Fox, Satyr, Dragon Pt. 01


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"Sasha I AM an idiot." Natalia squeaked. "You should've seen me when I saw her this morning. I didn't say a word. Just stared. Like... Like a simpleton."

"I stared like that when I first saw you naked." Sasha said. "What a great night."

Natalia meekly shoved Sasha for that but didn't say a word. She took Sasha's hand and they walked in silence out of the dormitory and onto the school grounds. Sasha was preoccupied with what she had seen that morning in the library, along with how her thoughts on Branigan had shifted. It had started off as dislike. Then it had become doubtful, but mildly interested. Intrigued by this librarian that everyone seemed to adore and doing her best to resist the charm. She had been aware that she was failing in her resistance, but she embraced the failure now. The glimpse she had gotten of Branigan's core had pushed her over. Sasha accepted her crush and accepted that she had come to care about Branigan in such a short period of time. From loathing to adoring in record time. She dreaded having to tell him that. His smug face would be intolerable. "Nat."


"I like Branigan."

"....You mean. Like him? A crush?"

"Yeah. A crush." Sasha said. "But even if he rejects me I want to be his friend."

"Whoa." Natalia held back any teasing remarks she wanted to make. Sasha's tone of voice made it clear it wouldn't be welcome. "What happened, Sasha? What changed?"

"Well I started to think about it last night when Mom said the rule forbidding faculty-student romance is more of a guideline. It's just not advertised that way. Because...Well duh."

"Hmm. Interesting. Tell me more on that later." Natalia's heart leapt. That meant that they could pursue him. Paths opening to Branigan and Jack in the same week. This school year was starting off amazingly.

"Sure." Sasha nodded. "His mom reacted scarily when she found out that I'm a Blackvine. I don't know what's going on there and why she reacted like that but Branigan defended me. Made her apologize and that made me feel really good. And safe. Putting aside the fact that she's his mom, standing up to a woman like Mrs. Stone takes power. The confident, self-assured kind. It's not just hot, it's inspiring."

"And you're coming to dinner after that?!" Natalia exclaimed. "You're so brave."

"She meant her apology." Sasha shrugged then shuddered when she remembered how she had felt when Simran glared at her. "I am a little scared though. The woman is terrifying, Natalia. Remember how we felt when Branigan scared Lucas off with that tornado of fire?"

"I'll never forget that."

"It was like that. But worse." Sasha said. "And all she did was glare at me for a second. Mrs. Stone is not someone you fuck with."

"Wow." Natalia wasn't sure what else to say to that. Branigan's fire had left her shaken. "I still stand by calling you brave."

"Thanks, baby." Sasha smiled and kissed the back of Natalia's hand. "After that, they talked for a little bit and Branigan asked how his dad's doing. They both looked sad but Branigan looked broken. He tried to play it off by not letting his mom answer and just said that his dad's always good. That his dad's a lucky man."

"Branigan is hiding a lot."

"Well if he's as sad and angry as he seems at times, it makes sense that he's hiding it."

"Yeah." Natalia murmured, a pang of sympathy twisting her heart. "If he acted how he felt, I don't think he'd have friends. People suck."

"We don't suck." Sasha said. "We'll be his friends."

"For sure." Natalia said. "And help him resolve whatever he needs to resolve."

Natalia knocked on Branigan's door and he opened it seconds later. "Come in!"

"Good evening." Simran stood and smiled, wine in hand. "Shall I pour you a drink?"

"No, thank you." Sasha said. "Just water is fine."

"You got it." Branigan began pouring two glasses. "My mom does bite, but you don't have to worry about it, Natalia."

"Don't scare the poor girl." Simran tutted and set her glass down. She held her palms together, at chest level, in the South Panasian manner of greeting before holding her right hand out to Natalia. "A pleasure to actually meet you, Natalia, and not just intrude on your date."

"Pleasure, Mrs. Stone." Natalia shook the offered hand then stood, fidgeting.

"Please sit." Simran said, taking a seat herself. "Branigan has been telling me about you two."

The girls panicked internally, Natalia thinking about her troubles with her fein and Sasha thinking about her attitude with him. Branigan winked at the two as he gave them their water. "Yeah. How you're both incredibly talented and how I'm looking forward to seeing what you two do."

"I should have invited Jack." Simran said. "I didn't realize she had become a friend of Branigan's until he spoke of her as well."

"There's always another night." Sasha said.

"Yeah." Natalia said. "And she was telling me that she was going to be busy tonight. Something about helping classmates with their Artificery projects."

"Of course she is." Branigan said. "Any excuse to be in the Forge."

"She is also helping you with your project, yes?" Simran said to Sasha. "I would love to hear your idea, Sasha. Branigan was being insufferably vague."

"Uhm." Sasha bunched her fists before catching Branigan's reassuring smile. "A way to rapidly disperse a healing potion in a small area. To treat multiple victims at once with less work for the medic."

Simran raised her eyebrows. "As a mist? Or liquid?"

"I'm not sure. Mist would be ideal since there would be less of a mess. We can't have people slipping in the middle of a field tent." Sasha said. "However, I'd have to use more of the potion if I want it to have the same effectiveness as it would have in liquid form. So I either have to develop a new kind of first aid potion entirely or rely on Jack to make a dispersal device that can handle the increased quantity without being..."

"Cumbersome." Natalia suggested.

"Yeah. Cumbersome." Sasha said.

"Dispersal device." Branigan smirked. "That's not what you called it with me."

"Shut..." Sasha remembered Simran was there. She looked at the spell crafter sheepishly.

"Shut up, Branigan." Simran laughed. "Creators come up with new names and terms on the fly. If she calls it a dispersal device now, that is what it is. And it is an excellent idea, Sasha. I wish you well. My son and his skills are at your disposal. Unfortunately you also get everything else that comes with that."

Branigan sighed dramatically. "Betrayal at the hands of my own mother."

Simran gave him no regard, giving it to Natalia instead. "What about you? Are you doing a project as well?"

"No." Natalia clenched under the attention. She had been anticipating the question since Simran had asked Sasha. "I can't think of one. Good that it's optional, right?" She laughed nervously.

"I had that same dilemma when I was an eighth year." Simran smiled graciously. "Graduated without one as well. So there's no shame in it. And, Natalia, it has no bearing on your future success."

"That's assuring to hear." Natalia said. "I'm surprised that you didn't have one, though."

"It surprised me as well." Simran drained her wine and stood. "Let's eat, shall we?"

Simran waved a hand and a large pot floated from the kitchen and settled on the coffee table. Behind it came two glass bowls that then arranged themselves on either side of the pot. Branigan handed out plates while ladles arrived for the pot and bowls. Natalia swallowed the drool her mouth had worked up as she stared at the meal in front of her. Chicken biryani, stuffed naan, chicken curry, and what she guessed was onion raita. "Everything looks and smells delicious, Mrs. Stone."

"I'd say it tastes delicious, too." Branigan said, piling food high on the girls' plates once they returned from washing their hands. "The raita is there in case you can't handle the spice."

"I made it mild just to be safe." Simran said.

"But you can never tell with Imperials." Branigan said, reigning himself in and taking normal bites instead of making a mess. His mom's cooking brought that out into people and he could see the urge in Natalia and Sasha as well.

"Branigan, that's racist." Simran said.

"I'm allowed to be! I'm half." Branigan said. "You're the racist by assuming these two couldn't handle spice."

Simran shook her head, amused. "How is it, girls? Was I right to be careful?"

"It's perfect!" Sasha said, covering her mouth. She had been about to ask for a spoon so she wouldn't have to eat with her hands as was culturally custom. Branigan's comment on Imperials stayed her request.

"So good, Mrs. Stone." Natalia was in pain, her large eyes brimming with tears. The slightly upturned tilt of her narrow nose had turned pink and the flush was beginning to spread. Her ears were already red. "Spicy. But delicious."

"Oh dear." Simran said. "Branigan, quick, pour her some raita."

"No no!" Natalia sniffled and shook her head. "I want to enjoy it normally first."

"Natalia, it is normal to add raita." Branigan said. "It serves as a compliment to the rice."

"No." Natalia smiled bravely. "Really. Please, everyone, just keep eating."


"It's fine, Bran."

Branigan stared at her, worried about the damage she'd be doing to her stomach, then decided she could make her own decisions. "Good that I picked up ice cream. How about you, Sasha? Are you as fine as you look?"

"Mhm." Sasha winked at him since he was blocking Simran's view. "I am as fine as I look."

Branigan felt, in that wink, what it was like to be pursued by Sasha Blackvine. Blue eyes filled with poorly masked desire and the ever so subtle biting of her full, lower lip. What made it potent, even against those with romantic experience, was the confidence behind it all. He would be hers. Branigan paused, winked back to save some of his bravado, and sat back down. Natalia had full view of the exchange and momentarily slipped back to when Sasha had gone on the attack with her. Nerve-wracking and toe-curling.

"Did you and Dr. Stone date all through school?" Natalia asked.

"We would have if my husband wasn't terribly daft when it comes to romance." Simran said. "I fell in love with him during our third year in Foxcastle when we were put in a group project together. So many hints for years. Like when I," Simran looked to see if Sasha was paying attention. "Accidentally lent him books that were written in South Panasian and later translated the portions he needed. On multiple occasions. He began to think I was the careless type until I cleared up that confusion."

Sasha, having picked up on why Simran had mentioned that specific story, simply smiled. Everyone knew everyone else's intentions. It just had to be said. Until then, likely later this night if Sasha proceeded as she usually did, they could enjoy the potential energy in the room. "When did he finally find out?"

"When I stopped being shy and insecure and realized that if I wanted him, I should just make a move. I knew he was interested but Branigan is too nervous of a man to tell me first." Simran said. "When we returned to school at the start of our seventh year, I walked up to him after his family left and kissed him. Right in front of the school gates."

"Dad's not a nervous man."

"Forever your father's son." Simran laughed. "I do not mean it derisively, Bran, you know that. I find his nervousness cute, after all."

"Wow, Mrs. Stone!" Sasha arched an eyebrow and smirked. "What'd Dr. Stone do after?"

"Fainted." Simran sighed. "I predicted that would happen so I had a mutual friend stand behind him."

The rest of the dinner proceeded in a similar manner, with frequent laughs and subtle flirtations whenever the opportunity presented itself. Simran had picked up on her son's interest in the girls while he had talked about them before their arrival and her reading of his emotions proved true during the meal. He was playful and flirtatious, yes. A trait he had gotten from her side of the family with his favorite Uncle Balraj being the biggest culprit. But Branigan's genuine care always shined through in his actions. Such as insisting that Natalia accompany her second helping of biryani with raita even though she claimed she didn't need it (an argument that he managed to win by saying he didn't want her getting sick).

"It was wonderful spending dinner with you two." Simran said. "And I look forward to many more."

"It was wonderful." Natalia agreed. "And such an honor, Mrs. Stone. Thank you for trusting us enough to not wipe our memories."

"After Branigan has spoken so highly of you? I wouldn't even entertain the thought." Simran said. "If you and Sasha need any help, please, do not hesitate to come to me. I believe you've already started a correspondence with my husband, Natalia?"

"I have!" Natalia said. "I can't wait for his first recommendations to get here."

"It will be worth the wait." Simran put a hand on Sasha's arm. "Sasha, I must apologize again for threatening you earlier today."

"Mrs. Stone, it's really not necessary..." Sasha began before trailing off. Simran had raised her hand.

"Your mother and I have a complicated relationship but it is entirely due to my failings, not hers. That failing made itself evident this morning." Simran sighed. "To someone a few decades my junior. I am sorry, Sasha. Please convey my regards to Anette, though she may be surprised to hear them."

"Apology accepted. Did..." Sasha debated asking. Her bold half won. "Did my mom do something to you?"

Simran smiled, though it scarcely reached her cheeks let alone ascend to her eyes. "Through no fault of her own. Which is why it is my failing, not hers. Please, ask no more, Sasha. This evening has been pleasant and I want it to stay that way."

"Okay." Sasha nodded. What was it with this family in being so heartbreakingly sad? An idea crept into her head and she saved it for the end of the night when she went to bed. "I understand."

"Now, would you girls wait to the side for a moment while I say goodbye to Branigan?"

"Not too far off." Branigan said, stepping into Simran's hug. "I'll walk you to the dorms."

Sasha and Natalia walked away after one last 'good night' to Simran. Once out of earshot, but still within Branigan's sights, they stopped. "Branigan's family is one of the old ones, right?" Sasha asked. "As old as our families are?"

"Mhm! House Stone pops up all over Imperial history." Natalia said. "Predates it actually. If I remember right, his family is as old as Jack's."

"Hmm." Sasha nodded slowly, then predicted Natalia's forthcoming question by the set of the girl's lips. "Just wondering."

"Okay." Natalia said, then checked to make sure Branigan was still talking to Simran. "I'm going to kiss him goodnight."

"Me too!" Sasha exclaimed. "Horny minds think alike."

"Shut up, I'm not horny." Natalia's protest was weak. "You first or me?"

"You." Sasha said. "You crushed on him first."

"True..." Natalia smiled. Then chuckled. "To think you hated him when I first told you about him less than a week ago. Days, Sasha! Days."

"Hate and love are rarely far apart." Sasha said dismissively, though her cheeks burned. If she didn't know any better it would be as if Branigan had given them both a love potion. As they were not currently mounting him and rocking his bed through the cabin walls, it wasn't hard to determine that their interest in him was natural.

"Ready to go?" Branigan said.

"Yeah." Sasha looked around. "Where'd your mom go?"

"She's going to drop by your grandpa's office for a few minutes." Branigan said, a hand holding a small bag.

"We didn't notice her go past us..."

"Well she's smart enough to avoid wards." Branigan said. He held up the bag. "These are leftovers. You two have a fridge in your room right?"

"Mhm." Natalia reached to take the bag from him but he pulled it away. "What a gentleman."

"Always." Branigan gestured. "Shall we?"

Branigan walked behind them, but close enough to where they could still make small talk. Branigan, to follow on his status of being a gentleman, only occasionally looked at their butts. Natalia's ass was round and perky, outlined alluringly by her tight jeans. Sasha's was bigger and noticeably more peach shaped, owing to her more tapered waistline. She was wearing tights under her skirt and Branigan contemplated praying for wind to arrive and blow her skirt up. Or perhaps conjure a lustful breeze himself. But they arrived at the girls dormitory and Branigan's gentleman status was maintained. Outwardly.

"Close your eyes." Natalia said after taking the bag from him.

"If you want to stab me, I'd prefer you do it with my eyes open."

"Just do it, Bran." Natalia used her secret weapon, puppy dog eyes, followed by a lilting, "Please?"

Women who knew their strengths and used them are far scarier than men. Branigan sighed and shut his eyes - after looking around. Small, pouty lips pressed against his for just three seconds and pulled away. Before he could recover, a second set of lips kissed him. Larger, fuller, and held no hesitation.

"Hmm." Branigan managed as he opened his eyes. "That was... Wow."

"We know it's quick." Natalia said, her cheeks warming her against the cold. "But we like you, Branigan. We'd like to start getting to know you better. And...Start a relationship? If it goes well."

Branigan grinned. "Ol' Blackvine won't be happy about this."

"Meh." Sasha shrugged. She had been right earlier. His smugness was intolerable. "It's what he gets for pretending a guideline is a rule."

"It'll be fun to sneak around." Branigan said. "See how long it takes for him to catch on."

"I knew you'd like sneaking around!" Natalia said.

"Well I sure as hell wouldn't be honorable and let Neil know." Branigan said. "Besides. I know Sasha's parents wouldn't argue. Yours, Natalia?"

"They'd be thrilled." Natalia rolled her eyes. "My dad's obsessed with bloodlines." She winced as she realized how that sounded. "As a history buff! Not a racist or classist or anything like that."

"Cool!" Branigan said. "Well. Goodnight, you two."

"Not gonna ask for another kiss?" Sasha had her hands behind her back and was giving him a kissy face.

"Got more pride than that, Sash." Branigan stepped away. "Goodnight."

"You're boring!" Sasha booed.

Later that night, while both were in their own beds and lost in their own thoughts, Sasha eventually enacted the idea she had earlier. With her fein focused, Sasha murmured Branigan's last name. Just as she would do if she were casting a spell. Stone.

The taste of blood filled her, assaulting her senses to her core with its iron and spiteful heat. The viscous energy coalesced into an anchor that wrapped its rusted chains around her weakly beating heart and dropped, forcing her to spasm uncontrollably. Sasha curled into the fetal position as the air was forced from her lungs. Her heart ached as though she was given a grief no human could withstand. She began crying, keeping quiet by biting her lip until she drew blood. Only able to breath in quick, shallow gasps. She thought to say her surname or Natalia's but she couldn't order her mind. Her fein had been ravaged and could not draw from her core. The girl couldn't even get up if she wanted to.

What happened to them? Sasha all but wailed out loud. I can't... What... Oh Bran what happened to you?

Sasha's innate courage dragged her through the attack on her mental, emotional, and physical stability. It held on with a vice grip even as her exhaustion hauled her to sleep while tears continued to stream down her face. The next morning, it was that courage that told her to keep pursuing Branigan. Love brings power. Power brings healing. She thought to herself as she got ready for the day. Sasha didn't love him yet, but she would.
