Freshman Ch. 04: Extension


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It was likely due to the nature of her sexual behavior over the past few weeks. Her virtual monogamy with Josh had been like a soothing drug; it had consumed her and dulled her instinctual thirst for new stimuli as almost all such thoughts had been directed at him. But since they'd had their 'Come to Jesus' moment and Rachel had begun to spread her wings again, such a fog had been lifted from her brain. And not only was she again thinking in such ways, she was certainly acting on them as well. She grinned and let her eyes glaze momentarily as a few images from the past Saturday night flashed through her brain. She'd certainly made a statement there...

"Wake up, slut."

Rachel shook out of her daydreams with a start and looked up to locate the voice. She grinned and rolled her eyes at Rebecca's trademark smirk. Her friend's hands were cupped around a large coffee mug and she sipped gingerly as she plopped down into the facing seat in the booth. Shaking her head at the amusement on Rebecca's face, Rachel sniffed in through her nose.

"I'm awake. Just writing this endless paper."

She paused and rolled her neck for emphasis as she mimicked shooting herself in the head.

"Seriously. It's the worst."

Rebecca grinned again at her friend's whiny protests. She took another sip and nodded her chin.

"What are you writing?"

Rachel sighed and reached for her own drink. Drawing the cool iced tea through her lips, she pushed the laptop to the side.

"That stupid thing for Davis that was due today. I was going to finish it yesterday but I was a total waste of life."

Rebecca smirked and shook her head with a knowing smile.

"Ahhh, yesterday. Yeah, you were in great shape. We were honored when you joined us for practice..."

Rachel swallowed and shook her head in annoyance at the memory.

"Yeah, that was a shit-show. Bec, I just could not get up! And of course, Steph was no help. She knows my sched-. See! This is why we need to be roommates! Like, you wouldn't have just left me there all-!"

She cut off in mid-sentence and shook her head again.

"Whatever. It's not her job to babysit me. I was just such a wreck."

Rebecca's face was creased with amusement as she took another sip.


Rachel rolled her eyes before jokingly glaring back at her friend.

"Speaking the hell were you so fucking chipper at practice anyway?"

Rebecca grinned and shrugged innocently. She knew what Rachel was getting at. The girls had been at the same party together on Saturday night. They'd both drank a ton and both found a little boy-related fun. Of course, "a little" probably wasn't an accurate description for Rachel. Rebecca rolled her eyes at the memory. While her best friend had obviously had her thing with Josh and subsequently messed around with another boy or two, she hadn't done anything quite like what she had at that party. Her name was likely about to spread far and wide across campus. If people hadn't heard about her already, they would soon.

Unsatisfied with Rebecca's playful silence, Rachel resumed the line of questioning while she stirred her iced tea around by the straw.

"Seriously! Like, when did I become such a lightweight? You were out there on the field sprinting around like you'd spent the night at a spa. I felt like fucking death! Everything hurt! My eyes were dry, I almost threw up like, four times, I had a pounding headache, a-."

Rebecca cut in with a teasing suggestion, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she tried her best to keep a straight face.

"Sore throat?"

Rachel didn't catch it at first.

"Yeah! A sore throa-."

Rachel broke the word off and narrowed her eyes sarcastically as the implication behind her friend's joke processed. Pursing her lips into an angry, embarrassed smile, she ripped her straw out of her drink and threw it at Rebecca's face.

"Shut up!"

She laughed as Rebecca swatted the straw away and broke into a giggle of her own. She clucked her tongue.

"You're such a bitch. It's not like you've been Miss Chastity either."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and shrugged again as she sipped her drink and indicated to the top of Rachel's head.

"True. But I think you're still the queen. Good to see you back on the throne."

Both girls exchanged grins at Rebecca's implied mention of their famed "Whore Tiara." It was the imaginary crown that they exchanged when one of them did something exceptionally slutty. It was a fun inside joke and both girls had had their moments with the crown. But if they were keeping long-term records, Rachel surely seemed to be in the lead.

Rachel shook her head and reached across the table to retrieve her straw. Popping it back into the cup, she took another sip as her eyes flashed back to the screen in front of her. Her paper had to be at least twelve pages long and she had written barely three. She brought her hands to the back of her neck and groaned in frustration. This was going to suck (and not in a good way).

Rebecca leaned back into the booth and smiled smugly at the scene in front of her. Sometimes it was just too much fun teasing Rachel. Feeling already warmed up by her earlier jabs, she licked her lips and decided to continue tormenting her suffering friend with a little unsolicited advice.

"You know, Rach. The problem with you is that you need a Blowjob License."

Rachel raised her bowed head from the screen and widened her eyes. Glancing around quickly to see if anyone nearby was listening, she turned back with an incredulous scoff.

"I'm sorry, a blowjob license?"

Rebecca pursed her smug lips together and took another sip.

"Yes, a blowjob license. You know like, for hunting or fishing or something. You need a license to do those things. And they come with limits and rules. Like, you can only catch five fish per day or shoot one deer or something. I don't know."

She watched Rachel's face melt into further confusion as she continued, stifling her own smile.

"With you, you need your own rules and regulations for giving blowjobs. You need a license that says like "One Penis Per Day, Violators Subject to Steep Fines."

Rebecca could no longer contain her giggles as her amusement at her own humor began to leak out. Rachel's face only reddened as she watched her friend continue to pontificate through fractured cackles.

"So, for instance, on Saturday you would've been fined for being, um, two dicks over the limit."

Rachel's incredulous grin finally broke and she kicked wildly at her friend under the table. Trying to stifle her own laughter, she glanced nervously around the space before hissing in response.

"Becca! Oh my God, just tell the whole fucking coffee shop! Please!"

Rebecca shifted her position and quickly tucked her legs up onto the seat to avoid her friend's pointy-toed assault. She rolled her eyes at Rachel's protest and glanced around the shop herself. There were a decent amount of other students around. She smirked at her friend.

"Oh stop. Don't act like I'm the reason people know you're a whore."

She brought one hand up and began counting sarcastically on her fingers.

"I'm sure the um, one, two, no, three new friends you made this weekend will be more than happy to spread the word about what a friendly girl you are."

Rachel's cheeks went red and she dropped her head with a silly, shameful grin. Her ears burned and her stomach fluttered. She knew Rebecca was right. Her relationship with someone as widely known as Josh had certainly made her name known. But with the possible exception of her topless display in that hot tub with Will, she didn't think her behavior to date had been that scandalous or noteworthy. However, tallying three separate blowjobs at that party this past weekend likely wasn't something that would be flying under the radar. She was sure that the recipients of her talents wouldn't be keeping such things secret. Everyone talked. She was likely about to become a lot more popular.

She rolled her eyes with a defeated grin and brought her attention back to her computer.

"Whatever. Pretty sure I wasn't the one fucking some rando in a coat room. So unless your advice has to do with how I can finish this paper quickly, why don't you go ahead and keep those pretty lips shut? Hmmm?"

Rebecca laughed and shook her head at Rachel's display of amusing defiance. She loved when they teased each other; it was one of the bedrocks of their relationship. They were both sharp and sarcastic and they could bat the ball back and forth like this so well. But Rachel was right. She was just rubbing it in now.

"Fine. Well look, from where I'm sitting, it looks like you got into this mess by spending too much time on your knees and not enough on your computer. So why not get out the same way?"

Rachel had actually begun to get into her first mini-groove of writing and had somewhat tuned Rebecca out as she tried to keep her focus. She smirked at her friend's suggestion that she'd literally "blown" it with the paper. Her fingers clicking way, she responded without looking up from the screen.

"Get out the same way? What does that even mean?"

Rebecca shrugged casually as a mischievous smile danced across her face.

"Davis is cute. And he doesn't seem like the stick-up-his-ass type. Just talk to him after class and offer to suck his dick if he lets you slide."

Rachel's fingers froze in mid-sentence and she looked up quickly to face her friend. Rebecca was trying her best to look serious but the struggle was clear. Rachel grinned and both girls finally cracked and laughed out loud. Rachel shook her head as her smile stretched fully across her face.

"That's your suggestion? Suck his dick?"

She rolled her eyes and scoffed sarcastically.

"Why stop there? I should just do all my teachers and take the rest of the semester off. Oh, and Coach Andrews, too. Might avoid getting screamed at all practice like yesterday."

Rebecca watched in amusement as Rachel's laugher died into a smirk and her fingers retook their place on the keyboard. She took a final sip from her drink, finishing the cup.

"Don't act like you haven't considered it."

Rachel's face tingled and she looked back up again. Rebecca was teasing her but she could sense a bit of genuine probing in her voice. She hadn't told Rebecca about how she'd been fantasizing about Professor Davis a lot lately. She also hadn't shared her secret teacher/boss/office fantasy either. Rebecca might be mostly joking with her, but if she knew just how often her best friend had such thoughts...

She shook her head and came back to reality. With an annoyed grin she continued typing and spoke dismissively.

"Well, I've really enjoyed this conversation about what a huge whore I am, but unless you want to jump in and write a few paragraphs, maybe you could find someone else to bother so I can get this done."

Rebecca laughed and nodded as she started to stand.

"I was about to go anyway."

She stepped out of the booth and smoothed her shirt as she gathered her bags and empty cup. With a final playful look down at Rachel, she offered her last bit of wisdom.

"I'm headed back to my room. Liv and I were going to watch a movie. Seriously Rach, cut your losses. Come hang with us and tomorrow just go blow the poor guy and be done with it."

She grinned wider and raised an eyebrow as her voice came out in a teasing, singsongy tone.

"You know you kinda want to..."

Rachel rolled her eyes a final time and smirked as she kept typing.

"You're such a good influence. Go watch your movie. I have work to do."

Rebecca shrugged and pursed her full lips, blowing Rachel a kiss as she started to turn away.

"Suit yourself. Later, slut."

Rachel didn't look up.

"Bye, bitch."

She finally paused from her typing and glanced up to watch her friend disappear out of the café. She pouted her lips and sighed. She'd love to go watch the movie and just relax; she honestly still felt a little beat up from the weekend. She sighed and brought her eyes back to the laptop and resumed her efforts. She started typing again slowly, willing the words to come out of her brain. It was so painfully laborious.

The minutes melted into hours as Rachel crawled through the torturous task. An empty, air-sucking sip from her cup finally pulled her away, forcing her to lean back and assess her progress. Checking the time and realizing that some additional caffeine in her life was going to be necessary, she got up from her booth with a pained groan.

The coffee shop was a popular study spot and there were still plenty of students milling around. Rachel rubbed her neck as she took her place in line, working the deep knots earned from an extended session of hunched-over typing. Her head was spinning and her brain felt like mush. She arched her back and stretched her arms out over her head, giving in to a soothing yawn.

As she brought her head back down, she paused as her line of sight passed over two boys who'd obviously been checking her out. She blushed gently and looked away but shot a quick sideways glance back in their direction a moment later. One boy was still looking and it was clear that they were both talking about her. She felt a tingle crawl through her legs. She looked away again.

As the line progressed and she got closer to the counter, her thoughts went back to the boys. She was no stranger to admiring glances but she wondered exactly what it was that had gotten their attention. She wasn't dressed in the most flattering of ways, but perhaps even jutting her bountiful chest out during her yawn had been all that was needed. Or perhaps-.

She inhaled sharply as another tremor snuck down her thighs, this time stronger than the last. Or perhaps they'd heard some fresh rumors about her. She felt her senses begin to tickle as a blurry amalgamation of images flashed through her mind. Images from the party two days prior. She felt her cheeks redden again. She really had gotten a little wild...

She tried to contain the growing buzz and move onto other thoughts but the next avenue was no better. She thought again about Rebecca's teasing suggestion of how she should solve her blown assignment. She also thought of her earlier moment with Davis when she'd first confessed her sin. And how if he'd just taken the reins and told her to-.

"Large sweet tea? For Rachel?"

Rachel blinked and shook her head as she focused her eyes on the girl calling her name from behind the counter. Grinning sheepishly, she took the cup from her hand. She'd been so lost in the thoughts; she'd sleepwalked through her order.

But the tingling rushes did not cease as she turned and made her way back to her corner booth. As she sat down and took a full sip of the icy liquid, she felt it pierce her fog and bring her back towards the moment. She let her eyes flick over the screen as she heard Rebecca's voice in her head again. She smirked. It was one thing to have silly private fantasies about her teacher but where did her friend get off actually suggesting that she blow him? The worst part was, she was sure that Rebecca hadn't been fully kidding.

She tried to clear the entire train of thought from her brain but she suddenly couldn't stop picturing his face. She saw him again with his arms crossed, that perfect stern crease across his forehead. What would he have done if he'd known what she'd been thinking about in that moment? Known what she'd been subliminally begging him to tell her? She knew he had to have considered her in such a way at some point. She remembered his flustered compliment during their summer meeting. And the way she'd sometimes catch his glances before he'd quickly avert his gaze.

Her eyes flicked across her screen, scanning the words she'd written without recognition. An electric rush ran from her scalp to the tips of her toes, sending every hair on her body into a tingling frenzy.

She pulled her fingers off the keys.

She knew what she was going to do.


The quick-paced, rhythmic taps of Rachel's shoes echoed through the space as she made her way down the hall. She glanced up at a clock as she passed and felt her stomach twist with excitement. It was just after 4:30. She was still safely ahead of her deadline.

Her eyes widened and she stopped her advance several paces in front of Professor Davis's office door. The tingles in her senses were growing and she felt her breath leave her lungs as the impending nature of the moment began to come clear. Dead silence surrounded her. Suffocated her. Was this real? Was it really real? She was about to play a very dangerous game and a voice inside her brain screamed to call the whole thing off. If he reacted the wrong way, it would be disastrous.

She gritted her teeth and tried to summon her strength and resolve. If things went sideways, she could always force out some tears and beg for leniency and maybe she'd survive with her original failing grade for the assignment (which is what she'd probably deserved in the first place). It would be okay. She could do this. Her heart pounded hard in her chest. She would do this.

Letting out a full breath, she crossed the final few paces and reached the door. She extended her hand and knocked.

"Come in."

Professor Davis's voice sent a crackling shiver through her gut and Rachel set her jaw as she pushed the door open and stepped inside. Closing it behind her, she turned to face him. Her eyes scanned his expression quickly, searching for a weird vibe or red flag to abort her mission. There was none. His face was warm and friendly. She watched his eyes dart quickly over her body in a non-obvious way. Her toes curled and uncurled in her shoes. It seemed her outfit choice had been wise.

Smiling back, she stepped further into the office and approached his desk. She had on a white skirt that, while not too short, definitely accentuated the smooth tone of her legs. And she'd chosen a light sweater that buttoned up the front. She'd done the buttons up almost all the way as to show only the slightest hint of cleavage. She wanted his attention but in a subtle way. And the thin material clung to her alluring shape, tracing the full curve of her chest like a soft glove. She felt a spark of confidence in her gut. She'd nailed it.

Professor Davis put down the pen he'd been using and focused on his student's approach. He smiled and nodded his head.

"Hey, Rachel."

He glanced casually at the clock on his computer screen and smiled again.

"Not quite five yet. Glad you made it."

Rachel returned the smile and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Keeping her eyes on his, she reached the chair in front of his desk but she did not sit. Instead, she bit her lip and steadied herself. This was it. Go time.

"Hi, Professor. Yeah, I know I'm a little early."

She grinned nervously as she looked over at that clock on his wall in confirmation. Turning back to face him, she swallowed, setting her jaw and taking in a final deep breath.

"But um, actually I don't have my paper done for you."

Professor Davis' smile faded and he narrowed his eyes in confusion. Not done? If she hadn't finished it, why had she even come? He stiffened and sat back in his chair. He knew. She was probably going to make some excuse or ask for more time and she'd figured she could be more convincing in person. He licked his lips and steadied himself. He'd seen it before.

"Oh. Well, that's too bad, Rachel. I'm actually very sorry to hear that. If you're looking for another extension, I'm sorry but my answer is going to have to be 'no.' I think I was more than fair by giving you the extra day."

Rachel swallowed and nodded as she broke his gaze and stared down at the floor. She fidgeted with her skirt before looking back up at him with wide, sad eyes.