Freak Ch. 02


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"Urgh," I mutter, refusing to look at him, "I'm fine. Like I said, I'm getting a taxi."

"You're real weird. You know that?" Elian laughs - it's not friendly.

"I'm weird?" I can't stop myself from looking at him in shock, "I'm weird? You're weird, weirdo."

"Yeah, you're weird." He nods, stubbing out the cigarette and walking towards me. He's so tall and large I forgot how intimidating he was up close and now I regret calling him a weirdo, "You spent an entire date listening to some moron talk about body-fuckin'-building and power circuits, and nodding along like a little muppet pretending to find that bullshit interesting. You're the weirdo, kid."

I realise in horror he may be right. Also, that he was listening to our conversation, which is a little bit embarrassing.

All I can do is nod and sigh. He's got me there. Maybe I am weird. At least a little.

"So, come on, then." He puts a hand on my back and pushes me down the street. The touch surprises me, although it's not unwanted. His hand is warm and comforting, "There's a bar down here. I'm buying you a drink, and we're talking. About something other than the fuckin' price of petrol and bloody air on aeroplanes."

"The smell is different up there!" I protest, "I swear."

"'Cause it's filtered. Why does that have to be a god-damned fifteen minute conversation?" He snaps back, looking at me with an expression that can only be described as 'incredulous'.

"Well you didn't have to eavesdrop, you pervert." I hiss, glaring at him. Although I keep on walking along, letting him lead us to wherever he wants to go.

"I'm the pervert?" He looks like he's smiling and I realise he's laughing at me, "You hear what you sound like when I'm feeding off of you? Fuckin' hell, you'd make the devil blush."

"Hey," I frown, "Don't- I can't help that. You're the one groping me everywhere, putting your...your junk in places it shouldn't be." I know I'm the one blushing now.

"Yeah, you really hated that," He nods, sarcasm dripping from his voice, guiding us into the surprisingly tasteful bar. He's obviously a regular because he gets automatically ushered to a booth in the back. It surprises me that we're talking so openly about the last few days. I'd kind of assumed he didn't give a shit.

He doesn't even bother to ask me, just calls the waiter over and orders me some kind of cocktail confection. I frown looking away from him, taking a moment to observe the space we're in. It's dark and moody, live Jazz playing on the stage behind us. I can't really see on account of the fact that the booth is almost entirely closed off by panels.

What an odd space, I muse as a cocktail is placed in front of me by the waiter.

"Quit stressing, and drink your damn cocktail," Elian growls. His voice makes me startle and I jump.

"I think this was a mistake," I mutter, reading for my purse. Elian's large hand stops me, resting on my knee. I marvel at how large it is compared to me.

"Hey, come on, now. This 'cause I didn't let you finish the other night?" He asks me taking a sip of clear liquid - do vampires drink alcohol? Can they drink alcohol? My thoughts are disrupted by Elian who continues talking, "I got the impression you'd enjoy waiting a bit. I was gonna let you orgasm the next night. Just a shame you have no patience."

I have no words now. All I can do is stare at him in affronted silence. How can he see right through me? I'm I that transparent?

"What makes you think you know what I like and don't like." I manage.

"Like I said before, you make a lot of noise." he leans closer, running his large hand from my knee to my waist, "Lot of little moans, little breathy sighs."

He's crowding me, leaning down, lips brushing over my neck, and I can't control it, I gasp. The feeling of his mouth of my skin is so gentle and delicate, I can't help how it makes me shiver.

"Like that, right there," He murmurs, teeth gently grazing the flesh of my neck, teasing, taunting me, I know I'm whimpering. I'm so mad he's read me so well, "No one makes noises the way you do."

His voice is husky, sexy, deep and full of promises. How can a man who looks so battered and rough make me feel so good? The hand at my waist trails up further; over my ribs, over a breast which puckers immediately at the attention even through the fabric. But his hand doesn't stop, it comes to rest around my throat. I do everything I can not to scream right then and there. I need this, I need this so badly. It's ridiculous.

"Shit, you love this so much, don't you? Dirty, little bitch." He says it like an endearment and I squeeze my legs together fighting off the liquid arousal and need singing from my pussy.

"You don't know anything about what I want or what I love." I gasp, he squeezes my throat again, and my nipples poke through the dress like little pointed traitors. I'm mortified to see Elian notice - but he watches me carefully, watches my body. His hand trails away from my throat, and gently, his thumb traces over my hard nipples through the fabric. I watch them respond, hardening further, becoming more engorged from the attention. Shit, this feels so good.

"Babe, I think I know exactly what you want." He's laughing now, a quiet, deep chuckle, "Get on your knees and suck me," He gives my nipples one like tweak through the fabric and I gasp again.

"Huh?" It takes me a moment to register, because now he's leaning down to suck a nipple through the dress, his saliva dampening the material. I watch as gooseflesh dots my skin from the contact. I can feel my clitoris aching in response.

He trails his lips back up to my ear and says, "Get on your knees and take my cock in your mouth." his command has a soft growl to it and I'm shaking , but not with fear.


"Here." He pulls back, leaning back in the seat and pats my cheek.

I'm too astounded. A thrill of excitement shoots through me and I find myself sinking to my knees in front of him, under the table and unzipping his trousers.

His cock is large and hard, staring at me angrily, veins pulsing. All I can do is marvel at the sight of him. All of him. He is truly more beast than man.

He's perfect, and I can't quite believe that he managed to squeeze this into my ass. I run my tongue down the length of him, before pulling him into my mouth. I try not to groan but I know in my soul that I love this.

I love the way he touches me, pushes me around. It excites me and terrifies me and he knows it. If it wasn't messed up that excites me more and it's like he knows that too. We've barely spoken to each other in the days we've been together but it's like he can see right through me.

Suddenly his hand is on the back of my head, forcing me down on him hard and fast. I can't control the rhythm, but then I know I don't really want to, I want him to use me. I can feel my panties soaking through, my body utterly relishing the way he is using my mouth and throat. I can't stop the moans tearing from my mouth as I take him, swallowing him, sucking him. tongue swirling over taut flesh, teasing and tasting him.

"Suck me harder, slut," I can hear him murmur.

I groan, the dirty talk humiliating, gratifying. I squeeze my thighs together, trying to stop the throbbing. I don't care if anyone can see us or here is. Actually, I think I'd like it if they could.

"It's good for you, isn't it? On your knees, big dick in your mouth. I bet your panties are wet, " he hisses, hand gripping my hair tighter, forcing me down on him roughly, all I can do is relax my throat and jaw as he works into me, making me gag. I can feel him quicken, his balls tighten and there he is, spilling himself down my throat and pulling out.

"Swallow," he commands. And I do just that, I swallow every last drop of cum as if it's my lifeline.

Nothing left in my body, except for the humming between my thighs, and the feeling in my brain that I should be horrified of what I just did in public.

"Come, sit on my lap." he says, zipping his pants up, adjusting his suit back into place.

I comply, slinking up onto the booth seat, looking around tentatively, but no one seems to have noticed what just happened, that or maybe this stuff happens here all the time and they're just ignoring it.

I seat myself on the edge of his knee, and he jostles me back, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against his broad chest. I can't quite look at him after what I just did. I have never done anything like that in my life.

I feel like I'm hyper-sensitive at this point. like I'm so aroused that I can feel everything in my body. I feel the way his expensive suit brushes up against the skin exposed by the back of the dress. I can feel the way his stubble brushes against my neck, as he places kisses on the flesh, I can feel his breath tickling me. I feel both excited and scared of this man, after everything we've done together so far, and for everything else I want him to do.

"You know what's good about waiting, Lilith?" His hand snakes up my thigh, pushing the fabric of Mercy's dress up, revealing my underwear. Instead of trying to shove him away or close my legs, I open them further, widening them as his hand trails passed my inner thigh. I watch as a large finger circles my sex through damp underwear. He pushes passed my panties and as soon as he touches my sensitive flesh, I can feel more liquid seep through.

"The good thing about waiting for release, is the finish," He whispers, biting down on my neck, sucking blood through his mouth.

His finger barely circles my clit twice and my body trembles and shakes and I jolt, orgasm shooting through me in an explosive burst. No doubt he's used to my responses to him, his arm securely holding my in place while I trash around in release.

I know I'm breathing heavily, my mouth feels dry. After a moment, Elian pulls away, adjusting my skirt back in place and withdraws his fangs.

That's how I fall asleep, in the middle of a bar, in a strange vampire's lap after he fingered me in a booth for like two seconds. It has to be a record - it took only moments for me to achieve orgasm from a man who barely touched my clit all evening.

But I guess he's right, there's something to be said for waiting.


A/N: Stay tuned for the next chapter! Let me know what you thought of ch. 2

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This is definitely one of my favourite works from you. Can't wait for more parts!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Hotttt!!! Keep writing, please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

You’re a very well rounded story teller. I love this story as much as all of your others. I sincerely hope it continues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I like your stories, especially whenever the characters have their thought processes all out loud. Lol.

Kinda noticed, why are the werewolves in your stories generally dickheads? Well the higher up werewolves. A couple of them are fine (Lilith and Lachlan are fine, aside, give him and Lola a story please!). :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Love it!

I do hope you continue this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved it

Can’t wait to read more!!

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