Fox, Satyr, Dragon Pt. 02


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Her hands occasionally grabbed onto the bed sheets. But she let go each time so she could be completely free to Branigan's whims. She felt a finger near her little asshole and a pang of fear shot into her stomach. But she shoved it aside. She had told him to do what he wanted. And she meant it. Right now, in this passion, what Branigan wanted is what she wanted. Natalia relaxed her clenched asscheeks and hole and allowed Branigan's finger in. With her vagina and her asshole filled, Natalia's mouth felt empty. What she would give to have Jack or Sasha there so she could fill that emptiness with their nipples... Soon. For now she'd bear having this need ignored.

Branigan came inside her with the same force and amount of cum as hours ago when he had marked her face and chest. He was marking the inside of Natalia now, grunting her name with each rope of cum that painted the walls of her pussy. When he was done, he fell back with her still clinging to him.

"No.." Natalia stopped him from taking his finger out of her asshole. She rested her head on the right side of his chest, pressing her ears against it and snuggling. "Keep it in me, Bran. Feels good."

"Okay." Branigan panted. He kissed the top of her head as she snuggled again. "Good night, baby."

"Good night, Bran." Natalia murmured. She listened as his heart rate slowed down. The strong, steady beat calmed her own heart down until they both matched. As her consciousness faded, Natalia wondered if she could hear two heartbeats. The thought was gone a second later, swallowed whole by a deep, rejuvenating slumber.


They were woken up the next morning by forceful knocking. Natalia sat straight up. "Huuh?! WUzzat? What...?"

"It's the door, Nat." Branigan yawned and rubbed sleep from his eyes as he got out of bed. "Stay here."

"Are you expecting someone?" Natalia covered herself with the sheets. She hadn't meant to sleep over. Fuck.

"Nope." Branigan sighed. He grabbed a t-shirt and shorts as the knocking came again. "HOLD ON!" Branigan shut the bedroom door and walked to the cabin door. After another sigh, a much longer one, Branigan opened the door.

"Good morning, Branigan." Headmaster Neil Blackvine stood on the top step with both his hands behind his back. He did not look like he thought it was a good morning.

"Good morning, Neil." Branigan smiled. "How can I help you?"

"I received an anonymous tip that you are engaging in inappropriate behavior with three of my students." Neil said. His voice was devoid of any emotion, even anger.

Branigan knew the danger in that, so he dropped his smile. He saw no value in lying. "I am."

"Natalia Fox. Jack Sarkan." Neil stepped into the cabin, forcing Branigan to shuffle backwards. "And my granddaughter. Sasha Blackvine."

"A relationship. With each of them." Branigan said. He wasn't afraid of Neil. He could handle him. Neil was getting old enough where his power and experience didn't matter. But it would be extremely difficult and Branigan didn't want to find out exactly how much. "Not inappropriate behavior like your tip said. Anonymous? Really? It was Lucas wasn't it?"

"I had my own doubts. The anonymous tip merely pushed me to come and ask you." Neil said. "I told you this was against the rules, Branigan."

"Guidelines. Not rules." Branigan said. "You lied."


"I stand by it. You lied." Branigan said. "I love them all. Genuinely."

Neil narrowed his eyes. "You've told them this?"

"I have told Jack and Natalia." Branigan said. "Not Sasha. Not yet."

"Mmm." Neil grunted. Then his shoulders relaxed and his posture grew less straight. When he looked at Branigan again, Neil looked exhausted. "You will have my blessing if you tell all three about what's waiting for you. And them if they choose to stay with you."

The blood drained from Branigan's face. "Already? Neil I-"

"You love them." Neil said. "Then they must know. I hoped to save my students from a difficult decision and told you a lie. But you are one of mine too. I understand your need. You must still tell them."

Neil was right. Branigan had postponed it as long as he could. The girls had to know. "Then give me a week. I want Mom to be here for it."

"I will inform her immediately." Neil said, ensuring that Branigan was locked into his promise. "Anette and I will be present as well."

"Okay. Thank you." Branigan opened the door for Neil. "Good day, Neil."

"Good day." Neil said before nodding at the bedroom door. "Convey the same to Ms. Fox."

When Branigan entered the bedroom, Natalia approached him. "What's waiting for you, Bran? For us? Why do we have to choose to stay with you?"

"You were listening." Branigan stated, voice flat.


"Then you can guess that I won't talk about it." Branigan said. "Wait until next weekend."


"Natalia." Branigan clenched his jaw. "Please."

She was shocked to see the desperation in his expression. Unable to speak, Natalia nodded into his shoulder while she hugged him.

Branigan stood there, hugging her back, until both their feet began to hurt. He let go and smiled. "Want some breakfast?"

"Branigan when it's just you and me. Or with Jack and Sasha. Just..." Natalia shook her head at his smile. "Stop it with the masks. I get it if it's in public. But-"

"Let a weak man have his crutches."

"No." Natalia said. "I love you too much to let you."

"Without it, I'll have to crawl into the bed, alone, and not move all day." Branigan laughed. It was a mockery of its true self.

"Go ahead." Natalia said, softly. "Be a normal person for once. Not this weird, self-serving, stoic hero role you've given yourself. It's exhausting for you and everyone else that's around you."

"You don't mince words."

"I learned from our favorite bitch: Sasha." Natalia motioned at the bed. "Go ahead, Bran. Do you want breakfast?"

Branigan listened to her and got in bed. "No. Thank you."

"Okay. I'm going to go shower and grab the things I'll need for studying and homework." Natalia began getting dressed. "Then I'm coming right back. Hanging out in the living room. You can skip breakfast but I'm making you eat lunch."


"I'll let Sasha and Jack know." Natalia said. "They'd want to be here too."


"I love you, Bran."

"I love you, Nat."

When the girls all arrived in the cabin, they heard the occasional sob. They didn't know what was worse. Hearing Branigan break and whimper apologies. Or the unnatural silences in between that were the clear indication of a man desperately trying to regain control. They sat clenching in their seats to refrain from running into the bedroom and comforting him. He had asked to be alone. And so, they were left bearing witness to someone clinging to a crumbling cliffside and repeatedly - miraculously - finding purchase again.

How long until the raw, bloody fingers failed?

Chapter 20: Sundered Stone

A week later, everyone arrived at Branigan's cabin in the afternoon. Extra chairs had been brought but Branigan didn't sit. Instead, he paced. Simran stopped him when he passed near her. "Bran. Please sit so we can begin."

"I'd rather be standing for this." Branigan said, then looked at his girlfriends who were all sitting on the couch. "Before we start. Girls, I'd like to say something."

They nodded.

"I love all of you." Branigan said. "I came to this school so I'd be protected by its numerous defense wards and be surrounded by multiple people who care deeply for me. I looked to increase that number."

"So you wanted something from us?" Sasha asked.

"Yes. More safeguards. You'll understand after the explanation." Branigan said. "But I'm telling you this now so you don't doubt me. If the love I'm giving and the love I'm receiving isn't honest, it's functionally useless. So I love you. So much."

The three believed him. So they nodded. Sasha realized she hadn't conveyed her feelings to him yet, but told herself to wait. She had a gut feeling she'd love him even more soon.

"You are to tell no one." Anette said. "Certain faculty, like Coach Harmon, and some members of your families, like Declan Sarkan, are aware. But not all. And certainly not the students or people in Foxden. No matter what choice you make at the end, you are bound to secrecy. I trust you will keep it?"

"We will." Natalia said. "Of course we will."

"Good." Anette nodded at Simran.

"It would have been ideal for my husband to be here." Simran said. "But he is not who he used to be. Foxcastle is a reminder of his greatest failure."

"As far as he's concerned." Branigan added.

"Yes. As far as he's concerned." Simran agreed with a bow of her head. "It all happened six years ago when Branigan was an eighth year like you three. Neil was still Headmaster and Anette still taught Upper Year and Honors Potions. And Arthur was the Demonology professor. It was his last year teaching..."


Foxcastle. Six Years Prior.

"Fashionably late as always, Arthur." Anette smiled from the armchair by the fireplace. She got up from it as it was Arthur's favorite place to sit.

The tall, skinny, pale man that had just entered the room pursed his lips at everyone in it. He began making himself a drink at the cart by the door. "Anyone need a refill?"

"We're all set." Neil sipped at his scotch and watched as Branigan poured himself the same drink. The Demonologist rarely drank. "Another successful purification, Arthur?"

Arthur's footsteps clicked on the hardwood floor. When he got to the armchair, he leaned on its high back instead of sitting down. He stared into the unlit fireplace and took a sip. Simran watched him. She didn't like the bunching of his shoulders, how he was tensing every muscle in his body. Like a spring wound up to its extreme. She set her water down and got up carefully so she could stand next to him. Simran put a hand on his lower back. "Why have you called us all together, darling?"

"I have completed my research into the minor outbreak of familiar acquisition and outright possession in Foxden." Arthur said. "All the normal citizens will soon be free of this curse. Our students will be able to go into Foxden again."

"That's fantastic news!" Anette exclaimed.

"Amazing, Arthur." Neil smiled. "I knew you'd figure it out. It was growing difficult to keep the news from the students. Rumors have been spreading like mad."

"Mmm." Arthur sipped his drink. Then he seemed to finally notice his wife standing next to him. His eyebrows furrowed and he gently put a hand on her round belly. "You should be sitting, love."

"I can stand just fine."

"I want you to be sitting." Arthur gently pushed her into his armchair. "All of you. Remain sitting." He waited until Anette sat down on the long, leather chaise lounge chair that her father was also sitting on. He stared at the empty fireplace again, then threw his head back and drained his drink. Arthur set the empty glass on the mantel and positioned himself so he was facing his wife and the other two. "The lodestone the school's founder, Nathaniel Fox, used to imprison a powerful demon is failing. His spells are wearing off."

The room went quiet and still. Neil broke the silence after a long minute of staring, in disbelief, at Arthur. "You can't be serious?"

"I am." Arthur said.

"But the lodestone itself should be enough! The spells were just an extra measure." Anette said.

"That assumption is why it took me so long to go down and check. Turns out, Nathaniel Fox used an impure lodestone. Not his fault. Our knowledge has come a long way since then." Arthur said. "The demon has not fully escaped yet. But its chains are weak enough for it to enact its influence on humans. As is the norm, it is going for humans without a fein."

"Then we will bring in another one." Neil said. "As soon as we can get it here-"

"I have already looked into it. There are no lodestones readily available that can handle a demon of this level." Arthur shook his head. "We'd have to wait months."

"Then what do we do?" Simran asked, hugging her belly. A habit that had carried over from when she had been pregnant with her first child.

"A Dra with old, powerful ancestry will suffice. Blood magic is among the strongest types of magic there is." Arthur said. "That has been what most of my research has been into. Rediscovering those methods. It's all in the file on my desk there-"

Simran tensed. "What do you mean exactly, Arthur?"

"A Dra will serve as the new lodestone, so to speak. Their lifeforce will greatly weaken the demon's." Arthur said. "When the Dra eventually dies, the demon will die."

"Arthur, you're speaking of human sacrifice." Neil said, hoarsely. "You can't be serious!"

"I am being fully serious." Arthur said. "The ritual will work better if the volunteer is willing. At least, that is what the texts say. Even if it's not true, I am sure this will weigh less on our collective consciousness if someone isn't forced into this."

The room was silent again. And again, Neil broke it. "Okay. Then I volunteer."

"Neil-" Arthur began.

"House Blackvine isn't as ancient as House Stone. But our blood has power." Neil said. "I volunteer. Besides, I'm already old."

"That's the problem. You are too old." Arthur said. "This ritual weakens the human lodestone's life energy in trying to sap away the demon's. It won't have time to have its full effect if it's done on you since you wouldn't even last a year. We'd meet with the same situation all over again."

"Arthur no." Simran saw her husband's plan and lurched to her feet. She stumbled but Arthur caught her. After wrenching away from him, she glared at Arthur. "You can't do this. Someone else."

"Then who?" Arthur asked wearily. "You cannot. You're pregnant. The ritual will kill our daughter. Balraj would be willing, but his fein is too weak. His body could not take it and-"

"Anette! She's right here!" Simran exclaimed, gesturing wildly at the Potions professor. She turned on her heel and stared at Anette. "Well? Say something!"

"I..." Anette's voice wavered. Sweat broke out and no blood could be found in her face. "I can't... My children..." Anette fruitlessly blinked away her shame. "Alexander just left us a few years ago. I can't do that to Dominic and Sasha..."

Simran's face twisted viciously. "So my children can lose their father?! THAT'S FAIR?!"

"Simran..." Arthur held a hand out.

"NO!" Simran slapped his hand away, wincing when she saw him flinch. "Declan Sarkan. Him. They're a warrior family. They live for this kind of thing."

"I don't speak to him for years and then call on him to sacrifice his life?" Branigan asked. "You know I can't do that."

"The Fox family! Any of them! Let them answer for their ancestor's failure!"

"We already have a willing volunteer. Right here." Arthur said. "We cannot waste time, Simran."

"Time." Simran repeated. "TIME. What about the time you must spend being a father to your children?" Simran held her stomach. "Noor hasn't even met you!"

Arthur's eyes turned downcast but he remained firm. "I will live for another decade. Maybe fifteen years, if I am lucky. They will have that. Stone blood is resilient."

"You can't do this, Arthur." Simran wailed. "I won't let you."

"It is for the greater good." Arthur said. "Our children will understand. They know our values, Simran."

"My values include having a full family." Simran said. "Having more than one parent to nurture and guide."

"Branigan and Noor will have that." Arthur hugged Simran.

She let him. She knew she wouldn't convince him. "For ten more years."

"Or fifteen." Arthur said. "And Balraj as well. He has been as much of a role model to Branigan as you and I have been. I don't think that will change."

Simran cried without giving a response.

"We will give you time alone." Neil said with his head hung. "I will start the proceedings to send our students home immediately so we don't risk them being a part of any fallout. A week's vacation for them. I will call it a free study opportunity since we are nearing exams anyway."

Arthur nodded. As Anette passed them, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something. Arthur shook his head. Then smiled at her. He understood. Anette sealed her shame by listening to him.

Branigan quickly concealed himself with a spell as Neil and Anette left his father's office. He watched them with bated breath until they left the hall, then looked at his parents through the open office door. Simran was sobbing uncontrollably as her husband silently held her close.

This isn't fair. This isn't RIGHT! Branigan thought. He abandoned the spell and began running away, leaving his parents to their embrace. He didn't pay attention to anyone he was shoving or knocking over. Too wrapped up in his thoughts. Dad's gonna die. That isn't right. Dad shouldn't die. He can't die. Not yet. He's supposed to live until he's old and happy. He's supposed to keep on being my dad and my little sister's dad. It isn't right. Branigan wiped his tears since it was growing hard to see. We need him. Well. I don't need him as much as I used to. I'm getting older. But Noor? She won't have him. In fact, he'll die right when she needs him the most. I was a mess. A scared little coward when I was a kid. Then a whiny, angsty little shit even three years ago. I only got through it because of Mom AND Dad. If Dad dies... Mom and I won't be enough. Balraj won't be enough. Noor needs Dad. She needs Arthur Branigan Stone the Second. The greatest man alive. Branigan tripped, went sprawling, and scrambled to his feet before anyone could help him up. What do I do? What do I do? What the FUCK DO I DO?!

"Oi! Bran! What's going on? Why are you crying?"

Branigan was pulled out of his thoughts by a man grabbing him. "Balraj... What are you doing here?" He asked in a daze.

"Arthur said he needed my help in Foxden." Balraj held up a plastic bag. "Also brought snacks of course."

"Oh." Branigan looked at the bag and didn't process what he was looking at. "Oh."

"What's wrong, kid?" Balraj held Branigan's face and looked into his eyes. He smiled through his beard and chuckled as he twirled his mustache. "Man, I haven't seen you cry like this since you were ten. What happened? Simran say no to you or something? Don't worry. I'll talk to her."

"Talk to her?"

"Yeah! She has to listen to me." Balraj smiled.

"Because you're her big brother." Branigan said.

"We're all about respecting your elders in South Panasia." Balraj said dryly before his smile faded. Branigan was never this dim. "Kid? Tell me what's wrong. Go on."

Big brother. That's what I am now. What would a big brother do? Branigan thought. "It's not Mom."

"Oh? Then what?"

"My boyfriend and I broke up." Branigan said. It wasn't a complete lie. It had been what he had gone to talk to his father about before he had stumbled upon the conversation and the plans his parents were making. The betrayal. Picking the world over Noor. No. It's not going to happen. I won't let it. It isn't right.

"Aw shit, kid. I'm sorry." Balraj sighed as he misread the despair on Branigan's face. "Alright. Let's go sit by the lake and talk. I've got your favorite samosas. You can have your father's share."

After their talk, Balraj sent Branigan to get his father. Branigan took this opportunity to potentially finish the first part of his rapidly forming plan. He stuck just his head into his dad's office. Simran wasn't there. "Dad?"

"Yes?" Arthur looked up from the fireplace. Still unlit.

"Balraj is here. Said he came to help out in Foxden." Branigan stepped into the office. He casually looked around the office, spotting a file on his dad's desk. The desk was empty otherwise. "What's going on there by the way? Are the rumors true?"
