Fortuitous Benefactor


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"In this examination the Police have every right to ask you that question without malice and in my view it was put to you correctly."

"Well in my view that's a question they should put to those fucking goons who killed my husband."

Everyone grinned and the Inspector repeated her question and Beau told the woman that no, she had never hired anyone to harm her husband or appointed an agent to take care of the matter for her. She never would have considered harming her husband or having him harmed."

"But you have said on one occasion your husband kicked you repeatedly and less that twenty-four hours before his death he'd broken three fingers on your left hand and two on your right hand."

"Yes that it true but no way were those painful incidents serious enough for me to call in the goons or for that matter to call in the police."

"What would have constituted something serious enough to call in the police?"

"Had he seriously harmed our children."

"So you deny setting up your husband's death?"

"Absolutely Inspector."

Beau was grateful that Ryan was seated beside her during that interview. At that stage she reached out for Ryan's hand. He held on to her hand. The Inspector saw what was happening and smiled.

The next step up in the relationship between those two, although not sc reamed from the rooftop between those two, came when Ryan arrived home with the saddled pony. This was something so totally unexpected by Beau and her heart swelled in gratitude that someone who wasn't family would do such a major thing for her children.

Of course, the biggest step up emotionally had just passed, the night when she and Ryan first had sex. She walked around in part daze for two days, almost unable to believe that sex could feel like something projecting her toward the stars. It had been some years since she'd experience great sex but this had another word inserted, great romantic sex. Ryan had been so wonderful, slowing the pace because she'd wanted it to last, having expected him to be an accomplished lover. But his care and tenderness had almost sent her into obit and the astonishing thing was when she awoke next morning in her own bed and knowing she'd been totally fucked she left so wonderful and knew she was behaving ever so beautiful to her two youngsters who'd jumped on to the bed to wake her up and to be cuddled.

After a little while she said, "Toni you know when you asked could you jump into bed in the morning with Ryan and I said no?"

"Yes mommy but I haven't been naughty and done that, honest."

"I've decided he knows you well enough and we know him well enough for you to go to his bed. Go to him now darling and keep safe."

"Keep safe from what mommy?"

Oh god, thought Beau. She'd been stupid to say that.

"Oh don't roll out of bed and hurt yourself. Ryan has wooden floors in his bedroom."

"Have you been going to Ryan's bedroom?"

"Only on the day when we arrived here and I was taken on a tour of the house."

"Can Mike come too?"

"If he wants to."

"Nah I'll stay here. I want you to tell me about when granddad ran the car off the highway and you were thrown into the backseat mommy."

"Oh silly boy. Mommy has told you that story a hundred times."

"Yeah but so what? It's the way she tells it that I like."

Beau watched Toni run off and had resisted checking that her daughter was wearing panties under her nightdress. She usually wore them and anyway Beau now knew she'd trust Ryan Aiken with her life and the welfare of her children.

* * *

Ryan was yawning and tentatively touching his weary balls after a 5-hour multi-sex session with Beau Parker when her cute daughter raced in and skidded to a stop.


"Hi Toni."

"Mom says it's okay for me to jump into bed with you."

"Oh are you sure she said that?"

"Yes she said you know us well now and we know you well now and I'm to be careful I don't roll out of bed and hurt myself on the floor because you don't have rugs or carpet."

"And she said nothing else?"

"Only that Mike could come with me but he wanted her to tell her the story she'd told him one hundred times about how when she was seven granddad ran the car off the highway and into a ditch and she was thrown into the back seat but wasn't hurt but granddad hurt his chest and was cut in the face by flying glass."

"Oooh, he was lucky. You are eight aren't you?"

"Yes and you know that."

"Look get a pair of my briefs from that second draw down on my dresser. I need to be wearing something."


"Pull the drawer out gently."


"These white ones have been washed."

"Okay toss them over and wait till I get them on before you get in with me and then I'll tell you about the week when I was eight when our town held a rodeo as part of its 90th year celebrations since being incorporated as a city. Trucks began arriving on to our farm to unload horses, bulls and cattle and would be trucked to the oval each day during the three-day event. Dad was paid to graze the animals and they included a small trick pony called Daisy that was part of the act of a little guy who was only 5-foot tall and he was called Bo-Bo but he told me secretly his real name was Jimmy Smith."

"Omigod what a great story."

"Toni are you allowed to say Omigod?"

"Oh no but you won't tell mommy will you?"

"Well I won't volunteer the information but if she asks I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid. She won't know to ask. Hurry up with those briefs will you please."

Half an hour later as Beau was getting dressed Toni arrived and Beau had rarely seen her daughter so excited and animated.

"What is it?"

"Ryan told me the most wonderful story about Bo-Bo the Clown."

"Oh he made it up."

"No when he was eight the entire rodeo troupe came to this farm that was bigger then and camped on it for a week."

"Are you sure he wasn't making that up?"

"God mom do you think I'm dumb?"

"Young lady you are not to talk like that."

"Sorry. Bo-Bo's real name was Jimmy Smith and he was really, really short although he was a man who was born in Liverpool."

"Liverpool I see. And where's that?"

"I have no idea but who cares because Jimmy was seven when he joined the circus with his parents. They were clowns."

"Darling you can't believe everything you're told."

When everyone was at the table for breakfast, Toni asked Ryan to relate the story about when the rodeo came to Aiken Farm.

Everyone listened attentively because it was such a good story. Bug-eyed Mike went over to Ryan and stood with a hand on Ryan's shoulder.

When it was finished Toni looked accusingly at Beau and said, "Mommy says that story was made up."

Ryan grinned and said did Beau believe he was lying.

"Made up was my comment. But if you tell me it's true I'll believe you."

"It's true."

"The story is true Toni," Beau said. "I believe that."

Ryan left the table and returned with a child's scrapbook. He opened it near the middle and said, "Here you are Toni. He's a phone of me on Daisy with Bo-Bo dressed ready to go off to the rodeo dressed in his clown's suit and fully made up. There are many other photos including of a big black stallion called Black Devil that no one in seven years had ever managed to stay on till the bell and yet my dad rode him around the pasture but of course Black Devil knew he was not at work and so didn't have to throw dad over the fence."

"Omigod Ryan," Toni said wide-eyed. "Tell us about that famous ride."

Beau just sighed hearing her daughter using that no-no word.

"Well there will be no story till you apologize to your mom for saying Omigod."

"Omigod, did I use that word? Sorry mommy. It won't happen again. Start the story please Ryan."

That story was also well received and then Mike asked for his own story.

Ryan recalled the time when he was sixteen and Mr Clarkson phoned around saying one of his bulls was on a rampage, apparently having gone mad. He asked that it be shot on sight.

"Dad was away and mom took out his rifle and we went outside to wait in case it came our way. When we saw it coming, foaming at the mouth and crashing through fences as if they weren't there. Mom told me to climb the Oak tree and I did that. As the bull crashed through the last fence and headed towards her she aimed and pulled the trigger but nothing happened. I yelled the safety catch was on. I was almost peeing myself in fright. Mom lowered the rifle, turned off the safety, raised the rifle and although yelling 'Oh God, Oh God' remained steady and planted one shot high into the chest of the bull and it died and sledging to a halt from momentum and mom had to jump clear. She called to me to come down and said, 'We'll have to call Mr Clarkson we've killed his bull. We'll leave this mess for your father and Mr Clarkson to clean up. I do believe I almost crapped myself'."

Everyone rocked in laughter and Ryan opened a page near the back of his scrapbook and there was a photo of his mom, who appeared no bigger than Kim, standing holding the rifle in the crook of her arm and with one foot on the carcass of the bull. He checked the time and groaned and said his first business appointment was in ten minutes. When running off he shouted, "Thanks guys. This is the best breakfast we've ever had. We have Toni to thank for that. Have a great day everyone."

With the arrival of Beau, Toni and Mike followed by the pony, the population at Aiken Farm was the highest it had ever been since the reduction to its present size of 12 acres but thankfully there was no pressure on any human or animal in respect of living space. In terms of livestock however it was a grossly uneconomic holding but then Ryan was happy to subsidize the farm from his professional earnings because he lived on that piece of land for the lifestyle it gave him. He enjoyed being surrounded by people in need of a transit home but knew not all of them would stay indefinitely. On Friday he called Maggie and said he would be bringing home a guest for dinner.

"It's our IT manager Graham Rose. He's twenty-nine and told me he's looking to marry soon and I told him I have three attractive mothers living in my home and he immediately switched on and said, 'Ready-made families eh?' I invited him to dinner tonight and he accepted almost before I completed the invitation. I think he might be interested in you Maggie but who knows?"

"Yes who knows? I'll brief my girlfriends."

Anticipation of romance is often unpredictable. Initially Graham took a keen interest in Maggie but as the evening wore on it became apparent his focused had switched to Kim.

Ten days later Kim and Anna moved out to shift into Graham's apartment and she said in a tearful farewell, "Don't be surprised to see me back here within ten days."

But the romance bloomed and six weeks later Graham and Kim married and everyone at Aiken Farm attended the event. Ryan had been practically blown away when Kim asked him to stand is as her father and give her away. He parents still declined to have anything to do with her. Ryan visited them to appeal to them to soften their stance, to no avail. He shared the cost of the wedding evenly with the bridegroom's parents and had Kim in tears at the after-wedding function with the eloquence of his speech and his declaration that she was a lovely young woman and he loved her like a daughter.

Ryan and Maggie arrived home a little before midnight and a little inebriated with a bottle of champagne and some wedding cake to share with Beau who'd elected to take the children home more than three hours earlier.

"May Kim and Graham live in happiness," Ryan said, proposing a toast.

Wiping her eyes Maggie said, "Kim going creates a big hole in my life. It must be like losing a sister."

Beau moved over and hugged her and Maggie remained clinging to her and Ryan thought it was time to make something he'd been thinking about every since Kim had left six weeks earlier.

"With Kim truly gone now what say we three enter a tryst as a threesome?"

Maggie and Beau looked at one another and nodded.

"Yes," said Maggie. "We approve of that. May I suggest we throw out the old rule and carnally exhaust our desires on your bed Ryan but return to our own beds to sleep."


"That's sound thinking Ryan. Let's go to your room now. Maggie and I began talking about this a month ago but decided the initiative should come from you."

"How courteous of you both. Come on, brush our teeth and let's get into our inaugural session. Beau how do you feel about anal; Maggie enjoys it?"

"You often have had two fingers in me and so I guess I'm primed. I enjoyed it when I first married but then Peter became ugly about it and began forcing me."

"Hush darling," Maggie urged. "Consider tonight as a new beginning and don't be alarmed if I tongue your butt."

"Oooh. More champagne please," Beau said nervously.

They went at it for almost two hours, practically non-stop, before they flagged it away. Ryan had full anal sex with both women in succession and was pleased that Beau's ass had given him as much enjoyment as Maggie's had and Beau appeared to have coped with the invasion without a problem. Her behavior toward Maggie and him next day was impeccable and Ryan thought Beau eyed them both lovingly. He thought he'd ask Beau to stay permanently if Maggie left or if Beau left he'd asked Maggie to stay on. He avoided thinking about marriage.

The next evening over dinner he put the proposal to the women, suggesting that they both stay on and live as a threesome.

They'd all had a pre-dinner drink and were now with a glass of wine each at the table and so were pretty clear-headed.

"I'd be happy about that," Beau said. "I have no future planned."

"Well the threesome proposal appeals," Maggie said. "I do love it here but I don't see my future as being here permanently. You have been generous to me beyond belief Ryan but my hope is to marry a guy around my own age and take it from there."

"Fair enough Maggie and I support you in that aspiration," Ryan said. "If we work at it we'll get you reestablished out there in the real world."

Beau looked at Ryan as if she were thinking he was such a lovely man.

"We three can continue our naughty ways until Maggie meets this guy eh?"

"Yes," chorused the women, raising their glasses as if rehearsed.

"To our benefactor," Maggie said, making a toast.

"To our remarkable and lovely benefactor," said Beau.

They continued eating in thoughtful silence until Beau said, "Look I have an idea. Why don't you seek a fulltime job Maggie to increase you chances of meeting Mr Right soon and I'll care for Judd."

"A great idea but that's putting too much on to you."

"No way. I'm fit and proven as a mother. Just get used to idea it's going to happen."

Maggie looked at Ryan, appealing with her eyes.

"Don't fight it Maggie. What Beau says makes total sense."

They conversation turned to talking about what they could do at the weekend and later Maggie said, "All right. Beau I accept your kind offer. It does make total sense for me to do this."

That night after twenty minutes in bed with Ryan and Beau, Maggie excused herself, saying her mind was racing and she wished to have a bath and clear her thoughts.

Sliding back into Beau, lying facing each other and Beau holding up her upper leg, Ryan stopped his stroking to say something he'd been thinking about deeply.

"I want you and the kids to stay on whatever happens."

"Oh that's so lovely of you. We are very happy here."

"As soon as Maggie goes I wish to marry you."

Beau released a big sigh and began rocking into him. Ryan caught the rhythm and they settled into a long, slow fuck.

Later she stroked his face.

"Yes I accept your proposal of marriage my darling man."

This had happened so fast that Ryan was caught hoping. He would get what he wanted and what could he say?

He managed although it sounded rather flat.

"Good I'm sure you and I and the kids will be very happy with this outcome. We'll be a complete family."

"Omigod," Beau sobbed.


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BfreetorunBfreetorunover 8 years ago
This is at least my third read of this nice little story.

It has sex, humor and pleasant little stories of adults and children relating in happy and healthful ways. Thank you for writing, I always read it when I come across it.

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 10 years ago
I have read this cute story before.

It had a good line, sex, romance and comic relief. It was just like life. Thank you so much for writing.

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 11 years ago
I just read it again and enjoyed it again.

It remains a very delightful story.

BfreetorunBfreetorunalmost 12 years ago
A sweet story with just enough sex...

Your stories (that I have read) are kind and gentle.

marklionmarklionover 13 years ago
Great Story!!!!!

You wrote another great story like you always do. I like the character development in this story and how Beau was able to overcome her anger at men. I was happy to see Ryan did what he deserved after helping Maggie and Kim with the babies at the beginning of the story. I was happy to see Kim get married and Maggie start looking for a husband.

zinger6zinger6over 13 years ago

Thanks, another good story. Glad you're back from your hiatus.

Phxray54Phxray54over 13 years ago

A delightful tale.

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