Fox, Satyr, Dragon Pt. 02


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"I..." She kissed his ear before continuing. "I love you, Branigan."

He kissed her on the lips for a long time before responding. "I love you, Jack."

"Cum with me." Jack moaned. "I know you're close like me... Together... Ah..."

"Jack." Branigan grunted and came inside her while their lips were locked together. What felt like a flood of cum emptied into Jack's warmth. Her legs remained wrapped around him throughout, rocking him in and out with each pulse. When they were both done, Jack relaxed her legs but still kept them around him.

After a long time laying in the afterglow and slowly running her fingers through his hair while he breathed into the nape of her neck, Jack breathed out deep and soft. "I love you."

"I love you."

Then, on a whim, Jack continued with, "A Sarkan protects their own, Bran. I'll keep you safe."

The thing is, Branigan had already saved the day. There was nothing to protect him from. All that was waiting for them was for Branigan to pay the final price. No amount of love he forged with Jack, Sasha, Natalia or any of the others would be enough. The end would come and all the fighting prowess of Jack Sarkan could do nothing to stop it. And so, Branigan caved to frustration in the strong arms of a woman who loved him.

Jack silently hugged him, not regretting what she had said though it had brought tears out of him. He needed to release whatever was clawing at him inside. She silently stroked his hair and kept her breathing slow and controlled. Branigan said she was a place to rest. That's what she'd be.

Chapter 19: Two Hearts Beat As One

Natalia focused her fein as she concentrated on the six white dice on the desk in front of her. She went through the steps involved with weaving multiple spells together, starting with the scope of the weaved spell. Scope: A levitation weaving on the six dice in front of me. Intent: Manipulate them into showing their numbered faces and moving them to count up or down. She mentally uttered the spell and caused the six dice to float in front of her. The first one on the left showing one dot and each one after it showing the next face until the last one showed the face with all six dots. They will start as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. They will end as 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

When did I mess up the scope and intent? She gave herself a minor distraction to see if the dice would drop. Wavering was fine, but if she could manage without that she'd consider it a real success. The rain when I first met Bran. I didn't apply the spell to deflect water and heat. And my intent only applied to my body and not my clothes. That's why I got cold and my clothes got a little wet.

The dice didn't waver. Good. She manipulated the first dice into showing its two-dot face while keeping the others still. Then the second until it showed its three-dot face. Counting up or down for each done until each had been changed. With that done, the dice now read: 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5.

A presence entered and left her wards. The dice shook in mid-air. Damn. No perfect score. She began manipulating them again, one by one, until the dice read: 3, 4, 4, 3 , 3, 4. Okay. Halfway there. Time to move them all at once instead of one at a time. She took a deep breath to be sure she was calm and focused. Someone entered her wards. But this was the library and there were students around her. She had chosen this location on purpose for its distractions. If her magic only worked properly when she was alone then it wouldn't be much use. She moved all the dice at once instead of one at a time like she was doing at first. It was faster this way, but exponentially harder. She managed it without a hitch, making her smile. 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 3.

Someone entered her wards. She didn't notice if they left or not, too focused on moving the dice again. 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 2. Almost there. No wavering. Good job. Keep going. She took a deep breath, then began moving all the dice at once. All the necessary pieces rotated at a steady pace until they read: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Now stack them. If I stack them, I can ignore the shaking earlier. Someone entered her wards as Natalia moved the far right dice down to the desk. Then the dice with the two-dot face. One by one, counting up, until the dice with the six dots facing her was stacked on top. She stopped her spell, relaxing her hold. The dice remained stacked.

A quiet applause broke out around her and she jumped. A small group of seven students had stopped to watch her, a few within range of her wards. She blushed at the attention and smiled. "Thank you." She said, voice low.

"Amazing, Natalia." Branigan said. "Very impressive."

Natalia turned around to see Branigan directly behind her. He got through my wards again. How the hell does he do it? She grabbed her dice and stood. "Hey, Branigan."

"Hey. Bobby got the book you wanted." Branigan said.

Ah. Someone's horny. Natalia smiled internally at Branigan using the code they had with him. "Thank you! I'll go get it from him."

"Do any of you need anything?" Branigan asked the students still hanging around as Natalia left. He smiled at a trio of students he always saw together. "You three. Rupert, Emma, and Daniel. You good? You've been here since morning."

"We're good, Bran." Emma smiled, catching the attention of anyone else looking in her direction.

"Like hell we are." Rupert scowled. His red hair was almost long enough to completely hide his eyes. "Grit and Wayne are killing us. If you wanna help us, Bran, talk to them. Make'em lay off."

"I'll see what I can do." Branigan promised. "I've gotta get back to work. Good luck."

"Bye, Bran." The trio said in unison.

"Oh and Dan..." Branigan briefly stopped to turn and smile. "All the best with Bonnie and Katie."

"Thanks!" Daniel smiled back, tousling his own hair as he scratched it. The scar on his forehead flashed briefly before being hidden by his bangs.

Branigan went into his office. Natalia was waiting for him, primly sitting on the couch. The proper, straight-laced student image she was trying to convey would have worked if it wasn't for her skirt being pulled up to show her bare thighs. Branigan eyed her pale legs all the way down to her flats. "Stockings disappeared, eh?"

"I thought you'd want to see some skin instead." Natalia bit her lower lip, looking up at Branigan with round eyes as he stood over her. She put one small hand on his leg and the other on his crotch. "Did I do wrong, sir?"

"Not at all." Branigan brushed her hair behind her ear and kept his hand on the side of her head. She leaned into it and smiled. Another striking gap between the innocence she was showing and the lust she was acting out on by undoing his belt with one hand.

"Good. I like making you happy." Natalia opened her mouth as his thumb brushed her lips, then began sucking on it as he slipped his thumb in. She never broke eye contact with him as her tongue swirled around his thumb and her hands pulled his pants down and took his cock out. It wasn't fully hard yet...Time to change that. She began stroking his shaft and massaging his balls with her other hand. Then she moaned softly even if she wasn't receiving any physical pleasure at the moment. Just a warmth in her lower stomach. The emotional pleasure of having a cock in her hand and a thumb in her mouth is what elicited the moan.

Branigan hooked his thumb around her lower teeth after he got hard. He pulled her mouth open and smirked as Natalia opened wider. Her pink tongue glistened up at him, waiting - begging - for his cock. He put the head of his cock on her tongue and moved to push in when she stopped him. "Hmm?"

"Be rough with me." Natalia said.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Slapping. Gagging. Mean names. All the usual stuff." Natalia nodded. "I trust you."

"In that case..." Branigan had her take off her sweater and used it to tie her arms behind her back. Then he unbuttoned the first few buttons of the blouse she had on underneath, pushing the sides so her chest was showing. He kept her pink, floral pattern bra on.

"Wow." Natalia looked down at herself. "Wow."

"I know." Branigan kissed her. "Safe word is 'rock'. I won't make you hold your breath for longer than five seconds. Sound good?"

"I can do ten." Natalia said. "...Sasha likes choking me."

"Invite me next time." Branigan grinned.

"Yes, sir." She kissed his lips and then his cock when he stood up straight.

"But just in case, come with me." Branigan pulled at her hair. He kept his hand low so she was forced to bend over and shuffle as he led her to a wooden desk chair. After she sat down, he handed her a set of keys from a desk drawer. "Drop the keys onto the seat if you need me to stop and can't talk. I'll hear it."

"Yes, sir." Natalia nodded. Despite having her hands tied behind her back, she was still able to grip the keys easily. "I'm ready."

Branigan nodded. Natalia's heart spiked when she saw the immediate change in his demeanor. He didn't look like he cared about her at all. Just something to fuck. She opened her mouth before he ordered her to, wanting to please. But instead of shoving his cock into her small mouth, Branigan slapped her cheek with his cock. Then he rested it on her face with his balls shoved onto her tongue. She understood the orders and began running her tongue on his balls. She alternated between sucking on one and the other, licking around his sack in between switches. With one eye blinded by having a hard cock covering it, her other studied his expression for any sign of pleasure. Nothing. She whimpered at the lack of approval on his face. He didn't look bored or displeased, at least. But she wanted him to look like she was giving him what he wanted. Instead he just looked like his treatment was expected. Nothing special. His cock belonged on her pretty, little face. His balls belonged in her small, warm, wet mouth with her tongue worshipping them. It was a given. Why react to that? She whimpered again as the thought of being used as an object sent a shiver down her spine.

When his balls were slathered in Natalia's spit, Branigan pulled away slowly. His cock dragged down her face to a rest on her pouty lips. Then he shoved his cock into her mouth. Natalia gagged as the back of her throat was hit, but didn't pull off him. She squeezed her thighs and knees together and shut her eyes as she realized she would have to hold her breath. A rough tug on her hair put a stop to that as she was pulled off his cock. Branigan roughly grabbed her by the cheeks and snapped her face up to look at him. "Keep your eyes open. Understand?"

Natalia nodded. "Mhm."

Branigan slapped her. "Use your words, slut."

"Ah!" Natalia yelped. The slap had stung but nothing more.

"Answer me, slut." Branigan slapped her again. The other cheek this time.

Natalia's head whipped the other way. A few strands of hair hung over her face and got stuck to the area around her lips due to the spit. "Yes, sir."

"Good girl." Branigan pushed her hair back.

"Thank you, si-gllkgllk." Natalia's words were interrupted into an unintelligible sound as Branigan shoved his cock into her mouth again. Balls deep again. He began grinding with his cock buried down her throat. Natalia counted down from ten. When she got to four, she was in the mood to be slapped again. So she shut her eyes.

Branigan took his cock out and slapped her in one smooth motion. "What'd I say?"

"Sorry, sir." Natalia looked at him with puppy-dog eyes. Would have been heart-wrenching if it wasn't for the lust-filled spark in them.

"Answer my question." Branigan slapped her.

"Ah." Natalia's shout turned into a moan. "You told me to keep my eyes open, sir."

"I did." Branigan roughly grabbed her cheeks again. "Why didn't you?"

"I don't know, sir." Natalia managed to mumble past her closely held lips.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again." Branigan growled and deep-throated her again. He put both his hands on the back of her head and lightly moved in and out without giving her much, if any, ability to breathe. He dug his fingers into her scalp as well, realizing she liked the pain. While he counted to ten, Branigan kept an eye on the keys in her hands.

Natalia gasped and coughed after he pulled out. Drool was dripping from her lips and chin now, making a mess of her skirt. She blinked up at him past teary eyes. "More, please, sir."

"Not done until I fill your stomach with cum." Branigan said. "Right, whore?"

"Yes, sir." Natalia sniffled. She was forced to bend forward, as before, onto his waiting cock. This time Branigan didn't shove his cock down her throat and hold it with minor thrusting. This time he fully began using her little mouth as a hole. Natalia's chokes and gags joined the rhythm of his thrusting hips. His balls pushed against her wet chin with each upthrust.

Branigan didn't bother counting, trusting her to breathe whenever most of his cock was out of her mouth. But he did keep his eyes on the keys. He never fully took his cock out. It felt too good to ravage her face like this. To have this control over his girlfriend, toeing the edges of her trust but never, ever going over. His impulse wanted him to, of course. Have her choke on his cock long past her ten seconds. He wouldn't. It wasn't worth it.

The keys dropped.

"Throat hurts." Natalia wheezed. "But don't stop. Finish on my face, sir."


"Please, sir." Natalia whined and scooted forward on the chair to lean and lick at his cock like a desperate whore. "On my slutty little face. Paint me with your hot, sticky cum."

Branigan nodded and began jerking himself off. He held her face in place by grabbing a fistful of her brown hair. With his cock lubed up with Natalia's spit, his fist nearly slipped off a few times. But he kept at it until his orgasm peaked. He sprayed cum onto her face. Jizz splattered on her cheekbones and nose, streaking down to her lips. He angled his cock down and finished his orgasm onto her collarbone, chest, and bra. When he was done, Natalia was practically painted with cum. Branigan put his softening cock near her lips and waited for her tongue to peak out. When it did, Branigan squeezed out what cum still remained in his shaft. He sighed. "I really needed that."

"Good." Natalia smiled. Her voice was still slightly husky from the treatment her throat had received. "Glad I could help."

Branigan cleaned her off with a spell - though he didn't want to - before doing the same for himself. While they got dressed, Branigan spoke. "By the way. It's been a week. Your marrow biopsy results are back."

"What?!" Natalia exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me immediately?!"

"Anette wanted to be the one to tell you." Branigan smiled. "But I've changed my mind. I'd rather be the one to give this good news."

"Wait... Then that means..." Natalia's smile was slow to form but it ended bright and confident. "My ancestry is clear?! I'm all set to beg your dad for help?!"

"Yep." Branigan spread his arms for the hug he knew was coming. "You're all set."

"YES!" Natalia screamed and jumped into his arms. She kissed him and kicked her legs in the air while he spun her.

"Congratulations." Branigan said, putting her down but not letting go. "Living up to your namesake."

"What do you mean?" Natalia frowned.

"Nathaniel Fox. School founder and, more importantly, your ancestor." Branigan said. "He worked in a wide variety of fields. Demonology was one of them."

"Oh." Natalia said. "Wow I actually didn't know that. I thought he just focused on spellcrafting and biology..."

"Demonology was just a minor hobby. If we're comparing to his other accomplishments." Branigan said. "Anyway. Congratulations."

"You don't look completely on board." Natalia said, reading him perfectly.

"I'm not. It's a dangerous field. I'd rather you do something else." Branigan said. "I feel the same way about Jack wanting to be a part of the hunter corps. I'm not going to stop either of you though. It's my role to support you."

"Aw Branigan you're so sweet!" Natalia smiled and kissed him. "I appreciate it."

"Just promise me something."

"Tell me what it is first."

"Don't be like me." Branigan said. "Think things through. Thoroughly."

"Wow so you are self-aware."

"I'm being serious, Nat."

"Sorry." Natalia kissed him. "I'll be safe."

"Good." Branigan said. "I love you."

Natalia squeaked in surprise. Then blushed. Then mumbled, "I love you, too."

Branigan grinned. "What was that? I didn't hear."

"You ass." Natalia scowled. But she did cave. "I love you, Bran."

"I love you." Branigan kissed her before settling his face in her nape.

"Does this mean we have to have sex?"

"Have to?" Branigan frowned. "Hell no. Only if you want."

"I do want to." Natalia nodded. She listened to the buzzing in her stomach. "Tonight."

"That quick?" Branigan's eyebrows raised. "Not complaining."

"I only came once just now. Barely." Natalia said. "I want more."

"I wonder how people would react if they found out what you're actually like."

Natalia scrunched her nose and smiled like a cherub. "They wouldn't believe it."


With Branigan leaning against his headboard, Natalia lowered herself onto his cock. The first one she had ever taken. After he was fully inside her, his strong hands on her small, round ass, she told him. "You're my first." Natalia moaned. She couldn't believe that she had held off from experiencing this for so long. Entirely different from a strap on or dildo. It wasn't just about being filled. It was the warmth of the cock and its pulsing. Its self-contradicting feeling: being hard yet pliant. She pressed her bare skin against his and shuddered from excitement. His arms felt so big around her. "I love you. I'm so happy you're my first man."

"I love you too, Natalia." Branigan rocked in pace with her. It was so easy to wrap around her.

"I like showing you the real me." Natalia breathed. "I'm not just the innocent little Dra I look like."

"I love that you look like that."

"Mmmmff." Natalia cooed in his ear before licking it. "Can I be clingy, Bran? Can I say exactly what I'm thinking?"

"Of course, baby." Branigan whispered, tickling each groove of her ear with the tip of his tongue.

"Ah..." Natalia squirmed due to the attention her ear was getting but remained put. "Oh.. Bran... You feel so good. And I love you so much." She kissed him like her life depended on it. "So so much. And I've wanted to say it for months... Almost right after we started dating... But I was scared."

"Why, baby?"

"I thought... Ah... I thought you'd think it was too soon..." Natalia said. Her mind was hazey from the ecstasy, allowing her this unfiltered honesty. "But I loved you...I didn't even tell Sasha." She whimpered. "I was embarrassed."

"Don't be." Branigan said, as honest as the woman in his arms. "I'm happy you felt that way. And still....Fuck, Natalia...Still feel that way."

"I love you, Bran." Natalia said. "And will... Will love you." She began grinding on his cock faster as she rode out an orgasm. A flood of her fluids made the close space between them more warm, wet, and enticing. Her toes curled tightly and she shook. "Braaan..."

"That's it, baby." Branigan sighed. "Cum on my cock."

"Yes, Bran." Natalia panted. "God I love this... I love your cock." She looked at him, desperation in her eyes. She wanted to give everything to him. "Bran.... Show me... Do what you...Ah! Fuuuuck... Do what you want..."


"Do it, Bran...!" Natalia screamed aloud. It strained her voice but she didn't care. "I... Trust you."

Branigan lurched forward with Natalia still impaled on his cock so she could stretch her legs out behind him. Then he began thrusting into her like an animal. If she wanted his passion, he'd give it to her. A bestial lust interwoven with love that raged through his veins. Natalia's back arched, her hard, brown nipples pointed straight at his ceiling. Her skin was stretched taut over her ribcage. Her skinny arms and neck flopped from the force of Branigan fucking her. She moaned with abandon as she squirted on Branigan. The sensation embarrassed and enticed her.
