of her eye. Ava swiveled to her computer and plucked the Post-It note from the silver monitor.

She mumbled the words. "Sorry about that. I made you a gift to make up for it."

Ava knew it was Trey's handwriting. Already knowing what and where the gift would be, she slid her top desk drawer out and found what she had expected. Carefully pinching the white paper, Ava smirked and her ankles rolled. Though it was down behind her desk, the aroma of the jizz filled Ava's nostrils. Fuck, he's really into you, haha!

It was oddly cute. She knew she had emboldened him by teasing him before he masturbated. I guess he liked the photo. Ava's eyes stared into the dark wood grain of her polished desk. With the erotic scent in her nose, she thought back to how incredible it felt for the strong, impassioned young man to slide his cock into her wet pussy and pound her until she came. It still mystified her that she let that happen, but she was thankful every day that she did. "Are you okay?"

"Hm? Yes, just had to check something." Ava put the note away and brushed her hair, letting some heat escape from her head. "Umm, right. So, like I was saying, I think it would be good for us to talk and make sure we're all on the same-"

Boom! Boom!

David and Charlie sprung up straight like meerkats. Ava was frustrated but much more paranoid. The ominous knock on the door made time stand still. Without saying a word, Ava glanced at her students, and they nodded assuringly that they would be composed.

"Who is it?" Ava called loudly, trying too hard to sound professional.

"Your favorite person."

Ava rolled her eyes. She knew she had to answer the door. "One moment." Slowly, Ava walked to the wooden door and cracked it open. "Hey, Aaron. What can I do for you?"

"Hey, Ava. I'm doing great." The headmaster didn't take the hint and stepped forward as if he had been welcomed inside. Ava had to swing the door wide and allow him to enter.

"How are we doing, gentlemen?"

"Good, Dr. Raymond," Charlie and David echoed. They suddenly felt much less comfortable.

"Good to hear. Ava, I'm just popping by to drop off the school board requests for the science curriculums. I think you'll like them. If you don't, then we can talk to the board about what you would rather see changed."

Relieved, Ava took the packet from Dr. Raymond. "Thank you so much. I'll get right on it."

Making eye contact with the young men looking up nervously at him, the Headmaster lightheartedly inquired, "So, you boys are staying out of trouble, right?"

"Oh, yes," Ava answered for them. "They aren't in trouble. We're just having a talk."

"That makes me happy. You two have always been great students if I remember correctly. That's why I was surprised. You guys have that thousand-mile-stare that students tend to get when they get sent to my office."

Ava chuckled and looked at her students. They realized it was also a joke, and they laughed along.

"No, no. Just talking about schoolwork."

"Oh, did you boys get a poor grade?"

"No." "Yes." David and Charlie answered together.

Dr. Raymond leaned against the doorframe and tilted his high, balding head.

"They did get a bad grade. But I thought it was a poor reflection of their knowledge. So, I gave them a small project to make up some of the points." Ava wished he'd just leave. She knew it was only a matter of time before Charlie or David checked her out or slipped up too badly.

"Oh, fantastic. You guys are lucky to have her as a teacher. She's the best we have!"

"Thank you, Aaron," Ava patronized. "Well, I'll get these-"

"So, what are you guys doing your project on?"

David and Charlie froze. "Reproduction," Ava spat out. Why?! She wanted to smack herself.

"Hmm. The topic of life."

"Yep, haha." Ava's heart was pounding. "So, I'll look over this, and is there anything else you need?"

"I don't think so..."

"Well, thank you, Aaron. I'll get back to helping them so they can get to football on time."

"Say no more," the older man threw his hands up.

Ava waited until she watched him walk down the hallway before closing and locking the door. There was an audible sigh from everyone in the room.

"That was lovely." Ava and her students laughed in relief. She sat back down and leaned forward. "SO..." she smacked her desk, "with no more interruptions, let's talk about what happened and what I'm thinking. I want to explain it to you so you don't think I'm trying to get out of anything or being unfair."

The boys nodded profusely. "We were talking about that too. We know we didn't do it. We didn't expect anything to happen." "Yeah, we know we were short, but we tried really hard, and we feel like we did get two turnovers. It's kind of a technicality. But we know we didn't actually do it."

"So, what are you getting at?" Ava pursed her lips. "You can tell me."

David and Charlie turned to each other. "Well, we were thinking, since we got one turnover and one forced a safety, which is really the same thing in the end, that - And we know we don't deserve either of these - We would be really, really happy if we got to do what we did last time, or if you let us try again to get the turnovers next game."

"We'd be soooo happy with either," David added. "We'll do any other challenge you want."

"Wow," Ava threw her head back and laughed. "I'm glad to know we were all thinking the same way."

David and Charlie went pale. "Really?"

"Really." Ava proudly smirked and stood up. Her toes wiggled in her stockings and heels. Watching their stunned reactions, she slipped out of her gray jacket and placed it around her chair. She then mangled her hair tie out of her bun, letting her blonde hair fall to her shoulders. And finally, she sat down and unbuttoned the top three buttons on her shirt, revealing a window to her black lace bra.

Charlie and David were panting hotly like dogs waiting to be fed.

"Holy shit," Charlie mouthed.

Ava chuckled. "You just saw a lot more than this a few days ago."

"That was so much fun," Charlie grinned.

"Yeah, I know. I was there," Ava teased. Her legs rubbed together under her desk, her ankle bones swirling around each other. "As I was saying, you guys left me with a lot to think about. I didn't know the rules, actually, so when you did get the safety, I thought you had the second turnover. Then, I was told you didn't. So, after that, things stopped being clear-cut. My first thought was, Well, for all intents and purposes that was a turnover - the other team had the ball, and then they didn't. But then I started to realize, what I challenged you to do was very reasonable considering what I was going to give you as a reward. In fact, I was already too generous by setting the bar that low."

The boys were in agreement. Given how Ava had unbuttoned her top, they were still optimistic.

"But then I thought, Well, what was the point of me offering two turnovers? Was it to see if you could have a good stat line? Or was it so you'd help win the game? And because of what you did, Ethan's punt return gave the team the chance to win. So, that made me very happy."

"That was a great play." "Yeah, he flew down the field."

Ava smiled warmly. "It was wonderful. So, anyway, I then had to consider that. But I kept going back to the simple fact that I only had one request, and you couldn't do it. But you got soooo close, haha. And, last night, I came to the decision that since I thought the safety should have counted as a turnover, the fair thing to do would be to have fun like we did together last time and give you the chance to try again in the semi-finals."

David and Charlie jumped in their chairs ecstatically. They looked at each other and bumped their fists. They couldn't stop gleefully laughing. Ava humbly rolled her eyes and stood up again. Her heart raced and her stomach fluttered. She knew her pussy was soaking wet.

Rather than walk up to the boys, she walked behind them and stood between their chairs. Before their teacher could change her mind, David and Charlie propped themselves up to slide down their shorts. They were promptly forced back down into their chairs. Ava guided the boys back down calmingly with her left hand around Charlie's tone, pale neck and her right hand on David's thick neck through his flowing brown hair.

They looked back and up at Ava, longingly.

"You can keep those on for now, haha. We're not done talking yet." She rubbed her thumbs on the back of their necks as she took turns looking at them. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened to me this morning when I was getting ready for work."

"Okay." "What happened?"

Ava bounced on her heels. "When I was getting ready this morning, I kept telling myself I came to the logical conclusion you 'deserved'. But, I still had those doubts telling me you didn't 'deserve it' because you actually didn't do it, and it would be bad for you to think I will satisfy you even if you don't deliver. That line of thinking really jarred me. I started asking myself what the point of all of this is. I allowed you to proposition me for sex in my office. I let you do it because I was interested. I invented that challenge because you guys wanted to have sex with me. I jerked you off in my office because you two wanted to cum for me, and I thought it would be really hot." Ava huffed. "And when I was at home thinking about all of this, I realized that I was putting on the same outfit I had worn on the day I fucked Trey. I thought about what I did with him and what I let him do to me. When I was with him, I wasn't thinking about why he should get to do it or if there was another man who 'earned it' more. It was simple. He was horny and wanted to fuck me. And I was horny and wanted to fuck him, haha."

David and Charlie chuckled through their heavy breathing.

"There's no such thing as 'earning' or 'deserving' sex." Ava squatted down so her head was level with theirs. "I didn't challenge you for the purpose of making you jump through hoops. I wanted to see how seriously you respected me and the risks I'd have to take. And you certainly proved it to me."

The warmth from their necks radiated into Ava's palms. She could feel the energy in their trembling bodies. They stared at her and at each other.

"What are you saying? Like, what does that mean for us?" David stammered.

Without saying a word, Ava twisted David's neck, turning his face inward. She planted her red lips on his. His eyes popped open. Ava flirtily slipped her tongue into his mouth before pulling away with a mischievous grin.

"It means we're stupid if we spend our time here figuring out if we can have a three-way. The three of us are locked in a room together. We're all incredibly horny. Your cocks are hard. My pussy is soaking wet. And I wanna fuck right now. If you think you're lucky and didn't 'deserve it'... Too bad, I'm still gonna fuck your cocks like crazy and I'm still gonna make you make me cum."

Ava kissed Charlie, who was nearly passed out.

"I don't think I need to, but the school counselor would be upset if I didn't ask for consent first."

David and Charlie gasped through their laugh. "We're in. Yes." "Yes, please, haha."

Standing up and taking her hands from their necks, Ava walked between their chairs and turned around to face them. She had no idea what to do next. The three of them were just giddily smiling at each other, overwhelmed.

A panic bubbled within Ava. She didn't know what to do or how to focus on two men. David and Charlie were taking it upon themselves to get naked from the waist down. I probably should've helped with that. Trying to get out of her head, Ava unbuttoned the rest of her dress shirt and let it fall to the ground. She then stepped up to David, who was her height when she was in her heels. She leaned into him and kissed him. It was nervous at first, but as he got his hands on her and she was comfortable with one man, she flirtatiously bit his lip and teased with her tongue.
