Founders Ch. 63


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Khushi sidled up to them and French kissed them both. After having another nice hard, loud, and shaking cum, Colby gave Zach to Khushi. Colby could tell Khushi needed him. He pushed delightedly into Khushi. She was wet, ready, and slick all over with oil. He was able to push her up hard against the wall and get good leverage. Pounding against her and feeling her big oily breasts stroke his chest was heaven. They climaxed together in a moaning, roaring, satisfying tangle of oily limbs. As they rested, he felt her breasts. They were a little sensitive, she reported. Her belly was still flat, but her breasts were definitely at least slightly bigger and fuller. She was becoming a beautiful mommy! The beautiful mother of his child.

They met Anming, Aanya, Colette, and Charisse in the showers. They looked beat but happy. They all jumped into the hot tub together. Master and his crew were busy picking up and didn't join them.

The women had each been in their own room. Anming described her BDSM experience first. "They gave me a long list of things. Some of these I didn't know and had to ask. I said yes to being held down or choked. I didn't want to be tied up or strapped down. I didn't want their penises in me. They blindfolded me. They held me down and teased me with toys and fingers and tongues. They tickled me. They beat me with a soft whip. It was more like a massage. They used a chain with nipple clamps on me, but I didn't like it and they stopped. They put warm strawberry jam on me. I found out later it was strawberry jam. At first I thought it was a man's seed. They used ice cubes. They licked me everywhere, even disgusting places. They did so many things to me. It was frightening and disgusting and hmm... endurable." Her face told a different story. She'd enjoyed it.

Aanya had the next mildest time. She had been blindfolded, strapped down securely, toyed, whipped, and gangbanged by four men using condoms. They had finished in her throat. She described the experience as fun, but more than she would want to do again.

Charisse and Colette declined to describe their experiences other than to say they had been more intense than Aanya's. Colette additionally said that she got to do a number of things she wouldn't be able to experience on Mars for many years to come.


The following Tuesday, September 1, Alexis got her period. Zach found out when he dropped by to satisfy the Breeding Bitches on his way to work. As they lay in each other's arms, he told Alexis, "I can't go on another bike ride, at least not one involving a gangbang. It was not logistically possible for me to not lie to Trigonometry about that. I didn't know all their names. When they started riding my face as well, I lost count how many. I don't want to be in that position again."

"I understand that our little party in the desert was extreme for you, Zach," said Alexis. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe from those bitchy wives you have over there trying to run your life. We'll never treat you like that. Thank you for indulging me, and thank you especially for indulging my mom. I wanted to give her a special gift before going to Mars. I think I accomplished that." She was beaming. He didn't know how to feel about Alexis's attitude. Her mom, though older and out of shape, had been a pleasing lover. It was water under the bridge. Alexis offered, "How about just you and I go for a bike ride and camp out in the desert?"

"That sounds great," sighed Zach. "Let's plan that." He liked the cold archetypal silence of the desert, the big moon, and the bright stars.

Later that morning, Colby and Anming came to visit him in his office. "We just had brunch with Caine," said Colby. She looked embarrassed. "She agreed. No more shaving, temporary tattoos, or other forms of harassment. She was unaware that a bunch of other women would get bent out of shape at what she did. That seemed to make her contrite. Anming being tight-lipped as usual, Caine had assumed you had caused her scars. I made Anming tell Caine about her torture. Caine cried, Zach. It was moving. She really cares about Anming."

Zach had seen the video calls, and the love in them. "I don't doubt it," he said. "So it seems things went well. Why do you look disturbed?"

Colby looked off into the corner. "Caine is a good kisser," she said.

"You saw her kissing Anming?" asked Zach.

"She kissed me," said Colby, "and I didn't stop her. And yes she is handsome, like you said. And I stopped her..." Colby faltered. Anming looked at Colby with concern.

"It's okay. What did you want to say?" asked Zach.

"She molested me a little," said Colby, annoyed. "While we were kissing, she put her hand under my dress and put a finger in momentarily. I broke the kiss and told her to back off. She did. She's a pervert like you, baby. She smelled her finger, right there in the outdoor cafe, and tasted it. She declared me sweet like oatmeal cookies." Colby seemed relieved, like she had completed her confession.

"Cheeky," remarked Zach, and accurate, he thought. "Are you okay?"

Colby stood up, walked over, and sat in Zach's lap. She kissed him passionately, causing his penis to stir so she could feel it against her bottom. "I just need you to tell me everything's okay, baby."

"Everything is fine," replied Zach. "Are you good now?"

"Yes," said Colby.

"And you, Anming?" asked Zach.

"Yes, my husband," said Anming. "I apologize for my friend's rude behavior."

"Apology accepted," said Zach. "Anming, I want to talk to you about how you've been handling your relationship with Caine. Your relationship wasn't a total secret to me, but it was secretive. Sure, you told me about your initial encounter the next day. You even told me what it meant to you emotionally, which seemed pretty great to me. But then, the rest of it was a secret. You hid your other interactions with her from the rest of us. You hid that your chance encounter had become a romance. You revealed those things to me over dinner. And yeah, it hurt. But I could see that it meant something profound to you. It was teaching you some things about yourself, things about the rape you suffered. I think, I hope, it's helping you to heal the parts of yourself the rape hurt. But you need to know that every time you're secretive about this, it bothers me. It's like you're not trusting me with the real you."

"My husband, it's that I'm ashamed," said Anming. "I don't want to be bad. She shouldn't affect me so. I shouldn't want to be with her."

Zach said, "Don't be ashamed. I think this is something you need. Don't try to be rational about it. This is a role you don't want me to play. I frankly don't want to play it with you, either. She affects you profoundly, so don't fight nature. You do want to be with her now and then, so don't fight it. Do you want to live with her?"

"Heavens, no," said Anming. "She's an abusive drunk and drug addict who lives in squalor."

"So do what you want with her," said Zach. "Just please don't be secretive."

"My husband, I will abide by the rules of our open relationship," said Anming.

It was a very passive no. Should Zach step over it? He could handle her desire to skulk around, he thought. Perhaps it was part of the thrill for her. He should try to calm down about it. "I can live with that," he replied diplomatically. He didn't know what he felt about this. It was what it was.


The next day at dinnertime, a tearful Khushi appeared on Colby's doorstep. She and Ayana had broken up "for good!" Khushi declared. She said women lovers did not work for her; she was sticking with men. Zach asked her what had happened.

Ayana and Khushi had been fighting for some time about the nature of their household on Mars. Khushi argued that she wanted to live with Zach even if she was exclusive with Ayana sexually. She wanted her children, who were likely to be cis, to grow up in a cis household. Ayana was adamantly against this, arguing that honesty was very important with children. Zach agreed with Ayana, but he kept his mouth shut. There was no reason to further antagonize Khushi.

The argument had grown more heated than usual. During this it was accused and confirmed that Khushi had been seeing Roger Flanners for sex. Roger Flanners was the astronaut Charisse had been seeing before crew selection. It had also come out that Ayana had been cheating with a number of women. Khushi had stormed out. She would go back to get her clothes and things the next day.

Over dinner, the wives cooed over her, dried her tears, and invited her into their bed. They had toiletries for her to borrow for the evening. Once they had cleaned up from dinner, Colby suggested they go to bed early. Everybody liked the idea.

Berte had not shown up for dinner. Zach texted her and got nothing back, which was odd. Colleen texted her and heard back that Berte was fine. She needed some alone time to think about things. She loved them all very much, especially Zach, who should not worry. Also, she was talking to Ben and hoping to go visit him.

Anming had made another date with Caine and was not expected back that evening.

Khushi was dubious about having sex with Zach in front of everyone. She told them she would rather sleep alone in one of the other bedrooms and think about it. Colby showed her to the nearby blue bedroom. Zach spent some oral time on Colby, Colleen, Aanya, and Becky. The four women pushed him out the master bedroom door to go make love to Khushi. He did this with great relish. Khushi showed up some time later in the dark of the master bedroom. She had a towel between her legs, declared Zach insatiable, and said she needed to sleep.

Around 2 AM Zach awoke alone, hard, and urgent in the blue bedroom. He returned to the master bedroom and went through the four other women hourly. When he bothered Khushi again around 6 AM, she let him. The women were used to the disruption and slept through it. This was okay with Khushi. She didn't want to do it with the light on and everyone awake and watching. After Khushi, he carried Aanya away to the blue bedroom. When they had made love earlier, she had asked him for some more intense time. Aanya's muffled orgasmic shrieks continued until breakfast time.

Over breakfast, Khushi asked to join Trigonometry. Colby said she would remain a special guest wife until things were fully worked out with Ayana.

Berte didn't appear at breakfast. Zach texted her to make sure she was okay. He didn't hear back. Colleen got a text from Berte saying she was okay and asking for the week off to visit Ben. Colleen granted her request. He remarked, "Berte says not to worry, but this feels very personal." He checked the Trigonometry schedule and saw that Berte's week was blocked out for Ben. He texted Berte wishing her a good trip. No response.

That evening, international news sources were jubilant that Zach and Khushi were now living in the same household. There was dismay in the US media, who was favoring Colby with Colleen a close second. Not surprisingly, Germany favored Berte, Bulgaria Michaela, and so forth. China favored Anming. The French favored Colette. The Indian public was rooting for Khushi with Aanya a runner-up. Others in South Asia though Khushi and Aanya should share Zach. Geologists were rooting for Alexis. Microbiologists were rooting for Charisse. Everyone had their fan base.


The next day, Zach heard from Ben. "Berte wanted me to call you. She had some sex with one of your crewmates, and she's worried you'll be angry."

"I can't imagine I would be," said Zach.

"That's what I thought, given you were intending her to broaden herself," said Ben.

"I won't be angry. I was worried because I sent her several texts and got no response. She did respond to Colleen, however, so I wasn't too worried," said Zach. "I wonder why she would think I would get angry. She's already had sex with a couple of her other crewmates at least once. I wasn't angry then. Unless it's Ayana, which would be perfectly fine, though complicated. There was a fairly spectacular breakup between two of the women a couple days ago. When she's ready, she can let me know. Give her my love."

"I will," said Ben. They closed the connection.


Aanya had enrolled the entire crew to fly to India to help her make her public service announcement. Becky would tag along. They would all fly to Delhi on September 10, in five days.


NASA publicity begged Zach and Khushi to go out in public together. The two of them talked about it. Khushi asked, "Is there something we could go out and do that would convince NASA to stop asking us?"

"It would be good if it didn't give the press any additional actual information," Zach said. "I might have it. There is this exclusive club in town called the Legendary Club. It's a private club, but they offered to host us. The press isn't allowed in. It has one of the best restaurants in Houston, I'm told."

"Sounds like NASA would ask us to keep going there," said Khushi.

"Probably not," said Zach. "You see it's a restaurant, a bar, and a dance floor. You can go there to just have regular fun. But it's also a swingers' club."

"Swingers, as in people have sex with each other's husbands and wives?" asked Khushi.

"Exactly," said Zach.

"The press will go crazy. NASA will go crazy!" said Khushi. "It's perfect. Are you suggesting that we... swing?"

"I was thinking we would just go there, have a nice dinner, maybe a dance or two," said Zach. "But whatever you want to do, I'm game."

"You know me, Zach," said Khushi. "I'm interested in building relationships. I'm not a sexual adventurer. Are the men there handsome?"

"There's an under forty night that is supposedly the hangout of personal trainers and so forth. Sounds like you're curious," said Zach. "We can play it by ear."

So it was that Zach and Khushi were having a wonderful dinner together in the Legendary Club. The press had been alerted. They had crowded around at the door of the establishment peppering them with questions, none of which they answered. Then they had disappeared inside. "Everybody thinks we're in here swinging," she said, giving him smoky eyes. "We should not be blamed for something we didn't do."

"You're sounding adventurous," Zach said, kissing her. He brushed his credit card over the bill, leaving a generous tip. "Shall we wander over and see what's going on?"

"If you insist," said Khushi, smiling. Evidently, she wanted plausible deniability.

When they went through the door to that part of the club, there was a dance floor. A number of people were mingling and dancing on the dance floor. Some tops had come off, but otherwise it was like a regular nightclub. There was some post-metal rhapsody with a good beat playing. There was a stage. Patrons, generally women, were getting up there one at a time to strip for the crowd. Zach and Khushi skirted the dance floor. A number of women from around the stage came to enthusiastically surround Khushi. They begged her to dance. They had identified the couple. Khushi loved to dance and was flattered by the pleas of the women. It didn't take her long to agree.

A beautiful tall thin redhead in her twenties with lean pert tits and a shaved mons was onstage. She was drunk and beet-red from embarrassment, and not a skilled dancer, but enthusiastically circling her hips. Her drunken girlfriends were egging her on, daring her to spread her vulva. She was giggling and shaking her head. The crowd around the stage was friendly and encouraging. The song ended, and the redhead grabbed her discarded clothes from the stage and ran off, giggling.

The women gently encouraged Khushi up on to the stage. Since she was out in public, she was dressed in a beautiful traditional sari. She had a bindi on her forehead. She looked every bit the proper aristocratic Indian woman. She surveyed the crowd with kindness, as a queen might regard her subjects. Men and women in the crowd were abuzz over who this woman might be. She looked so proper. Was she really going to undress?

The music began. Khushi began to dance and sway in her expert fashion. As she did, she removed the shawl that covered her arms and midriff. She showed off her amazing abdominal muscles, undulating them. She unwrapped the portion of the sari that covered her lower half, revealing a pair of sexy black lace panties. She went into a handstand and did the splits while holding the handstand. She was able to go down into an elbow stand. She undulated her belly and fucked her hips out towards the crowd, still in full splits. It was the sexiest dance move that Zach had ever seen. The rest of the crowd appeared to agree. There was cheering. He got slipped over a hundred calling cards from men and women. He let them pile up in his open palms while he watched, mesmerized. He looked behind himself to see that everybody out on the dance floor had stopped. They were all watching her, too.

Khushi popped back up into a handstand and cartwheeled back onto her feet. She swayed as she unwrapped the top portion of her sari and let it drift to the stage. She danced and swayed in her black bra, panties, and flats. As she continued to undulate her body, she lifted one leg behind her head. She removed the flat and liner from that foot. She did the same with the other leg and foot. Now she was barefoot in a black bra and panties. The crowd roared "Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip!" She popped her front clip bra and her knockers flew out with a jiggle, nipples erect. The crowd went wild. The pile of cards in Zach's hands became unmanageable. Somebody gave him a paper bag. He put all the cards into that.

A thrill ran through the crowd as, with a smile, she slid her panties down to the stage. Her bare mons and a tantalizing hint of her nether lips appeared. She did her signature move, at least as Zach thought of it. She picked up one leg and held it close to her body, showing her vulva crack. Her wet vulva lips parted, showing her juicy vagina. He imagined he heard the luscious pop as this happened. The crowd roared. She did more improbable splits, shimmys, rolls, and handstands. Each led to a new display of her wet open vulva and jiggling erect jugs. Each caused a tremendous stir in the crowd. The music ended. She gathered her clothes and left the stage, beaming. He saw by her demeanor and obvious sexual excitement that she'd enjoyed herself tremendously.

The people crowded around her, but were scrupulously polite. There were many requests to touch, which she declined. A number of men had their penises out and had been masturbating. She declined having them put their semen anywhere on her. They politely squirted it into their hands or handkerchiefs. Some of the men's wives accepted delivery into their mouths. Women approached wanting to touch her, but these were declined as well. She was gracious interacting with the crowd as she dressed and rejoined Zach. He showed her the full paper bag of calling cards. Everyone in the room must have given him one.

Khushi locked eyes with one extremely pretty Asian woman sitting at a table across the room. She was probably in her mid thirties, but looked much younger, as Asian women tended to. She was sitting at one of those small round tables and nursing a drink. She was dressed conservatively. Led by Khushi, they sat down at her table. The woman said, "Your dance was so beautiful. I could never have the courage to dance like that." The woman had an easy and spectacular smile. At closer range, Zach saw that this woman could be Ayana's older sister they looked so much alike.

The woman's name was Toni, and she worked for a large IT firm in town. She and Khushi talked about their favorite data analysis tools. Ah, engineers. Aside from the shop talk, Toni mentioned that she was married. Her husband was off in one of the private rooms enjoying somebody else's wife while the husband watched. She had been too embarrassed to join them. She and her husband had done some kissing and light petting in front of the other patrons, that's it. She hadn't felt comfortable with more. She was feeling bored and miffed her husband had left her alone. She had been politely hit on by dozens of men and couples since.
