Forbidden Lizzy


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My fists bunched. I needed a distraction; otherwise, I'd get hard again. I thought of the sky. I thought of the sunset. I breathed slowly: in through my nose and out through my mouth, just like I used to before going on patrol. Then I noticed the sweet smell of Lizzy's hair. It snaked up my nostrils with every inhalation. For fuck's sake. I decided to focus on the consequences. Yeah, the fucking consequences.

"You know why, Lizzy," I replied. I'm a friend of your dad. Now a business partner of your dad. He would definitely not approve."

"He doesn't need to know," said Lizzy.

"He'll find out. And I'm not a good liar." I replied. The first statement was probably true. That latter statement was definitely true. I was a terrible liar.

"Why are you so scared of him anyway? Weren't you once taken hostage?" she said, with an edge of exasperation to her voice.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Didn't you get shot once?" she asked, pointing to the scar of an old bullet wound on my arm.

"Yeah," I replied.

And I remember last year you tackled a group of muggers on the street," she said, her voice becoming incredulous. "One of them had a knife! Why are you so scared now?"

I snorted. "I'm not scared of your dad... but I am lucid. I've weighed the potential consequences, and I don't like them. A night of passion versus losing the business opportunity of a lifetime. If this scheme works out, it could set me up financially for years to come."

"Remarkably smart for an army guy," she said.

I laughed.

"We're not all meat-heads, you know," I replied.

"I know," Lizzy said with a sigh. She paused for a second, then continued. "That's why I like you so much. You're tough, you're smart, and you're fun."

I breathed in deeply, pursed my lips, then released a long exhalation of air. I didn't know how to respond.

"And it wouldn't just have to be one night of passion," Lizzy continued. "I'd accept that... but it could be more."

She shuffled her ass, flicked her hair, and looked straight at me. I tried to look past her, out into the dusk.

"Remember how we spent that whole weekend together last summer?" she said. "When we all went to Sherwood Forest? We were laughing together the entire time. I had so much fun. I've not stopped thinking about it, and I know you felt something too. You were constantly flirting with me."

I did remember. I remembered it with perfect clarity. I was fresh out of the army and needed a break. Roger had invited me on his family's summer camping trip in the English Midlands. That's when he'd pitched the business idea to me over the campfire one evening. I'd responded enthusiastically.

Roger, Terri, and Judy liked going on long hikes, Lizzy a bit less so. Like me, she was a bit more practical and cerebral. We spent half the time damming up a stream together and creating a little waterfall system. The other half we spent writing poetry. It was stupid poetry, but it was fun. I'd write one line; then she'd write the next. We had ended up howling with laughter. She'd playfully teased me; I'd teased her back. We had done a lot of that. Perhaps you could call it flirting. I tried my best to keep it innocent, but maybe I was kidding myself. Whatever the case, I could vividly remember how tight she hugged me when we parted. The sensation of her body pressed up against mine had lingered on my skin for days.

I'd tried to put it all out of my mind. It wasn't useful to focus on the forbidden. Reliving those memories would only have served to reinforce a whole bunch of unhelpful feelings. I had allowed myself to masturbate about Lizzy, though. It's much simpler to deal with lust than that other word that begins with 'L.'

"I remember we had a lot of fun," I said with a sigh. "But no, I wasn't flirting with you, and no, we can't take it any further."

"Would it be different if I didn't have a cock?" she asked.

I laughed.

"No, Lizzy, if anything, that actually makes things bett..." I stopped myself. But I'd already said too much. Shit.

"Oh, so you like the fact I've got a cock?" she asked.

I snorted. "We shouldn't be having this conversation, Lizzy."

I gripped her around the waist and lifted her body off mine. She sat straight back down again. I groaned.

"Could we just sleep together once?" she said, turning to face me. "You know... get it out of our systems."

"No, Lizzy," I said firmly.

"Or maybe even just make out for a bit?" she said. "Just kissing, then stop, and leave it at that."

I looked at her soft lips. I remember how good they felt just pressing against my cheek. I wanted to grab her, slam her against the wall, and kiss her until her knees went weak. I swallowed, then shook my head.

"Come on," she said. "Just to get it out of our systems."

"No, Lizzy," I said. "We just can't."

Part of me was clamoring to say 'yes.' Could one make-out session hurt? Nobody ever needed to know. We were here together alone. Nobody was watching... and her lips felt so good. Even if Judy was looking out of the window, she wouldn't be able to see us from this angle.

But no. No, no, no. If I crossed that line, it wouldn't stop there. If I kissed Lizzy once, I'd want to kiss her again.

"How about you just run your hands over my body? Just feel me up a bit... grab my legs... my tits... my cock, since you said you like that. I'm tucked back, but I can get it out. If you want you can just jerk me off, I'm really fucking horny."

"Fucking hell Lizzy," I hissed. Arousal pumped through my veins, and my cock started to grow in my shorts. I wanted her so badly it hurt.

Lizzy's eyes lit up as she felt my dick start to press up against her ass.

"Lizzy, please just stop. You know I can't," I said, with a pleading edge to my voice.

"Maybe you should just throw me up against the wall?" she said.

"Lizzy, I'm getting really fucking mad with you," I rasped.

"So mad that you could just bend me over and spank me?" she responded.

I threw my head back, bunched my fists, and stamped my feet. I couldn't take this anymore.

"What if I just wiggled my ass on you... like this?" she said, wriggling her ass into my hard dick. "Then you wouldn't even need to touch me. We'd just be sitting."

I moaned as waves of pleasure passed through my cock and flooded through my body. I felt pre-cum drip liberally from my tip and dampen my trunks.

"Please kiss me," Lizzy said, "Please!"

She draped her arms over my shoulders and leaned in.

In a last burst of defiance, I gripped her around the waist and abruptly rose to my feet. I plonked her down next to me. I breathed heavily, I was sweating, and my muscles were shaking. My dick was like an iron bar of desperation, tenting through my shorts.

"Lizzy, we cannot do this." I rasped. "We absolutely cannot do this. You're a beautiful girl, you're great to spend time with, but you need to find someone else."

"Usually, when a guy thinks a girl is beautiful... and loves spending time with her... he makes her his girlfriend," Lizzy said.

"Not in this case, Lizzy," I replied. "You just need to go."

We stared at each other. Lizzy crossed her arms, and tears welled up in her eyes.

I felt an almost overwhelming urge to hug her. I wanted to take her in my arms, hold her tight, and tell her it was all okay. I wanted to tell her how much I cared about her...

"Sorry, Lizzy," I said.

I turned, walked into my house, and shut the door.

* * * *

I stayed clear of Lizzy after that point. I only went over to see Roger for work and made excuses to avoid social events at their house. I even stopped relaxing in my garden. I focused my mental energy on the business and took breaks by going on long drives out into the countryside. I'd usually find a quiet spot to sit alone and contemplate.

As the weeks passed, I made a lot of progress. Roger and I were just about to take on our first clients. We'd already hired a bunch of other ex-military guys to do the practical protection work. I would do the management on the ground and sort the day-to-day logistics. Roger would stay in the background, networking, securing clients, and dealing with the admin. We each worked to our strengths.

I promised myself that as soon as the money started coming in, I'd find a new place to live. I needed somewhere that really was my own. Ideally, I'd move back to London, that was where the clients were anyway. It was also teeming with bars and clubs, places where I could meet new women... women who could take my mind off the cute girl next door.

I took pride in how I'd responded to the situation with Lizzy. I'd shown discipline, I'd shown resolve, and I'd defied temptation for the greater good. In short, I'd been a first-rate soldier. If these were other circumstances, and if I'd been able to tell him, Roger would have been proud. Those were precisely the qualities why he wanted to work with me.

* * * *

It was a Friday evening, and I looked out from my bedroom window onto the street at the front of the house. I'd heard Lizzy's voice outside. I guess it didn't hurt to take one peek through the blinds. My breath caught in my throat as I watched her. She was chatting with a couple of female friends by the side of the road. It looked like they were all dressed up to go on a night out. Her hair was in cute little ringlets, and her smooth pale skin shimmered in the golden-hour evening light. She was wearing a very tight, short, black dress and a pair of sexy heels. She was going to get a lot of attention from guys that night: a lot of attention from guys other than me.

She was smiling too. Her smile was so cheeky but so very adorable. It simultaneously filled me with warmth and sent maddening pangs of excitement coursing through my veins. If she were any other girl, I'd have made her mine in an instant. Little images passed through my head of going to the club myself and seeing her smile at me. I'd approach her, see her face light up, and gently take her by the hand. I'd buy her a drink, and then we'd flirt, we'd get closer, I'd cup her pretty face, then...

Oh, why the fuck was I allowing myself to think those thoughts?

I turned away and walked over to the other side of the room and took a deep breath. I hit the wall with my fist in annoyance, but I couldn't resist taking another look at Lizzy. I snarled under my breath and darted back over to the window. I watched her with hungry eyes until a taxi came and whisked the group away to the nearest big town.

As the vehicle drove away, I quickly went to my bedroom and opened my laptop. I'd been resisting doing this for a while, but I loaded up Lizzy's social media profiles. I took a breath of exasperation with myself, then scanned through her posts and updates. I found myself laughing at her little writings, thoughts, and comments. Then I saw an album with simply entitled "bad poetry." I decided to take a look. I gulped at what I saw. It contained pictures of the stupid handwritten poems that we'd crafted last summer, including some limericks where we'd each written a line in turn.

I could remember it as if it was yesterday.

My mind drifted back to our time in the forest. I was with Lizzy. It was late afternoon, the sun was still out, but there was a slight breeze in the air. We were sitting with our backs against a tree, facing towards a broad, babbling stream. We were pretty close to where the tents were pitched, but there was nobody around but me and her. Lizzy had a writing pad with her, and our bare arms were brushing against each other. Neither of us moved away.

Limerick about Mark

Her: There was an old man called Mark

Me: Who once wrestled a live shark

Her: His win brought him glory

Me: And he'll tell you his story

Her: But he's so ugly, I'd ask after dark

I remember her squealing with glee when she'd written the last line. I also remember shaking my head and telling her I was going to drown her in the fucking stream. I'd decided to get my own back in the next poem.

Limerick about Lizzy

Her: There was a young woman called Lizzy

Me: Who was all stupid and dizzy

Her: No, she was not!

Me: Actually she was, she forgot

Her: Shut up. Her smile puts grown men in a tizzy!

Upon finishing her last word, she looked up at me and raised an eyebrow as if in victory. Then she flashed me that knee-weakening smile. We looked at each other, and it felt like electricity was flowing between our eyes. I had an almost overwhelming desire to kiss her, but I held myself together and looked away.

"I'm cold," Lizzy had said.

"I suppose I can help with that," I said.

I put my arm around her, and she snuggled close.

"I don't actually think you're ugly," she said.

I laughed. "I know Lizzy," I said. "And for the avoidance of doubt, I don't actually think you're stupid."

"I know," she said with a giggle. "But my smile does send you into a tizzy, doesn't it."

"I'm made of sterner stuff than that," I replied.

"Liar," she said and snuggled closer.

We both sighed and continued to hug in silence until I heard tramping footsteps in the distance and the sound of Judy's voice. We'd then sprung to our feet and acted normal.

* * * *

As I sat on the bed in my house, I snapped myself out of the mental scene and took a deep breath. Oh, that summer, how I'd tried to forget it.

I started to click through her other pics. Lizzy's warmth, beauty, and mischievousness leaped off the screen. She wasn't trying to be sexy in all her pics, but she simply couldn't avoid being so. Her smile alone made her pictures made me fizzle with excitement. I started to massage my stiffening cock through my jeans. Then I saw one of her from last Halloween. She was wearing a slutty nurse's outfit. Oh fuck.

My hand gripped my dick tightly. Maybe I could keep that one. Just that one, and keep it buried in some folder. I clicked to download it.


I went cold in horror. I hadn't downloaded it; I'd 'liked' it.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I quickly 'unliked' it, but the damage was probably already done. Depending on how Lizzy had her settings configured, she'd still see a notification. Maybe it had already flashed up on her phone.

I was half expecting a message from her instantly. I had no idea how she might react or what she might say. I didn't know if she was mad at me for rejecting her, pining for me, or whether she'd just moved on. Maybe she had even found a new boyfriend? I had no idea. An hour ticked by, but nothing happened. I tried to take my mind off it by watching some funny clips and videos.

Then I checked my email. I had a notification. Lizzy had 'liked' one of my pics. I went to view the pic. It was of me, topless on the beach with some buddies. However, when I scrolled through the list of 'likes,' there wasn't one from Lizzy. She must have unliked it instantly.

I laughed. Oh, that was the Lizzy I lov... liked.

Then my phone buzzed. It was Lizzy. There were no words; there was just an emoji with its tongue out, blowing a raspberry. Then another message came:

-----Lizzy: Feeling lonely, stalker? ;)

-----Me: Sorry, Lizzy. I clicked by accident.

-----Lizzy: Sure, whatever. I'm out in Guildford with some friends. I've really missed talking to you :( Do you want to join us? xxx

-----Me: Thanks Lizzy, but I'm fine, you have a good time :)

-----Lizzy: I'd have a better time if a big strong army guy were here to keep all the creeps away. It seems like everyone in the club is hitting on me tonight.

-----Me: Ha! That doesn't surprise me.

-----Lizzy: I'll take that as a compliment :) xxx

I decided not to reply any further.

* * * *

The following Monday, I was due to meet with Roger to agree on a promotion strategy. It was 3 pm, and I knocked on the door. To my surprise, it was Lizzy who answered.

"Hey Mark," she said, placing her arm high up the door frame and leaning seductively against it.

I gulped. I tried my hardest not to look down at Lizzy's body. However, in my peripheral vision, I could see that she was wearing a tight pink vest top, and a floaty, but eye-wateringly short, white skirt. I guess that our little chat on Saturday night had got her thinking there was a chance of us getting together again.

"Hey Lizzy," I replied, taking considerable pains to keep my voice level and my eyes firmly fixed on hers. "Is your dad here? We've got some stuff to go through."

"Nope," she said. "But he'll be here soon. Can I get you a drink while you wait?"

"Yeah," I replied. My breathing deepened as my horny brain tried to pull my eyes down to Lizzy's tits or legs. "I think... err... a beer would be nice."

"Of course, Sir," she said. "One beer coming right up."

She turned, her dark-brown hair swinging behind her. Then she padded towards the kitchen. Sensing a moment of safety, I allowed myself to take a peak. Her tight vest top hugged the curve of her slim, feminine waist, and her short skirt bounced off her ass as she traveled. I couldn't help be take a deep breath of frustration as I watched her smooth, toned legs pass each other.

Before I could divert my gaze, she looked over her shoulder. I tried to flick my eyes away, but it was too late. Lizzy flashed me a devastating smile, and her eyes sparkled.

I gulped.

"Was that another 'like'?" she asked.

Then she turned back and carried on walking towards the kitchen. Heat rose up my neck and burnt from my cheeks. My heart thumped in my chest, and my fists clenched. Fuck. I needed to control myself. If I wasn't careful, I was going to get myself into some serious trouble.

As tension wormed its way through my muscles, I walked into the living room and sat at the end of the soft, three-piece sofa. I grasped a copy of one of Terri's Homes & Gardens magazines from the coffee table. I started to thumb through the pages in the agitated hope that I'd find something to distract me. Unfortunately, there was nothing of interest. Not a single article engaged me. It wasn't a magazine that I'd ever buy. I couldn't care less about whether I was ready for British Flowers Week, or how to make potato papillotes with blue cheese. What the fuck was a papillote anyway?

I forced myself to read a piece about the five best modern beds on the market.

"The Venezia is a simple but sturdy design. Its sleek lines give it a modern feel, but its aged oak construction lends it a hint of timeless class."


My reading was interrupted by the sound of light, feminine footsteps returning to the room. I didn't dare look up and kept my eyes firmly on the page.

"The Venezia is a simple but sturdy design. Its sleek lines give it a modern feel, but its aged oak construction lends it a hint of timeless class."

"Here you go, Sir," she purred, passing me the drink.

"Thanks," I said without looking up. But out of the corner of my eye, I could see an expanse of smooth thigh.

She sat down at the other end of the sofa and swiveled on her ass until she was at right-angles to me. Then she draped her bare legs across my lap. I took a slow inhalation of breath. As calmly as I could, I took a swig of my beer and looked up at her.

"So, have you been stalking my pics again?" she asked.

I grunted.

"No, Lizzy," I said.

"You're a bad liar," she responded. She shook her hair and ran a hand through it. Then she smiled her wicked smile.

I rolled my eyes, but she seemed undeterred.

"I'm going to a party later. What do you think of my outfit?" she asked.

My eyes flicked across her scantily clad body and lingered, for a second, on her smooth, bare legs.

I gulped. "I think it's going to distract a lot of the guys."

She laughed.

"Yeah, maybe it is a bit of a tease," she said. "Pity for them, they're not allowed to touch me. Someone else, however... well, maybe I'd let him do anything he wanted to me."

"Lizzy, please stop flirting with me," I said, with an exasperated voice.