Freak the Freak Out


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Melissa scrolled through the list and found that evening. She and Tim watched as Melissa came down the stairs in her slut dress.

"Tim what were you thinking while this was going on?" she asked.

"That you were going to go out and fuck someone just like you said," said Tim. "By that point I was so angry that I just didn't think I cared anymore."

Melissa went to the end of the video and then rewound back to the point just before Tim had left her.

"If you didn't care for me anymore, then why were you so upset about what you thought I did? Why did you have tears in your eyes? Why did you kiss me for what you thought would be the last time before you abandoned me?" she asked.

Darren was angry all over again. He felt like it was still that evening and he was seeing it all over again.

"Because we've been married for ten fucking years and I've loved you longer than that. I can't believe you'd cheat on me," he snapped.

"Darren except for that one night I never did cheat on you. I'm sure Jessica told you that there were a couple of guys who rubbed my boob at the club, but nothing more than that ever happened. If she's being honest with you, she also told you that anytime someone tried to reach below the waist I stopped them immediately," said Melissa. "That night when you saw me in that dress, what I wanted was for you to tell me not to wear it, or tell me not to go out. I was wearing that dress for you, doofus."

Melissa rewound the video back to the point when Darren left.

She grabbed his hand and pushed play. "This may be painful," she said. "Some men can't handle seeing their wife having sex with someone other than them." Darren felt like he was about to throw up. But he couldn't look away from the screen.

On the screen they watched as Melissa kicked the Door after Darren left. Then she called him all kinds of names. After her rant was over she went into the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine. She drank glass after glass while complaining about Darren, then she started crying. As she lay back on the couch Darren felt himself becoming aroused as the camera focused on Melissa. He could see her panties clearly and then she started rubbing her vagina through them. "God damn it Darren, why aren't you here?" asked Melissa on the screen. Her hips started thrusting in time to her fingers. She pulled her panties off and started rubbing herself in a circular pattern. "Oh Darren," she yelled.

Darren looked at Melissa and then back to the Melissa on the screen. "You were really flogging yourself," he smiled. Melissa had trouble meeting his gaze but Darren moved closer to the screen.

Watching his drunken wife pleasuring herself while imagining it was him was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.

After her first orgasm, she stared outwards and then started talking as if someone was there. "Shit, Darren, you want some more. This is the last time, you hear me?" then as Darren laughed she started doing it again. "Oh, Darren," she screamed. "Fuck me harder, baby." This time she was frigging herself even harder and screaming out his name.

Suddenly Melissa stopped the video. She noticed that Darren was rubbing his own crotch through his pants.

"So can you forgive me for cheating on you?" she asked.

Darren nodded. He felt like his heart started beating again.

"What about Jessica, and the band?" she asked.

"Jessica and I are only friends. I did kiss her once and it was nice. But she wants to go on tour and I want to stay home with my wife, if we can come to some kind of agreement," he said. "So let me look at this contract again."

"I Melissa, agree to be the property of Darren for the next ten years. I will do whatever he asks of me whenever he asks no matter what."

"That's a pretty strong agreement," he said. "Why ten years?"

"Because that's what you've done for me for ten years, honey. It's your turn," she said.

"But what if I started treating you badly or hurt you?" he asked.

"Darren in ten years you've put up with everything I did to you. You love me too much to treat me badly and the only way you could ever hurt me, would be to leave me."

"What if I want you for longer than ten years?" he asked.

Darren pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Then he tore up her contract. "Melissa I don't want us to stay together because of a contract. I just want us to start fresh and love each other and be partners or equals."

She kissed back and wrapped her arms around him. She reached behind him and pushed a key on the computers keyboard.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I just deleted that video. It was embarrassing, what if one of our kids found it someday?" she asked.

"We don't have any kids," he smirked.

"We will if you start taking me upstairs and giving me a good fucking every night," she smirked back.

On their way upstairs Darren stopped and looked back at the computer. Melissa stopped at the top of the stairs and looked back down at him questioningly.

"You looked so hot in that dress," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Honey, I deleted the video," said Melissa. "I've still got the dress, and I'll wear it for you whenever you like. She pulled off her robe. Darren ran up the stairs and buried his tongue in her mouth. He started on her on the thick carpeting at the top of the stairs. They never made it into the bedroom. Almost nine months to the day later, their first of four children was born. They take things one day at a time and they're still together.

Chapter 9C: The twisted Ending

Melissa and Helen ran outside the club, just in time to see the long line of Yellow Mustangs leaving the parking lot. She knew where they were going. So there was no hurry.

They got into Melissa's car and left the club leaving Sandra and Danielle to fend for themselves. All during the drive to Tim and Elaine's house they were silent. Melissa thought about everything she had seen tonight at the club.

She'd never have thought it possible but her husband might leave her for another woman. She was upset. She had given that man the best years of her life. He was hers. Her property. No one else was going to come in and ruin it.

When she got to the house it was surrounded by all of the bright Yellow muscle cars and a few others. She parked where she could and headed for the house.

Everywhere she looked she saw people having a good time. The more she saw the angrier she got. She heard people cheering and saw them playing games. She couldn't believe that all of this was going on in the middle of the night. It was nearly midnight.

She did notice though that there was nothing overtly sexual going on, unlike the atmosphere at the club, this was all about fun, not sex.

She saw Elaine and asked her if she knew where Darren was.

"He and Jessica aren't here," said Elaine. "The band got a recording contract on the strength of their performance tonight. Darren and Jessica are still back at the club negotiating contracts. Didn't you notice that his Mustang isn't out there?"

Melissa didn't say anything, she just turned and left. She grabbed Helen and drove all the way back to the club. She was even angrier now, but she had to admit it was her own fault. She had assumed that Darren was with the others. It was sad that as much as he loved that car, she didn't even know what it looked like, other than it was a convertible.

When she got back to the club the parking lot was empty. Around back she did see a couple of limos and the Yellow Mustang convertible. She stormed up to the door and knocked on it. One of the huge bouncers opened it and smiled at her.

"You don't give up do you?" he asked. He turned to look inside and waved to her to enter.

Melissa saw Darren and Jessica sitting at a table.

"Let's go Darren," snapped Melissa. "I'll overlook this whole episode, just this once. Let's go home. We need to talk."

Darren looked at her strangely. Melissa heard Jessica humming and quietly singing. It was that fucking song.

"I'm so sick of it, your attention deficit, never listen," sang Jessica almost inaudibly.

"Melissa, you got the papers didn't you. The ones you got at the show, don't count. They weren't served by an officer of the court. You'll get the real ones tomorrow sometime. This is the best thing for us really. You never really loved me, and I'm tired of being your fucking butler," said Darren.

"So you're just going to run off and play rock-star with your little girlfriend here and forget about our marriage?" sneered Melissa.

"Nope, I already have a job that I'm great at. I don't want to be a rock-star it's too much work. But neither does Jess. She has a career that she loves too. The only thing that either of us is missing is each other. And as soon as our divorce is final, we're going to give that a try. You should get a lawyer, I'm going to try to keep the house," said Darren. He got up and extended his hand to Jessica. And they left together leaving Melissa there alone with the bouncer.

Over the next few days Melissa got herself a lawyer. He laughed at first at the reasons Darren listed as grounds for his divorce. "He should have gone after you for the adultery. He probably couldn't prove it but he'd have a better time convincing a judge of that than the mental abuse thing."

After their first meeting with Darren and his lawyer, Melissa's lawyer advised her to try and work out a settlement. "He has video tapes of you at the club, with several men doing things that while not showing any type of penetration could lead someone to believe that you have violated your marriage vows. Certainly no married man would want his wife to behave the way you did. The worst thing though is he has tapes of your home life together, that clearly show you screaming and cursing at him on a regular basis."

"You also belittled him in front of others. The worst piece of evidence though is the testimony from the therapist you went to. Since you're covered by his health care, he has a right to information about your treatment." He shook his head.

"Just settle this and move on. If we go in front of a judge you won't look good at all," he told her. He looked at Melissa and noticed that she appeared to be as white as a sheet. Her hands were shaking and she was very jittery.

"Have them write it up and come back here tomorrow so I can sign the papers and get this over with," she snapped.

Melissa looked across the table and noticed that Darren appeared to be still hurting from everything she'd done to him. His face was drawn and this whole process seemed to be weighing him down. Next to him, his lawyer seemed to have a perpetual smirk on his face.

That bastard didn't think she recognized him, but she did.

Melissa drove away from the meeting with a sense of calm. Tomorrow would be the first day of the rest of her life. She ran a couple of errands on a side of town that she'd normally not dare venture into, but it was worth it.

She spent the rest of the day visiting friends. She wasn't sure how they'd react. Sometimes people reacted funny when you changed. Whether it was because you got married or got a divorce or had a baby, you just never knew how people would react. Melissa cried, because she and Darren hadn't had a chance to have a baby. That wouldn't be possible now.

One thing was for certain though, after tomorrow she'd have no more lingering doubts or unhappiness. Nothing would be hanging over her head to punish Darren for. Maybe they could even get back together.

She spent the evening wondering what Darren was doing, and wishing that he was here with her one last time. She called him, and surprisingly enough he answered his phone.

"Melissa why are you calling me?" he asked.

"I just wanted one last chance to talk to you," she said.

"Melissa it's too late for us," he told her. "I really wish it wasn't but I just don't see us getting past this."

"I know that, silly," she said. "I just wanted a chance to tell you Darren that you're the best husband a girl could ever want, and I hope someday you can forgive me. And that maybe you'll come and visit me. I really do love you, more than you'll ever know. It just took me a long time to realize it."

"Melissa, we probably shouldn't be speaking like this while our case is pending, but I really did love you too, and like you said maybe someday when the pain is gone and we've both moved on, we can be friends," said Darren as he hung up.

The next Day Melissa walked into her lawyer's office. She sat down at the table and folded her arms in her lap. Her attorney pushed a sheaf of papers in front of her to read.

"It really isn't necessary for me to read them, why strain my eyes," she said. She placed her purse very carefully on her lap in front of her.

She sat very still watching the clock until Darren showed up a few moments later.

"Good Morning honey," she said smiling. "You really look great this morning. Isn't it a beautiful day? Take Jessica out and do something special. And don't spend it worrying or crying over me. They won't let you see me today anyway." Darren smiled at her and she looked at him intensely. She was trying to memorize every line of his face one last time.

The door opened and her smile broadened.

"Good Morning Ryan," said Melissa cheerfully.

"I wasn't sure you remembered me," said Ryan. "It was a long time ago."

"Of course I remember you Ryan," said Melissa as she quickly pulled the Glock 9mm handgun from her purse and fired two rounds into his forehead. "You're the man who ruined my fucking life." Melissa calmly sat back down in her chair and put the gun down on the table in front of her. "You can call the police now," she said smiling. "It really is a wonderful day."

Freak the freak out was a big hit. The band toured the world, without Darren. Unfortunatley, Darren was the songwriter. Without him they were one hit wonders. They still show their story, occasionally on VH1's behind the music. The romance between Darren and Jessica fizzled into just a good friendship. When Jessica got back from the tour Darren had already started the pattern that would determine his life for the next 10 to twenty years, with time off for good behavior.

Twice a week he left work at lunch time, and drove the one hundred and fifteen miles to the state prison, to visit Melissa. He was allowed conjugal visits once a week. The other visit they sat and talked. No matter what happened he still loved her, and things were better between them, than they ever had been. Their daughter was born two years later. After the birth, Darren took his daughter home. He brought her for regular visits with her mother until Melissa was released when the girl was ten years old. Melissa was glad that Darren had loved her enough to wait for her and treated him like a king for the rest of their lives.

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MythicArjunaMythicArjuna2 months ago

Writing 3 seperate endings is bold, but I didn't think SS06 would try blatant pandering 😂

RedRachaelRedRachael3 months ago

You don’t give up a woman like Jessica. 9A is the good ending even if the writing on it was rushed.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

Definitely either ending C or ending B. Ending A is pretty boring and does a bit of a character assassination on both Darren and Melissa in order to pull it off as she was clearly coming to her epiphany moment in the chapters preceding it. Out of the remaining two, ending B is the obvious "normal" ending while ending C is the fun ending - Melissa finally gets rid of her demon.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

9c >> 9b > 9a

9a was boring and actually inconsistent with the events as Jessica withheld key information, Melissa never cheated (not even any action below the waist), and the MC actually did more with Jessica. Yes it is the predictable ending, but only until one parses the story carefully. Then it is in fact inconsistent with the characters. And Jessica got her wish to put a wedge between them. She is a bitch. Besides hubby didn't even bother to watch the tapes. He just assumed the worst. Suddenly Jessica has turned him into a coward who just accepts the bs story she is selling.

9b is a RAAC. But not regarding cheating. The reconciliation is about her mistreating him throughout thr marriage and her finally having an epiphany. Good stuff. Bit hokey but better than 9a.

9c is absolutely stunning. Elevates this story to 5 blazing stars. Just wow.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Garbage really. The ONLY good part was Ryan getting shot. Other than that it's just another faux bio-story depicting the character of the author: a spineless, wimpy, sissy, cucky fluffer.

One would say kick him in the balls but at this point, he (the author) doesn't have any, just loose hanging skin where the balls should of been.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wow. The like BardnotBard said below: three stories in one.

I agree with the previous anonymous post. Ending one was the standard boring ending. Yes it was probably more realistic given the disrespect and the weird 10 years of pseudo marriage, assuming one can swallow the concept that a guy would be so smitten as to put up with it for TEN years. However Ending one did not paint the recent events in an accurate light. He has the house wired based on Ryan's recommendation (and btw why is he still fiends with Ryan knowing he screwed up his wife psychologically? Wtf?). But he doesn't even check the recording just gives his tearful goodbye and is done. No discussion just the nasty staged serving of the divorce papers at the club. No confrontation. He is committed to Jessica.

Ironic he is convinced of adultery. He is so wrong. Sure Melissa did not pass the husband test on multiple occasions letting of couple of guys kiss her and and rub her breasts with their hands over her clothes. But she never let a guy go wandering below her waist. Never went further. Something Jessica was careful to NOT reveal when she told the MC about the over the clothing fondles.

Ironic because the last few days, he has avoided Melissa before filing while passionately kissing Jessica and going on dates with her while joking about an engagement ring. If anything Jesica comes off as not a nice character. Driven yes but not willing to wait. She is establishing a wedge. She wants Darren. She cares nothing for their marriage. She is in fact a bit of a Jezebel and home wrecker. Helen was right. Personally did not find Jessica likable.

Melissa's other friends were either broken (Helen), conniving (Sandra), or batsh$t crazy (Danielle). Of course Melissa had her own issues. She is certainly responsible for the majority of her problems in her marriage but the therapist (great call out to Agatha Harkness the potent witch / sorceress from old school Marvel comics) sees heonshe is not ready to accept any fault. On the flip side Darren bears some of the blame. He knew what he signed up for knowing his friend Ryan (again wtf?) really messed her up and he puts up with all the crap for way too long (TEN years!). Note in the second ending, he agrees he is partly to blame. And honestly his putting up with it for 10 years is not realistic unless he is really guilty abiut Ryan did or he had no self esteem. Which is it?

So yeah ending one was boring, predictable, and just meh.

Ending two is quite a bit different. The 180 on her psychology is abrupt buy then again Helen has convinced her she is about to lose Darren to Jessica and she gets "served" the papers. She has an epiphany in that club as she hears her husband's perspective in song, which conflate with some of what the therapist said. Also Elaine had been supportive, though was initially unsure.

Moreover, she gets a chance to talk to Darren alone about the divorce, instead of a stupid drop the mic exit like in ending #1 At home, she is smart by peeling away the onion layer by layer with her contract, her apologies, and her confessions, without addressing the suspected cheating. He is happy to hear what she is saying. It is what he would have desired before he was convinced she had cheated.

We already know she got drunk and never left the house, dressing like that to try to get her husband to fight for her and tell her not to go out. Would have blown up in her face like in ending #1, BUT now realizing he taped their house, she makes use of that to show that she masturbated to her husband while drunk. Sorry people that is powerful sexual stuff for a husband to see. It is the coupe de grace. And now they have a chance.

Is it realistic like ending #1? No but it is a heck of a lot more entertaining and is more reflective of recent events where instead Darren realizes he made bad assumptions in anger and was in fact being led down the primrose path by Jessica, and Jessica had only been partially truthful with him about Melissa's behavior.

It is also more realistic in ending #2 that Jessica wants to go on tour. They have a hit song. She wants to be famous. So does her band mates (who remember are yhin and gaunt like they do drugs). Darren has no such aspirations so they will part as friends.

But ending #3 is a freaking master stroke. It is dark, twisted and ultimately redeeming. It leverages the fact that she was driven crazy by Ryan, so in her misery and with the divorce unavoidable, after recognizing the scum Ryan, she blows him away in cold blood. Yes she gets convicted and probably plead to manslaughter or a less murder charge based on her psychological issues, getting out in like 12+ years on good behavior. She paid her deb to society and Darren visited her regularly. I think her act of murder, made him see that Ryan really had destroyed her and took away her chance at happiness. With him gone and with her getting counseling in prison, she got a long tortuous but fresh new start. Since they had conjugal visits, and she never signed the papers, and Darren never pursued completion of the divorce, they were still married. Their daughter wss born in wedlock and conceived in love. Yes he had a brief torrid affair with Jessica soon after Melissa went to prison, but Jessica was not right for him as a lover, only as a friend. He matured and began twice a week driving 2 hours each way to the prison yo meet his incarcerated wife. That showed real love and commitment on his part. And she began to heal. Yes it took a heinous crime but she did her time in prison and was totally rehabilitated in more ways than just for her criminal act and time served. In the end their marriage rises again like the phoenix from the ashes. Crazy ending but superb twist with a great finale. Truly creative.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

First one was predictable and formulaic and considering what happened was not absolutely necessary. Disrespect is nit good but she did not outright breach thr marriage.

The second one was interesting. Yes it was a RAAC but a believable one. They had to cut through the fog of bad communication and she realized what she was about to lose. The masturbation session was a nice twist.

However, personally I think the third, though twisted was the best ending by far. Yes she commits a heinous act. Not sure how she only got 12 years. But what she did and why and what that meant to their marriage was certainly a statement. appears they never got divorced. His infatuation with Jessica petered out quickly and he began his twice weekly pilgrimage to prison to visit Melissa. Their relationship healed and deepened and they had a daughter. Finally Melissa was set free based in good behavior and they lived happily ever after. She had fundamentally changed knowing what she had lost as Rysn had ruined her marriage and life. Then out of the ashes their marriage was reborn. Quite original and powerful. That 3rd ending is absolutely 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Three for one with this story. Hopefully one of the alternatives pleased most people reading this. To me it's a story all around lack of communication and the results of that. Well written and thoughtful and any of the endings were possible. I liked this and am not saying which of the endings I felt worked best. Hope to see more like this. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Gave it 5* for ending 1, other 2 endings were a big NO.

KahunabobKahunabob8 months ago

Damn. Ending 3 was probably the most poetic. Though I'd rather see ending 1. And honestly, I'd expected Chrissie to have a hand in ending 3 somehow. Ah well. // The returning thread throughout this story was that just about none of the partners in different relationships communicated with each other. The song Darren wrote for Melissa works for Helen's relationship too. Most, if not all of the bullshit could have been avoided if people just talked with each other instead of at each other. Though I have to say, I *am* glad that even though Melissa was written as a Grade A bitch, she wasn't a full blown slut. Heavy petting, still cheating in my book, but not a full blown one sided character that just let anything with a pulse plow her kidneys into the next time zone. 4/5 stars

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