Fox, Satyr, Dragon Pt. 01


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Jack walked to where Sasha was sitting after the girl had waved her over. "Hey Sash."

Sasha smiled. "Hey!"

"Classes start off well for you?" Jack asked before starting on her salad. Her grilled chicken could wait.

"Yeah. Well enough." Sasha shrugged. "It's only going to get worse."

"Tell me about it." Jack nodded. "Grit is assigning a paper due a week from when you have his class for the first time. You're in Artifact History, right?"

"I have it this afternoon." Sasha sighed. "Damn it another paper."

"I can help you with it." Jack said. "As of now I have yet to learn something new from his class."

"I would really appreciate that." Sasha said. "I was already going to ask you for help with something though..."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"I'm working on my exhibition project, and we're allowed to have partners for it. Was wondering if you could be mine? If you're not actually busy with your own, that is. I don't want to get in your way..."

"I do have my own project but I don't mind helping you with yours. The more the merrier!" Jack said cheerfully. "If you're coming to me, it's probably an Artifact idea. And I'm always down for Artificery."

Sasha looked around to be sure no one was nearby, then lowered her voice. "Promise not to laugh?"

"No." Jack said flatly, then grinned. "Kidding."

"Well. It might sound silly." Sasha said. "But... I want to make a healing grenade."

Jack paused mid bite, then set her fork down. "Healing grenade."

Sasha blushed. "...Yes."

"Like. You throw it, it explodes, and it heals people."


"You do realize explosions hurt people?"

"That's what I need your help with." Sasha said. "I need a way to rapidly disperse a first aid potion without hurting people with an explosion first. I'd like to do something fancier than a first aid potion grenade but let's start small first."

"How about dispersing it as a gas? I could rig something up that spreads a mist out."

"It'll lose its effectiveness. You'd need something like three times the usual amount."

"Hmm." Jack frowned thoughtfully. "Well. I like explosions. But what's the use?"

"Rapidly healing multiple people in an area." Sasha said. "Mainly for situations where wounded soldiers outnumber field medics. Healing spells tire medics out, so if they had a way to heal multiple people at once without draining themselves it'll increase their overall effectiveness. A stretch goal would be making the grenades so even normal people can use them."

"I still think mist dispersal would be the best way to go. I can deal with putting large volumes in small containers." Jack said. "But I like it. Artificery and things going boom? Yes, please. I want to brainstorm. Meet me at my Forge on Saturday? Morning or evening. Whatever works for you."

"Saturday morning sounds good!" Sasha said brightly. "Thanks for not making fun of me."

"I will never make fun of explosions." Jack said seriously, before looking over Sasha's shoulder. "Hmm. Isn't that Natalia's ex?"

Sasha turned and saw Lucas entering the cafeteria. She sneered and nodded. "Yep, that's the pig."

"Heard your mom humiliated him in Potions yesterday."

"She did." Sasha laughed. "You should've seen his face. Didn't talk for the rest of class or even look up from his desk."

"What'd he do to your mom to get that treatment?" Jack laughed.

Sasha filled Jack in on why Natalia had broken up with Lucas and the way he had been following her around. Jack's face turned from mild amusement to disgust as she learned of Lucas's controlling and possessive nature.

"Well that's not attractive." Jack frowned and looked over to where Lucas was sitting. He had joined his friends and looked to be enjoying himself. "Shame. He used to be so cute."

"I guess." Sasha shrugged. "I like my boys to be a little bit less pale."

"How about your girls?" Jack asked. Her skin, thanks to special lotions that nullified any chance of being sunburned, was pale despite the amount of time she spent outside.

"No preference." Sasha said, smiling.

"I don't have one either." Jack smiled back, hiding the fact that Sasha's smile had disarmed her. Sasha Blackvine was notorious for her resting bitch face and she often amplified it by being noticeably neutral to people she didn't know or haughty to people she didn't like. The persona of 'princess' had been attributed to her and it suited her well. Jack was on her good side and so had seen Sasha's smile plenty of times but this smile had been different. If Natalia got this smile then it was a wonder she got anything done. Maybe seeing it often made you used to it. "Want me to do something super douchey?"

"What do you mean?"

"Pick a fight with Lucas." Jack said. "Defend Natalia's honor."

Sasha grinned and thought about it. It would be great to see Lucas get his ass handed to him instead of just scared away. But he evidently was the type to hold a grudge and constantly cause trouble and she didn't want Jack to have to deal with that. "No it's okay. I don't want you to have to deal with his bullshit."

"I can handle a little boy." Jack said. "But okay. Different idea. Depends on whether or not Lucas was interested in you."

"Natalia said he was. I made it clear I was only fine with being friends with him, at most." Sasha said. "I wasn't even fine with that but I was trying to like him because of Nat."

"You love being right, don't you?"

"Usually, yes. Not when it means Natalia getting hurt. What's your idea?"

"I walk you to class after we finish eating. Holding hands." Jack said. "Only while passing Lucas's table."

"Sounds like an excuse to hold my hand." Sasha smiled. The special smile.

"Is that wrong?"

"Not at all."

When the two were done eating, they interlaced fingers. Jack wondered if her hand was too sweaty. Sasha noted that Jack's hand was a little clammy but didn't mind. Near Lucas's table, Sasha pretended like Jack had said something funny and laughed noticeably. As they passed it, Sasha continued her laughter and threw in clinging to Jack's arm. Jack tried to not act overly giddy from hearing Sasha's wonderful laugh (as fake as it was) and from having Sasha's breasts pushed up against her arm. Lucas's friends, and boyfriend, noticed all this but pretended like they didn't. The man himself clenched his jaw and glared at the both of them. Jack wanted to egg him on more since she loved inflicting beat downs on shitheads like Lucas, but she held back to heed Sasha's wishes. Jack slightly moved to take her hand away from Sasha's once they left the cafeteria, but Sasha held on.

The walk to class was extremely pleasant.


"Mathias, where are you?" Anette said the second her husband's head appeared.

"Oh no." Mathias' golden head replied. "You needed me today? I thought it was tomorrow."

"Mathias." Anette pinched the bridge of her nose then glared at him. "I reminded you. Multiple times."

"I had the date written down!" Mathias said. "I just...thought it was tomorrow and not today. Can I come in tomorrow?"

"I've already got the potion started! Timing is crucial." Anette said. "Whatever. Where are you?"

"Well I was knee deep in centaur shit before I came to answer the call." Mathias said. "The clan near the school has had a bug going around. Their healer is incapacitated with it, poor man, so they called for me and Chel."

"Well that's a better punishment than I could come up with." Anette muttered. "You and I will have to reschedule."

"Hold on. Am I the only man you know?" Mathias smiled. "Come on, love. Surely you have other sources."

"Every variable matters." Anette said. "I need a man that's interested in me. Not just as a woman. But me."

"Hmm...None of your coworkers eh...?" Mathias frowned thoughtfully. "Hey! Didn't you say Branigan is back? Plenty of students have crushes on you and he used to be one!"

"I am not asking Branigan."

"Why not? He'd enjoy it and still be professional about it!"

"You're assuming he's still interested in me."

"Take it from me, honey." Mathias grinned. "It's extremely likely he still is."

"Well..." Anette twisted her mouth. "Alright. I will ask him. If he says no you'll be giving me three times the sample!"

"Is that supposed to be a punishment?"

"Not in separate quantities, love." Anette smirked wickedly. "In volume."


"Good luck with the centaurs. Give them my well wishes."

"Give mine to Branigan!" Mathias pecked the air with his lips. "Love you."

"Love you." Anette hung up after doing the same. She then dialed the library. Branigan answered immediately.

"Hey, Anette!" He said. "How can I help you?"

"Could you come to my office right away?" Anette said. "I have a favor to ask."

"What kind of favor?" Branigan raised an eyebrow.

"Not willing to discuss it over the phone, Bran."

"Oh. Okay. Everything alright?"

"Everything is fine." Anette smiled at his concerned face. "It's work related but it's nothing too serious."

"Alright then! I'll be there in ten."

Anette left her desk after ending the call and went to the fume hood in the corner of the room. The cauldron in it contained a dark violet liquid that was no longer steaming. She lifted it with both hands, taking care to not let any of the contents spill or even shake slightly, and carried it to a work table. She placed it on a round stand with upward facing squat claws, then checked the beakers on the table for any stains that would indicate they hadn't been cleaned from the last samples that had been in them. Satisfied with that, she decided to adjust her clothes. Her jacket was tossed onto the back of her chair and all her rings were removed, save for her wedding rings. Anette also undid the first two buttons of her blouse and pulled at the sides to reveal ample cleavage formed by a purple lace push-up bra. She took some moisturizer from a drawer and applied it to her chest and her breasts to give them an alluring glisten. Mathias loved her ass and legs so she had worn uncomfortably tight pants, but it would have to be Branigan that got the treat. And all my students today. Anette smiled to herself. She had just finished putting the moisturizer on her face when there was a knock at her door. As it came in the form of a playful rhythm, she knew who it was. "Come in, Branigan." She sat down behind her desk with her arms crossed and resting on it, displaying her large breasts in a subtle - but still obvious - way.

"Thanks for giving me an excuse to leave early." Branigan said as he took a seat. He glanced at her cleavage, but only once. He's a gentleman. "What do you need?"

"First, I want you to know that you are free to say no."

"I know." Branigan smiled. "What is it, Anette?"

"I need a sample of your semen."

Branigan took that to mean he didn't have to control himself from looking at her breasts. So he did. Twice before responding. "For....?"

"A potion I'm working on."

"You said it in that order so that you could get a rise out of me, didn't you?"

"Of course!" Anette smiled. "It's for an anti-love potion I'm working on."

"Anti-love? As in stopping the drinker from loving the person who made the potion."

"Yes." Anette nodded. "It's for the men and women with an unwelcome suitor."

"If they're an unwelcome suitor, getting their sperm would be dangerous." Branigan said. "Plus it'd be very difficult to get sperm if the person lacks testicles."

"I'm still near the beginning of developing the potion, Bran." Anette chuckled. "The end goal is for a hair sample, or something else simple, to be enough for it to work. Until I can figure out what is exactly going on in the reaction I'll need something potent. Like sperm."

"Not that I'm saying no..." Branigan sat up straighter. His crotch remained uncomfortable. "But why me?"

"I need a man that's interested in me, not just my body. It was supposed to be my husband but he couldn't make it."

"I'm interested in you?"

"You were a former student of mine." Anette said. "I know how my students think of me. None of you are very subtle."

"You're not the only one that doesn't know how to be subtle." Branigan looked pointedly at her cleavage.

"I can be subtle, Bran." Anette leaned forward and rested her face in one hand, her breasts pressing on the table. "But some men like forward women. You're one of them."

"I am." Branigan said. "Is Mathias okay with this? Would Chel be?"

"It was Mathias' idea." Anette said. "They both like you. Well. Chel would like you if she met you. So even if something serious results between the two of us, it won't be a problem." Anette held up a hand before Branigan could speak. "Not that anything will develop. You're handsome, Branigan. And you are my type in certain ways. But you're too young for me. And, as you are well aware, there are other reasons why it's inappropriate for us to do this. I'm able to put those reasons aside for the sake of research. What matters is if you're able to do so."

"You break my heart before you even know whether or not I'll agree to give you my sample."

"You'll be fine, Bran."

"Will my sperm even be enough?" Branigan asked. "Sure I've still got a crush on you. But Mathias loves you."

"It should suffice for the purposes of this experiment. If it does not, I will simply take it as a failure and never request it from you again."

"Then I hope it succeeds!"

"That's a yes, then?"

"Yes." Branigan said. "I can't say no to you, Anette. You know that."

"How sweet. And entirely untrue." Anette said. "There's still more. After I put your ejaculate in the potion, you will have to drink a portion and tell me how you're feeling."

"....I have to drink my own cum?"

"It will be broken down entirely once it enters the potion. In other words, it will cease to exist as ejaculate and will instead take on a different form that is synthesized entirely by the potion."

"I get that. Still feels like I'll be drinking my own cum."

"Mathias says it doesn't smell or taste anything like cum." Anette said. "More like strawberry milk."

"Hmm." Branigan said. "Well. Alright. For the sake of magic, I guess."

"Great!" Anette stood and went to the work table with the cauldron, swaying her hips intentionally. "Come here, please."

"Just on the floor? Wouldn't it be hard to mix it in the cauldron if I did that? Not to mention contaminants." Branigan walked over, as casually as he could manage with an erection. It helped that he didn't have to hide it.

"Very funny." Anette rolled her eyes, a slight smile hiding in her lips. Her expression softened as a thought crossed her mind. "Are you sure about this, Bran? I'm aware I'm taking advantage of your feelings for me. But I don't want to if it'll hurt you."

"It's just a crush, Anette. A persistent one. But a crush nonetheless." Branigan smiled. "You're a hard woman to forget."


"If it's too weird, then we won't do it again. I'll even stop you in the middle if I think I'll need to." Branigan said. "I promise I'll be honest."

"Okay. Good." She cradled his cheek. "Thank you, Bran."

"Thank me after we're done." Branigan said. "How do you want me? Completely naked or...?"

"You're in a suit. Naked will likely be most comfortable for you."

"Sure." Branigan placed his jacket to the side and began unbuttoning his shirt. He stopped at the last button. "You're keeping your clothes on? Not very fair is it?"

"Didn't say it would be." Anette laughed. "But...since I do like you, Bran, I'll give you some more encouragement." With that she unbuttoned her blouse completely and tossed it aside, her breasts jiggling from the motion. She took the bra off next, dropping it to her feet and kicking it to the side. Her breasts were large, over a handful each, and Branigan could see faint veins. Her nipples were pink, the areolas coin sized and faint. Anette's blonde hair covered their top half momentarily before she tied it back in a ponytail. As her slender arms raised and moved about, Branigan admired her smooth skin. It had a healthy flush to it, but hinted towards being pale. Her stomach was not flat, but it couldn't be called chubby. Anette smiled. "You like what you see?"

"Mathias and Chel are very lucky." Branigan said. "And I'm lucky right now."

"Thank you." Anette smiled. "Now finish undressing, sweety."

"Sweety? Nice. I like that." Branigan said. His shirt was removed with haste. While Branigan took his pants off, Anette looked at his writhing black chain tattoos. They snaked around his arms and torso - stopping at his wrists and waist respectively - forming an ever changing criss-cross pattern on his brown skin. Her heart twisted at the sight of them. Had they been there for a normal reason - had they even been tattoos - she wouldn't mind them at all. Admired them even. But she knew why they were there. She knew what Branigan had done. As a mother, it made her ache in empathy for Branigan's parents. As a friend, it made her worry for his future. As a scholar, it made her curious. She pinched herself. For having such heartless curiosity and because any more staring would cause Branigan to notice she wasn't actually admiring his toned chest and stomach.

"Wow." Anette said. "I'm lucky as well, Bran, to see you like this." She took a step forward and stopped him from pulling his boxer briefs down. "Let me, sweety." Anette traced his long shaft over the soft cotton with one hand while the other squeezed his balls. She felt her panties grow wet and wondered if she could control herself. Too late for that. Without preamble, she tugged at his boxers. The waistband briefly caught on the glans before moving past, causing his hard cock to bounce. Anette guessed it to be around six inches but her small, feminine hand made it seem larger. She squeezed his cock at the base and massaged his balls. "Mmm... What a handsome cock you have, Bran." She looked into his brown eyes. His pupils were dilated just as she knew her own were. There was an electric current between the both of them, commanding their lips to touch. But Anette managed to keep control. She had a duty to perform. "I should just make you jerk off to me while I watch." Anette said. "Like the dirty little boy I know you are." She moved behind him, grazing her fingernails on his chest and stomach as she did so. Anette gripped his cock again and moved forward, forcing him to shuffle towards the table. "But instead I'll do it for you." She squeezed his ass then slapped it. When he gasped in surprise and pleasure, she did it again. Forming a ring using her pointer finger and thumb, she began stroking his cock at the base. She didn't move it any higher. "Pick up a beaker, sweety."

He obeyed.

"You listen quickly. I like that." She crooned into his ear, her chin resting on his shoulder. Her breasts were pressed fully against him, her hard nipples digging into his back. "While I do this, keep your thoughts on me. Should be easy." She smiled. "Tell me, Bran. How long have you had a crush on me?"

"A long time, Anette."

"You will call me Professor while I do this for you."

"Yes, Professor."

"Good boy." Anette smiled. Her chest and stomach had felt warm at his immediate obedience. "Now answer my question properly. How long?"

"Since I first...Oh!" Branigan moaned as she squeezed his balls with her free hand. "Saw you."

"That young? How cute." Anette murmured. "You couldn't help yourself, could you?"

"No, Professor."

"Is that why you acted out in my class?" Anette stroked him farther up his shaft, stopping at the middle now but still only using two of her fingers. The tip of his cock tingled in protest at being ignored entirely, save for the foreskin gliding over and off the glans. "You wanted attention from your favorite professor. I was your favorite professor, right?" She squeezed his balls a little harder.
