Francine Never Knocks

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She saw what her brother had. Botched date gifted it to her.
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My older sister Francine pushed open my bedroom door and waltzed in, just like that. You'd think she inhabited that space and had the right to go or come as she pleased.

"You must always knock and wait until you hear a response before entering a closed room, girl, geez!" are words I'd been hearing our mother try to pound into Francine's head since we were kids.

But Francine generally did as Francine pleased, even if it meant displeasing other people around her; Francine never knocks.

Inside the room, Francine suddenly stopped in her tracks and stared below my waist in obvious disbelief. Her face rapidly underwent a colour change as her emotions shifted from disbelief to acceptance of the fact, to amazement and then finally, it seemed, to stifled delight and arousal.

"Holy Shit! I didn't know we had Mandingo in the house... or is it Charlie Mac?" she burst out.

She added "Is there going to be a casting couch session?"

"What do you know about Mandingo and Charlie Mac, or casting couch, sis? I didn't know you watch porn!"

"I do... a little, when I'm in the mood... who doesn't?" she said, casually shrugging her shoulders and obviously struggling to keep her eyes off my big brown pounder.

I'd just woken and gotten off my bed and was standing beside it displaying a big chunk of morning wood as I looked around for the boxers and T shirt I'd discarded during the night due to the seasonal humidity. I saw the clothes on the ground but was somehow amused by the situation and mischievously decided to stretch it out for what it was worth, so I made no move to cover myself. My cock, delighted with the presence of a pretty young lady in a sheer white nightie that left little to the imagination, stealing glances at him, influenced my decision.

Francine's head was bobbing up and down in comical frequency as she kept looking from my face to my wood while discussing the matter that had brought her to my room -- Having to check herself often, as she kept getting words mixed up. She was flustered to say the least. I smiled inside as a wicked thought occurred.

"Stop a minute, sis. We're family, ok... you want to look at my morning wood, just go ahead and take a nice, long look. I don't mind. That guy down there loves attention. After you've had your look you can go back to talking and hopefully, make some sense."

She looked up at me and grinned. "Who's the older sibling here, eh? You sound like my lecturer... but thanks.

She dropped her eyes to the now, throbbing wood -- stimulated by the sensual engagement in progress -- and licked her lips. She was breathing hard as she gazed at the big fuck stick. She had naturally long nipples and with the pronounced rise and fall of her bosom due to the excited, heavy breathing, they provided quite a tantalizing image through the sheer nightie.

"Shit, Keith, Mandingo and Charlie Mac ain't got much on you, if anything at all."

"You ever experienced anything like they have?" I asked, grinning. I was enjoying the moment.

"Not on your life... a god six incher can make me grind my teeth and pray that the session doesn't last too long... what do I want with something like that," she replied, jutting her chin at my cock.

"But, I bet you fantasize about it, eh?"

"Fantasy, yes, but with no intention of making it real... Ok, I've had my look and I'm now ready to talk and make sense," she said and burst out laughing.

Before she left she offered up an opinion, which though seemingly funny, was certainly food for thought.

"You know, little brother, with what you're carrying down there, you won't need to be rich or famous, or super smart or have a large repertoire of good pickup lines to draw ladies to you. As a matter of fact, you won't need to talk at all... all you have to do is flash that attractive dick and you can have any woman you want. Especially with it being attached to such a nice body with a handsome face."

That little speech seemed to crack her up. It cracked me up too and we both laughed heartily.

"Interesting... I think I'm gonna have to test your theory," I said, with a serious face.

"Go right ahead, but if the cops get you for indecent exposure, please don't call my name."

She took a final look at King Dong, and, as if struggling against an urge, turned away and walked out of the room.

"Any woman?" I called out to her back.

"Any woman," she replied, without looking around.

I looked down at my, still standing, tenner. I considered its shape. It started out as stout as a Guinness bottle at the base, held that size to midway and then as it began to curve upward, gradually narrowed to a cap-like, round-pointed head. I then looked in the mirror at the toned, twenty-two year old athletic body that Francine had described as nice looking. I reached down and picked up my clothes. I'd always thought Francine was sexy, but never let the fact lead me into any inappropriate thinking. But that morning, as we talked, something snapped in me and even before she walked out the room my imagination was running wild. In the days that followed it got wilder and I found myself often looking at my pretty sister with sheer lust. I soon graduated to jerking off to images of her in my head. I am no coward... I decided to test the theory... on Francine. All I needed was for us to be alone and the conditions right.

It was Saturday night, a month later, and I was in the kitchen preparing dinner for myself, before settling down in front of the TV. Francine appeared, looking all dressed up to go out and sexy as fuck in a little gold dress and sheer black stockings. She was wearing deep red lipstick on her full, heart shaped lips. And her eyes were shadowed a sensual red as well. Her twenty-eight year old body looked ripe for fucking. She let me know that the taxi had arrived, and she was leaving for her date. Our parents had left since early morning and would be away for the weekend, not returning until Monday morning. Francine had informed me earlier that day that she would be going out. I was disappointed because I had planned on making a move on her that night, even cancelling out a date of my own. But I consoled myself with the thought that there was still time left.

Two hours later, I heard the familiar repetitive clicks as the key made its turns in the lock of the metal door. Francine appeared, looking none too joyful.

"Back already!... And your body language suggests things didn't go as expected," I exclaimed, in a surprised tone

"Well, you know how it goes sometimes... every girl has her meet a jerk night... I'll spare you the details... spare me this," she said, with a tired smile as she took my glass up off the table and downed the stiff vodka in one go.

When she bent to pick up the glass, the wickedly cut V front of her dress hung away from her body and I got a prime flash of pert, shiny, long nipple breast. The drama was repeated when she leaned over to place the glass back on the table. The sight caused a stirring in my boxers.

"Fix me another one of those, please... make it a double," she demanded.

"Sorry your night was ruined after you put in so much effort... when you were leaving I looked at you and thought, sis sure looks all dressed to impress... you looked so sexy and delectable."

"You got that right... I got dressed to impress, to excite and to send a damn message that I was horny."

She sighed and dropped her fine, rounded, slim self on the couch next to me, looking on impatiently as I mixed the drink. She swallowed half of it then set the glass down on the table. She sighed again, leaned back into the couch and turned her eyes to the TV.

"It's funny how some guys can't tell when they've already got the cat in the bag and there's no need to talk shit and mess things up." She said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I think you mean, got the pussy in the bag," I suggested.

That brought a hearty laugh out of her.

"Exactly... and then let it out," she said, giggling as she reached for her glass.

The hem of the little gold dress had slid up her thighs, past the top of the sheer black stockings, affording me a titillating glimpse of black and gold panties crotch that had me squirming. Minutes later Francine lifted one shapely, light tan leg -- the one on the other side of me -- and deposited it on the couch, knee bent and leaning on the arm. This placement now made the glimpse I'd been enjoying, much more than a glimpse and my cock went wild. I realized then that my sweet sister was tipsy beyond the point of modesty and that I couldn't wish for a better chance to test her theory and get me a taste of the pussy I'd been fantasizing about of late.

A shot of vodka later, the programme I'd been viewing came to an end and I promptly switched to a porn channel while she was reaching for her glass. She had mentioned that she watched porn, I reasoned with myself.

At first, Francine being in the state she was, didn't immediately become aware of the nature of the movie she was watching; it was already in progress when I switched over. When it dawned on her, she turned slowly, looked at me and giggled. She looked back at the screen just as the chubby ebony young lady in the video dropped to her knees and in one smooth move dragged the trouser and briefs of her partner down to his knees. A massive white dick popped out and jerked threateningly. The brown face of the fleshy beauty broke into a smile and she looked up at her partner briefly with appreciative eyes before proceeding to guide the BWC into her luscious mouth and down to her tonsils, gagging loudly in the process.

Francine raised her cupped palms to cover her blushing face, but shortly after, spread her slender fingers and took a lengthy peek before turning to look at me.

"What kind of video is this for a young man to be showing his big sister? She said, followed by a chuckle that said she wasn't particularly offended.

"You said you watched porn, didn't you?"

"Yes, but I've never had it thrown on me like this, out of the blue... I usually watch porn alone... in my bedroom." She said, smiling.

"If it's a problem I can change to another channel sis," I said, feigning a worried look and reaching for the remote.

Francine's hand flashed out and grabbed mine.

"No... no, it's okay Keith, no problem," she cried out, anxiously.

"Good, because I was only trying to help," I said, gazing steadily into her twinkling, but glassed over eyes.

With a surprised look on her face, Francine said "Trying to help!... I don't understand."

"Well, you said that you left for your date... sort of... horny... expecting to get laid, I assume. But that didn't happen, and you're in a funk. So, I thought a little vicarious satisfaction might cheer you up a bit... you know, change the tone of the night... make you go to bed in a better mood," I replied.

"Oh, I see... yeah, I think you're right," she said, grinning, and turned her attention back to the lusty couple on the TV screen.

I kept stealing sideways glances at Francine, gauging her reactions at certain hot moments. I noticed that her nipples, naturally long as they already were, had grown even longer, their protrusion against the soft gold fabric signaling undeniable sexual arousal. She was occasionally squirming in her seat and letting her hand come up for quick, little brushes against the stiff nipples or to press down briefly on her lap. I noticed through the side of my eyes that at these moments she would slowly turn her head as if checking to make sure I wasn't aware of her actions. Her breathing had become slightly audible, and she made intermittent, little, throaty sounds.

I saw when Francine's hand stealthily dragged a little cushion from the side of the sofa onto her lap, and before long the cushion was rising and falling in a manner that left no doubt in my mind that she was fingering her pussy. I decided that it was time to pounce, lest the moment slip away; if she fingered herself to an orgasm and became satiated, she would likely be less impressionable and less sexually pliable. The guy was on top of the chubby chick pounding away earnestly between her raised and spread legs. Her big boobs were bouncing all over the place and her fleshy belly jiggled tantalizingly.

Without looking at her I whispered, "I bet you must be wishing that was you on your back getting pounded."

She made a startled sound, "Uh... you know... bro... you know."

She chuckled and pulled her hand out from under the cushion.

"If only the jerk had kept his mouth shut, that could have been him, maybe right at this moment sliding in and out of your sweet pussy, sis... he don't know what he missed out on."

She laughed out loud, but in a nervous manner.

"And he will never know... no second chances," she said.

"Serves him right; a guy has got to know when and how to seize the moment," I said.

From the side I could see her looking at me studiously and I just hoped that she was wondering if there was some hidden message in my words. It wouldn't hurt to have her thinking along a certain line. I moved my hand to the tent in my lap. I was wearing boxers without briefs. Grabbing my blood filled cock, I stroked it gently. I heard Francine gasp and saw her subtle squirm. After a few seconds she averted her eyes and returned her attention to the on-screen couple.

I stood up and began removing my tank top, revealing my mid brown, muscled torso. I was a shade or two browner than my sister. I saw her look at me wide eyed and open mouthed. As she started to smile she raised a hand and covered her mouth.

She moved her hand from her surprised mouth and spoke, "You gonna make your own porn movie or what?"

"Why not, I've got a hot, charming, alluring ebony beauty sitting on the casting couch... oozing sweetness and sensuality... and horny as hell," I said, winking.

Francine seemed to stagger in her seat, then promptly jumped up.

"Thanks for the compliments, my ego needed that tonight, but this casting couch is too hot for me... bye!" she said and started stepping away.

For a moment, my heart lurched, and I wondered if, like her jerk date, I'd opened my mouth and let the pussy out of the bag. But when she halted, smiled and then her body shook with giggles, I knew all was not lost.

"Sit down my sweet, sexy sister, I'm not into making porn... I'm only going to test your theory."

She sat down as if she'd been waiting for me to stop her from leaving.

"What theory?" she asked.

I proceeded to pull down my shorts and once again Francine seemed to stagger on the couch. She gasped aloud as my turgid member sprung free and bounced in front of her face.

"The one you put forward recently in my bedroom. You said there was no need for me to even talk, all I had to do was flash my cock and I could get any woman I want... so I've decided to test the strength of that statement."

"But... but... on me... your sister... you're going to test it on me!" she exclaimed in a stammering voice.

"You did say any woman... and it's you I want... sis... I've been wanting you for a long time," I told her.

"But... I'll be damned... oh my god," Francine exclaimed.

She quickly added, "When I said any woman, I didn't mean, including me... I meant... strange women... oh shit, what have I done!"

"You didn't draw boundaries Francine," I argued my case.

"I know, but I thought..."

I noticed that with all the back and forth talking Francine hadn't taken her eyes off the ten inch brown monster that I was deliberately causing to dance in front her face.

"The predicaments my mouth get me into sometimes... Ok bro, you've proven the theory. Yes, you can have me... You've got me wanting what you have, and I would gladly give you what you want... thing is, I can't... we can't do this, because we're siblings... the theory is sound... it needs no further proof... ok?"

For the first time she looked away from the impatient cock. She slowly lowered her head and was silent for about a minute. I stepped forward, taking my cock to within a couple of inches from her mouth. She raised her head and looked at it longingly, a host of emotions playing in her eyes and on her flushed face. She seemed to be weighing consequences in her mind.

I heard her softly speak, "I guess I've become a victim of my own words, eh, little brother... you've well and truly put my cat in a bag... It's all tied up and ready to be claimed. The timing is right. You've said the right things. You've set the right environment. I'm in the right mood and you've shown me the right persuader... I'm gonna let you try to put that thing in me... and if it fits... I'm gonna try to enjoy it; I know you will. But this won't likely happen again, ok, and remains top secret between you and I, you hear me? If I ever hear one word of this from anyone other than you, I swear I'll claim it was rape and then I'll think of a way to get away with murder," she said, with a little drunken, smirking smile behind a great degree of sober, seriousness.

She added, "Just kidding... I trust you to keep this between us."

Francine stood up, a bit shakily, and slowly began to peel off her little gold dress, pulling it over her rounded, slim thighs, crotch, waist, unharnessed pointy breasts and eventually over her head. She stood before my amazed eyes, looking only the slightest bit hesitant, but very daring, in a gold and black lace thong. My eyes devoured the ripe body and my cock lurched at the tempting treat. I stepped forward, lowered my head and licked one then the other long nipple. The cat mewed! I scooped my sister up off the floor and walked with her in the direction of my bedroom.

"Let's go where this all started," I whispered.

She clung to me in silence, only looking up into my eyes with a steady gaze. I let her down sideways of the bed, her legs hanging over. She propped herself up on her elbows and stared dreamy-eyed as I peeled off the tiny lace and revealed the clean shaven beige mound with a little, lustrous V mat above. The darker hued vaginal lips were full and moist with anticipatory pussy dew. When she felt my face mash against her private prize, only then did she stop looking and dropped from elbows to back. She let out a loud moan and planting her feet flat, near the edge of the bed, spread her knees.

I licked the puffed up lips with long, slow strokes. The lips were fleshy, on a rounded, exaggerated mound, but with a slit that looked out-of-proportion, tiny. Her hips bucked and I felt her fingers on my ears, like a jockey using reins to guide a horse. When my tongue finally parted the hot pulsing cleft and penetrated her, she yowled. I moved my tongue around, tasting her and enjoying the pleasure of giving pleasure. Pulling the hood down, I engulfed an elongated clit with my mouth and let my tongue draw rings around it, before clamping down and sucking it with the tenderness and careful attention of love mixed with passion. She began rolling in a wild motion against my face and it wasn't long before she let out another yowl -- harder this time -- and her body began to shake. She clamped my head with hands and thighs as she rode the wave of deep feeling.

When she was done shaking, she slid forward and off the edge of the bed, onto the floor. She giggled and taking my cock head into the red lipsticked mouth, bit into it with playful force. With the cock still in her mouth she looked up and managed a little laugh, though well and truly stuffed. She sucked and licked long and hard before standing up to throw herself back onto the bed. She slid on her back across the width of the queen sized bed and spread wide, pulling her knees back. I got into the welcoming V and placed my head at the opening she had revealed by spreading the thick lips apart.

"Be gentle, baby boy, that's no ordinary tool you've got there, and your sister happens to be extra small down there," she informed.